I Heard You’re Hard To Chase

Chapter 2


Thinking of how he smelled the clothes just now, Xie Huai's face felt slightly hot.

He glanced at Jiang Xu several times, wondering why Jiang Xu put his school uniform jacket on him.

Finally, he couldn't help it, sat up, put one hand on the desk, leaned his head on it, and asked Jiang Xu: "Why did you put your own coat on me?"

Jiang Xu stopped writing when he heard this, looked at Xie Huai, and slowly said a few words: "I'm afraid you'll be cold."

Xie Huai almost suspected that he was hallucinating: "Are you worried that I'm cold?"


After answering, Jiang Xu lowered his head and continued to write the test paper.

Xie Huai wanted to say something else, but then he saw the English teacher walking in with the textbook, so he swallowed back what he was about to say.

No wonder he didn’t feel cold even after sleeping for a whole class. It turned out that Jiang Xu gave him his school uniform jacket.

"Thank you." Xie Huai lowered his voice and thanked Jiang Xu.

After saying that, he turned his head away from looking at Jiang Xu, for fear that the other party would see his slightly blushing face.

Xie Huai was indeed a little embarrassed, he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of Jiang Xu.

So he didn't see Jiang Xu's slightly raised mouth. "You're welcome."

In the next few classes, Xie Huai rarely slept. He wrote everything he was supposed to write and took good notes. Although Xie Huai's grades were not very good, he did have beautiful handwriting. The teacher would occasionally praise him when he passed by him.

Maybe because of this, all the teachers would not call Xie Huai when they saw him sleeping in class.

Xie Huai even suspected that his parents had informed the school and told them to stop caring about him. Otherwise, why would they allow him to sleep in class? Although Yao Wenjing had contacted him privately several times, she later stopped caring.

It was not until after school at noon that Xie Huai realized that the school uniform jacket he was wearing was Jiang Xu's. Not only the school uniform jacket, but also the desk he was sitting on was originally Jiang Xu's.

Most of the students in the classroom have left now, leaving only him and Jiang Xu.

"Hey, aren't you going to the cafeteria?" Xie Huai took off his school uniform and handed it to Jiang Xu.

Jiang Xu stood up, took the school uniform from Xie Huai and put it on, then said, "Going to the cafeteria at this time?"

Xie Huai thought about it and felt that Jiang Xu was right. Not only were there a lot of people going to the cafeteria recently, but there was probably not much food left by the time they got there.

After Jiang Xu finished speaking, he walked past Xie Huai and headed towards the front door of the classroom.

He walked to the door and stopped, then turned to Xie Huai and said, "Wait for me for a few minutes."

Watching Jiang Xu disappear at the classroom door, Xie Huai didn't care anymore and sat down on the desk again. However, he didn't sleep. He was just thinking, when did Jiang Xu care about him so much

In fact, he had been Jiang Xu's desk mate for a year. When he thought about it carefully, it seemed that Jiang Xu's attitude towards him was indeed different from that of others.

When Jiang Xu first proposed to be Xie Huai's deskmate, Xie Huai was very surprised, because he thought that a student with good grades like Jiang Xu would definitely choose someone with good grades even if he chose a deskmate, and definitely not someone as poor as him.

But Jiang Xu chose him.

Jiang Xu has a notebook that he never lets anyone touch, no matter how close they are to him, but he can. However, Xie Huai has never opened that notebook, so he doesn't know what's written in it.

Jiang Xu seemed difficult to talk to, and made people feel distant and cold, but Xie Huai remembered that at the beginning of his freshman year, he asked Jiang Xu to call him once during every class, because sometimes Xie Huai still had to attend the class, but he himself might not be able to wake up.

Jiang Xu did not agree at that time, but after that day, Jiang Xu still called him before every class, and now it seems to have become a habit.

Xie Huai knew clearly that he didn't really want to skip classes, but he would still skip classes every Monday, and Jiang Xu would catch him every time. In fact, if Xie Huai just went earlier or didn't come to school at all, Jiang Xu would not be able to catch him.

It was as if Jiang Xu was playing with him.

He himself was happy with it.

I played with him for a whole year.

Xie Huai's thoughts drifted further and further away, and he didn't even know when Jiang Xu entered the classroom.

When he came to his senses, Jiang Xu had already placed the thing in front of him.

Xie Huai raised his head. Jiang Xu seemed to see the confusion in his eyes, so he explained, "Food."

Xie Huai then opened it and took a look. The whole box was packaged very delicately. The school wouldn't have such a thing, and it didn't look like takeout.

"My mother just brought it to me. I asked her to take an extra portion." Jiang Xu sat down and took out a pair of disposable chopsticks and handed them to Xie Huai.

"Oh, thank you." Xie Huai took the chopsticks, bit his lip and thought for half a second, then asked Jiang Xu, "How much?"

Because he really didn't want to take other people's things for free.

Jiang Xu was silent for a while, seeming to be speechless.

"No need," he sighed silently, "I won't charge you any money."

Not taking my money

Xie Huai knew that he should eat his own meal now, but he couldn't help but asked, "Are you going to take other people's money?"

This time Jiang Xu did not hesitate: "There is no share for others, and there won't be any."

Xie Huai was stunned. Was this what he thought it meant

Others may not have it, but he does.

Xie Huai felt somewhat happy after hearing this, but he didn't want to show it in front of Jiang Xu, so he tried his best to restrain himself and secretly rejoiced in his heart.

Jiang Xu really treats himself differently from others.

Xie Huai was thinking while eating. He had to admit that the food Jiang Xu’s mother cooked was really delicious, and they were all his favorites. They both finished eating in a short while.

Jiang Xu planned to take Xie Huai's share and throw it outside, but Xie Huai refused.

"My legs and arms are not broken. I will go with you."

Neither of them spoke along the way. Xie Huai thought he was talkative, but he and Jiang Xu really had nothing to talk about. If he had good grades, he could chat with Jiang Xu about studying, but he was the last in his grade.

Xie Huai walked in front of Jiang Xu in a few quick steps, turned around and walked backwards. He looked at Jiang Xu and made small talk: "Hey, Jiang Xu, why are you so nice to me?"

Jiang Xu slowly spoke: "Where is the 'good'?"

"You gave me your school uniform and brought me food," and there were some other things that Xie Huai could no longer remember, "and I feel that you treat me differently from others."

"Is that 'good'?" Jiang Xu couldn't help but laugh after hearing what Xie Huai said, "But I do treat you differently from others."

Xie Huai asked: "Why?"

Jiang Xu didn't know why Xie Huai had so many "whys", but he still patiently explained: "Because I..."

Before he finished speaking, Jiang Xu's expression changed slightly.

The next second, Xie Huai was pulled into Jiang Xu's arms.

Xie Huai's heart skipped a beat, and he didn't realize what was happening.

"sorry Sorry."

The person who apologized looked like a freshman. He had just come in through the back door on a bicycle and his shoelaces got caught in the pedals. He lowered his head and reached out to pull them, but he didn't notice there was someone in front of him. By the time he reacted, the bicycle was about to hit him and he had no time to brake.

If Jiang Xu hadn't pulled Xie Huai over, Xie Huai would have been hit by a car.

“I really didn’t mean to do that. I was just pulling my shoelaces and didn’t see anyone in front of me. I’m sorry…” The boy’s voice became lower and lower, and he looked like he was about to cry.

Jiang Xu frowned, and sensing Xie Huai's discomfort, he loosened his arms and said, "Don't you know that you can't ride a bike at school?"

"I thought there was no one here..." The boy lowered his head.

Xie Huai held Jiang Xu back: "Forget it, let's go back to the classroom."

Jiang Xu paused, ignored the man, and left with Xie Huai.

Xie Huai could sense that Jiang Xu was in a bad mood.

When I returned to the classroom, many classmates had already returned from lunch.

Xie Huai did not sit in Jiang Xu's seat again, but returned to his own seat, and Jiang Xu sat down next to him.

"Jiang Xu, are you angry?" Xie Huai asked tentatively.

But he had no right to be angry.

He replied: “No.”

It’s obviously there.

Xie Huaixin said.

"Don't be angry, I'm fine. Besides, weren't you there just now?" Xie Huai placed his left hand on Jiang Xu's desk and nodded.

After hearing what Xie Huai said, Jiang Xu's mood suddenly improved.

So he said, "Well, so how are you going to repay me?"

"..." Xie Huai paused for a second, "Promise yourself to me?"

Xie Huai was just joking, but Jiang Xu actually nodded.

Jiang Xu: “Okay.”

Xie Huai: “???”

No way, how could Jiang Xu say these two words so seriously

Xie Huai couldn't help but choke: "... Then I have to think about it."

The person at the table in front of him who heard the whole conversation couldn't help but turn his head and said, "Brothers, don't you think you are doing some kind of illicit relationship transaction now?"

Xie Huai didn't understand: "What do you mean?"

"Uh..." The man at the front desk organized his words and explained simply and clearly, "Don't you think the conversation between you two is very ambiguous and like a couple?"

Xie Huai thought about it carefully and it seemed that it was indeed a bit like that, but he and Jiang Xu were just joking and didn't mean anything else.

Xie Huai knocked on the other person's hand which was placed on his desk. The other person felt pain and quickly retracted his hand.

"Tsk, what on earth are you thinking about all day, Hao Xuexi? You actually said that my deskmate and I have that kind of relationship. It's simply an insult to our pure friendship and brotherhood, right, deskmate?"

Jiang Xu: “…”

The good mood I just had seems to be gone again.

He said coldly: "Well, friendship and brotherhood."

Hao Xuexi shut up awkwardly, turned around and said nothing more.

Xie Huai was just about to continue chatting with Jiang Xu, but when he turned his head, he saw that the other person's face was not right. Was Jiang Xu angry again

"Classmate, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Xu ignored him.

"Squad leader?"

Jiang Xu took out a book.

Xie Huai called out again: "Jiang Xu."

The other party remained indifferent.

Xie Huai grabbed Jiang Xu's school uniform and lowered his voice and shouted, "Jiang Xuxu."

Jiang Xu paused as he was turning the pages of the book. His eyes darkened and he closed them as if he was suppressing something. When he opened them again, no emotion could be seen.

"Xie Huai, do you want to piss me off to death?"

Xie Huaixin said that he finally spoke.

"Why would I want to piss you off to death? So I can inherit your inheritance?" Xie Huai said, "My family is rich, we don't need it."

Jiang Xu: “…”

Jiang Xu waited for a while, wanting to see what Xie Huai had to say, but after waiting for a long time he didn't see any movement from him.

Jiang Xu turned around and saw that Xie Huai had fallen asleep on the desk.

Xie Huai's school uniform jacket was still not on and was stuffed into the desk, unable to be pulled out. Jiang Xu suspected that Xie Huai did it on purpose.

He was a little helpless, but still took off his school uniform and gently put it on Xie Huai's back.

"You little heartless boy, you just fall asleep after flirting with me." Jiang Xu said secretly while looking at the back of the other person's head.

After school in the afternoon, Xie Huai and Jiang Xu went home together. Neither of them lived on campus. Anyway, the school was close to home and they both lived in the same community, so as long as they had nothing else to do, they would go together.

Xie Huai's parents are very busy with work, so they seldom go home, but Xie Huai found that in the past year, his parents have come home much more often and stayed longer than before.

As soon as he got home today, he saw Ms. Zhao Li busy in the kitchen.

"Mom?" Xie Huai was a little surprised, "You're back so early?"

Zhao Li looked back at Xie Huai and said gently, "Well, I made some soup for you and your favorite dishes."

"No wonder I could smell the fragrance from so far away," Xie Huai said with a smile.

Zhao Li turned off the fire and snorted, "Stop flattering me and go get your dad to come out for dinner."

"Yes, sir."

After all the dishes were served on the table, the family sat together. No one spoke, but it was not difficult to see that they were all very happy and enjoying themselves.

After dinner, Zhao Li asked Xie Huai how he was doing in school as usual.

Xie Huai replied: "Everything is fine, no different from before."

Zhao Li asked again: "Are you feeling unwell?"

Father Xie glanced at Zhao Li and then shook his head.

Zhao Li understood.

Xie Huai didn't notice his parents' little actions and said, "No, everything is fine."

"That's good." Zhao Li smiled.

When Xie Huai came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, he opened his phone and saw the text message Jiang Xu sent him five minutes ago.

Jiang Xu: There will be baseline tests on Thursday and Friday. I have some summaries here. You can take a look at them when you have time. If you have any questions, you can ask me.

Then there was a file package below. Xie Huai clicked on it. He was shocked when he saw it.

Seven subjects, with a total of more than seven hundred pages. Is that so much

Xie Huai was shocked for a long time before replying to Jiang Xu.

Xie Huai: Did you summarize all of this

Jiang Xu: Well, maybe not completely.

More than 700 pages and still not complete? If he remembered correctly, he was only in his second year of high school, and there were so many pages

The world of top students is indeed not something that a poor student like him can understand.

Xie Huai: Yeah, thanks.

After sending this sentence, I felt that my attitude seemed bad, so I sent another emoticon pack that read [Worship the boss].

Xie Huai: I will definitely watch it carefully.

Jiang Xu: You’re the best.

When Xie Huai saw the text message sent by Jiang Xu, he always felt as if he was seen through everything.

But when he thought that the other party had typed it word by word, Xie Huai didn't want to waste Jiang Xu's hard work, so he really read it carefully for more than an hour.

Maybe it was because he was too tired from studying, Xie Huai had a dream for the first time, a dream of love...

"Oh shit." When Xie Huai woke up the next day, he was stunned.

"I kissed my deskmate?!"

(End of this chapter)