I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce

Chapter 74


It was a rather chaotic fighting scene. The moment the whistle sounded, the Qi beast swooped in the direction of the human.

The explosive power and speed of the Qi beast is absolutely unreal, especially that Qi beast... Wen Jin frowned watching it, always feeling that there was something wrong with the other party's aura.

As if confirming his conjecture, the Qi beast looked calm before, but immediately after the whistle sounded, it seemed to go crazy, and it rushed towards the person named Sisi, and it suddenly broke out The strength, ferocity, speed, and even the violent panting sound of the rising, shocked all the audience off the stage.

Even many of the audience who were applauding just now fell silent.

The voice of the Qi beast is actually not that loud, but the stage seems to have been processed. A lot of radio devices were placed, and then it was released through the loudspeakers on the four walls of the arena, pulling the sound to everyone's ears. ear.

"God..." The moment the Qi beast pounced on it, someone couldn't help but exclaimed, "It's too fast, look! Sisi was knocked to the ground by him!"

"My God! You must not fall to the ground in a fight with a Qi beast, Sisi, get up, Sisi!" It was another person.

Sisi on the stage also seemed a little confused by such an offensive, but obviously, this was not the first time he had experienced such an arena.

After being stunned at first, he reacted quickly, stretched out his strong arm, pushed upward with all his strength, and slammed against the Qi beast's chin, overturning the Qi beast, and then quickly stood up. stand up.

"Oh----" The moment Sisi stood up, there was a cheer on the stage.

The deed beast that he knocked to the ground let out a whimper in its throat, and after a long time, it stood up again.

It was also at this time that Wen Jin discovered that there were many, many wounds on the Qi beast, some of which had condensed into scars, and some should be new wounds that were not healed at all, and it was very likely that they had not even been given any medicine. There were quite a few new injuries like this on the Qi beast.

Wen Jin frowned, and a trace of suspicion flashed in his heart. How could an ordinary monster in such a state have such a strong explosive power just now

"I was injected with medicine." DeWitt could tell something was wrong on the stage at a glance, and he had a deeper understanding of the wound than Wen Jin. Immediately, his complexion was a little ugly, and he quickly opened his light screen, but he pressed the light screen several times, but his brows became deeper and deeper.

"What's wrong?" Wen Jin leaned over.

"There is no signal." DeWitt put away the light screen, and the premonition that something was wrong became stronger and stronger.

He found out that there was no ticket office after he walked into the corridor, and then sent a message to his subordinates, and finally got the invitation letter, that is to say, at that time, that place, even when he received the invitation letter, there was still a ticket office. signal.

So did the arena cut off the signal at a special time, or was it cut off from the outside signal from the beginning

Either way, it's never a good sign, and, since the beginning, no new people have come in here.

One bad premonition came to Devitt's heart one after another, and his eyes became darker and darker.

"Should there be outside?" Wen Jin also saw it when DeWitt sent the message before.

DeWitt glanced at him, and there seemed to be a bit of struggle in his eyes.

"Why do you look at me like that?" Wen Jin elbowed him a little unaccustomed, "Just go if you have something important to do, and remember to come back when you're done."

DeWitt was obviously still a little worried. It seemed that he wanted Wen Jin to go with him, but after thinking about it, if he still couldn't find a signal when he went out, or it was inconvenient to go out, then he might need to go out by himself. hands on...

With a slight flash in his eyes, DeWitt reached out and pulled Wen Jin in front of him, lifted his mask a little with one hand, then clasped Wen Jin's back with the other hand, pinched the other's chin, lowered his head, The corner of Wen Jin's lips kissed lightly.

After the first kiss, it seemed that it was not enough, so I kissed several more times.

This is already an excessive number of times.

Ever since Devitra passed by, Wen Jin had this thought flashing through his mind, but when he noticed the deep worry in the other person's eyes, he still didn't have the heart to remind him, and let the other person kiss him several times.

And in these few gentle kisses, there was too much affection, which was conveyed to Wen Jin's heart through the lips. His eyes moved, he even closed his eyes, and gently kissed DeWitt's face, as if responding to the other party's worry.

And Wen Jin is so small, like a test, almost didn't let DeWitt explode on the spot.

However, the noise around him reminded him that he didn't dare to linger on Wen Jin any longer. DeWitt let go of Wen Jin, put his mask back on lightly, and gave him a deep look with his eyes.

It has been a long time since Wen Jin has tasted this kind of feeling of being worried by others. The master has always quarreled with him, saying that he is playful and causing trouble everywhere, and the last time he saw him go out alone, he would be very worried. It seems that only Mother and brother.

"Go." Wen Jin waved his hand, and under the light from the corner of the stage, his eyes were slightly smiling, "Don't worry about me, all the people here together can't do anything to me."

"Wait for me here." DeWitt stretched out his hand, put his thumb through the mask, and gently stroked Wen Jin's face. After a pause, he took the fiery red eternal stone from his neck , hanging around Wen Jin's neck.

Wen Jin wrinkled her nose, not understanding why DeWitt suddenly wanted to give this to him, he didn't need this kind of Eternal Stone.

"I've been wearing this for a long time, and my name is engraved on the back. If something happens later and someone makes things difficult for you, just show them this, you know?"

Wen Jin tilted her head, looked at DeWitt's face that was slightly exposed under the mask that only he could see, and tapped her finger on the armrest of the seat, where DeWitt could not see, Gently hooked the corner of the lips.

This kind of concern, and the feeling of this kind of quilt are superfluous and fresh to him, like a warm current, as if it can be savored for a long time. After pausing for a moment, Wen Jin still bent her eyes, and said softly, "I know."

In this way, until DeWitt left his sight, Wen Jin looked away, and before leaving, quietly planted a spell on the other party.

In this way, Wen Jin can always know whether the other party is in danger.

Although DeWitt seems to just want to go to a place with a signal, maybe he will come back after going out, but the "if something happens" in the other party's words just now faintly made Wen Jin realize that what Little Tail wanted to do Maybe it's not as simple as he thinks, he can feel more at ease by casting a spell like this.

His eyes fell on the stage again. At this time, Sisi on the stage had already launched an offensive against the Qi beast. A man and a beast collided on the stage, and the Qi beast's claws left bloodstains on Sisi's body. His fist also landed on the soft belly of the Qi beast.

The smell of blood became stronger, and under the mask, Wen Jin's beautiful brows were slightly frowned.

"What's the relationship between that brother and you just now?" At this moment, a crisp boyish voice came into Wen Jin's ears.

"Huh?" Wen Jin turned her head.

"Is it a lover relationship? He kissed you several times, and I saw them all." The little boy sitting next to Wen Jin looked like a kid and was very gossip.

"You have so many questions."

"Isn't it, isn't it?" The little boy seemed to have the potential of being a paparazzi star in the future, and his face was almost on Wen Jin's body.

Wen Jin frowned, and stretched out a finger to push the little guy away, "Did you come to watch the game? They just said it was the most exciting game."

The little boy chuckled, "I was entrusted to come here. I'm not interested in this competition, and it's none of my business if it's exciting. Come on, tell me, are you lovers?"

Wen Jin leaned on the seat, her eyes were in a trance for a moment, she didn't say yes or no.

At this moment, Sisi on the stage pressed the Qi beast heavily to the floor.

There were overwhelming cheers from the auditorium again.

"Nice job! That's it!"

"Sisi! Kill it, kill it! You are the king of gladiators tonight!"

"Kill him, kill him Sisi! Let that old man go to God--"

The voice of the little boy who was still persistently saying something was drowned out by the bursts of shouts, and Wen Jin's eyes gradually focused and fell on the beast.

It's in a very bad state. The guy named Ceci's fist is definitely not covered. The heavy fist is swung down, and it's still in the abdomen. There are new injuries and old injuries. The body of this beast should have been lifted a long time ago. I can't stop, but this guy looks like he can't feel the pain. It seems that the other party can't feel the fist and the wound on his body before.

Thinking of what DeWitt said before, Wen Jin frowned deeply.

Is this the effect of being injected with medicine, making the beast completely forget the pain

Looking at the scenes of scuffling on the stage and the cheering audience, Wen Jin always had a vague premonition.

He felt that this was not the end.

Although Sisi's hand has already reached the neck of the beast, as DeWitt said, this "civilized gladiatorial fight" will not stop until one of the parties dies, and Sisi obviously thinks so.


As Wen Jin expected.

Just when Sisi's hand had already pinched the neck of the deed beast, and there was a tendency to strangle it to death, and according to this strength, the deed beast, which had already suffered a lot of injuries, would not be more than three years old at most. In seconds, he was about to die.

At this moment, Wen Jin keenly caught a short and sharp whistle coming from somewhere.

Immediately afterwards, as if inspired by something, the Qi beast let out a mournful cry from its throat. Almost in the next second, the Qi beast's hind paw was suddenly lucky, and it didn't know where it came from, and it kicked Sisi's abdomen hard, and when Sisi was distracted by the pain, In an instant, the single claw grabbed Sisi's arm, and three deep, blood-oozing scars appeared in an instant.

The beast raised its head. In its eyes, there was a bloodthirsty light, a rage that wanted to put people to death. Immediately, it opened its mouth, its lower jaw twitched, and it bit Sisi's ruthlessly. Shoulder.

Accompanied by the radio on the stage, almost everyone can hear the sound of sharp teeth piercing into flesh and blood close to their ears.


"Oh My God!"

"Sisi didn't strangle him, my God—"

"No, this beast is about to wake up! It, it's awake!"

"Beside the shoulder is the neck, it must want to bite the neck, for sure! But once bitten to the neck, Sisi will be finished, Sisi, Sisi!"

Just a second after this shout passed Wen Jin's ears, the little boy beside him suddenly screamed as if he had found something.

That scream could be said to soar into the sky, and Wen Jin's whole fox was taken aback by him! The eardrum seemed to be pierced every minute.

Imagine, when the whole arena is immersed in the kind of excitement before the climax that people know that they are most looking forward to, everyone is shouting one after another, and when one overwrites the other, the boy's voice is directly Pierced the voices of everyone present, ran ahead of their voices, and won the first prize!

Even the actions of Sisi on the stage and the Qi beast that loosened its mouth and was about to bite Sisi's throat seemed to be sluggish for a moment.

And just when the boy screamed, everyone turned their eyes to Wen Jin and the others, and were astonished that a child had sneaked into such a place, the lights in the entire venue suddenly went dark.

Wen Jin's eyes moved, and in the next second, the human pupils disappeared, replaced by the eyes of a fox. After quickly adapting to the sudden change in brightness, Wen Jin saw the beast on the stage being held tightly by someone. Buckle up.

That man was so powerful, and he forcibly threw Sisi aside from the mouth of the mad Qi beast. And just after Sisi's body hit something on the stage and made a muffled sound, the audience in the audience seemed to wake up from a dream.

"what happened?"

"Light, why is the light dimmed—God, did you hear that? Did you hear that?"

"I heard that. That's the voice of the Qi beast. Yes, is it the Qi beast on the stage! It was still wrestling with Sisi just now, and the lights went out. Did the staff handcuff it—"

"It looked so crazy just now, Sisi must have been killed by it, will it come to bite us, this damn arena---"

"This is your mission?" Beneath all the flustered and impatient voices, came the questioning voice of the little boy next to Wen Jinchong.

The calmness in his voice was simply out of tune with the surrounding environment.

"That's right." The little boy said with a smile, the light is too dark at the moment, if it was on, maybe you can still see him puffing out his chest.

Wen Jin's face remained unchanged, "You'd better get out quickly."

"Huh?" The little boy didn't remember it, "No, that man paid me a lot of money to call me. I want to stay and see what he wants to do."

The sound of the crowd huddling together, the shouts of the staff of the arena, and the shouts of cursing who wanted to use the light screen to illuminate but suddenly found that there was no signal came into Wen Jin's ears one after another. He listened to the little boy talking, his body still Sitting there without moving, in the darkness, something was rushing towards them.

This matter is not over yet.

Just when the panicked audience in the arena turned on the first light source, illuminating the entire arena, there were bursts of gasping sounds from the auditorium.

"... This is, Qi beast...?"

"Why, why are there so many..."

"Their eyes are glowing..."

"They, are they going to kill us all here..."

The sound of the beast's teeth piercing Sisi's shoulder on the stage just now seemed to be echoing in the arena again. Everyone's heart was filled with fear, and they began to retreat and flee around subconsciously.

However, the surrounding doors were all locked by someone at some point.

When the first woman's scream came out in the Colosseum, the entire venue was once again swept by screams.

Wen Jin tapped her fingers on her knees.

The little boy couldn't help leaning back on his seat, and he also saw the scene in the arena when the lights flashed.

"Now you know you're afraid? Why don't you run with them?" In such a situation, Wen Jin's voice really seemed out of place.

The little boy was shocked and grabbed the handle, "Run, what's the use of running, when I came in just now, I saw that the people here locked the door, and there is no way out through the normal passage."

Someone here locked the door

Thinking of DeWitt who went out before, and feeling that DeWitt was really outside at this time, Wen Jin felt a little more at ease.

He raised his eyebrows and continued to ask, "Then how did you get in?"

"I, I came in through a secret passage, but to go there, I have to, I have to go through the stage." The little boy's voice seemed to be about to cry, "Oh my god, I want to go back, I have to go back …”

"Then sit down." Wen Jin leaned on the seat, feeling the crowds rushing out, "It will be fine in a while."

The little boy looked at Wen Jin blankly.

At this moment, someone tried to take a shortcut to pass through Wen Jin. That person almost went crazy and wanted to rush out, but Wen Jin's legs still stood there motionless, showing no intention of giving way to him.

The man was in a hurry, and was about to reach out to knock Wen Jin immediately, and said loudly, "What time is it, and you are still sitting insane? Do you want to drag others to die if you don't want to live!"

However, in the next second, Wen Jin twisted his hand into an arc in an extremely painful way, making a rattling sound, and then, as soon as Wen Jin lifted his leg, the man was kicked on the ground and turned over Go to the seat in the row below.

From the first scream, the second, the third, and more began one after another. In the darkness, the group of indentured beasts jumped on the crowd one by one. The scene was extremely terrifying. Anyone who One look at it, I'm afraid it will become a lifelong nightmare.

And several of the Qi beasts even started to jump over the crowd and rushed around Wen Jin who was sitting in the back row.

When the first Qi beast approached Wen Jin, the little boy held his breath in the dark and grabbed Wen Jin's sleeve. Want to drill into Wen Jin's arms.

However, what was surprising was that those Qi beasts didn't do anything, they just stood there alone, and even stopped their irritable panting. Until Wen Jin stretched out his hand, as if with a bit of pity, and touched the head of the leader.

The several wounds on the Qi beast's face disappeared in an instant, and it didn't go anywhere immediately. It took the rest of them and lay obediently at Wen Jin's feet. Their bodies were full of wounds, and even a few A few minutes ago, their faces were also full of violence, but at this moment, they seem to have found a land that can extremely calm them down.

"Huh---" the little boy exclaimed.

The darkness and chaotic light were mixed together, and no one knew who was the first to discover the Qi beast lying at Wen Jin's feet, and then, the man trembled and almost scrambled to Wen Jin's side.

He squinted over, and it was the masked guy who was the first to ask him if there was anyone next to him today.

"You, you---" The man was out of breath, his clothes were torn by the beasts all over his body, and there were even faint bloodstains in several places, he walked over those few beasts carefully and lay on the ground obediently The deed beast almost climbed to Wen Jin's side on the audience chair, "You save me, you save me, I don't want to be bitten to death by them..."

He had just finished speaking when a whistle sounded, and the lights of the arena were turned on again.