I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce

Chapter 65


DeWitt's past advancements were all inseparable from hard retreats. There are many forms of retreat, but they all remain the same - the expansion of the energy core, the speed of energy operation, and the change of the effect after energy operation.

The level of the empire is innate, and it will be judged at the moment of birth, while the level is the hard work of the day after tomorrow.

But because of the energy storm, most ordinary people in Assyria would choose to give up the acquired advanced learning. Only the soldiers in the army and some gifted children in the big families would choose to acquire the training.

Although the advanced process will not die, every time it is a thorough baptism of energy, it is extremely painful and difficult. Even Devitt must choose to retreat every time his body produces an advanced reaction.

The bodies of the advanced supernatural beings in the closed state are extremely sensitive. They need a fairly closed, quiet and undisturbed space, and stay in it for at least a month before their bodies can enter the advanced state.

During this month, they will receive extreme physical exercise and energy release and inhalation exercise. During the whole process, they will not stop until they are exhausted, and they will not be able to sleep well, let alone eat something good, that is one month hell.

Therefore, supernatural beings are always cautious when advancing. The stronger they are, the more so. This is the first time that DeWitt has forcibly advanced in such an environment.

According to the previous data survey of the empire, only people with abilities above level 3 can materialize their abilities. For example, DeWitt, who is a fire energy user, can produce flames, and Wen Jin, who is a water spirit root, can gather aura into water. A level 4 energy person lives in symbiosis with energy. The most intuitive way to say it is that DeWitt can adjust the temperature of the body, and not only can adjust the temperature, but can also turn part of the body into flames.

And this kind of ability is restricted to display in Assyria, so every ability user with a third-level ability or above will wear a restraint ring on his wrist when he returns to the inland.

The fifth level is a myth in the empire. It is a myth that there is almost no accurate data to investigate. Above, it is a blank sheet of paper.

Others didn't expect it, even DeWitt himself didn't expect it. You know, in the past, after they felt that the energy core was approaching maturity, they would arrange a lot of training to speed up the advancement of the energy core and strengthen their bodies.

Although the fourth and fifth steps sound like there is only one step away, it seems that they can be surpassed easily. Regarding this point, those who have stopped at the fourth level for more than a dozen, and have not been able to advance until the end of their lifespan, have the most say.

This is true at any level.

From the fourth level to the fifth level, this is not a gap of the first level, but a deep gully.

It is rumored that only the ancestors of Assyria can reach the fifth level, and those fifth-level supernatural beings in history all have extremely mysterious and sophistry abilities. According to ancient documents, they can be born from the ashes of fire, can be turned into magma, and can even turn into magma. The whole body is integrated into the space between the heaven and the earth, and life is eternal.

DeWitt had very few thoughts on the fifth level under the lifespan theory, but he also had such a wish, but he never thought that he would break through the fifth level in such a state.

The energy in the monitoring room is not strong. Normally, it can hardly cause the slightest damage to DeWitt. It is small and weak, but it is like a phantom, with some ethereal and small dreams, which agitated his energy core. .

The moment he felt something was wrong, DeWitt subconsciously wanted to hold back his own energy, but that energy was too powerful, and it was completely different from when he was poisoned by insects.

It is not like insect poison that is all shrunk in the energy core. On the contrary, when it is advanced, the energy stored in the energy core in the past seems to have been frightened by some great fright, rushing out of his energy Nucleus, trying to rush out from all the channels of his body.

The veins stretched to the extreme, and was crazily burned by the energy of the temperature of a raging fire. DeWitt felt as if his whole body was about to explode. Under such a temperature, he almost could not feel the existence of his energy core. , The whole body is a sea of flames.

It was DeWitt, under such a double impact, he lost himself a little bit, and was even driven by the energy flushing, and his mood began to become a little manic.

He wanted to forcibly block all those supernatural abilities in his body like when he was facing the detoxification of insect poison, but it was useless. The more he prevented these supernatural abilities from going out, the more restless they became and the higher the temperature.

Just when DeWitt felt that his entire bones were about to be burned, and the energy became more and more uncontrollable, he felt a coolness coming from the direction of his lips.

The soft feeling that seemed to melt his whole body, with a hint of fragrance, made DeWitt subconsciously stunned. Immediately afterwards, that cool feeling spread into his body along with the soft thing. The coolness was clearly very faint, and it was nothing compared to the scorching feeling in his body, but unexpectedly, But that coolness spread all the way into his body, forming a vague comfort to his energy, pulling him out of the hell where he was forced into the extreme heat, and brought a trace of clarity.

Something in the body glowed as if it had been induced.

not enough.

Not enough.

DeWitt's rationality came back in the flames, and a huge instinct surged out of his body. He stretched out his hand and pressed the opponent, so that his body could be more closely attached to that soft and icy thing.


In a daze, DeWitt seemed to come to his senses, a figure flashed in his mind, accompanied by the golden contract in his body, he hugged him tightly, regardless of his struggle and hesitation, he invaded the other's lips in the petal.

The tip of his tongue stirred, sucking the body fluid that made him feel beautiful and uncontrollable. On the one hand, he wished to completely absorb the other party, and on the other hand, he expected the other party to give him more and stronger reactions.

At that moment, the shaggy hair of desire made the energy in DeWitt's body tremble more violently, as if he was possessed by a madman, and could almost swallow him completely. subversion.

At that moment, DeWitt felt that the opponent's struggle seemed to be weakened, as if hesitant, and as if there was a bit of temptation.

Self-discipline and self-control are the principles of DeWitt's life, but at that moment, he added the word "increasing an inch" to his dictionary, and immediately carried it forward. He tossed and turned on the soft lips vigorously, and when his fingers touched the exposed, warm skin of the opponent's arm, even the depths of his soul couldn't help being shocked.

Still not enough.

The empty and eager desire for something made DeWitt's rationality gradually return. He still wanted more, wanted to plunder more, and wanted to go deeper.

This consciousness suppressed DeWitt's anxious heart and suppressed his unprepared advances, while the coolness and the contract in his body calmed his irritable energy.

At that moment, DeWitt's energy core seemed to have realized something, and seemed to break through something. In a new and more rapid way, he slowly took back the energy surging around his body. .

However, DeWitt's body was still very hot, and the temperature of his entire lower abdomen was terribly high. The urge to explode made DeWitt hug each other regardless, and even squeezed his body into it in order to hug him more closely. between each other's bodies.

Just as DeWitt's tongue continued to twiddle the opponent's lips, and his hand touched the delicate skin of the back of the opponent's neck along the wide clothes, it seemed that the person who had been bullied by him for a long time had reached the limit of his tolerance, and there was a ruthless blow inside his lips. bite.

In the next second, DeWitt tasted blood.

The advancement of the power core burst into intense light in his body, and at that moment, DeWitt's entire body seemed to have entered a brand new, vast universe.

However, at this moment, the marshal had only one feeling.



"Open the door." Outside the monitoring room, there was a solemn-looking Melson and his cronies, who were watching the monitor completely blocked by smoke, as well as Admiral Shen En who stood aside as if watching a play, and the Kasai in front of all of them.

Kasai, who couldn't say how many times he heard this sentence, shook his head resolutely.

"Sir, Professor Lin and Professor Steve are on their way." Behind Melson, a trusted man put down the terminal in his hand and reported with a serious expression.

"Major General." Melson nodded and straightened his expression, "Do you know what you are doing now? The monitoring is out of order, and the coach who has just been stimulated is left alone in the room and misses the golden rescue time. There is something wrong with the marshal, what are you responsible for?"

Kasai's face was livid, and he clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, "Report! The subordinates dare not! But the marshal's advanced energy is powerful, even I couldn't withstand it indoors just now, now open the monitoring room The door, the energy gushes out, it is impossible to control it at all!"

Kasai has an A-level ability, and he can't stand it, let alone ordinary people like Melson and Shen En.

Hearing these words, a confidant behind Melson glanced sharply at Kasai, and asked in a sharp voice, "You said you couldn't carry it, so how did you manage to carry people away from the inside?" Come out, can you still stand here now?"

The other party spoke in a cadence, and the focus of each pause made everyone look at Kasai with a little more distrust.

Kasai opened his mouth and was completely blocked by this sentence. Thinking of the little fox who suddenly spoke in his mind, Kasai gritted his teeth and did not speak.

Seeing him like this, the confidant knew that he had caught the point, and when he was about to continue to attack, Melson suddenly stretched out his hand and interrupted him.

Melson's eyes turned up and down on Kasai, as if he was looking for something, but failed. He turned his head and asked Mark beside him, "What's the indoor energy monitoring index?"

"Report, the index has completely exceeded the skyrocketing." Mark said, calling up a light screen, looking at the red lines all the way on it, a group of people couldn't help but exclaimed.

This kind of index meter is different from the one on the food street. It exists to record all the data of the degree.

"The current index has entered the level that Assyria's value could not reach in the past. Sorry Prime Minister, I think Major General Kasai is right. At this time, no one can enter." Because no one can hold it, even if wearing protective gear It is also difficult to guarantee.

After all, with such a strong ability, if there is a slight gap, people may collapse under strong oppression.

As Mark said, he glanced at Kasai, who was safe and sound.

When he came out of Kasai, he had already noticed that the little fox was not on the opponent. With the posture of the marshal's baby white fox, if something happens, Kasai will definitely bring the little fox out, and Kasai is definitely not someone who will abandon the marshal because of any situation at a critical moment.

He doesn't have a little fox on him, and he can still stand here like this.

Thinking of the house that was stabbed in the opposite direction, and thinking about the fox's shocking actions one after another, Mark closed his eyes.

The fifth level is a field that no one in Assyria has reached in the past 100 years. In the face of such an unknown, anyone's ability seems too small. At this time, if there is anything that can resist it...

A few months ago, after the little white fox slapped the marshal on the face, the image of the marshal opening his eyes came into Mark's mind, and he lowered his eyes.

Melson, who had a panoramic view of Mark's expression, pursed his lips, seemed to think for a moment, his face remained still, but several guesses jumped in his mind, and finally he ordered, "Let Professor Lin and the others hurry up, and all the instruments here Get ready, put it directly in the corridor, let people check it repeatedly, once the index returns to a safe value, open the door immediately."

After speaking, Melson gave Kasai a hard look.

The latter looked firm and straightened his neck, "Yes!"


It was a rather long dream.

In the end, DeWitt seemed to have fallen into a cool world. As soon as the feverish DeWitt touched that world, he didn't want to leave in an instant.

He stood firmly in that world, no matter how hard someone pushed him, he refused to move. After a long time, it seemed that someone sighed softly, and after a while, a hand patted his shoulder slowly.

That blow was very light, as if worried about disturbing him, with a tenderness.

Then DeWitt woke up.

The snow-white ceiling and the equipment and smells that belonged exclusively to the hospital entered his eyes. With his eyes closed, DeWitt knew where he was almost without thinking deeply. His body was still very uncomfortable, and there was some faint pain in his head, but he still glanced around seriously. When he didn't find the figure he wanted to see, DeWitt closed his eyes, feeling a little disappointed.

"Are you awake?" Archie's voice came in.

DeWitt put one hand on his forehead. His body was terribly hot, but he couldn't feel it. After a long time, he responded, "Yes."

When speaking, the tip of DeWitt's tongue moved slightly, and a strong tingling sensation came in instantly. The part of his dream that made him want to swell came to mind. DeWitt's injured tongue slightly tapped, and a trace of blood melted in his mouth. the taste of.

Not long.

it is true.

Archie on the other end glanced at the data pad next to him, "Basic test, your name?"

"DeWitt." DeWitt paused for a moment before replying in a hoarse voice.

"Supernatural attribute."


"Supernatural class?"

"S-level... 5th level." DeWitt paused for a moment, then said the next two words.

Archie seemed relieved that DeWitt's mind was clear, and looked at the data board again, "God, your current body data is really scary, do you feel any changes?"

"Feeling..." DeWitt paused after three words.

There are too many changes in the body, for example, the expansion of the energy core, for example, what kind of circulation seems to be formed in his energy core, for example, the color of the energy in the body seems to be darker than before after running, and for example, his muscles The operation of the body can clearly change due to the change of energy.

To sum it up in one sentence, there are infinite possibilities, and he needs time to feel how wireless it is.

The sense of emptiness that had entered the first level was extremely obvious in his heart, as if his whole body had been completely renewed.

DeWitt paused for a moment, but didn't finish the sentence, because he really couldn't find any precise words to describe it. Suddenly, the topic changed, "Where's Wen Jin?"

"Huh?" Archie hadn't heard Wen Jin's name before, and it suddenly popped out of DeWitt's mouth, still a little stunned. But when he thought about which name DeWitt could call out at a time like this, he understood, "Outside, you were in a coma for eight hours---"

DeWitt frowned. In that long dream just now, he felt that he had been unconscious for centuries, but he didn't expect it to be only eight hours

"He has been guarding you for the past five hours, and was just taken out to eat by Eve, and he should be back by now, should he let him in?"

DeWitt's brows stretched out, and his tense body relaxed, "Yeah."

"This little guy has been by your side when your energy is at its worst, and it's unbelievable that he still carried it. When the group of experts rushed to see the unscathed little fox, their eyes almost went straight. "Archie said with a sigh, "You don't know how terrible your energy index was at that time... But Melson invited Mr. Chen, and he has already checked and made sure that there is nothing wrong."

As if afraid of DeWitt's worry, Archie finally added another sentence.

"Bring him in." DeWitt lowered his arms, revealing a pair of clear eyes. Those eyes seemed plain, but deep down, they contained quite deep emotions.

"Okay." Archie shrugged, "Let me tell you first, first, Melson is waiting for you, so you may not have much time; second, the expert team is also waiting for you, and you have little time. three---"

Archie's eyeballs moved, "Little Fox, he is in a bad mood now. He was like a little bomb when we first shipped you out. Whoever he sees is fierce, and none of the expert groups are fierce by him. Dare to go forward, there is one who is brave enough to hug, and was bitten, so Professor Lin and Mr. Chen have some face. When Eve took him out, he also ran around, and he couldn't see the fox in a blink of an eye."

When Archie said this, he glanced at DeWitt, "Anyway, you can do it yourself."

DeWitt glanced at him calmly.

Archie confirmed the data content again, and gestured to him, "The situation is urgent, I will only give you 5 minutes at most, and I will have someone come in to check after that."


Wen Jin was quite quiet when she was carried to bed by Archie.

However, when Archie left the room, after looking at DeWitt up and down, he immediately lost his temper and went to the side. When DeWitt caught him back, the chubby paws immediately began to scratch people with arrogance.

Usually, the little white fox likes the breath and temperature of DeWitt's body the most, but at this moment, touching DeWitt's body is like encountering some kind of scourge to him, even the soft little meat pad is unwilling to touch it. Lean on DeWitt.

Dewitt, an epic-level supernatural being who had stepped into the fifth level, had several red marks scratched on his hands that should have been hardened to the extreme. It can be said that Wen Jin is very fierce at the moment.

"It hurts." Just when Wen Jin scratched hard, but refused to make a sound, and looked extremely angry, DeWitt suddenly leaned his face against the little fox's ear and whispered something.

Wen Jin's paws shrank subconsciously, and her eyes unnaturally looked at DeWitt's handwriting, which were all red spots, and some of them showed faint signs of bleeding.

Wen Jin's ears shrank.

"Tongue." In the next second, DeWitt spat out two words.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Wen Jin was unable to hold back any longer, yelled, and bounced back her receding ears angrily, standing erect, her paws started scratching harder, using DeWitt's hand as a scratching board, then The pair of dark eyes were staring at the door even more closely, as if he wanted to disappear into this room in a few minutes.

However, DeWitt acted as if he couldn't feel that he was scratched. He touched Wen Jin's abdomen with one hand, turned him upside down with the other hand, and met his eyes forcefully, with a few twitches at the corners of his lips. With a smile, "You want to run away after biting?"

The author has something to say: DeWitt: Responsible, the tongue is so fragile, it will take a lifetime to recover.

Advanced energies: QAQ We were defeated by Marshal’s strong desire to have sex QAQ Old virgins are terrible QAQ woo woo woo QAQ