I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce

Chapter 54


Wen Jin had never seen the weapons those people were holding, but he knew what this posture meant.

Seeing among the group of soldiers, after the man at the head raised his hand slightly, all the soldiers' hands holding weapons were tightened, Wen Jin narrowed his eyes, and pressed his paws on the roof slightly harder.

"Roar----!" A deafening voice came, accompanied by a strong aura, Wen Jin saw with his own eyes that many soldiers standing a little ahead with their guns couldn't help shaking their guns.

Wen Jin paused slightly with her paws on the edge of the roof, frowned and looked over, then looked at Chen Xiong's red eyes in the air.

Wen Jin was stunned for a while, and looked at Chen Xiong's expression carefully for a while in surprise, seeing the soldier staring persistently at him, hesitated for a moment, and withdrew his claws.

Unlike Wen Jin who was standing far away on the roof, that roar was no different from a provocation to the soldiers lined up in front of Chen Xiong, especially the coercion that followed when he roared, immediately Someone gritted their teeth.

"Lieutenant General! This beast has probably gone berserk, please take action!"

"No, Professor Lin is still behind it." The man who was called the lieutenant general pushed down the brim of his hat, and his eyes fell on the herd of deeds fleeing frantically behind the black bear. His eyes darkened, and he gritted his teeth remembering the scene just now. Said, "A person who suddenly turned into a beast... What a joke!"

"I can't wait any longer, Lieutenant General, it is clearly delaying time---"

As soon as the words fell, as if to answer what he said, a roar louder than a black bear came over.

"Giant, giant beast..." Someone in the crowd exclaimed, "The seven-meter giant beast in the scientific research institute..."

Wen Jin took a closer look, and found that it was not only the giant beast whose head Wen Jin had sat on...the tiger king whose head Wen Jin had sat on was also coming.

Seeing this, Wen Jin, who was sitting on the roof, withdrew her paws, and narrowed her eyes as she watched the suddenly changing scene below.

At this moment, the number of wild beasts fleeing wildly behind Chen Xiong has become less and less. Obviously, the large army has already run away, and this group suddenly appeared, two animals brought by the Tiger King. The behemoth suddenly reversed the balance that was completely tilted towards the soldiers just now.

A monster with a size of seven meters, Wen Jin didn't know how strong the weapons of that group of humans were, but with a demon cultivator of transformation form, among other things, trying to capture it alive was simply a dream, and they could easily kill it. escape…

Wait, run away

Wen Jin froze for a moment, suddenly felt something was wrong.

That's right, it's not difficult to escape from such a scene with Chen Xiong's ability. Even if he transformed into his original form to buy time for the herd of deeds behind him to escape, now the group of deeds are all running away, he It is also possible to wait for an opportunity to escape. Why did you stay here, and why did several giant beasts come back, as if they wanted to fight here on the spot

Wen Jin sniffed, and looked at Chen Xiong's back seriously. The smell should be Professor Lin's right, and it was accompanied by a bloody smell... Was it injured

While Wen Jin was judging the situation, a bead of sweat dripped from the forehead of the lieutenant general who raised his hand. He looked at the two giant beasts that suddenly appeared behind Chen Xiong, and then at the two giant beasts that appeared at most one in size. There are several buildings in the scientific research institute that you can touch with your palm, and your eyes darken.

"Retreat." After a long time, the lieutenant general made a decision.

"Lieutenant General?!" After hearing these two words, the one who reacted the most was a researcher who had been standing near the Lieutenant General since the very beginning. There is only a beast behind! Moreover, it is a beast that can turn into a human!" What an unbelievable and unmissable discovery for Assyria!

While the researcher was talking, his eyes were full of excitement. He was the researcher working on the Qi Beast project.

Recently, a fox appeared that turned the entire capital star upside down, but because it was Marshal de Witt's contracted beast, no one dared to really capture that contracted beast for research. Now it's all right, a ready-made fox , and can turn into a human beast! The Academy of Sciences must never give up on this opportunity.

However, this explosion basically started from the laboratory of their deed beast team. If he hadn't found such a deed beast, he should have gone to the medical center now, and now he can stand here with wounds all over his body, because he witnessed the scene of Chen Xiong's transformation when he was about to leave.

He wanted to bring this Qi beast back to the scientific research institute!

The lieutenant general's eyes moved, revealing a trace of disgust. He secretly cursed insanity in his heart, and winked at the deputy next to him. The next moment, all the soldiers with weapons took three steps back.

"I'll say it again." After the lieutenant general stood still slowly, he clicked on the loudspeaker of the terminal, and said in a ruthless voice, "Hand over Professor Lin."

The black bear didn't move, he even put a hand behind his back, slightly bent his knees, and supported Professor Lin's back, as if he wanted to pick up someone at any time and run away.

However, the black bear's action obviously shocked the lieutenant general. His pupils shrank and his fingers moved violently. The next second, the soldier closest to him quickly pulled the trigger.

With a "bang---", a strong smell of blood came.

Chen Xiong covered his shoulders and took two steps back, his eyes widened to the extreme. The tiger king and giant beasts on the side also looked shocked. After they looked at each other, they turned their gazes to the direction behind them.

"Really relying on a giant beast to escort them, do you really think that they will be able to escape? You must have underestimated the military." The lieutenant general said, narrowing his eyes, and there was a hint of satisfaction in the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, "I'll say more Once, hand over to Professor Lin."

The smell of blood was too strong, but anyone with a little bit of five senses would definitely be able to smell it. It wasn't as rich as Chen Xiong's bleeding alone could achieve.

The tips of her ears trembled slightly, and in the dead of night, Wen Jin faintly heard screams a few kilometers away.

"Roar---!" The largest Qi beast seemed to have sensed it too. It paved the floor anxiously and roared in the direction of the soldier.

There was also a trace of pain in Chen Xiong's eyes. He pushed the tiger king with one hand, as if he wanted them to go first, and the other hand was still firmly protecting Professor Lin.


Wen Jin was a little confused. Although he didn't understand Professor Lin's identity, he could tell that he was very important to Assyria.

This lieutenant general obviously did not shoot in Chen Xiong's direction so far because of Professor Lin, so Chen Xiong can obviously hand over Professor Lin in exchange for him to escape. After all, it is impossible for the lieutenant general to hurt Professor Lin, and the reason why he said also refused to hand over...

Wen Jin's eyes flashed because he thought Professor Lin would be in danger if he handed it over

The Zerg and Cohen who went deep into the scientific research institute flashed through Wen Jin's mind, and the latter suddenly realized something.

"Let's go!" While Wen Jin on the roof was thinking, Chen Xiong at the gate of the front yard of the scientific research institute roared in animal language, and then pushed the smaller giant beast hard.

"Where is it?" The giant beast staggered and almost bumped into the King Tiger at the side. It turned its head agitatedly, and at some point, the King Tiger lowered his body, staring straight at him with eagle-like eyes. Looking at a black mass of soldiers in the distance, their muscles are tense and ready to go.

"I don't know, I don't even know how many there are," Chen Xiong roared a little irritably, "I told you to leave quickly, the Red Monkeys can't hold on, I can handle my own affairs!"

Holding the chip in his mouth, Tiger King gave Chen Xiong a cool look, and suddenly stretched out his claws and pushed the little monster.

It clearly didn't say a word, but the little giant turned around and pushed Chen Xiong away with a flash of thought.

The moment Chen Xiong was pushed to one side, the soldiers in front of him were almost in the same state, but among them, there were two guns that were slightly off track, pointing at Professor Lin's exposed shoulder.

At that moment, a bloodthirsty light seemed to flash in Tiger King's eyes. He kicked his hind legs with an incomparable speed. In the air, only a black lightning-like light could be seen from the little giant beast. He jumped out, and the powerful explosive force made him rush to the moving gun in a second, and the moment the opponent pressed the trigger with fear, he swooped forward and bit off the man's neck , and then turned over again and jumped towards the second person again.

"Roar!" Chen Xiong stared at the fish in the distance, his body tensed, and he roared loudly.

I saw that the moment the Tiger King ran out, everyone's guns changed directions, and they all pointed at the Tiger King! Chen Xiong pushed Professor Lin behind the two giant beasts, and was about to charge forward, but was hit by a light bullet on the shoulder.

With the same wound as last time, Shengsheng pierced his strong arm with a blood hole.

Chen Xiong stared at the Tiger King who jumped up from the ground and rushed towards the third human being. He was hit by the weapon but did not open his mouth again. Hot tears overflowed from his eyes.

What flashed through my mind was the Tiger King who came down from the Colosseum for the first time more than 20 years ago.

"Bite their throats faster than anything else," the Tiger King looked at the cheering humans on the stage with his eyes full of resentment. After a while, he tilted his head again, "But I will never do that."


It was too late to say it, but at the moment when Chen Xiong let out a desperate roar, a snow-white figure descended from the sky, and the moment he appeared, Chen Xiong suddenly widened his eyes.

That's... a body bigger than the biggest beast he's ever seen. The white fur on its back seemed to light up a gloomy night. With eyes looking down at the world, white mist and cold air swirled around it. For a moment, it was like an ancient god.

That was Wen Jin.

He picked up Tiger King from the crowd of soldiers in one bite, and at the moment when the soldiers didn't react, a big tail ruthlessly swept across the ground, and the entire group of soldiers including their mechs were knocked over. on the ground.

"Lieutenant General!" Someone screamed loudly, and someone quickly adjusted their posture and raised their guns again, and some even reached out and touched the power ring on their wrists.

"This body is too big..." Someone unconsciously took two steps back, his legs softened, and he sat directly on the ground.

The soldier who picked up the weapon first gritted his teeth and shot a bullet in Wen Jin's direction, but was blocked by a small ice barrier that appeared across the sky.

The huge fox narrowed its eyes, moved its limbs forward, and the soldier with the weapon went limp and sat on the ground.

"Tch." Wen Jin was a little unaccustomed to the smell emanating from those weapons, took two steps back, and sneezed a little with an itchy nose.

It doesn't matter if you don't hit him, but once you hit him, Wen Jin actually found that his body seemed to be a little smaller. He froze for a moment, turned his head and glanced in the direction behind him.

At that moment, a thick ice wall suddenly erected on the floor between them and Chen Xiong.

"Run!" Wen Jin threw Tiger King to the ground, then bit Professor Lin who was on the floor, and yelled.

The big and small beasts bit the Tiger King and Chen Xiong the other, listening to Wen Jin's voice, they carried it out crazily with admiration.

"Professor Lin is injured!" No matter how shocked he was by Wen Jin's appearance, Chen Xiong yelled out the same sentence subconsciously. While yelling, he looked at Professor Lin who was caught by Wen Jin.

Seeing this, Chen Xiong was taken aback.

It's not holding it in its mouth. Professor Lin is completely wrapped in a transparent energy ball, and he is sleeping peacefully. The wound on his body seems to be bleeding.

With just one glance, Chen Xiong felt relieved. He gratefully looked at the white-haired fox that was getting smaller and smaller as if he was running wildly. His whole body relaxed and he fell into a coma.


The worms in the hood were left by Kasai to deal with the aftermath, and Devitt took Mark to the research institute first, but they were still one step too late.

When he saw the mess everywhere and the huge ice wall erected in the center of the field, DeWitt's face remained motionless.


"Report." DeWitt glanced at the research institute, which was still in good condition when he left in the morning, but is now almost in ruins, and his eyes skipped the huge ice wall without any trace.

It was Wen Jin's breath, that's right.

After confirming this, and looking at the blood on the ground, DeWitt's brain twitched.

"Report! The scientific research institute was breached by the beasts, and all the beasts on the second floor escaped. In the process, they bombed the two buildings of the scientific research institute and held Professor Lin hostage in order to break through!"

"Where did this come from?" DeWitt pointed to the ice wall, but when his hands got closer, he still couldn't hold back, and his fingers touched the piece of ice, which was released by Wen Jin.

However, after the fingers moved up, the bone-piercing coolness didn't come. Instead, it turned gently on his fingertips as if wanting to tell him something.

Only then did the hanging heart relax a little.

"It's a giant beast..." Mentioning the giant beast that appeared out of the sky, the lieutenant general seemed to have not reacted yet, and swallowed with some lingering fear, "It is very large, and this ice wall was created by it. Yes, Marshal, that’s a monster with only an energy core! It’s all white, looks like, looks like…”

Halfway through the lieutenant general's speech, his eyes fell on DeWitt, and he suddenly seemed to be choked up, unable to say the remaining two words.

"Like what?" Mark recorded one by one from the side, and DeWitt asked as if he didn't notice the lieutenant general's pause.


too tired.

Wen Jin felt that although he had lived for such a long time, it was the first time he had run for such a long time, which tortured the fox to death. He panted heavily while running, and the more he panted, the smaller his body became like a deflated ball .

The spiritual energy can support him to continue to grow bigger, but Wen Jin is really too tired, he feels that he has almost run the distance of his life.

After finally arriving at the destination, when Tiger King said that he could stop, Wen Jin immediately spit out Professor Lin, then lay down on the ground and turned into a dead fox, panting and asking, "Run, how far did you run?" ah?"

"More than eighty kilometers." The Tiger King who was leaning against the wall replied weakly.

Wen Jin felt that more than 80 kilometers was not too long. Seeing his weak face, she decided not to talk to him, and turned to look at the giant beast aside, "You should be safe now, right?"

However, to Wen Jin's surprise, the little giant beast did not reply to him, but tilted its head and stuck out its long tongue.

"It's safe for the time being." It was the Tiger King's voice.

Wen Jin was stunned for a moment, and then realized, "They can't speak?" Can't even speak animal language

The Tiger King lowered his head and licked his wound, before lying on the floor wearily.

Wen Jin was still a little unresponsive, thinking that it was impossible, Tiger King could speak, Chen Xiong could speak, Cai Cai, Mary could speak, even those weak and incompetent beasts at the party could speak, why couldn't such a big behemoth...

Arranging these names in a row, Wen Jin instantly discovered the problem.

"They don't have a contract...and no energy core, so they can't communicate?" Wen Jin said, looking at a group of contract beasts around him.

Those were all deed beasts rescued from the scientific research institute. On the way they escaped, a huge red monkey supported a group of soldiers from the military department and forced them to leave. At that time, Wen Jin didn't make a move, because the number of soldiers surrounding the group of deed beasts was too many, and they didn't have the same concerns as before the scientific research institute. They really needed someone to help them hold those mechs.

At that time, the monkey... didn't seem to speak

"I can communicate, and black bears can too." Tiger King's eyelids drooped, his voice became smaller and smaller, and he seemed extremely tired.

But not by language, but by the tacit understanding of living together for so many years.

Wen Jin looked at the deed beasts in a cave, then at Chen Xiong and Tiger King, and suddenly fell silent. Before, he had a faint feeling that the living environment of monsters in this world was completely different from the living environment of the Great Desolate Continent, but now he saw , I am afraid that the truth is more difficult than what he looks like.

He didn't continue to ask the Tiger King any more, but took out a few medicinal herbs from his own space, and applied the wounds to Chen Xiong, Professor Lin, and the Tiger King.

After seeing him take out the medicinal herb and apply it to the three people, the little monster understood the meaning of Wen Jin's actions very spiritually, and his eyes immediately stared straight.

Seeing this, Wen Jin also threw a lot to him without hesitation, and after telling him how to grind, let them deal with their companions by themselves.

There is a small hill in Wen Jin's space, on which he transplanted the medicinal herbs he collected from all over the world. As long as the spiritual power is not exhausted, it will never stop growing, and it will come back again after using it, forming a cycle of its own.

And there are so many herbs for this kind of skin trauma.

After distributing the herbs, Wen Jin felt a little bored when he looked up at the sky outside the cave, which was already a bit like a sunrise.

He lowered his head and licked his paws, watching the big and small beasts not far away called the group of companions, divided the work to grind the herbs clumsily, and lowered his head to touch the Hengshi on his neck.

He felt that he should not be able to walk until Chen Xiong woke up, or before his injury healed, but just now, the one-time energy stone has been completely used up, and if something happens again, he must rely on the power of Hengshi.

And considering the posture of those soldiers before, Wen Jin felt that it was very necessary for him to prepare Hengshi in advance.

Thinking of this, Wen Jin closed her eyes.

The Hengshi who has recognized the master is different from the one who has not recognized the master. The spiritual treasure of heaven and earth knows how to be biased, otherwise why so many people wanted to snatch it...

After thinking for a while in his head, Wen Jin once again made a drop of blood from the tip of his tongue. The moment the wound disappeared, the tip of his tongue also licked towards the eternal stone. The contract suddenly became hot again, and began to write a faintly visible word on his lower abdomen like a demon.

Another green de

Wen Jin got a little angry. It was this thing that prevented him from contracting Hengshi on the roof before, and now it's coming again. What do you mean? He has a little tail and can't even ask for a magic weapon? !

Thinking of this, Wen Jin conjured up a finger, poked it hard on his contract, and changed the shape of the green German word to vent his anger, "What do you want?" ?”

Wen Jin asked in her heart.

However, a contract will answer that he has a ghost.

After waiting for a while, she found that the word "virtue" would not turn pink either. Wen Jin decided to let it love whoever she wanted, created an energy barrier in her body, forcibly covered the contract and then forcibly formed the bond.

When biting the tip of her tongue for the third time, Wen Jin felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but the moment Heng Shi sucked his blood in, Wen Jin suddenly felt her thick energy barrier, as if I was also sucked into that contract.

Wen Jin was taken aback for a moment, opened his consciousness and probed over, and found that the pattern of the contract... seemed to have become a little distorted.

Wen Jin looked left and right, and when he saw clearly the new appearance of the contract, he was immediately amused, thinking that the contract was like having a temper tantrum. Thinking of this, Wen Jin couldn't help but groan in a low voice .

DeWitt, who was thousands of miles away, just got into his hover car, thinking about how to find his little fox, when a familiar voice came into his ears.

"Why, you are not happy when you are green?"