I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 20: (Red envelope)


Seeing Gu Ren falling into the water, Ye Zhi shocked her heart, and worries flooded her heart, and said, "Gu Ren, are you okay? Take my hand quickly!"

Ye Zhi immediately bent down and stretched out his hand to let Gu Ren take her hand.

Gu Ren didn't expect that he would fall into the water, he would be in the water, so he didn't feel much nervous at the moment. But Ye Zhi, she looked very scared, and her eyes were full of worry.

Gu Ren took Ye Zhi's hand and stepped on the deck. The water flowed down, leaving many marks on the deck.

Gu Ren's whole body was soaked, and her black hair was a little wet. At dusk, his eyes seemed to be soaked with ink-like colors, with deep and shallow emotions.

Although Ye Zhi was upset, he still had a lot of puzzles.

She obviously spent so much money on Gu Ren, but Gu Ren still had an accident. She already felt something was wrong, but she didn't think much about the situation now.

Ye Zhi took a close look at Ren Ren and found that his clothes were all wet and there were still many wrinkles on his body.

Gu Ren is usually so elegant and his suits are always neat and tidy. How can there be times when he is so embarrassed? It's all her fault.

Ye Zhi asked anxiously: "Are you hurt? Let me see." Ye Zhi blamed himself very much. If it weren't for her, Gu Ren would not fall into the water.

Ye Zhi temporarily forgot, she immediately took Gu Ren's hand, ready to check if he was injured.

After Gu Ren got on the yacht, he remained silent and did not speak. He stood there without moving, lowered his eyes, and let Ye Zhi move.

The tall figure was reflected on the water, outlining a dark reflection.

Ye Zhi lowered his head, and Gu Ren was much taller than her. Gu Ren looked down, only to see Ye Zhi's black hair top, and the afterglow of the setting sun dyed the black with a light sheen.

Gu Ren suddenly said, "Don't worry, I am not injured."

Ye Zhi had a meal, and then she realized that she was patronizing Gu Ren for any injuries, forgetting that she was too close to him.

Ye Zhi released his hand, stepped back and looked at Gu Ren: "Sorry, you will fall into the water because of me. If I didn't..."

Seeing Ye Zhi condemning himself and feeling guilty, Gu Ren spoke suddenly, and left Ye Zhi's attention quietly.

"Did you lose something?"

Ye Zhi said, she completely forgot that Gu Ren fell into the water just to pick up her bracelet. She blamed herself so much that she had forgotten the bracelet long ago.

Gu Ren sighed softly, spread his hand, and his slender fingers slowly spread out. Ye Zhi looked down and saw a bracelet lying on his cold palm.

At this time, Gu Ren's faint voice resounded above Ye Zhi's head, so clear: "You seem to have forgotten this."

The bracelet was lying there quietly, dazzling.

Ye Zhi picked up the bracelet, which was cool. She inadvertently touched Gu Ren's palm, and his temperature was extremely cold.

Ye Zhi raised his eyes, the light in the evening was a little dark, and Gu Ren's voice fainted a bit low and dumb in such a quiet evening.

It made his eyebrows clearer and quieter.

Gu Renyu said mildly: "This time it was just an accident. Even without you, I might have other accidents."

Gu Ren turned his head too far, he looked at the silent water surface, his tone was extremely weak: "I'm used to it."

Gu Ren said it lightly, but Ye Zhi knew that Gu Ren had frequent accidents in recent years, and the book even mentioned that Gu Ren would pass away in a year.

The cold and graceful movie emperor Gu described in the book overlapped with Gu Ren in front of him.

Ye Zhi worried that Gu Ren would really die if he followed the trajectory written in the book.

Ye Zhi looked at Gu Ren, Gu Ren's mentality was so good, so open-minded, but with such a bumpy fate. Ye Zhi made up her mind, she would definitely find a way to help him.

Ye Zhi glanced at Gu Ren's messy clothes. The wet clothes were close to Gu Ren. He had fallen into the water, and he would catch a cold if he continued like this.

Ye Zhi asked worriedly: "Will you catch a cold in this way?"

Gu Ren followed Ye Zhi's gaze and found her staring at her shirt.

Gu Ren didn't speak, he looked down at his clothes. Then, he raised his eyes and glanced at Ye Zhi, his eyes quiet.

As if to say, you mean, want me to take this off now

Gu Ren hadn't spoken all the time, Ye Zhi subconsciously felt that something was wrong. Before she could fully understand, Gu Ren bends her lips in the next second, and her tone is somewhat meaningful.

"you sure?"

Ye Zhi suddenly understood what Gu Ren was talking about. Her ears became hot, and she immediately turned her head and walked into the yacht, and said: "I will help you get a bath towel."

Gu Ren raised his eyebrows.

After a while, Ye Zhi came over with a bath towel, and her expression had returned to normal. Ye Zhi handed the bath towel to Gu Ren: "You can wipe the water dry first."

Although it is a bit hot now, it is easy to get sick if it blows.

Gu Ren took the bath towel, and he wiped his hair carelessly, his slender hands passing through his black hair casually, his movements lazily.

After Gu Ren wiped his hair, he started to wipe his clothes. He lowered his head, and the bath towel swept over his body at random. Although the movement was not heavy, he still pulled the clothes.

Gu Ren raised his hand slightly, following his movements, his shirt lay up, revealing a thin waistline faintly.

Gu Ren put down his hands, and his clothes fell down again, covering the imaginative area.

Ye Zhi blushed, she had already closed her eyes, her voice was a little stiff: "Um... Don't forget to change into dry clothes later."

After saying this, Ye Zhi left directly. Compared with just now, his movements were quicker and his steps were still a little flustered.

Gu Ren couldn't understand, so he stood there with a bath towel, with doubts on his face.

In the next time, Ye Zhi didn't come out, Gu Ren drove the yacht back, and the two arrived at the villa.

When he arrived at the villa, the housekeeper of the villa walked out, and he saw Ye Zhi not feeling anything strange. When he saw Gu Ren, he found that Gu Ren's hair was wet.

The butler asked nervously, "Master, what happened?"

Just as Ye Zhi was about to speak, Gu Ren suddenly took her arm and shook his head at her very slightly. Gu Ren looked at the housekeeper and said: "Nothing happened, you go and rest."

Gu Ren took Ye Zhi out of a distance. Gu Ren let go. He looked at Ye Zhi, "I don't want them to worry."

Ye Zhi understood Gu Ren's concerns. He didn't want his family to know about his fall into the water. Ye Zhi nodded in response.

Ye Zhi and Gu Ren went upstairs. Ye Zhi thought for a while, and said, "You go take a bath first. If you feel unwell, tell me."

Gu Ren: "Yeah."

Gu Ren went to her room, Ye Zhi did not go back to the room, she went to the kitchen. Although Gu Ren said that he was all right, Ye Zhi still felt uneasy.

Gu Ren fell into the water, and of course it was easy to catch a cold. Ye Zhi was going to boil a glass of ginger cola for Gu Ren to help him get rid of the cold.

After the ginger cola was cooked, she immediately sent it to his room.

Gu Ren didn't know Ye Zhi's thoughts, he walked into the bathroom, picked up the shower, and hot water ran down. Gu Ren raised his head, letting the hot water flow over his cheeks.

When Gu Ren was taking a bath, he vaguely heard the door open. He turned off the water and the air returned to silence. He seemed to hear footsteps outside.

Gu Ren didn't move, he continued to listen attentively. After a few seconds, the person seemed to have left, and there was no more movement outside.

He thought for a while, then turned on the shower again, and the hot water fell again.

Gu Ren came out of the shower and put on a t-shirt casually. He was wearing slippers, and his shoes rubbed the ground. Gu Ren thought of something, he walked to the door.

Gu Ren looked at the past, with a look on his face.

On the black tabletop, there is a glass of dark water and a note beside it. Gu Ren walked over to the table.

He picked up the note and looked down. There was a slender line on the note: "This is ginger cola, drink it while it is hot."

Gu Ren recognized that this was Ye Zhi's handwriting.

When they signed the contract that day, he saw Ye Zhi's words. He only discovered that Ye Zhi's handwriting turned out to be so beautiful.

Just after taking a shower, Gu Ren's black hair was wet, and a few strands of hair hung beside his eyes, his expression indistinguishable. Gu Ren put the note aside, and he glanced at the cup.

After a few seconds, he picked up the cup, lifted his finger, and gently tapped the wall of the cup. Every touch, the fingertips are lingering in the heat.

Gu Ren raised his head and took a few sips, and the warm water flowed through his throat, as if it could soothe everything cold.

The next day, Gu Ren's body was already well, he and Ye Zhi were going to go out. Ye Zhi specially urged Gu Ren to wear the newly bought clothes, which might be able to prevent the disaster.

Gu Ren did not refuse.

The driver drove, and Gu Ren and Ye Zhi sat in the back. Ye Zhi looked into the distance, several slides lined up in the air, and from time to time, several people slid down from the top of the mountain.

Ye Zhi looked at Gu Ren with bright eyes: "Let's go on the zipline."

Gu Ren: "Okay."

When we reached the zipline, there were some tourists on it. Gu Ren and Ye Zhi both wore hats and masks, and no one would recognize them.

Ye Zhi walked up to the top, looked down, and suddenly felt so tall, and felt a little embarrassed in his heart.

Gu Ren saw that Ye Zhi wanted to play but was scared. He said quietly, "I'm quite interested in this, or should I go first?"

Ye Zhi thought for a while: "Okay."

While helping Gu Ren to wear safety equipment, the foreigner said to Ye Zhi: "This is very safe. Don't be afraid."

Gu Ren buckled his seat belt and was about to go on the ropeway. At this time, Gu Ren noticed something was wrong, and one of the straps suddenly fell down suddenly.

One of the straps broke somehow.

Seeing this, Ye Zhi was so frightened that her heart almost jumped out of her throat. Ye Zhi stubbornly took Gu Ren's hand and said categorically, "We're not playing anymore."

Gu Ren almost got on the zipline. He didn't expect that the strap would suddenly break just before he set off. Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with him.

Foreigners who just finished setting up the flag: "..."

He hurriedly apologized, the safety measures here are well done, and routine inspections are carried out every day. This has never happened before, so why did the strap suddenly break today

Gu Ren took off his seat belt, Ye Zhi still took Gu Ren's hand tightly, and he felt a layer of cold sweat on the palm of her hand.

Seeing Ye Zhi's face extremely pale, Gu Ren wrung his brows slightly, just about to speak. At this time, Ye Zhi said softly: "Let's go home first, I don't want to stay outside now."

There are some things she has to think about.

Gu Ren noticed that something was wrong with Ye Zhi, and he hummed.

When this happened, Ye Zhi didn't have the intention to play, and he didn't dare to help Gu Ren spend any more money. They got in the car and drove to the villa.

An idea faintly emerged in Ye Zhi's heart.

Why did Gu Ren have accidents again and again every time she helped Gu Ren spend money

Except for this accident, she had given Gu Ren a watch before, and Gu Ren had an accident every time when she had a Lamborghini.

Ye Zhi's face became paler the more he thought about it.

Unless... She is not the one who can help Gu Ren spend money to prevent disasters. All this was wrong from the beginning.

On the way, Ye Zhi has been very silent, Gu Ren glanced at Ye Zhi, she didn't notice it, she was always immersed in her thoughts.

When they arrived at the Gu's villa, the two got out of the car, and they walked forward in silence, none of them spoke. When he got upstairs, Ye Zhi stopped.

Ye Zhi turned to look at Gu Ren, and she took a deep breath: "Gu Ren."

Gu Ren stared at Ye Zhi and said quietly: "You have something to tell me." After thinking about the events of the past few days, he somewhat guessed what Ye Zhi was about to say.

Ye Zhi nodded, and she said directly: "Have you ever thought that I am actually not the person you are looking for?"

Gu Ren didn't speak, he stared at Ye Zhi, his thin lips pressed tightly, and the corners of his eyes sank slightly.

Ye Zhi smiled bitterly: "Look, I bought you clothes, but then you fell into the water."

"Today you wore the clothes I gave you, and your belt broke before you got on the ropeway."

"Before, I gave you the watch, and then you got injured and went to the hospital..."

Ye Zhi calmly spoke, and said what he had thought of many times in his heart: "So, before things get worse, should we..."

Gu Ren never spoke. When he heard the last sentence, he suddenly raised his eyes and called her name seriously: "Ye Zhi."

Ye Zhi's voice stopped.

Gu Ren's eyes are dark and bright, and his tone is calm: "You think too much."

Ye Zhi frowned: "But..."

Gu Ren said lightly: "If you don't worry, I can ask my grandfather."

Gu Ren's gaze fell into Ye Zhi's eyes, and she could clearly see her shadow: "But now, you calm down, the matter has not developed to the point where you said it."

Ye Zhi paused for a few seconds and said, "I'm sorry."

Gu Ren shook his head. He picked up the phone and dialed the number of Mr. Gu in front of Ye Zhi. After the phone was switched on, Gu Ren said slowly: "Grandpa, I want to ask you something..."

Gu Ren told Grandpa Gu about these things, and Grandpa Gu was also panicked. He immediately went to call Tianshi Zhao to come over and talked about these things in detail.

Grandpa Gu hung up the phone and told them after he asked them clearly.

Gu Ren put down the phone, he looked at Ye Zhi, and Ye Zhi also looked at him. Both of them were silent. After a while, Gu Ren's phone vibrated.

Gu Ren turned on the hands-free, and Father Gu’s hearty voice came from the phone: "Aren, things are not wrong, Ye Zhi is indeed the person we are looking for."

Somehow, Ye Zhi breathed a sigh of relief. She turned to look at Gu Ren, who happened to meet Gu Ren's dark eyes, and there seemed to be some emotions in his eyes.

Gu Ren withdrew his gaze nonchalantly, and asked, "Where is the problem?"

Elder Gu said confidently: "Your money was spent in the wrong place."

Gu Ren and Ye Zhi were both startled.

Father Gu: "Tianshi Zhao told you before that money must be spent on the right place, otherwise it will be counterproductive."

Gu Ren thought that Tianshi Zhao had indeed told them before, but they never cared about it.

Many thoughts flashed through Gu Ren's mind, and he faintly grasped a key point: "Could it be that money must be spent on Ye Zhi to be useful?"

Elder Gu laughed: "Yes, the money must continue to be spent, but it must be given to Ye Zhihua. Only if Ye Zhi uses the money for himself, can he help you spend it to protect you from disasters."

"Remember, don't spend it on you."

Everything is clear. As long as Ye Zhi spends the money on himself, Gu Ren will be fine. Otherwise, it will have the opposite effect.

Elder Gu also asked Ye Zhi not to have psychological pressure, and let her continue to spend money happily without any worries.

Gu Ren hung up the phone and looked at Ye Zhi. Ye Zhi said helplessly: "It turned out to be like this. I used the wrong method."

With that said, she can still help Gu Ren spend money to prevent disasters, otherwise, she will be even more guilty.

Gu Ren hooked her lips: "So, do you want to continue to be Mrs. Gu?"

Ye Zhi smiled: "Of course, we are partners, I will definitely help you."

Ye Zhi looked at the clothes on Gu Ren, and she suddenly realized that Gu Ren was still wearing the clothes she gave him. Worse, money must not be spent on Gu Ren!

Ye Zhi was anxious: "Gu Ren, take off your clothes quickly, don't wear them anymore!"

Unlike Ye Zhi's panic, Gu Ren was very calm. He looked at Ye Zhi, his eyes were dark and clear, as if a deep light was reflected.

Gu Ren let out a loose cry, and he spit out a few words unhurriedly: "Here?"