I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce

Chapter 2


Not only Mark was staring at the screen, but Archie over there was also squatting at the door with several people, not daring to vent his anger.

When the little fox slowly approached DeWitt, Archie felt that someone behind him couldn't help but want to rush in, he stopped it, and when the little guy slapped it down with his paw, Archie heard that there was no one behind him. Stand still and knock something down and make a loud noise.

Archie didn't look back. He held his breath and looked into the room through the glass without blinking. He didn't dare to take off the protective clothing on his body, for fear that he might miss something.

Then under his gaze, the little fox slapped its paw on DeWitt's face...sneakily rubbed it on DeWitt's mouth. In its dark eyes, there was a look of honesty that didn't know what happened just now.

Soon, Archie heard a few faint sounds of discouragement behind him, but he still didn't move.

Someone behind him stepped forward and said in a disappointed tone, "Major General, let's go and get that bonded beast. When the bond was successfully formed, there was no response at all. The rank of this bonded beast is really low."

"You shouldn't have counted on indentured beasts in the first place..." Someone murmured again, "No indentured beast is worthy of a marshal, let alone the lowest type of indentured beasts."

While talking, some people have already started to take off their protective clothing, only Archie is still maintaining the original posture, staring at the inside without moving, his brows are tightly frowned, always feeling a premonition...

Sudden! A slight change in the room made Archie's eyes widen. Under the white-haired paw, DeWitt, who had been in a coma for a month, suddenly had an abnormal chest rise and fall. After a pause for a few seconds, there was a violent shock. Shocked, DeWitt, who had been in a severe coma, suddenly spit out a mouthful of poisonous blood, and then, those tightly closed eyes opened slowly, revealing a pair of dark blue pupils with bloodshot eyes.

Everyone behind was stunned by the scene in front of them, only Archie rushed into the room like a whirlwind.

The little fox that slapped DeWitt's mouth with its paw was not happy because the fur on its paw accidentally rubbed with blood because it couldn't dodge in time. At the beginning, it tried to suppress it, but found that it couldn't hold back, so it simply cursed out loud.


What are you trying to do with such kindness and revenge!

After yelling, Wen Jin, who had completely exhausted his energy, was blinded, unable to struggle, and fainted from exhaustion. Before passing out, Wen Jin took a very unwilling look at his dirty paws.

He is a demon, a fox demon with thousands of years of practice, reasonable and gentle temper. Although there are some small flaws in character... Wen Jin still insists that he is a demon cultivator with a good temper and self-restraint.

But now he is very angry, because recently he seems to be guilty of Tai Sui, one bad thing after another!

It's just a tribulation, it's fine if you fail, and you're injured all over your body, even the demon core has cracks, and at the last moment of the tribulation, Wen Jin accidentally fell into the void, and then was defenseless The ground was scarred by the distorted space, and finally came to a different world with extremely thin aura.

The demon core was damaged, the muscles and bones were thwarted, and the aura was still weak. Wen Jin was new here, and Wen Jin couldn't even heal a flesh injury for himself, and he didn't have the energy to open the magic weapon. The thousand-year demon cultivator almost died of excessive blood loss.

After that, his head became completely muddy, and he couldn't turn it. He just felt that someone was carrying him back and forth. During this period, Wen Jin really wanted to jump out and reason with the person who was carrying him back and forth, but He couldn't wake up, and his whole body was in severe pain. Until he was put into something, he felt that the aura around him seemed to have increased a little. Although it was only a little bit, it was quite a big deal for Wen Jin at that time. temptation.

So Wen Jin couldn't help indulging himself, but if he knew that the price of this indulgence was being taken to form a bond, he would definitely wake himself up at that time, and then he would have to escape from that place no matter what.

Wen Jin really wanted to raise her four paws to express strong resistance to any contract that could cause the effect of living together and dying together, but... once you get on the thief ship, you can't get off.

On the one hand, Wen Jin's injury is too serious now, and the shattering of the demon core means that he cannot be willful, especially in this world where the spiritual energy is thin and a little energy is very expensive, he can't spend so much On the other hand, it is the most important thing. If it is an ordinary contract, it is okay to say that the other party is only a human being. For Wen Jin, even if he is injured, it is easy to deal with. Forming a contract, it is always easy for the strong party to take the initiative. This is also a common contract backlash in the world of cultivating immortals. It is like a monk with an average level. reason.

However, this is no ordinary deed. Wen Jin has never seen such a domineering contract. He dares to swear that this contract was definitely not written by the human race, because it is impossible for the human race to write such a powerful contract with such a thorough understanding of the monster race. Written by the Yaozu themselves, it is specially used to restrain their own people.

The deed is full of fierceness and full of knowledge of every monster. When the deed is completed, not only can you feel the breath of the other party, but more, it comes from the deed itself, that kind of ancient and vast power. Each of the contract nodes is controlled just enough to hit the weakness of the Yaozu. When he is full of energy, with Wen Jin's ability, he has to work hard. There is no way to hide from the scheming contract.

This made Wen Jin feel very aggrieved, and couldn't help but want to scold people. On the Great Desolate Continent, big monsters, especially big monsters like him with ancient blood, have always walked sideways. Wen Jin asked himself that he was very patient It's strong, and it's not the kind of unreasonable monster that swings its claws at every turn, but at this moment, I still can't help but want to fish out the person who made a bond with him and smash it to pieces!

When had he ever been wronged like this!

... But people were under the eaves and had to bow their heads. Wen Jin could only watch the deed burnt on her body. After mourning for a long time, Wen Jin sensed that the person who made the contract with her should be dying soon.

When Wen Jin realized this, she felt as if she had been severely calculated by someone.

That was a bond of life and death, seeing that if that person died, he might not be able to live. He was already weak at the moment, maybe he would really be brought to his death by this person

Wen Jin gritted her teeth and told herself --- the big fox must learn to be able to bend and stretch, good luck and bad luck, if the contract can be established, it will naturally be resolved, and things should be smoother, curves are also possible to save the country, someone can spend so much effort to save this person , he can also in turn threaten to threaten...

Thinking of this, Wen Jin cautiously used the little bit of spiritual power he had collected just now to open his magic weapon with great heartache, and took out a high-grade concentration pill from it, and prepared to give it to that person, but he tried his best to persuade himself for a long time The person who went to save him vomited blood from his paw!

It still smells like bedbugs!

Shi can bear it or can't bear it, uncle can bear it and sister-in-law can't bear it, no matter how good-tempered a fox is, he will bite people when he gets angry! Wen Jin swears! When he wakes up, he will definitely scratch that guy's face! Catch flowers! This man is too much! There is no such thing as repaying a kindness with revenge, and spitting blood from a fox's paw after being rescued!


DeWitt looked at the palm of his hand whirling around, waving his paws from time to time, baring his teeth, or simply hitting a set of punches in the air---the little fox who slept extremely restlessly, was a little hard to say for a while.

In the current Assyria, the status and ability of the beasts are very low, and they are completely incomparable with the beasts in ancient times. In the past, DeWitt didn't have much thought about this aspect, but he never thought about it. Will be rescued by a bonded beast.

Feeling that the palms of his hands were fluffy and had a heat that surpassed the body temperature of ordinary people, DeWitt held the little guy in front of him. He was very incomprehensible. He had been awake for three hours, had undergone countless rounds of routine examinations, and his sanity was clear. Then , What on earth did this little guy dream about? During a full three hours of sleep, he would maintain such a... heroic sleeping state.

While thinking about it, DeWitt couldn't help getting closer, then pulled out a hand, and gently poked the little fox's soft belly. Someone once told him that Qi Beasts are usually very vigilant. DeWitt himself has been to Qi Beast Star, and it is true. So this is the first time he saw such a four-legged and eight-pointed beast sleeping in an unfamiliar environment...

For DeWitt who was thinking, the little fox who was hit by the sleep punch hit his face with his paw again.

"Mrs. Margaret has been waiting outside for a long time." Archie's voice came into DeWitt's ears with the sound of the door opening, "We don't know enough about how insect poisons spread, and anti-virus clothing can't do it." It is 100% preventive, so to be on the safe side, I still want to arrange for you to meet again in a day."

Lady Margaret, is DeWitt's mother.

Withdrawing the hand holding the little fox, DeWitt put the little guy on his lower abdomen, feeling that the other person became quiet for a rare moment, and his eyes moved.

"Finding a bond is an extreme way to get desperate." Archie, who noticed his movements, couldn't help but sigh, "However, the toxins in your body are indeed decreasing, and the speed is very fast."

DeWitt turned his head when he heard those words.

"This matter is indeed unexpected. I thought that the bond between you two would be due to the fact that the insect poison cannot be completely eliminated, but it will appease the supernatural riots in your body. In the end, it depends on your own good fortune, whether you can resist the insect emperor. Toxins, which are mixed with a lot of nerve poisons. But I did not expect that this little guy will give us such a big surprise. If possible, I would like to do a system check for both of you later, to find out find the reason."

DeWitt's gaze was as deep as water, "The contract was successful?"

"Yeah." Thinking of this, Archie couldn't help showing a smile, "From now on, you'll be the Marshal who has to take the beast with you wherever you go, so let's give the little guy a place on your mecha."

DeWitt didn't seem to hear Archie's teasing, and his eyes returned to the little fox curled up on his lower abdomen, sleeping soundly.

This is a very strange feeling, although it is forced to be tied to another soft and even a little strange life, but looking at the little guy in front of him, DeWitt can't feel anything wrong happy mood.

"Name." DeWitt asked after a while.

"Huh?" Archie, who was still looking at the data screen, froze for a moment before realizing, "It's very small, it's newly captured, and it doesn't have a name yet. It's up to you to pick it up."

He takes

Thinking about it, DeWitt lowered his head and reached out to rub the furry head of the little fox. The touch made DeWitt feel soft. Just thinking about what name to give the little guy, the little fox who was rubbing his head by him suddenly... turned over, revealing his pink belly.

DeWitt paused, and subconsciously reached out to touch it. The little guy refused at first and poked his hand several times with his paws. But after DeWitt gradually found the strength, he heard the little fox baring his teeth. Very unwilling to let out a comfortable grunt.

The author has something to say: Wen Jin: Don't touch me!

DeWitt: You can't even touch your belly

Wen Jin: ... Belly, belly can...

DeWitt: Where's the chin

Wen Jin: Yes, yes!

DeWitt: Where can't you touch it

Wen Jin (serious face): Don't touch anywhere!