I heard that you are my person

Chapter 89


In fact, as soon as Xiang Yu heard that his father was coming, he wished he could be discharged from the hospital immediately.

Although Dad has always been strict with him, he is still very nervous about him.

When I was a child, I was nervous for a long time when I bumped and bumped. If I hurt myself, forget it, but if it hurts someone else, it will be troublesome.

Xiang Yu is the youngest son in the family. He has been regarded as a baby bump since he was born, and no one can shout at anyone except himself.

How long has it been since he came out now? Xiang Yu thought that his father would not allow him to enter the entertainment industry, and he secretly ran back to China.

He even made himself like this, and he didn't tell his family about his relationship with Tang Shiying.

If dad came over now, not only would he see that he was injured, but he would also know about his relationship with Tang Shiying.

He and Tang Shiying were both punished for several crimes.

Leaving aside whether Xiang Yu and Tang Shiying still had trouble, Dad would definitely not let Tang Shiying go.

Not to mention anything else, his father is absolutely capable of investing a large amount of financial resources and manpower, and then he will not do it if he says no. When the time comes, he will lose 800 and kill Tang Shiying 1,000, and he can do it to the old man The stabbing thing.

Thinking about the consequences made Xiang Yu shudder a little.

He absolutely doesn't want to see Tang Shiying fall into that kind of situation. Although Tang Shiying can raise him if he goes bankrupt, he still likes to see Tang Shiying in high spirits. Pull out his claws.

"That..." Xiang Yu withdrew his hand from Tang Shiying's hand without revealing his expression, "Third brother and fourth brother, I'm fine, don't you think I'm alive and kicking? So don't tell Dad about it. Otherwise, it’s fine for me to go back with you, as long as I make it clear to my father.”

Tang Shiying hurriedly looked back at him, shaking his head, "I won't let you go back."

Although he believed in Xiang Yu, if Xiang Yu left his side, he would not be able to ensure that he would still see Xiang Yu.

Thinking of such a situation, Tang Shiying felt bored.

Never in his life had he experienced such a panic.

"I... will tell my family well when I get back." Xiang Yu looked at Tang Shiying, his eyes kept hinting at him, "I have a way."

When Tang Shiying saw Xiang Yu like this, he knew that he was planning to delay the attack. He probably couldn't convince his father that he would sneak back again.

If it was before, Tang Shiying would definitely accept it.

But now he is no longer satisfied with this relationship, and he has begun to imagine that the relationship between the two can be recognized by each other's parents.

If possible, he would like to exchange lifetime vows with Xiang Yu under the witness of both parents.

How did Xiang Yu know that Tang Shiying had thought so far, and he was still thinking about how to get through this disaster.

"Third brother, can you help me?" Xiang Yu began to act like a baby.

Xiangxi looked at his younger brother who was turning his elbow outward, with a blank expression on his face, he just wanted to go back and help Tang Shiying block the gunfire first.

Xiang Bei was shocked, "If Tang was handled properly, you wouldn't have to suffer these crimes. I checked it out a long time ago. That Qu guy had some unclear relationship with him before. Do you think I can't even hide these things from my father?"

The relationship between Qu Zikun and Tang Shiying was also rumored to be very evil. The minds of the people who eat melons are that the Milky Way is inclusive of all rivers, and there is nothing they can't imagine.

Maybe after today, their love triangle relationship can be made into a TV series by human brains.

It is obvious that Tang Shiying is also losing points here.

Tang Shiying stated the facts in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, "I only talked about Xiang Yu as a boyfriend. Although Qu Zikun had some friendship with me in the past, it was only a friend relationship, and it was all about my student days. I didn't know people clearly, but Since he joined our company, we have always been in a subordinate-subordinate relationship, and now it is not even a subordinate-subordinate relationship.”

Xiang Xi snorted, obviously not accepting Tang Shiying's explanation.

But in Xiang Yu's view, Tang Shiying's upright and upright attitude was the evidence, and he believed it beyond belief.

"Fourth brother... can't you not tell daddy?" Xiang Yuli said confidently, "I'm already this old, I can tell my parents everything, fourth brother, are you still a kid?"

Northward was choked.

Xiang Yu reached out to touch his mobile phone, "I'll call my elder brother... This matter really has nothing to do with Mr. Tang."

"It's okay, what's supposed to come will always come." Tang Shiying pressed Xiang Yu's hand. Although it's not the best time, if you're worried every day, it's better to meet the sudden storm head-on.

Anyway, sooner or later he was going to meet Xiang Yu's father, sooner or later it was the same, Xiang Yu's injury had already happened, the fact is the fact, and there was no need to hide it from him, if he didn't take this responsibility, how could he tell him? The other party wants someone.

Tang Shiying never had the habit of putting things off to the back of his head. He always confronted them head-on.

Hearing what Tang Shiying said, the twins' attitude towards him softened a little.

After all, compared to hiding behind his little brother and cowering, Tang Shiying who was so proactive made the two of them change a little bit.

However, Xiang Yu was bullied by the Internet before, and now Xiang Yu was injured because of these crap. In the eyes of their family, Tang Shiying was to blame.

Tang Shiying didn't intend to run away either, standing beside Xiang Yu's hospital bed, he looked like he was being beaten straight up, as if he was fearless.

Xiang Bei kindly reminded him, "My old man is very scary, if you don't believe me, you can ask my younger brother."

He pulled him to Xi, and gave some information to others.

Xiang Yu grabbed Tang Shiying's hand and nodded behind his back.

Tang Shiying responded calmly, "I've heard it before."

How can you stand on top of the world if you are not good? Tang Shiying actually wants to meet each other. Whether it is Xiang Yu's boyfriend or his junior, he wants to be able to play such a powerful role.

The twins came aggressively, being tossed pitifully by Xiang Yu, and then confronted forcefully by Tang Shiying, so that both of them lost their momentum.

Xiang Yu was still insisting on going back first, but Tang Shiying blocked it for him.

Although the twins thought it would be nice to be able to abduct the younger brother back smoothly, they also thought it would be more interesting for Tang Shi to meet their father.

Hesitant to hesitate to each conclusion, so simply wait and see.

Tang Shiying didn't plan to go back to the company in the afternoon, but the twins just came over together, so he simply asked his assistant to bring the work over, and a few of them whispered about work on the balcony.

Tang Shiying and the twins both had an idea. They didn't want to disturb Xiang Yu's rest. Today's work content was finalized quickly.

In fact, the part where the twins came to investigate was almost over. The cooperation between the two parties had reached a very mature stage, and Tang Shiying basically didn't need to keep an eye on the operation, so he had more time to deal with the old man's coming.

Although it didn't seem to be fully settled yet, when Tang Shiying knew about it, he had already started to prepare in his heart.

Xiang Yu has been resting recently, and every day is a day with enough sleep.

The twins and Tang Shiying were still worried that they would disturb him, but he couldn't stay idle because he was full of energy, listening to a few people talking with his ears open.

I felt bored listening to it, so I secretly started playing with my phone.

Tang Shiying had already confiscated his mobile phone, but because Zhu Yi wanted to call him, he naturally put the mobile phone on the bedside table after answering the call, which would be convenient for him to go online to check what was going on online.

After opening Weibo, I found that Qu Zikun had occupied the top few hot searches. I don't know if it's because of Qu Zikun's matter that the company's name has become a trending search.

Some people said what happened to Tang Entertainment. It was Xiang Yu before, and now it is Qu Zikun. Is there an internal problem in the company, so accidents happen frequently

Xiang Yu clicked on Qu Zikun's hot search, and all the major entertainment accounts were talking about him stealing other people's songs. With this story as an introduction, many things in the past were turned up.

A lot of incidents about Qu Zikun's character also surfaced, for example, he relied on his seniority to suppress newcomers, attacking newcomers in variety shows...

Looking at these news, Xiang Yu felt indescribable.

He has always felt that Qu Zikun is not as unbearable as the outside world said. He is not a person without talent at all. It is probably because the road to fame is too long. When he met a talented player like Xiao Shi, he finally went astray.

However, after Qu Zikun's incident was exposed, Xiaoshi was also dug out by the public. He had very few fans on Weibo, so he often posted some videos of himself playing the piano.

He is a very powerful person himself, he is very good at playing various musical instruments, and he also likes to collect musical instruments. He will touch all kinds of musical instruments at home and abroad, from ancient to modern times. These videos of him immediately show him that he is a musical genius. It's set up.

Xiaoshi's cute appearance quickly attracted a group of fans, and some even formed the alliance to protect Xiaoshi soon.

It is said that it is too easy for the little teacher to be bullied when he grows up like this, everyone should take good care of this musical genius.

Xiang Yu hadn't found out that Xiaoshi had Weibo before, he only asked once, and Xiaoshi always avoided his sight with a timid look, as if he didn't want to follow him at all.

Only now did Xiang Yu know that the little master had paid attention to him a long time ago.

As a result, as soon as Xiang Yu entered Xiaoshi's Weibo, he became addicted to Xiaoshi's video and couldn't get out.

Watching the videos one by one, I felt very magical, and suddenly a news popped up saying that Qu Zikun had posted on Weibo.

Xiang Yu was taken aback, he didn't expect to get a lot of melons.

He smelled the scent and clicked in to take a look. Immediately, everyone was in a bad mood. Qu Zikun posted a sentence on Weibo, "I will give everything I have and I can't change you back."

Xiang Yu directly said "Fuck".

The few people who were discussing the matter immediately looked over, and Xiang Yu hurriedly hid the phone. He felt that if Qu Zikun acted like a monster again, Tang Shiying would lose all his points in front of his brother.

"I suddenly had an inspiration." Xiang Yu pretended to hold the phone and pressed it, and the twins and Tang Shiying turned their heads away again.

Xiang Yu went back to check Weibo again, but the words on Qu Zikun's Weibo disappeared.

He also breathed a sigh of relief, and after about half an hour, Qu Zikun's Weibo was updated again.

This time it was a letter of apology, and he also admitted what he had done, saying that he had made a little mistake in the music, and Xiaoshi was his assistant, and he had been taking care of him with all his heart, but he didn't expect that he would sometimes confuse him. each other's boundaries.

The entire apology statement blurs the concept of possessing other people's works. At the end of the apology letter, he still hopes that the public can forgive him.

It seems that he is still greedy for everything in the entertainment industry, but this letter of apology is full of netizens who don't accept it, and some people directly ask him to get out of the entertainment industry.

Immediately afterwards, a marketing account issued a police report, which was a report on a case of a man surnamed Qu holding a company employee with a knife in XX Building today.

This surname and the name of the building where Tang Entertainment is located can hardly help people think of who and what happened where.

Netizens scolded even more, they all despised Qu Zikun and jumped the wall, and now he comes out to apologize and pretend to be pitiful, asking to ban such a bad artist, hoping that he will spend the rest of his life in prison like this.

After watching it for a while, Xiang Yu probably stopped caring about Qu Zikun. His mind was full of those videos of the little teacher, and there were many musical instruments he didn't know, which aroused his great interest. He really wanted to talk to the little teacher. The teacher has a good talk about these things.

After Tang Shiying and the twins finished their work, it was almost dark. The twins and Tang Shiying looked at Xiang Yu and both had the same idea in their hearts, which was to let each other go back and stay with Xiang Yu.

No one spoke first, and felt that they would lose as soon as they spoke.

The two sides were at a stalemate, when suddenly someone opened the door and came in. Under the shocked eyes of the twins and Tang Shiying, the other party skipped everyone and walked to Xiang Yu's bedside, and opened a big lunch box in his hand.

Tang Shiying didn't expect that little master would come back. Not only did he come back, but he also came back with something.

As soon as he opened the lunch box, the ward was filled with fragrance. The little master brought out three dishes, one soup, dessert, and cut fruits from his big lunch box like the Ding Dong cat.

The most important thing is that there is only one person, neither Tang Shiying nor the twins are in his plan.

Strictly speaking, since he came in, his eyes have never stayed on other people.

All the attention is on Xiang Yu alone, just like his own personality, he focuses on music when making music, and he never wastes time paying attention to the outside world.

"Today is too late, the soup may not be hot enough, so you can just make do with it. I have already stewed the soup for tomorrow, and the soup will be more flavorful when cooked on a low heat." The teacher placed the dishes one by one on the table on Xiang Yu's hospital bed , "You can tell me what you like to eat, I can do anything."

Xiang Yu was dumbfounded, "You can even do this?"

This little master is worthy of being an artist. The dishes he cooks are not only delicious, but also look very good, just like works of art.

"Try to see if it suits your taste. If it doesn't suit you, I'll change it tomorrow." The teacher stood aside expectantly, waiting for Xiang Yu's evaluation.

Xiang Yu tried to take a bite, and sighed in satisfaction. The taste was as good as the dishes, and Xiang Yu gave a thumbs up to Junior Master, "Master, you are simply a genius."

The little teacher smiled embarrassedly, "Then I will cook three meals a day for you from now on."

"No, no." Xiang Yu hurriedly refused, how dare he bother others so much.

"Anyway, you were injured because of me, and I should take care of you." The teacher's eyes were very sincere, and he took out a small gadget from his pocket and handed it to Xiang Yu, "I will take care of you today." I couldn't spare my hand with my lunch box, so I didn't bring you a bigger musical instrument, this gadget can relieve your boredom first."

Xiang Yu looked at the gadgets in the teacher's hands. He was exposed to western musical instruments, and he only knew folk music instruments that were more popular. The last time he saw this was in the teacher's Weibo just now. Thinking of what I saw on the video just now, this will appear in front of my eyes.

"What is this?" Xiang Yu's eyes lit up.

"This is the Tao Xun I made by myself. This one doesn't take much effort with your fingers. Just press here lightly..." After showing Xiang Yu the posture, the little master shyly stuffed the Tao Xun into Xiang Yu's hand Li, "I'll teach you how to play after you eat."

Where does Xiang Yu still have the addiction to eating, he wants to play with his new musical instrument while dragging his little teacher. Although his fingers were injured, he could still make some light movements. This little Tao Xun was very light, and he didn't have much trouble picking it up.

He was already bored lying here, and he wanted Tang Shiying to bring him the guitar. Looking at his injured hand, he thought it would be useless to bring the guitar.

On the contrary, the little teacher is very considerate.

Although the little master seems to have a soft personality, he is quite principled. Xiang Yu's physical recovery is the most important thing now. He is also very persistent about how to get better if he doesn't eat.

Xiang Yu went back to eat obediently, the little teacher kept telling him to eat slowly, he would not run away, and would definitely teach him how to play Tao Xun, and said that he had many such gadgets to introduce to Xiang Yu elm.

Xiang Yu's eyes lit up again.

The twins also had bright eyes. They both looked at Tang Shiying, who was speechless, and felt that they hadn't been able to take advantage of fighting with Tang Shiying every day. The guy actually deflated Tang Shiying.

I am so happy that I don't plan to stay and take care of my younger brother.

Xiang Xi gloated and invited Tang Shiying, "Mr. Tang...how about going to dinner together?"

As soon as Xiang Yu heard Xiang Xi's words, he realized that everyone hadn't eaten, and hurriedly said: "Then you go to eat quickly, and you don't need to come over at night."

The little teacher then said: "I will stay and take care of Xiang Yu, you don't have to worry."

Tang Shiying was in distress, so he was worried because the little master was here, right

But no matter how worried he was, he couldn't stare at the two of them on an empty stomach. The problem was that Xiang Yu didn't feel any sense at all. The little master was so obvious that he didn't feel anything at all

The point is that Tang Shiying really can't stay here for too long, the company still has a lot of things waiting for him to deal with.

Tang Shiying sighed, and instead of going to dinner with the twins, he took his assistant back to the company for a working meal.

When I returned to the company, I called Zhu Yi over immediately, and asked Zhu Yi to arrange for Xiang Yu's assistant to take care of Xiang Yu, and also asked her to arrange a new job for Xiang Yu. It was left to him, and everything that should be sent over, such as scripts and work tasks, was sent over.

Zhu Yi was confused when he heard that, and asked Tang Shiying uncertainly, "Mr. Tang... Do you know that Xiang Yu is injured?"

"I know." Tang shi didn't look up, he was working on the document. The company's public relations department suppressed a lot of news about Qu Zikun's mess today.

Qu Zikun was still struggling during the day to create a lot of new hot searches to clear himself up, and even posted some messy things on Weibo, but fortunately, the company kept an eye on it.

Qu Zikun's resources are all given by the company, and the people who work for him are the people in his studio. How can it compare with a company as big as Tang Entertainment.

So in the afternoon Qu Zikun resigned to his fate.

It's useless if he refuses to accept his fate, he has no room to stand up.

I wish to see Tang Shiying's indifferent attitude is also confusing. He obviously confessed to Xiang Yu publicly in front of everyone during the day, so why are he starting to oppress the patient now

Zhu Yi cautiously reminded Tang Shiying that he would help his artist get some benefits by the way, "Xiang Yu is a patient after all, so let's rest?"

"Xiang Yu's break is likely to last for a long time. You have to keep an eye on him and remind him, so don't be ignorant when you come back."

Zhu Yi was at a loss, "Is this necessary?"

There is no problem with Xiang Yu's professional ability, and he has always been strict with himself. Zhu Yi thinks that even if he rests for another half month, he will only be in better condition when he comes back, and he will not have Tang Shiying's worries at all. .

Tang Shiying looked at her very seriously, his eyes told her that it was necessary.

Zhu Yi didn't know if it was necessary, anyway, when Tang Shiying went to the hospital the next day, the little teacher was there, he was there in the morning, he was still there in the afternoon, and Tang Shiying was so angry that he didn't want to go at night.

As long as the little teacher is in Xiang Yu, he won't take a second look at him. The little teacher brought Xiang Yu a lot of musical instruments that he has never seen before. If Xiang Yu can't, he will show him, and if Xiang Yu can learn, he will teach him.

In just one day, the two developed a revolutionary friendship, and the one who hated seeing each other thought Tang Shiying was in the way.

When had Tang Shiying been so angry that he couldn't even stay in the ward.

When Lin Qiao came to see Xiang Yu, he saw Tang Shiying sitting outside the ward with a sullen face. He thought Xiang Yu was seriously injured. One winter and one spring outside the door.

Lin Qiao looked at Tang Shiying with a dark face, and Xiang Yu with a happy face. Lin Qiao felt that the jealous Tang Shiying could be pulled out and put on Moments for everyone to appreciate.

The author has something to say:

Sitting on the last bus, I wish everyone a Merry Christmas~~~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-24 00:48:23~2019-12-25 23:43:01~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: the children lost 5 bottles; 3 bottles of Meimeida;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!