I heard that you are my person

Chapter 87


With Xiang Yu's punch, Qu Zikun fell straight to the ground.

When the tall man fell, he felt the people around him shake.

Xiang Yu didn't expect that this man had grown into a big man, so impatient to be beaten, he fell down with just one punch.

Qu Zikun lay on the ground on his back, looked around blankly, and the expression on his face suddenly changed, as if the onlookers were agitated, he struggled to get up and was about to pounce on Xiang Yu.

"How dare you hit me!"

Even if he gritted his teeth, it was not harmful to Xiang Yu.

Xiang Yu didn't even dodge, just grabbed him by the neckline and punched him again. The corner of Qu Zikun's mouth bled on the spot, and he fell back to the ground and struggled to get up.

"Shouldn't you fight?" Xiang Yu stood aside, waiting indifferently for Qu Zikun to pounce on him again.

This time he directly turned on the screen of his mobile phone for Qu Zikun to see, "You even stole your own ability to eat from others, what face do you have standing here, little master has always regarded you as an idol, you even own yourself The songs written by the assistants are all robbed, do you still have a bit of dignity as a creator?"

After Qu Zikun saw Xiang Yu's phone interface clearly, his face, which was originally flushed from the beating, suddenly turned pale.

Because of Xiang Yu's words, all the onlookers turned on their mobile phones. It took almost no effort to find such a big news. The expressions of the onlookers also changed, and there was a lot of discussion.

Qu Zikun stood in the crowd, watching the people around him turn on their phones and start talking about him.

His hands were hanging by his sides, and his eyes began to become darker and darker.

His expression also slowly became ferocious. From his point of view, all of this was brought to him by Xiang Yu, and all the anger was slowly accumulating, all directed at Xiang Yu.

"What do you know, a young master who doesn't eat fireworks?"

Qu Zikun's voice seemed to have been greatly wronged.

Xiang Yu didn't quite understand why Qu Zikun always brought up his family background, "Even if I don't eat, I wouldn't do such a thing as stealing other people's achievements."

As a creator, Xiang Yu couldn't stand this kind of behavior at all. In addition, Qu Zikun had repeatedly troubled him. He had always respected him as a great creator before, but he didn't expect that even this was fake.

"You traded someone else's work for the title of gold medal producer, you feel at ease? You thief?"

The people around also nodded, and everyone looked at Qu Zikun from the worry at the beginning. Some people were surprised, some were incredulous, and some were as angry as Xiang Yu.

"What do you know?" Qu Zikun stood there with a gloomy face, motionless.

It seemed that Xiang Yu's two punches made him aware of the physical gap between the two of them, and he didn't dare to attack rashly anymore, so he could only stand there and struggle feebly.

"What does it matter if I understand it or not? Normal people don't take other people's things as their own. Whoever takes other people's achievements as your own casually like you, you are a thief."

Xiang Yu's Chinese is limited to communication and has not quarreled with others, which is already his highest level.

But in the eyes of outsiders, he looks like a kindergarten kid, so when he said it, the people around couldn't help laughing.

I don't know if these laughter stimulated Qu Zikun, he suddenly rushed towards Xiang Yu, and Xiang Yu instinctively reached out to block his swinging arm, although he blocked him, but Xiang Yu found that his arm was coming A dull pain.

Before he had time to lift up his sleeves, Qu Zikun rushed over again. This time he saw clearly that Qu Zikun was holding a table knife in his hand. No wonder his arm hurts. Although the table knife is not sharp, it is enough to pull it. It hurts, he feels that his arm must be injured, because the pain has not been relieved for a long time.

After Xiang Yu saw Qu Zikun holding the table knife, he subconsciously dodged to the side, trying to avoid the table knife in Qu Zikun's hand, but he turned around and stabbed towards the neck.

The people around screamed and started to run around, afraid of being hurt by Qu Zikun.

Although Xiang Yu's figure is relatively sensitive, but the decoration of the coffee shop is full of steps, various decorative partitions, and tables. He only had time to dodge for two rounds when Qu Zikun grabbed his arm, and the table knife forced him his neck.

The people around uttered horrified screams, and instinctively dispersed. Xiang Yu was not panicked. He saw that someone had already pulled out his mobile phone and was about to call the police, and he didn't think Qu Zikun could trap him.

Only then did he come up with this idea, Qu Zikun kicked him on the bend of his knee, Xiang Yu instinctively knelt down on one knee in pain, Qu Zikun immediately put his arms around his neck, and dragged him out.

Xiang Yu only felt that the opponent's hand was so strong that he was almost suffocated, because his legs were kicked and he couldn't use his strength at all. Now he was trapped by others and could only follow the opponent's actions.

Qu Zikun took the initiative and looked at the people present coldly, "Ask Tang Shiying to come find me!"

"Why did you call him here?" Xiang Yu followed Qu Zikun and moved slowly, it seemed that Qu Zikun was going to take him into the elevator, "This is between you and me, it has nothing to do with him."

Xiang Yu didn't want Tang Shiying to see him like this, it was too embarrassing.

"He destroyed me, and I will destroy his people in front of him."

Xiang Yu sneered, "Do you really think that you still have the conditions to talk to us?"

It's not that Xiang Yu is conceited. With so many people present, can he really hurt himself with a knife

Just as he thought about it, Qu Zikun took a table knife and pulled a knife on his neck. The pain suddenly hit him, and Xiang Yu gasped.

The people around also exclaimed. There were still a few people who wanted to help pull Qu Zikun and Xiang Yu away, but now no one dared to move.

Qu Zikun roared fiercely: "Call Tang Shi to welcome you!"

Xiang Yu didn't dare to provoke Qu Zikun any more, feeling that this person was cornered, and if he said something to irritate him, he might be the one who was really hurt.

He can only slowly find opportunities to solve this dilemma.

Qu Zikun dragged Xiang Yu into the elevator, and the people around him were shut out.

Xiang Yu moved his body slightly, and Qu Zikun's table knife stuck to his face, "You said I ruined your face, what would Tang Shiying think?"

Xiang Yu didn't speak, he knew that no matter what he said now, he would irritate the other party.

Qu Zikun has gone crazy, his behavior can no longer be understood in the way of ordinary people.

"You talk, if you don't talk, I will ruin your face."

"Whatever you want." Xiang Yu said coldly, "I don't rely on my face for a living."

If it is really unfortunate that his face is scratched and scars are left, then he will turn behind the scenes. If there are still people who like his songs and don't mind the scars on his face, it is fine to continue singing.

Xiang Yu didn't know why he thought so far, anyway, the more Qu Zikun was like this, the calmer his heart became.

"Hehe..." Qu Zikun smiled, "Why don't you cherish your face and your chance to sing?"

Xiang Yu was puzzled, didn't he want to destroy something he should cherish

"I understand." Qu Zikun began to ask and answer, "Is it because these things are easily available to you, so they are not worth cherishing?"

Xiang Yu felt that he had nothing to say to Qu Zikun. If his knife hadn't been pressed against his face, he would probably be unable to resist beating him again. What was in this man's head

"You are always like this... You can get everything easily, so you always have an indifferent attitude towards the people around you." Qu Zikun's voice suddenly lost, "I have worked hard to get things, the height I climbed, It’s not worth mentioning in your eyes at all.”

"What you mean by doing your best is to use the songs written by the little teacher as your own songs? Then you get the big prize to put gold on yourself, and squeeze yourself into the ranks of gold medal producers?" Xiang Yu was about to laugh, if that's what he meant If you don't work hard, then this hard work is really offended, "Your so-called hard work is really cheap."

Qu Zikun let out a weird laugh, "If you were me, you might not be able to do this."

Xiang Yu answered him firmly, "I definitely won't do that."

Qu Zikun snorted, "If you don't have any skills and don't have this handsome face, do you think you can attract Tang Shiying?"

Xiang Yu was stunned for a moment, and soon came back to his senses, "At least I didn't steal other people's things. Even if I have nothing, I still have an advantage over you in terms of attracting him."

I don't know if Xiang Yu's words angered Qu Zikun even more. The table knife stuck to his face seemed to stand up slowly, and the position of the blade was directly stuck on his face.

It felt like Qu Zikun was going to take a knife and stab him in the face in the next second.

Just when Xiang Yu felt that his face was about to suffer, the elevator door opened on the top floor.

Qu Zikun immediately tightened the strength of his hands, and Xiang Yu was almost out of breath. He grabbed Qu Zikun's arm with difficulty and followed him out of the elevator.

As soon as Qu Zikun got out of the elevator, he struggled to drag Xiang Yu from the elevator entrance on the top floor to the roof. As soon as the door was pushed open, a gust of cold wind almost blew them back.

Xiang Yu seized the opportunity to grab Qu Zikun's arm and twist it back, but because the wind was too strong, he missed it, and Qu Zikun cut his finger with a knife. His whole face was distorted in pain for a while.

This painful movement made him feel that his finger might be injured, and this kind of pain made him feel very bad.

Xiang Yu finally felt a little flustered. He could be scratched on his face and feet, but his fingers were meant to be used for playing the piano.

He really wanted to check his hands carefully, but he also lost the chance to control Qu Zikun, and instead was entangled by Qu Zikun who rushed over.

Qu Zikun didn't realize that Xiang Yu was injured, and was trying his best to suppress Xiang Yu, and the two of them twisted into a ball on the rooftop.

Today's weather is extremely cold, and there are still raindrops in the sky. The clothes on the two people's bodies were also wet by the water on the ground during the scuffle.

When Tang Shiying rushed over, Xiang Yu was being dragged by Qu Zikun towards the edge of the roof, and his heart was hanging on the edge of the cliff.

After Qu Zikun Tang Shiying appeared, his subordinates tightened their movements, locking Xiang Yu's neck tightly, and moving back faster.

The onlookers who followed all the way were shocked by the scene in front of them, feeling that Qu Zikun was going to jump off the top floor of the company with Xiang Yu in the next second.

"Qu Zikun!" Tang Shiying's eyes were red, and he rushed out without hesitation, "Let him go."

"Distressed?" Qu Zikun dragged Xiang Yu to the edge of the roof, until the guardrail around his waist couldn't stop the bodies of the two of them. It felt like he and Xiang Yu would fall off the roof as long as he tried hard.

Tang Shiying stopped in his tracks, "Let go of him, and I won't blame you for what happened to you."

Qu Zikun looked at Tang Shiying coldly, "Not enough."

Tang Shiying's face was gloomy and cold, "What else do you want?"

"Are you distressed?" Qu Zikun ignored him and continued to ask the last question.

Tang Shiying's face was ugly.

Qu Zikun asked again, "Don't dare to admit it?"

"What do I have to admit?" Tang Shiying's eyes were all on Xiang Yu, looking at the person he pampered like a baby, with wounds on his neck and hands, he wished he could kill Qu Zikun.

"You love him very much, don't you?" Qu Zikun asked again without giving up.

Xiang Yu was stunned for a moment, not understanding why Qu Zikun suddenly asked this question.

The melon-eating people around were also stunned for a moment, they didn't expect that there would be Easter eggs when they were so nervous.

It made Xiang Yu look forward to Tang Shiying's answer, but he felt that it was a pity to hear the other party's confession on this occasion. It should be more romantic, not such a thrilling time.

"I love him, very, very much."

Tang Shiying said it without any hesitation. As soon as he said it, everyone around him was shocked.

Xiang Yucai's clarification of the nurturing rumors suddenly started again, and everyone didn't know what expression to use in this situation to deal with the unfolding of this matter.

Xiang Yu's expression was very frank, he was a little happy.

No matter what the occasion, Tang Shiying's love would always make him smile happily.

Even in such a dangerous time, he was in a mess and exhausted, but he still couldn't help but be happy.

"So..." Tang Shiying's expression was very cold, "He is my man, if you let him go now, I can pretend nothing happened. If you dare to hurt him, I can guarantee that you will stay in this world in the future It will be extremely difficult, this is your last way out, and it’s up to you to choose or not.”

Qu Zikun's eyes were red, and his complexion changed, as if he had come out of despair, he suddenly had a new goal, "I want you to issue a statement in the name of the company to rectify my name!"

"Okay." Tang Shiying agreed without hesitation.

Qu Zikun continued: "I want the company to admit that it is slandering me, apologize to me, settle the claim according to normal procedures, and have all my past music copyrights belong to me personally."

Xiang Yu was really going to be amused by Qu Zikun, "You are really the most brazen person I have ever seen, is that your thing?"

"Shut up." Qu Zikun took Xiang Yu and leaned back. Behind him was an abyss that could engulf two figures, and the people around couldn't help but exclaimed.

Xiang Yu found that although Qu Zikun leaned back a bit, his feet clearly moved forward, finding a more suitable posture for standing, and because the two people's bodies were stuck together, the other's center of gravity shifted slightly. The little movement of his back against the guardrail couldn't be hidden from him.

Qu Zikun didn't want to jump off at all, he was very sorry for his life, what he wanted was the halo that didn't belong to him in the first place.

He chased Tang Shiying every day and told him how he treated him. In fact, if Tang Shiying was still a poor student back then, his feelings would definitely have to be watered down.

After all, he is a very selfish person.

Playing the role of the victim every day is actually very clear in his heart. Without the attraction of those interests, he might not be by Tang Shiying's side long ago.

From Xiang Yu's point of view, Qu Zikun had low self-esteem in his bones.

That's why I care so much about these things.

Let me ask a person who has low self-esteem to the bone, how can he still have pure feelings.

"I promise you." Tang Shiying watched Xiang Yu's body sway, his heart was about to pop out, and he agreed without hesitation.

"You send it now!" Qu Zikun had the winning ticket in his hands.

"No post!"

Xiang Yu stopped Tang Shiying, "Why should he, why should my master's labor be cheaper than this thief!"

Qu Zikun refused to accept, "The little teacher was trained by me. As his teacher, I brought him into this circle and gave him recognition. The things he wrote were originally educated by me. Why not mine?"

Being so righteous and shameless almost made Xiang Yu laugh angrily.

"Little master suffers as long as he suffers. I won't say it, and I'm not as shameless as you." Xiang Yu felt that people like Qu Zikun are also a miracle in the world, so how could they say so shamelessly.

"Of course it's incomparable to a young master like you. After all, we are not like you. Everything is picked and delivered to you by others."

"Really? Is it something you really want to do to die with someone like me?"

Qu Zikun didn't have time to recall the meaning of Xiang Yu's words.

Xiang Yu had already grabbed his arm and leaned back hard, Qu Zikun's expression changed, Tang Shiying was going crazy, and was about to rush over immediately.

"Don't move!" Qu Zikun hurriedly stabilized his body, and the table knife in his hand stood up against Xiang Yu's neck, "Are you crazy?"

"Anyway, you just want to kill me, don't you?" Xiang Yu poked his neck and said to Qu Zikun, "It's not worthwhile for me to die alone. Let's jump down together and die together."

As he spoke, he grabbed Qu Zikun's arm and turned around...

Xiang Yu turned around, and if the center of gravity was forward, both of them would really fall off the stairs.

But Xiang Yu guessed right, Qu Zikun didn't even think about jumping, he fell backwards with his arms around Xiang Yu's neck, and with the weight of his body brought the two of them to the ground.

As soon as the two of them fell, Tang Shiying rushed over, and the people around also rushed over.

Qu Zikun was subdued in less than two seconds.

Qu Zikun probably also knew that his life was exhausted, and he was pressed to the ground without saying a word, his face was frightening, and his whole person was terribly cold.

Tang Shiying helped Xiang Yu up, and as soon as he touched Xiang Yu's hand, Xiang Yu shrank back in pain. Only then did Tang Shiying notice that Xiang Yu's right hand was swollen.

"Your hand hurt?" Tang Shiying's face was full of distress, and his brows were frowned.

"You can still move, you should be fine." Xiang Yu tried to move, but it didn't feel very good, but he didn't want to worry Tang Shiying.

Tang Shiying went to check the wound on Xiang Yu's neck again, it was also swollen badly, and there was a lot of blood, Qu Zikun struck hard, but fortunately the table knife was not sharp, otherwise Xiang Yu would have been cold by now.

"Go down first." Tang Shiying took off his coat and put it on for Xiang Yu, "The ambulance should arrive too."

Xiang Yu was wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt, which stuck to her wet body and shivered when the wind blew.

Tang Shiying's heart ached terribly, and he put his arm around Xiang Yu's shoulder, trying to take all the warmth from his body away.

Xiang Yu leaned on Tang Shiying, feeling a little lingering. If Qu Zikun really wanted to die at that moment, he would probably be downstairs by now.

Both of them sighed silently in their hearts. Before they could say a word, a figure suddenly rushed over and hugged Xiang Yu in front of Tang Shiying.

Then there was a burst of crying.

Looking down at the fluffy head in his arms, Xiang Yu called out in surprise, "Master?"

The little master is not tall, and he just reached Xiang Yu's chest. Such a hug made Xiang Yu feel as if he was hugged by a small pet.

"Are you okay?" The little master hugged Xiang Yu without letting go, crying more and more, "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Xiang Yu didn't understand why the little master had to apologize to him, but he just felt that the person in his arms seemed very, very sad.

Seeing someone so sad for him, he couldn't bear to push him away.

"I'm fine." Xiang Yu patted the fluffy head of the other party a little embarrassedly.

Tang Shiying frowned.

The person who was slapped on the head seemed to have been turned on, and cried louder, mixed with some words of "I was scared to death", "Fortunately you are fine", and "I am so worried about you".

Tang Shiying, who was standing beside him, felt that he seemed a little redundant.

The author has something to say:

The modification is finished, sorry for the delay for a few days.

The cold is quite serious recently, everyone should take care of your body!