I Heard You’re Hard To Chase

Chapter 11


Lu Yi's voice was very low, and only Yuan Tao could hear it.

When he finished his last sentence, Yuan Tao was completely stunned, his eyes were wide open. To put it nicely, he looked like "Bird's Beak", a ghost general under the King of Hell.

When Lu Yi saw Yuan Tao's cowardly look, he pushed him away and smiled coldly at him: "Ha."


Soon the dean of studies arrived, followed by several teachers.

"Where are the troublemakers?"

"You've become more capable? Huh? If anything happens to any of our school's students, how will you compensate them?"

The dean of studies became angrier and angrier, with wrinkles on his forehead. "All of you from No. 24 Middle School, go to my office! I've already notified your teachers, and they'll be here soon."

After that, he turned to Lu Yi and the others and said in a slower voice, "You guys go up too."

Lu Yi and the other two nodded and followed the dean upstairs.

After they left, the other students on the basketball court also dispersed. The news spread quickly, and soon the whole school knew that Xie Huai was deliberately injured by students from No. 24 Middle School.

Although Xie Huai's reputation in school is not very good, this "not very good" only refers to his academic performance. Although everyone knows that Xie Huai fights, he never fights with people in the school. His grades... because they were really bad before, they have only started to improve recently, and his reputation has naturally improved gradually.

Most people got angry when they heard this.

The school’s forum, which had not been used for hundreds of years, suddenly became popular.

Under a post titled [What do you think about the matter between Xie Huai and No. 24 Middle School], everyone was scolding the people from No. 24 Middle School for being shameless, and someone even directly found out Yuan Tao’s class at No. 24 Middle School.

It's infuriating to both humans and gods: That Yuan Tao made me so mad. I was sitting in the spectator seats next to the basketball court at the time, and before I even finished my sip of water, I saw that sjb Yuan Tao stretched out his foot towards Xie Huai. The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. Jiang Xu was probably also pissed off, and he went up and kicked Yuan Tao. I hope he's hurt.

sq: Jiang Xu's kick was obviously very powerful. We have been classmates for so many years, but I have never seen him lose his temper. He and Xie Huai have a really good relationship. This may be what the saying "the wife is offering sacrifices to the heavens" means, and her magic power is boundless.

Li Ma Mai: If you want to curse, do it nicely. Don’t curse Xie Huai upstairs.

Lovely Tiantian: I am willing to use thirty years of Yuan Tao’s life to pray that something happens to him.

Math My God: Hot news, I heard that the person Xie Huai was fighting with outside the school was Yuan Tao! But Xie Huai didn't deliberately pick a fight, he was brave and brave, and he saw Yuan Tao bullying the lower grade students in our school, so he took action.

Mathematics My Lei: Damn, is what the above person said true? ? Is Yuan Tao really sick? This is school bullying, nine years of compulsory education wasted, how could he be taught this? Go home and take a shower, and try to reincarnate as soon as possible.

I am a top student: I just ran into Xie Huai. Jiang Xu carried him to the school clinic and accidentally saw Xie Huai's ankle. It was very swollen and it looked like he was seriously injured.

Very good, this statement aroused the anger of a lot of students.

Jiang Xu and Xie Huai knew nothing about these discussions. Xie Huai was held in Jiang Xu's arms, and the pain in his ankle made him break out in cold sweats. However, he didn't want to make Jiang Xu worry too much, so he had to pretend that he wasn't feeling that bad.

Jiang Xu walked very fast. It was several hundred meters from the basketball court to the school clinic. Jiang Xu wanted to run, but he was afraid of hurting Xie Huai in the process.

Jiang Xu had a cold face, and Xie Huai endured the pain and said, "Jiang Xu, I just sprained my ankle, it's nothing."

Jiang Xu didn't say anything. He looked down at Xie Huai, then raised his head again.

He didn't say a word along the way until he put Xie Huai on the bed in the cubicle of the school infirmary.

"Please help take a look at him, his foot is injured." Jiang Xu's tone was cold, but School Doctor Qin could still see the worry and anxiety in Jiang Xu's eyes at a glance.

Qin Xiao raised his eyebrows in surprise, glanced at Jiang Xu, and then walked over to see Xie Huai.

Qin Xiao saw Xie Huai's ankle, frowned slightly, and reached out to touch it.

Just as they touched each other, Xie Huai suddenly retracted his foot and looked at Qin Xiao in surprise.

With a sudden movement, Xie Huai's nose felt sore from the pain. After a few seconds, he said apologetically, "Sorry, I'm not used to people touching me there."

Qin Xiao laughed helplessly: "Your ankle looks a bit seriously injured. I need to take a look before I can prescribe medicine for you according to your injury. I'll be gentle, okay?"

Xie Huai paused for two seconds before stretching his foot out again.

Qin Xiao lifted up Xie Huai's trouser leg and took a closer look. This injury... was extremely serious. Qin Xiao always felt it was weird. Ordinary sprains and injuries would not cause such severe swelling.

Qin Xiao placed his fingers on Xie Huai's calf and pressed gently, then asked, "Does it hurt here?"

Xie Huai nodded hesitantly: "A little bit."

Qin Xiao stood up and walked to the table to prescribe medicine for Xie Huai. While doing so, he said to Xie Huai: "Classmate, I think you should go to a big hospital for another check-up. I feel..."

Qin Xiao was hesitating whether to tell Xie Huai.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard Xie Huai say, "You go ahead."

"I feel something is wrong with your legs, or to be more precise, your bones," Qin Xiao said. "I don't have any equipment to check it. Maybe I'm wrong, but I still suggest you go to the hospital. It will definitely be the best if there is no problem."

Xie Huai's heart moved, and he said, "Thank you, I will go."

"Okay, these are external application medicines, take them. This bag contains oral medicines, remember to take them on time every day. Also, it's best not to walk until your swelling goes down." Qin Xiao handed the things to Xie Huai.

When Xie Huai heard the last sentence, he thought he had misheard. Before the swelling subsided, it was best not to walk? Then how would he go home and come to school? Not being able to walk meant that he needed help going up and down the stairs, or even going to the toilet...

It's true that he sprained his ankle, but does that mean he can't take care of himself

Xie Huai's mouth twitched, and he asked a soul-searching question: "What should I do if I go to the toilet and take a shower?"

Xie Huai followed Qin Xiao's gaze and looked over there. At this moment, Jiang Xu seemed to have noticed something and turned his head over here, meeting Xie Huai's gaze.

Xie Huai immediately turned his head away as if stimulated, his face a little hot, and muttered: "Who asked him to help."

How could he ask Jiang Xu to help him go to the toilet? He would never do that even if he was beaten to death!

Qin Xiao just smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Xu saw that they had finished their work, then pushed open the glass door and walked in.

Qin Xiao took out a bag of ice and handed it to Jiang Xu, then nodded to Xie Huai: "Apply it to his ankle, it will feel better."

Xie Huai blinked pitifully and thought, he could actually do this by himself.

"Thank you." Jiang Xu responded and took the ice pack.

"Is his foot seriously problematic?"

"I advise him to go to the hospital. It doesn't seem to be a big deal now, but it's better to go there in case of an emergency." Qin Xiao didn't say anything else and went out first.

Jiang Xu sat down next to Xie Huai with an ice pack, bent down and gently pressed the ice pack on Xie Huai's feet.

The pain was slightly reduced and Xie Huai didn't feel so uncomfortable anymore.

He did not object to Jiang Xu touching his ankle; instead, he quite liked the feeling.

Xie Huai said to himself, “Oh shit!” and thought, I am really a pervert.

Neither of them spoke, the air was terribly quiet, Xie Huai couldn't help but think of that fucking thing Yuan Tao again.

"Fuck, I got tricked again." Xie Huai cursed.

Jiang Xu held down Xie Huai's feet and said, "Don't move."

"I hope this doesn't get to the principal, otherwise I'm done for." Xie Huai looked distressed.

Jiang Xu was silent for a while before he said, "This is not your fault."

Xie Huai thought, is there any need to say this? But the problem is...

"I know, but the principal is my uncle, he will tell my parents."

Jiang Xu: “…”

"The principal is your uncle?"

It's not Jiang Xu's fault that he didn't know about it. Among all the teachers and students in the school, perhaps only the teachers with more experience knew about it. Xie Huai never publicized it, so basically no one knew about it.

Lu Yi was because when he played rock-paper-scissors with Xie Huai, Xie Huai lost and agreed to tell him a secret.

Xie Huai didn't have any secrets himself, so he told Lu Yi about this.

Lu Yi was so shocked after hearing this: "Fuck, I didn't realize that Brother Huai has such a strong background."

"I am over-flattered."


"Yeah, he's my mother's biological brother," Xie Huai said indifferently, "Forget it, if you know, then you know."

Jiang Xu opened his mouth slightly but before he could say anything, he heard Xie Huai add another sentence.

"Anyway, Yuan Tao can't get away this time. The principal of their school is my uncle, my father's brother."

Jiang Xu: “…”

After applying the ice for less than half an hour, Jiang Xu stood up and threw the ice pack into the trash can.

The redness and swelling on Xie Huai's ankle had obviously subsided a lot compared to the beginning.

"Does it still hurt?" Jiang Xu didn't dare to touch that place, but just gently pinched Xie Huai's heel.

A tingling sensation swept through Xie Huai's body. He was stunned for a few seconds and even forgot to retract his feet.

It would be a lie to say it didn't hurt, but he shook his head and replied, "It's okay."

"Liar," Jiang Xu said suddenly, "It still hurts."

Xie Huai didn't expect Jiang Xu to react like this. He thought for a moment and said, "It will hurt a little."

There was only one bed in the cubicle of the school infirmary, and Xie Huai's feet were not convenient to lie on it, so he could only sit there.

It was already evening self-study time, so Xie Huai and Jiang Xu didn't have to go back for class. After the class, Jiang Xu took Xie Huai home directly.

Half a class period had passed and Xie Huai had fallen asleep on Jiang Xu's shoulder.

Xie Huai didn't wake up until the evening study session was almost over.

Xie Huai touched around randomly and felt Jiang Xu's somewhat cold palm. Xie Huai opened his eyes and took a look. It was Jiang Xu's left hand, with a layer of light purple still on it.

Xie Huai suddenly remembered that Jiang Xu had just applied an ice pack to his feet for nearly half an hour.

(End of this chapter)