I Heard that My Fiance is Super Fierce

Chapter 84


On that day, the car did not drive back to DeWitt's single-family apartment, but drove in the opposite direction.

After a long drive, we went straight into a large estate. Then, under the shocked eyes of the housekeeper and the maid, the hover car drove directly into a certain room on the second floor without even pausing.

And after the car drove into the room for more than ten hours, DeWitt did not come out of the room.

The old butler of Bertram's house stared at the room for a long time, if he hadn't been convinced that it was definitely his young master's suspension car, and that there was no problem with the identity verification of the room, and he had tried to ask many people, In the end, if Professor Lin confirmed it, they might have to rush up to check it.

When did the young master have the experience of staying in his own room for more than ten hours without going out? And still at this critical moment

Worried about the difference between the young master and his usual return this time, the old housekeeper went upstairs to take a look from time to time. It's just that the soundproofing effect of the room is very good. He couldn't hear the sound inside, and couldn't judge the situation at all. He also knew the temperament of the young master in his heart. He struggled for a long time, and finally didn't try it casually.

In this way, the old butler spent more than a dozen hours of torment, and ran up and down more than a dozen times. Finally, he finally received the news from the young master.

It was a hello letter, and then... a long list of recipes.

This is... have guests

No matter what, the old butler finally let go of his hanging heart. Thinking that the young master hadn't come back for so many years, he hurriedly ran happily to get someone to prepare.


Wen Jin's memory is similar to that of the old butler. He still thinks a little traditionally, and always feels that doing things in the car is a bit weird, so when he was in the car, he always had an expression of wanting to wait until he got home before hitting the base. And a fancy escape with DeWitt.

The more he escaped, the more he wanted to force DeWitt to buy a big car, and DeWitt suddenly realized the benefits of the small space, and his desire to buy a car fell to the lowest point.

In Wen Jin's impression, DeWitt's single-family apartment is not too far from the military headquarters, but it took a long time to arrive this day. Strange.

And later, he was carried out of the suspension car by DeWitt almost naked, and Wen Jin struggled a bit at that time.

There is a certain distance from the garage of the single-family apartment to the apartment, and there are neighbors around them. Wen Jin is worried about being seen.

However, DeWitt had no intention of redressing Wen Jin at all, and he just hugged Wen Jin out of the car without any clothes on.

At that time, Wen Jin panicked and reached out to grab his clothes because of his old face, but his appearance made DeWitt laugh directly. He let Wen Jin grab him, then opened the car door and put him on the big bed.

Wen Jin was in a daze at the time, and didn't understand how the distance from getting out of the car to going to bed became so close, but her body and mind were hot, and under the pincer of wanting and daring, she collapsed on the bed, Like a dead fox.

Afterwards, it was DeWitt who smiled and gently kissed him lightly. It was not until Wen Jin fell into the tenderness that DeWitt gave him again that everything finally came to fruition.


Wen Jin felt that she had slept for a long, long time, really long. If he used the feeling of sleeping in the Great Desolate Continent as a metaphor, he felt that he had slept for at least a hundred years this time.

Because it was so comfortable and heavy to sleep on.

Wave after wave of warm currents flowed through his body, a feeling he had never experienced before. Compared with this feeling, the thermostat and heating technique are extremely redundant, as if the whole body is wrapped in a gentle sea of fire, and the whole body is warm.

Wen Jin slept for a long, long time, and when he opened his eyes dimly, woke up from the feeling of the dream of the century, and saw DeWitt's chin, he bent his eyes.

At that moment, there was a feeling of being old.

"... Wake up?" DeWitt put his arms around Wen Jin who had left suddenly, and brought him back again, sticking him to his ear, rubbing his ears together.

"Hmm." Wen Jin rubbed against DeWitt's arms, feeling that the whole fox was full of satisfaction from the inside to the outside, and even the fox ears on top of her head were shaking.

DeWitt had seen Wen Jin's fox's ears trembling all night last night, and now he could tell at a glance that the little guy was shy, so he laughed lowly.

Wen Jin was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly remembered the appearance of being coaxed by the little tail into ears and tail in memory.

The two pointed ears turned red all of a sudden, and then quickly disappeared from the head.

DeWitt lowered his head and bit the tip of Wen Jin's ear.

Wen Jin patted his face, felt a emptiness in his abdomen, and immediately held back his mouth, "I'm hungry."

DeWitt is definitely to blame for this, he yelled to stop several times before, but this guy still forced him several times, originally he ate less before, and now his stomach is simply empty.

"Aren't you hungry?" Wen Jin rubbed his flat stomach, pushed Devitt, and then asked curiously.

"Not hungry." DeWitt smiled at Wen Jin, "Just had a full meal."

There was so much meaning in that smile, it was so obvious what it meant, Wen Jin couldn't hold back right now, and kicked over.

Under the quilt, DeWitt held Wen Jin's feet, then pinched them gently with his fingers, and then kissed Wen Jin again, as if no amount of kissing was enough.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable?" Wen Jin covered her flat stomach, thought for a while, and decided to ask DeWitt first, "For example, you are particularly weak, or you are afraid of the cold?"

Wen Jin has little experience in this area, so she asked about her status.

"No." DeWitt looked openly, "And."

He said, bringing Wen Jin's hand to his lower abdomen, "It's very comfortable here."

"Energy core?" Wen Jin paused, "How comfortable?"

DeWitt thought for a while, "It's like the feeling you gave me when I was advanced." Helping him calm down the heat in his body, and everything in DeWitt also turned with the coolness given by Wen Jin .

Especially at the highest point, DeWitt even felt something faintly glowing in his body.

"... not uncomfortable?" Wen Jin paused, then asked in disbelief.

"No." DeWitt shook his head.

Wen Jin froze for a moment, then bit the muscle on his shoulder, and exhorted worriedly, "I have to say I'm uncomfortable."

DeWitt put his arms around him, smiling, "Yeah."


The two lingered on the bed for a long time, and Wen Jin just forgot about the empty stomach while chatting, lying in DeWitt's arms and reading the documents with him for a while.

Wen Jin didn't get up from DeWitt until the fox's belly couldn't hold it anymore and grunted to express his protest, and then suddenly remembered something.

"Where is this?" Wen Jin said, looking around.

He asked this question last night, but DeWitt's answer... If you say too much, it will be tears, and after the experience of tears, when Wen Jin asked this question again, she stayed away from DeWitt very vigilantly.

Although it was very comfortable to do that, Wen Jin felt that he couldn't mess around for the time being before he was sure if there were any side effects.

"My family." DeWitt smiled a little when he saw Wen Jin's movements.

Yesterday's clothes were completely unwearable, and DeWitt directly dug out some of his own clothes from his closet for Wen Jin.

"Home?" Wen Jin was stunned for a moment, thinking that the single-family apartment before was not home, why was there another one

But after thinking about it, Wen Jin still remembered what Mary told him that day, saying that there was no house where DeWitt was, and Wen Jin narrowed his eyes again.

Having a piece of house means having a piece of home. The only home he knows is the single-family apartment...

"Who is there in the family?" Wen Jin glanced at him. The decoration style of this room is very similar to that of DeWitt's bedroom in the single-family apartment, but it is obviously much larger. That is to say, this house should be bigger than the single-family apartment. big.

The family I had always known before was compared to another family from DeWitt, and Wen Jin smelled a hint of danger.

DeWitt put on his clothes, and helped the little fox who was chasing the gang over there to fasten the buttons, and then clicked on his lips.

"my mother."