I heard that you are my person

Chapter 95


Tang Shiying and Xiang Yu didn't make any plans, they just drove the car all the way.

Xiang Yu was in a good mood, and sat in the co-pilot and sang songs all the way. When he was tired, he put his head on the car window and looked at the street scene outside, and began to read the name of the restaurant.

"Sweetie, this should be a dessert shop."

"Light food generation, it should be a restaurant with a good atmosphere."

"How could someone name a store like 'Tangtangle'? Is this a Malatang restaurant?"

"You still know Malatang?" Tang Shiying answered casually.

"I know, I know Malatang, Bobo Chicken, Maocai, and Chuanchuan."

Tang Shi greeted him with a smile, "I know a lot."

"Before debut, Xie Chi took me to eat. These things look similar, but they are actually very different... Hot pot is the ancestor, Mao Cai and Chuan Chuan are the sons, Malatang is the grandson, cold pot Chuan Chuan is the old king next door, Bo Bo The chicken is the son of Old Wang next door."

Tang Shiying: ...

He really felt that Xiang Yu could no longer play with Xie Chi in the future. What did Xiang Yu learn from Xie Chi

"But I can't eat it now." Xiang Yu's little head drooped as he spoke, "Zhu Yijie won't let me eat it, saying it's too easy to get fat. It's not convenient for me to go out to eat Mala Tang, and every time I get caught The onlookers didn't like it at all. Xie Chi also made it for me once or twice, but it didn't taste that good, so I didn't like eating it."

Tang Shiying was puzzled, "No smell?"

"Xie Chi said, if you eat Mala Tang, you have to go to the street, and what you eat is that dirty smell."

Tang Shiying: ...

Why didn't he get to know Xiang Yu before Xie Chi? What has everyone done to Xie Chi

"Are you hungry?" Tang Shiying decided to change the subject.

Xiang Yu nodded, "Before I had time to eat in the morning, my dad came over, then your dad came over, and then you..."

After such a toss, it was almost noon, and he still hadn't eaten anything.

"I'll take you to eat delicious food." Tang Shiying freed up a hand to rub Xiang Yu's hair.

Xiang Yu looked at himself, then at Tang Shiying, "Don't you think it's a little too eye-catching for the two of us to go out like this?"

Tang Shiying was dressed extraordinarily formally today in consideration of meeting Mr. Xiang in the ward, so the two suits brought to him by his assistant were too formal.

Tang Shiying's formal attire was top-notch, and standing there without doing anything was enough to attract the attention of countless people.

Although Xiang Yu was a little big in Tang Shiying's clothes, it didn't prevent him from being formal and eye-catching.

Once the two of them go out like this, it's hard not to become the focus, not to mention that Xiang Yu is still a hot topic on the Internet recently, just thinking about it, you know how sensational it will be.

Tang Shiying glanced at Xiang Yu, the look of him wanting to eat but holding back was a bit too cute.

"You wait for me in the car."

Tang Shiying pulled the car aside, and Xiang Yu watched him get out of the car in a daze, then crossed the street and entered a shop, the tree on the side of the road blocked the shop door, Xiang Yu saw that the shops next to him were all for catering , Tang Shiying probably went to buy him something to eat.

Xiang Yu rubbed his stomach, feeling that within a few minutes a bowl of hot Mala Tang would appear in front of him.

In the end, after waiting for more than ten minutes, Tang Shiying still didn't come out. Xiang Yu was so tired from poking his head out. He ran too fast and left his phone in the hospital. He was just playing with the radio station in the car, fiddled and fiddled. Go, the car door was suddenly opened.

Tang Shiying came back with a gust of cold wind, Xiang Yu didn't even see his appearance clearly, and was blocked by the big bags.

Tang Shiying threw the big and small bags into the back seat, and then he sat in and handed them to Xiang Yu, a big guy.

Xiang Yu looked at Tang Shiying in a daze, and then at the guitar in his arms, "Where did this... come from?"

Xiang Yu fiddled with the guitar, the sound quality was mediocre, and it looked brand new, with a little dust on it. It felt like it hadn't been used for a long time. This thing is really just enough to relieve boredom.

"Eloping might be a bit boring, but this should pass the time for you." Tang Shiying started the car, "By the way, go to the back seat and change your clothes, and then I'll take you to eat that spicy Malatang."

Xiang Yu looked at the guitar, then at Tang Shiying, then at the guitar in his arms, his eyes softened, "Do you want to pull over and stop the car first?"

"What's the matter?" Tang Shiying obediently pulled over and stopped the car despite asking this question.

As soon as Xiang Yu waited for the car to stop, he rushed over to him, and hugged Tang Shi in an awkward position to kiss him firmly.

Tang Shiying was so dazed by Xiang Yu's kiss, he pulled him away when he came back to his senses, panting and warned Xiang Yu, "If you do this again, the spicy soup will be gone.",

If this continues, the two of them will not elope, but have an affair.

Xiang Yu looked at Tang Shiying with a smirk on his face, and without giving up, he leaned over and bit Tang Shiying's mouth, "Don't eat Malatang, I want to eat you more."

Tang Shiying glanced at Xiang Yu's legs, and suppressed the desire in his eyes, "Go to the back and change clothes."

Xiang Yu pouted, climbed to the back seat with some difficulty, and opened the bag in the back seat. There were almost everything from the inside to the outside of the clothes and trousers. Ji Tang Shiying almost sold out the store

"Are you going to change later?"

"Yeah." Tang Shi went to a trendy brand store, and bought almost all the clothes there that fit him and Xiang Yu's figure. Before going out, he saw a guitar hanging by the door for decoration, which looked new. Yes, he fiddled with the strings and found that it worked, so he bought it too.

The people in the rearview mirror began to take off their clothes. Tang Shiying caught a glimpse of all kinds of bruises on Xiang Yu's body. The scratches from that day were now getting heavier in color. Tang Shiying turned his head away feeling uncomfortable.

"How is it?" Xiang Yu changed his clothes and poked his head over from the back seat.

Tang Shiying tilted his head, Xiang Yu just leaned over and kissed him, it was so skinny.

Tang Shiying said seriously, "Put on your hat."

Xiang Yu put on the hat obediently, and took advantage of the opportunity to put on the hat of the sweater, so that it was tightly covered, and she definitely looked like she could go out to eat spicy hot pot.

After Xiang Yu changed his clothes, it was time for Tang Shiying to meet him. Tang Shiying found a place where no one was around and parked the car, ready to change.

Xiang Yu lay on the front seat and planned to watch Tang Shiying change his clothes. Tang Shiying turned to look at him, not talking, but directly rejecting him with his eyes.

"Okay, I'll see the results later." After speaking, he got out of the car, took the guitar with him, and stood outside the car to stand guard for his boyfriend.

In less than 20 minutes, Tang Shiying got out of the car. The successful man in suit and leather shoes turned into a fashionable person. Xiang Yu turned his head slightly to look Tang Shiying up and down, and found a rare trace on Tang Shiying's face. unnatural.

It was the first time Xiang Yu saw Tang Shiying dressed like this, and he was used to his serious look, so suddenly seeing him dressed up like this felt quite novel, but he was still as handsome as ever, so handsome that Xiang Yu wanted to put such a Tang Shiying hid it, and he could only enjoy it alone.

Like Xiang Yu, Tang Shiying also wore a hat, but he didn't pull up the hoodie. He even put on a piece of clothing over the hoodie. He felt a lot more energetic. Xiang Yu could predict that today's Tang If Shi Ying was photographed, how many fans would he have to attract.

"Let's go." Tang Shiying was unnaturally stared at by Xiang Yu, turned around and was about to walk forward, but was grabbed by Xiang Yu's hand.

"Do you think the two of us..." Xiang Yu moved closer to Tang Shiying, looked at Tang Shiying's ear that was gradually turning red from being stared at unnaturally by him, and wanted to bite it.

"Huh?" Tang Shiying continued to walk straight forward, but held Xiang Yu's hand, and the two walked side by side on the street like this.

"Like a couple outfit?"

Tang Shiying smiled under the lowered brim of his hat.

The temperature outside was a bit low, so Xiang Yu subconsciously leaned closer to Tang Shiying, and his hands were immediately gripped even tighter.

Xiang Yu followed Tang Shiying for a while before he realized that this was actually a school, but it seemed to be a back door, so he didn't know which school it was.

Probably because the students were on vacation, there were not many people on the street, but the young faces coming and going could still feel the vitality here. I don't know if it was because of the cold weather, but everyone hurriedly didn't notice Xiang Yu Welcome to Tang Shi.

Tang Shiying took Xiang Yu into a Mala Tang shop with ease. There were only two people in the shop, Xiang Yu and Tang Shiying. The boss was busy cooking behind the kitchen counter, and didn't notice these two special guests. .

The strong spicy hot smell of the store was not pleasant for Tang Shiying, especially the indoor air conditioner was turned on very high, but Xiang Yu was not picky, but chose the ingredients with great interest and sat there obediently waiting serve.

Tang Shiying sat opposite him and began to sort out what happened early this morning.

Tang Shiying asked Xiang Yu, "What happened before I got to the hospital?"

Xiang Yu blinked and shook his head, "That's all you see."

Of course Tang Shiying didn't believe Xiang Yu's words, and Xiang Yu certainly didn't want Tang Shiying to have trouble with his father because of him.

Tang Shiying sent Lin Qiao a message directly.

[What happened in Xiangyu's ward this morning?]

Lin Qiao's news came back very quickly, as if she was waiting for Tang Shiying to send him a message.

[If you ask me, you are right. Your father went to Xiang Yu’s ward early in the morning and told him a lot. To sum it up, you have a bright future. You are one of the top ten outstanding young entrepreneurs. , no matter how good his family background is, he is not good enough for you.]

Tang Shiying frowned tightly because of Lin Qiao's news.

[Your father is so scary, he said in front of the old man that even if the little sweet taro will become popular in the future, it will be cultivated by the company. In other words, with Tang's entertainment ability, anyone can make it popular.]

Tang Shiying's face also became very scary.

[However, old man Xiang is quite scary. He made you useless in front of your father, saying that you are resting on the merits of your father's generation. Your father is also embarrassed to say that you have made Tang great, which makes him seem too useless as an old man. Then the two got into an argument.]

Xiang Yu was trying to tune the guitar with his head down. Tang Shiying glanced at him, feeling very uncomfortable.

Lin Qiao's news came in again: [I am deeply sorry that I didn't see the scene.]

Tang Shiying replied angrily with a message.

[You can't see the people at the scene clearly.]

[That's true, I have several informants here, and eight cameras are shooting on-site, plus live broadcast.]

Tang Shiying: [I will complain to the hospital.]

Then, regardless of Lin Qiao's protest, Xiang Yu, who was sitting opposite, looked over, "Mr. Tang, when are we going back?"

"I won't go back." Tang Shiying looked at Xiang Yu seriously, "Should you change your name?"