I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 105


The "Slim" movie conference is about to begin. Ye Zhi is the star of "Slim", and she will definitely attend the event.

The reporters had long been squatting outside, holding cameras in their hands, keeping an eye on when Ye Zhi would come over.

Reporters have always felt keen. They knew that Ye Zhi is now the most popular female star.

They have never seen a female celebrity disappeared for so long after marriage, and still have such a big heat.

During the time Ye Zhi disappeared, she obviously didn't show up, but the major entertainment forums were still discussing her intensely.

Discuss Ye Zhi’s previous TV series, discuss Ye Zhi’s street shooting, discuss Ye Zhi’s acting skills, discuss where Ye Zhi is now...

Ye Zhi's Weibo hasn't been updated for a long time. A few days ago, she just reposted a photo of her and Gu Ren, without saying a word, she became the number one in the hot search!

The reporters couldn't think of any other female star in the entertainment industry that would be more popular than Ye Zhi.

When every car stopped, the reporters would closely watch the people who got off the car. After discovering that the person who got off is not Ye Zhi, their eyes will follow the next car.

However, as time passed, the film conference was about to begin, and they did not wait for Ye Zhi.

Strange, isn't Ye Zhi coming today? The press conference began, and Ye Zhi did not attend.

The reporters were full of questions. Ye Zhi disappeared for so long. It stands to reason that today will be her first appearance, and she should cherish this opportunity.

Ye Zhi's absence once again created a huge topicality, and the barrage almost filled the entire screen.

"Why didn't Ye Zhi come? She wouldn't really be seriously ill like the rumors, but looking at the photos she posted a few days ago, it doesn't look like she is sick."

"Bless Ye Zhi must be healthy. For the first time I have been a star sincerely, Ye Zhi must be safe."

There have been many comments about Ye Zhi's absence, but no one can explain why.

At the end of the conference, a video was shown on the screen. On the video, Ye Zhi's face appeared.

Ye Zhi sat there gracefully. She had white skin and excellent temperament, which was not very different from the previous impression of her.

Ye Zhi's lips curled slightly: "Hello everyone, I'm Ye Zhi."

As soon as Ye Zhi spoke, the barrage appeared frantically. If this barrage can make a sound, I believe the roof of the conference site will be shaken over.

"Goddess, I finally saw you, you are still so pretty."

"Is Zhizhi getting thinner? Although it doesn't affect her appearance, I feel so distressed."

Ye Zhi continued: "First of all, I must say sorry to everyone, because of physical reasons, I was absent from today's film conference."

Ye Zhi's body has not been recuperated, and the sequelae of anorexia coupled with overwork, she is temporarily unable to attend this event.

Therefore, she can only record a video to tell everyone.

When Ye Zhi said this, fans remembered that the heroine of this movie was anorexic. The Reuters photos of Ye Zhi during the filming of the movie were all skinny.

They were all distressed.

"Ye Zhi sacrificed too much for this movie, ooh, Ye Zhi was already thin enough, and I'm afraid she will faint if she loses weight."

"Zhizhi is too dedicated. If you play a play, you will completely become that role. Where can you find such an idol?"

On the screen, Ye Zhi's voice continued to sound: "Now I am recovering, so don't worry."

Ye Zhi said sincerely: "Here, I once again say sorry to everyone. I'm sorry, I shouldn't be absent."

When Ye Zhi said that, the fans felt even more distressed.

"What are you so sorry about? You are the skinny and you are the one who has worked hard. Now it is you who apologize, and my tears will all flow away."

"As long as you recover health, we will forgive you and return our healthy Ye Zhi!"

At the end of the video, Ye Zhi said: "I will start working again in a week. Thank you for your support."

"I'm so excited, can I finally see the idol? I'm so happy to roll in place!"

"Although I really want to see Ye Zhi, I want Ye Zhi to become healthy. If his body does not fully recover, I will continue to rest."

In a few days, "Slim" will be released.

The movie has not been officially released, and the pre-sale box office of the movie has exceeded 100 million! Countless people said that this is the movie they want to watch most recently, not one of them.

On the first day of the movie, everyone went to the cinema to watch the movie.

The lights dimmed and the movie began to show. The role played by Ye Zhi suffered a major change, and then she suffered from anorexia.

Ye Zhi began to eat less and less, any food placed in front of her, her face was always stupid.

After the film reaches one third, the audience can clearly see that Ye Zhi is much thinner than the film at the beginning.

Ye Zhi raised his hand slightly, the exposed arm was extremely thin.

Ye Zhi still looked beautiful, but there was no life in the skin, like a pale skeleton.

This girl who is as gorgeous as a flower, her flowering has just begun, but at its peak, she suddenly withered.

The movie continues, Ye Zhi has been suffering from anorexia for a long time. Ye Zhi put on her previous clothes, she turned her side and looked back at herself in the mirror.

The light shone down, and there were two prominent butterfly bones on her slender back. However, this is no longer a butterfly bone.

The butterfly bones, which were originally beautiful and small, are now like two long gullies spreading on her skinny back.

It looks like a butterfly on the verge of death.

When the audience saw Ye Zhi like this, many people covered their mouths, and they couldn't help crying. Their eyes were full of distress, and their hearts were gripped.

Such Ye Zhi is too thin and too pitiful, how much they hope someone can redeem her. The audience cried, but when Ye Zhi saw herself in the mirror, she laughed.

Because she doesn't have any thoughts about life, no matter what she becomes now, she won't care.

Ye Zhi stood in the sun, but he seemed to be in the dark, with no hope anymore.

The audience was completely substituted into Ye Zhi's role, experiencing her numbness and the hollowness of her heart.

After that, Ye Zhi slowly cheered up with the help of her doctor. She began to laugh, began to eat more, and began to discover the unnoticeable beauty in life.

In the last scene of the movie, Ye Zhi raised her head, she faced the sun, and the light outlined her beautiful lines.

Ye Zhi's face is still pale, her chin is still sharp, and her body is still extremely slender compared to others.

However, Ye Zhi's eyes were no longer deadly silent, the sunlight fell into her eyes, but it was not as beautiful as she glimpsed over.

At this moment, Ye Zhi smiled lightly, and a very faint smile appeared on his delicate lips. That is the vigorous vitality, but also the hope of immortality.

The movie is over.

Some viewers who were too involved realized that their faces were wet, and they realized that they were crying again.

This time they cried for Ye Zhi's recovery. Throughout the movie, their emotions followed Ye Zhi's ups and downs, from great compassion to numbness to joy.

How much power can be contained in a person's body to make her stand up from difficulties step by step.

What a firm belief a person has, can he face the next day optimistically after his body is destroyed by illness.

Obviously it is just a movie, but it seems to have gone through a life of joy and sorrow.

The audience walked out of the movie theater, and they all gave "Slim" a super high score.

The box office of the movie exceeded 200 million on the first day! At the same time as the high box office, it also gained a high reputation! In the next few days, the box office was very good.

This is Ye Zhi's first movie as a heroine, and it was a huge success, but this success seems to be within everyone's expectations.

Everyone can see Ye Zhi's hard work and dedication, and she deserves to be recognized by everyone.

During the time when Gu Ren and Ye Zhi did not disclose their itinerary, fans have been commenting on their Weibo, hoping to see more of their lives.

After they discussed, they decided to occasionally release their life vlog on the Internet, not only to meet the expectations of fans, but also to warm up for the resumption of work.

Ye Zhi's body was almost recovered, and it was time to return to work.

I haven't decided the time to shoot the vlog, and I have a lot of free time at home. After breakfast, Ye Zhi was on a whim and asked Gu Ren to get a camera.

There are a lot of cameras at home, but I am too busy at work and have no chance to use it.

The weather outside was just right, and the flowers bloomed wantonly. Ye Zhi leaned forward to meet Gu Ren's eyes, "How do you like to shoot in the garden?"

"I listen to you." Gu Ren bent down slightly, stretched out his hand slowly, and gently hugged Xia Ye Zhi's shoulder.

The first vlog is Ye Zhi, taken from Gu Ren's perspective, and the location is the garden at home.

Next to the rose bush was a swing, and Ye Zhi was sitting on the swing, his eyes floating towards Gu Ren.

Gu Ren was extremely patient, and the photographer's tone learned ten times: "Look at the camera."

He stood there, with a golden edge stained by the sunlight, his cold facial features, but treated her with great meticulousness and gentleness.

But whenever Ye Zhi's gaze fell on the camera, he would unconsciously stare at Gu Ren behind, and then a smile appeared on her face.

Ye Zhi couldn't help but laugh, and Gu Ren also laughed, the camera swaying in his hands.

Under the sun, Gu Ren has a long body and a noble temperament, and his cold jade-like fingers are extremely long and slender. Today, he is dressed casually, holding a micro-single in his hand, and has become Ye Zhi's exclusive photographer.

Ye Zhi was in a daze, staring at Gu Ren for a while, and then suddenly thought of ridicule: "Guide."

Gu Ren stopped the movement in his hand, his thin lips curled up slightly, and he smiled silently.

Ye Zhi: "Can this one pass?"

Gu Ren looked down at the camera, smiling at the corners of his lips, deliberately bringing a touch of indifference. He raised those gloomy eyes, looked at Ye Zhi, and shook his head regretfully: "Come over."

Ye Zhi was taken aback, and then trot over. She saw herself photographed in the camera, only to realize that this video really had to be invalidated.

This is not because the photographer Gu's technique is not good, but because the lens shakes too badly.

Ye Zhi knew that the reason Gu Ren could not hold the camera was related to her. They would laugh whenever they saw each other just now.

Gu Ren leaned over, the warm breath struck her earlobe, and the clear voice came into her ears: "Maybe it's because you are so good-looking, and the camera blurs you when you see it."

The first vlog attempt failed. Ye Zhi covered his face with his hands, very distressed: "No way, no way."

"What's the matter?" Gu Ren's dark eyes stared at her for an instant, and then gently spit out a few words, "Why not?"

Ye Zhi's voice came from between his fingers: "It's not that you can't, it's that I can't."

Gu Ren's lips twitched, and he looked at Ye Zhi with a faint smile. The ending sound was unclear: "Oh, is it?"

Ye Zhi's body was stiff, and he quickly understood that the sentence just now was very ambiguous, and the more he said it, the more unclear it became.

Ye Zhi removed his hand and opened his eyes, revealing a pair of clear eyes: "Anyway, when I look at you, I can't focus on the camera."

Gu Ren's gaze dropped, his hands wrapped around his chest, he leaned back and raised his eyebrows to look at her: "So what?"

"Shall we make a call and call the photographer over?" Ye Zhi asked tentatively.

Gu Ren didn't say a word, his pupils were extremely black and deep, and his eyes were clearly careless, but they also put a lot of pressure on Ye Zhi invisibly.

Ye Zhi immediately changed his words: "No photographer, I want my husband to help me shoot."

There was silence in the air for a while, and Gu Ren's dark eyes fixedly looked at Ye Zhi. He suddenly raised his hand, touching her neck with warm fingers, and gently covering it.

Fingers slid along his neck, her long hair slipped into his fingers, and he closed his hand slightly, as if to smooth her hair.

Seeing Gu Ren smiled, Ye Zhi took advantage of the situation and wrapped his arm around him and looked up at him: "Help me take another shot, okay?"

Gu Ren motioned Ye Zhi to return to the swing. This time, they were very involved. Gu Ren's hand holding the camera did not sway, and Ye Zhi's eyes did not float.

A few minutes later, they watched the video just recorded together.

"Wow." Ye Zhi's expression was very exaggerated, and there seemed to be stars in his eyes, "My husband's shooting skills are too good."

Gu Ren listened to Ye Zhi's praise with an indifferent expression. His expression became colder and colder. He hummed indifferently, "Really?"

Ye Zhi's flattery didn't catch the point. When she was looking down at the video, she suddenly felt her ears become hot and the earlobe was bitten by someone.

The squishy touch was like water, the blush spread, and the whole ear was dyed red. Ye Zhi raised his head innocently and looked at Gu Ren.

Ye Zhi protested: "Can't you praise you too?"

Gu Ren rubbed Ye Zhi's head, her tone was extremely weak, and her voice fell clearly and clearly, and gave her an answer: "Too fake."

They shot several pieces of material to edit into the vlog.

Today, Gu Ren seemed to be in a good mood, deliberately trying to bully Ye Zhi. After shooting, he can always find all kinds of shortcomings in the material in his hands and shoot again.

Halfway through Ye Zhi's afternoon tea, Gu Ren changed her to a new dessert, saying that the color was more in line with today's outfit.

But when Ye Zhi started to eat the cake, Gu Ren stopped filming and sat next to her.

"Look at the camera."

Ye Zhi followed the sound, but the camera didn't know where it was. Gu Renwang's bottomless eyes met him. She didn't react, groaned, her lips were caught.

The crisp sound fell, and the plates on the table fell to the ground.

Her lips and teeth intertwined, her lips were sweet and soft, and her mood was instantly messed up, and she almost fell.

The afternoon was lazy and long. After a deep kiss, Gu Ren let go of his lips suddenly.

His lips covered her ears, and every word he said stimulated her nerves: "Don't worry, there is no one at home today."

Ye Zhi: "..."

After a day of tossing, Ye Zhi's vlog was finally posted online. Gu Ren was very selfish, and kept her most beautiful appearance, and only put on the slightly more common clips.

The first vlog appeared on Ye Zhi's Weibo, fans scrambled to get in, and the number of hits soared instantly.


Today's dog food has been delivered.

Ye Zhi, who hasn't seen him for a long time, appeared without makeup, still exquisite and beautiful, because without makeup, his facial features are even more clean.

see it? The garden in my idol’s house is so big!

What is this video called? Really tall, rich and handsome, and really white and beautiful, daily life after marriage.

The high-cold Gu Dashen is actually working as a photographer for his wife. It is said that he has taken this shot several times. All his patience and tenderness seemed to be given to her alone.

It's too sour.

While envy, jealous and hate, everyone couldn't help but click on today's latest dog food, willingly immersed in the video full of pink bubbles.

The response on the Internet was very good, but the protagonist of the video, Ye Zhi, was tired at this time, lying on her big bed, too tired to even lift his hands.

Looking at the results of his day's work, Ye Zhi expressed his grievances.

To record this video, her earlobe was bitten three times, her waist was pinched twice, and she was kissed once...

Ye Zhi looked up at the ceiling and sighed. Asking the great god Gu Ren to help her shoot the video, it really came at a price.