I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 12


As a super popular national idol, Gu Ren has been single for so many years, and it is not a trivial matter that Gu Ren unpreparedly announced his ideal type.

Don't underestimate the fighting power of Gu Ren's girlfriend's fans. Even if they don't eat or drink for several days, they can still find the ideal type Gu Ren says in the flourishing entertainment circle.

Fans first started with the most popular batch of small flowers, and were denied one by one. Finally, after searching the entire entertainment circle, they couldn't find a female celebrity that could correspond to.

Suddenly, there was a lot of public opinion on the Internet, which also proved Gu Ren's high popularity and appeal.

"My husband is so handsome, he is so handsome even when he announces his ideal type!"

"Even if you really have a girlfriend someday, I will bless you with tears, oooooo."

"Don't panic, everyone, cheer up, haven't you found the corresponding person yet!"

Gu Renguang's announcement of an ideal type can break the hearts of fans. If one day his love affair is really exposed, all fans may be awake all night.

Because Gu Ren's announcement was too sudden, fans even guessed another possibility, that is, whether their idols are starting to fall in love.

If Gu Ren had a girlfriend now, she would definitely visit him when Gu Ren had an accident. Fans expanded their search and finally found that there was only one female celebrity that matched her.

Soon after a post about Gu Ren's suspected lover was posted, hundreds of buildings were built in just a few minutes.

[About Gu Ren's ideal type, I have a bold guess]

All netizens clicked on the title as soon as they saw the title. They didn't expect that the object of the poster's guess was Ye Zhi, because the only female star who appeared in the hospital during Gu Ren's recovery was Ye Zhi.

In the next few days, the reporter did not photograph Ye Zhi, so the poster just relied on Gu Ren's accident on the day that Ye Zhi accompanied him to the hospital to guess.

As soon as the post was posted, almost all of the current comments were beating the original poster, and I didn't believe it.

"The host should have a look at the ophthalmology department. Ye Zhi came to the hospital deliberately to touch porcelain, not as a real girlfriend."

"The reporter has been squatting outside the hospital for so long, and he hasn't photographed Ye Zhi at all. How could Ye Zhi be?"

"This will not be a post from Ye Zhi's brokerage company. I want to touch porcelain again. After all, as long as Gu Ren is there, Ye Zhi will find a way to stick it."

"Anyway, make sure now that Gu Ren is not in love, otherwise his girlfriend would have come to the hospital to see him."

All the posts are refuting the original poster, and no one thinks this will be true at all.

The fact that Ye Zhi is Gu Ren's ideal type has not yet been determined, and this speculation has been overturned, because the netizens did not connect the two at all.

Moreover, the woman Gu Ren described had nothing to do with Ye Zhi. The netizen's impression of Ye Zhi still remains as a person who touches porcelain and cares about forbearance.

Ye Zhi's activities are very few. Netizens have hardly seen her on TV, and they don't know that she has completely changed recently. Although she still has the original facial features, she has an outstanding temperament.

After various researches, no female celebrity matched the number, which also calmed the hearts of fans a little bit.

On the other end, Sheng Man was applying makeup in the dressing room. Her assistant was watching. The phone vibrated a few times, almost all of them related to Gu Ren.

"Manman, Gu Ren has announced his ideal type."

Shengman's agent Huo Jie is very famous in the circle. She has been working with Shengman for several years. She can see that Shengman has a good impression of Gu Ren.

Sister Huo's first reaction was that if the ideal type announced by Gu Ren was Shengman, it would be fine. Several thoughts went around in her head, how to hype and how to use this.

While Sister Huo was conceiving a plan, Sheng Man didn't even put on makeup and turned to look at the assistant directly.

Even though Gu Ren kept a distance from Shengman, Shengman still had a crush on Gu Ren. In her opinion, only Gu Ren, the son of the richest man, could match her.

Sheng Man asked with interest: "Read it to me."

When the assistant saw Sheng Man curiously, he immediately began to read without saying a word: "Her looks are bright and beautiful, sometimes with a bit of coldness..."

"Her belief is very firm, she will stick to what she should do, and will not rely on anyone."

The corners of Shengman's mouth were still raised for a second, and her smile froze in the next second. She originally thought that she would hear words related to her, but the more she listened, the more things were wrong.

Every adjective Gu Ren said in his mouth was totally irrelevant to him.

Everyone knows that she became popular because of her family background, and she attracted a large number of fans by showing off her wealth in reality shows. How could she be Gu Ren's ideal type who does not rely on anyone.

Sister Huo was as stunned as Sheng Man, Gu Ren said that the person was not Sheng Man. According to the temperament of taking care of Shinobu, he must not be lying.

Sister Huo subconsciously looked at Shengman's reaction, Shengman was stunned for a few seconds, and then rushed up with anger.

Sheng Man stood up from the seat suddenly, the makeup artist shook his hand, and the lipstick slid away from the corner of her lips. Sheng Man gave the makeup artist a fierce look, and then snatched the assistant's mobile phone.

"Did you read it well? How could Gu Ren say that!"

When Shengman watched Gu Ren's video several times, she realized that Gu Ren was serious.

Sheng Man originally thought that the reason Gu Ren was indifferent to her was that Gu Ren didn't care about any woman, but reality gave her a slap.

Gu Ren kept a distance from her because Gu Ren was really not interested in her.

Sheng Man was angry and had nowhere to vent. She threw the phone back into the assistant's arms: "You won't be using it for work tomorrow."

Seeing Sheng Man Yang's back, the assistant stood there at a loss, not knowing when he angered Sheng Man.

At the same time, Ye Zhi also saw Gu Ren's video in the crew's locker room. The makeup artist and the staff gathered together and watched the video.

Gu Ren's voice was as clear and quiet as always, but every word fell into his ears, but it was kind of gentle.

Gu Ren's tone was neither high nor low. When he answered this question, the whole scene was silent, all listening attentively to his answer.

Ye Zhi tilted her head to listen, but she was listening, the more she felt that the ideal type Gu Ren had said was a little familiar.

But in the next second, Ye Zhi shook her head immediately. She didn't understand Gu Ren at all, and how could she guess who his ideal type was? It had nothing to do with her anyway.

A few days later, the crew of "The Family" released a short clip.

Because Gu Ren was injured before, in order to maintain the heat, the crew edited the previously filmed parts as soon as possible.

Although Gu Ren's injury was healed, the crew released the clip.

"The Family" has been very popular since the filming started. The male protagonist is Gu Ren, the female protagonist is Sheng Man, one is a top superstar, the other is a small flower, and the lineup is extremely strong.

Therefore, not long after this short clip was released, the number of clicks quickly exceeded one million!

While everyone is appreciating the accuracy of the show's quality, at the same time, a short dancing clip in the film attracts everyone's attention.

There is a scene in which a woman dances under a veil. She raises her hand, revealing a slender white hand.

The camera slowly zoomed in and aimed at these hands.

Even under such a high-definition lens, it can be seen that the skin of these hands is excellent, without any blemishes. The bones are beautiful and small, like a most exquisite work of art.

Everyone wants to know who this dancer is. The next second, the camera switched, and the woman took off her veil, revealing Shengman's face.

The mystery revealed that the person who owns these hands is Shengman.

A glimpse, but stunning, unforgettable for a long time.

Netizens commented frantically below. In addition to complimenting Gu Ren, the most discussed hands are undoubtedly those amazing hands.

"Sheng Man's hands are the best-looking female celebrities, right? I can knock for a day just by looking at these hands!"

"Do these hands really exist? Manman is a fairy going down the world, with a beautiful face and more beautiful hands!"

"I beg the crew to edit more footage of Shengman's dancing. It's so beautiful, but it's too small, and it's not enough to watch."

Netizens discussed too intensely, and search volume and comment volume were rising wildly. Soon #盛曼的手# airborne the first place on Weibo topic.

But the discussion frenzy is far more than that. Many people have cut off the pictures of Shengman's hands.

Shengman Studio.

Sheng Man just finished shooting the commercial, she was sitting there, drinking coffee.

At this time, the new assistant walked in and prepared to tell Shengman about the hot search on Shengman. If Shengman knows, she will be very happy, and her attitude towards them will be better.

The iron beater Shengman, Liu Shui's assistant. This is her third assistant this year.

The assistant walked to Shengman's side and said, "Manman, you are on the hot search."

Shengman moved for a while, she picked up the phone on the table and clicked on Weibo.

Sheng Man watched for a while, vaguely aware that something was wrong. Wait, it's true that her name is hung on the hot search, but why is her hand on the hot search

Shengman clicked in and found it was a moving picture.

The animation shows a person dancing under a veil. Her clothes slipped down, revealing a pair of slender hands. Finally, it freezes on these hands.

Sheng Man's face worsened as she watched. Others might not know why, but she clearly knew that the person dancing under the veil in the video was not her at all.

The person dancing in the piece of flowers is Ye Zhi. At this time, the person who is searching hotly is also Ye Zhi. The person who was praised by the public and received rave reviews is also Ye Zhi.

It has nothing to do with her.

The coffee in her hand was very hot, but Shengman didn't care about it. She stared at the phone, anger surged in her heart.

Sheng Man originally co-director, deliberately let Ye Zhi act in a dancing scene, and the final scene will be edited into her body.

She wanted to let Ye Zhi know that Ye Zhi would be under her suppression for the rest of her life. But she didn't expect that Ye Zhi would be on the hot search only with these hands.

Even in the eyes of others, these beautiful hands belong to her.

Shengman flipped through the comments on Weibo, and they were all unanimously praised. Shengman's hands trembled slightly, and she felt embarrassed and angry as many people praised her now.

Why did the person who was beaten now become herself? Why did things develop to this point

Sheng Man raised his hand with anger, suddenly dropped the coffee in his hand, and the cup fell on the ground with a crisp sound.

It was like a sarcasm to her.