I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 24


Cheng Qi was choked and coughed several times, his face turned red, and he was relieved. Cheng Qi immediately stared at Gu Ren: "You, you, you..."

"When did it happen? Why didn't you tell me earlier, I couldn't see anything before."

Cheng Qi kept asking questions, but at this moment he was so shocked that he couldn't digest this fact at all.

Before, he looked after Gu Ren's attitude towards Ye Zhi a little bit special. He hadn't thought about this place yet, and he hadn't imagined that it had developed to this level.

What else does Cheng Qi do not understand: "So the last time you asked me to help her deal with the online comments, was it because you two got married?"

Compared with Cheng Qi's impatience, Gu Ren had a calm expression, and he nodded unhurriedly.

Cheng Qi: "The time you were injured was also to save your wife."

Gu Ren slowly folded the cuffs upwards, half-dangling his eyes, and did not deny it, it was equivalent to acquiescing in disguise.

Cheng Qi didn't get over it for a long time, so he had to calm down.

Cheng Qi had been Gu Ren's agent for many years, and Gu Ren told him about the incident, so that he could be mentally prepared.

"This is my family's business, I'm just here to remind you." Gu Ren paused, and continued to speak, "If you are photographed, don't be surprised when you see the news."

Since Gu Ren has married Ye Zhi, he is also ready to be discovered by the media. If there is one day, he will also protect Ye Zhi.

Gu Ren didn't mention the contract with Cheng Qi. He would not tell anyone about the contract. This was the secret between him and Ye Zhi.

After clarifying the incident, Gu Ren left the studio. Cheng Qi didn't get up in a hurry, but stayed and recalled the matter again.

Cheng Qi combined Gu Ren's previous actions, and he recalled all the things Gu Ren had done to Ye Zhi.

The more Cheng Qi thought about it, the more he felt that Gu Ren liked Ye Zhi for a reason. He believed that Gu Ren's vision could be liked by Gu Ren, and that Ye Zhi must have her superiority.

Gu Ren praised Ye Zhi's beauty and also mentioned her good personality. Indeed, Ye Zhi's previous black materials were produced by her agency.

Since getting along with Gu Ren for such a long time, Cheng Qi has never found that Gu Ren has any affection for any woman.

Cheng Qi sighed lightly. From this moment on, he always felt that the days to come would not be peaceful anymore.

After returning from Las Vegas, Ye Zhi was resting at home, and she was going to record the show in a few days.

After Ye Zhi got up today, Gu Ren was no longer at home and went out to work.

Ye Zhi was about to go downstairs to have breakfast, and only halfway through the walk, there was a burst of strong food scent from downstairs, which made Ye Zhi wake up all of a sudden.

Ye Zhi sat alone in the empty dining room. The table was filled with various breakfasts, including Western and Chinese. Beef sandwiches, congee and side dishes, soy milk fritters... Choose from Yezhi.

Sitting at the table, Ye Zhi didn't know where to start.

The housekeeper stepped forward: "Young lady, the young master said you are struggling in your boat and car, and you should pay more attention to your diet."

"So I made my own claim and let the kitchen burn all kinds of breakfast, and the young lady can eat whatever she likes."

Ye Zhi said, "I don't have to be so troublesome next time." She was afraid that if she eats this way every day, she should be on the schedule to lose weight.

The butler smiled and nodded, then stepped aside.

When Ye Zhi ran out of breakfast, the butler came over with something: "Madam, Master has a gift for you."

The butler handed the things in his hand to Ye Zhi, and Ye Zhi found out that it was a prada wallet.

Ye Zhi opened the wallet with some doubts and found that there was only one thing in the entire wallet.

A black card.

Butler: "Master asked me to bring you a sentence. He said that there is no limit for this card. As long as you see it, you will understand his intention."

Ye Zhi knew what Gu Ren meant. Gu Ren wanted her to spend as much money on herself as possible.

Ye Zhi collected the black card and returned to the room.

A few days later, the "Leisure Life of Stars" program group announced the guest list. The program group did not directly disclose all of them, but announced one by one, which drew the appetite of netizens.

At the same time that the names of the guests are announced, the program group will make a Weibo of the guests.

The first guest announced by the program group is Ye Zhi. Although Ye Zhi’s coffee rank is very small, because of the recent popularity, Ye Zhi’s Weibo also has a lot of comments.

"Is Ye Zhi also taking on the reality show? Will he be overbearing?"

"I refuse to watch Ye Zhi's variety show. Did Ye Zhi want to participate in the show to attract fans?"

"Reality shows can best expose a person's character. I really want to know how Ye Zhi can pretend."

"It would be fun if there were Shengman in this show, even if there was Ye Zhi, I would watch it."

Most of the comments were resistance to Ye Zhi. Netizens refused to watch Ye Zhi's variety shows, because since Ye Zhi entered the entertainment circle to the present, he has been involved with black material every time.

Although it is impossible to determine the authenticity of the black material, netizens have a much worse impression of Ye Zhi.

The program team ignored the protests of netizens and announced the names of the next few guests one by one.

There are veteran actor Xiong Ting, who plays the role of the boss of the underworld, the network celebrity Nanbi, and the costume xiaosheng single dive.

Each guest has his own fan base. Xiong has stopped filming for many years and has stopped working recently, but his status in the entertainment industry cannot be shaken.

The program team invited him many times in order to invite him to the town scene.

The latter two guests have been highly discussed recently, and Shan Qian has also become a popular niche because of a period drama some time ago.

Up to now, the program group has announced four names in total. After that, there is no movement on Weibo, but this time there are five guests.

The program team put this guest in the last announcement, it must be the finale.

So who is the last guest

When the netizens were speculating, the show teamed up Shengman.

This move by the program group instantly ignited the enthusiasm of netizens.

"Sheng Man is actually going to face Ye Zhi. The two have been involved a lot before, won't it be embarrassing to meet now?"

"Whenever I think that Shengman is going to participate in the same show with Ye Zhi, I am excited. When this show will be broadcast, I will follow it!"

"Didn't Sheng Man steal Ye Zhi's role before? They have already had a deep grievance, can they still get along well?"

The plutocracy daughter who has ten fingers that do not touch Yang Chunshui, the middle-aged actor who has never been on a reality show... And Ye Zhi, who does not often appear on the Internet, and is bloody when he appears.

This program became popular before it was broadcast, and the degree of discussion remained high. Whether it was traffic platforms such as Weibo or gossip forums, they were all screened by this program.

Ye Zhi had already learned the list of guests from her agent. She knew that the program group deliberately invited her over, and the bigger reason should be to wash Bai Shengman.

In the eyes of netizens, compared with other people, Ye Zhi has a lot of black material and poor character, so he can't live peacefully with these people.

The original intention of the program group is to let her set off other people, especially Shengman.

During this time, Shengman had frequent accidents and his career was not going well, so he wanted to use this program to cleanse himself.

I just don't know whether Shengman was whitewashed or exposed her true character at that time.

Soon, when the discussion of netizens reached the highest level, "The Leisure Life of a Star" was launched in the expectation of everyone.

The program will be broadcast on the Internet in the form of live broadcast. Except for the entire version, there will be an edited version after each issue, and fans can see the video of their idol alone.

Each guest has a photographer to follow, like in the form of pen-hold shooting, showing the entire process of each guest participating in the program, so that fans can see more relevant details.

The cruel thing is that the amount of pen-hold shots of each guest will be clear at a glance, and it will be clear who has high popularity and low popularity.

Ye Zhi was the first to go to the shooting scene. The moment she entered the room, the live broadcast had already started and it was broadcast online in real time.

The one who walked in with Ye Zhi's front and back was the ancient costume Xiaosheng Shan Qian. When Shan Qian first came in, he realized that he was not the first one to arrive, and was startled at first.

When Shan Qian saw that the person was Ye Zhi, he had already recovered his calm.

Ye Zhi also noticed the single dive that came in. She didn't want the netizens to think that she was going to meet another traffic niche, so she just stood there and nodded towards the single dive.

In the next second, Ye Zhi chose a position far away from the single dive and sat down.

When Shan Qian knew that Ye Zhi was coming, he made up his mind to stay away from Ye Zhi and didn't want to be touched by her. He didn't expect Ye Zhi to surprise him. She seemed to be different from the rumors on the Internet.

The single dive just hesitated for a few seconds, and then found a place to sit down at random.

Shan Qianneng directly became popular for his reason. He has a harmless face, without any aggressiveness. The temperament is light when wearing ancient costumes, and it is still charming in modern outfits.

The two sat in two places in the room, and they didn't talk to each other. There were obviously two people in the room, but they were silent.

Single-diving fans saw this scene and started to launch a barrage.

"I thought Ye Zhi would touch my idol as before? Why didn't it move at all."

"Maybe Ye Zhi is accumulating energy, who knows if she will do it next."

"Are you sure it's not a static picture now? There is no sound, and the two guests don't move. If I didn't see a bug crawling on the window, I thought my computer was broken."

The calm in the room was quickly broken. The Internet celebrity Nanbi came in. Her character is very lively, so she has many fans.

As soon as Nan Bi came in, he waved to Shan Qian and greeted him, then looked at Ye Zhi and smiled at her.

Soon after Nanbi came in, the veteran movie star Xiong stopped. When he was young, his appearance was a bit fierce, so he was always allowed to play the gang boss.

Xiong Ting had never been on such a show before, and he didn't mind, instead he greeted everyone indifferently, and when he arrived at Ye Zhi, he nodded directly, and it was obvious that he didn't like Ye Zhi.

Xiong Ting's current status was achieved through his own efforts. He is most uncomfortable with Ye Zhi always being on the news because of some gossip. Young people have such impetuous mentality, and they can't rely on it if they want to be popular.

Everyone was aware of Xiong Ting's attitude towards Ye Zhi, Shan Qian would not help Ye Zhi round the field, and Nan Bi also changed the subject with a smile.

The last one arrived was Shengman, who was wearing Jimmy Choo's high heels and Dior's high-end ready-to-wear.

Because the shooting scene is in the countryside, Shengman's high heels will inevitably be stained with mud, and the hundreds of thousands of garments on her body are still as clean as ever.

Although Sheng Man concealed it well, she could still see the expression of disgust from the bottom of her eyes. If it weren't for suppressing Ye Zhi, she would never have participated in this show.

When Sheng Man came, Nan Bi glanced at Ye Zhi intentionally or unintentionally, and carefully examined the expressions on their faces, but Sheng Man didn't even fall to Ye Zhi's body.

The atmosphere now looks extremely peaceful, and there is nothing to be forced.

Netizens also found it very strange, and all of a sudden the barrage was talking about it.

"Is this the calm before the storm? Ye Zhi and Shengman look as if they have never been separated."

"Didn't you see that Sheng Man didn't even give Ye Zhi a look? They were grinning on the surface, but they must be mmp in their hearts."

"I really want to see what it will be like when the two meet."

All the guests arrived, the director stood up and cleared his throat.

"Next, we will start to divide the room. Everyone draws lots in accordance with the regulations, and decides whether the room is good or bad according to the length of the bamboo sticks in their hands."

The director asked the guests to visit the rooms at will. Except for one room that was particularly messy, the conditions of the other rooms were good.

It depends on which unfortunate person gets the worst room.

Xiong Ting is the oldest, he smokes first, and the room he draws is pretty good. Next came Shan Qian and Nan Bi, and the rooms they got were also good.

In the end, only Sheng Man and Ye Zhi remained, and netizens expected the scene of the two to meet at last.

Ye Zhi and Sheng Man stepped forward at the same time and stood in front of the director. The director held the last two bamboo sticks in his hand, one of which was long and the other was short.

In other words, there must be a room between Ye Zhi and Shengman who would be drawn to that messy and messy room.

At this moment, Ye Zhi and Shengman stood side by side, and everyone present, including netizens, focused on them.

Everyone knows about their previous rebellion. Even if they did not speak, everyone seemed to be able to feel the subtle atmosphere between them.

Ye Zhi put on a light makeup, almost just a thin layer of foundation, and she could see her delicate and white skin, as if she was playing with a soft light.

Ye Zhi didn't have a famous brand all over his body, just plain white T-shirts and jeans, but he still had a dusty temperament.

Although there was no extra dressing up, the people present had to sigh. Ye Zhi's exquisite features have added a lot of points to her.

Ye Zhi seemed to be ready for the country's show, while Shengman on the side was the opposite.

Sheng Man put on full make-up, so exquisite as if she even had her pores beautified. Her dress is of great value. She appeared here as if she was not here to record the show, but was going to go to the red carpet.

Under Ye Zhi's clean and clear temperament, Shengman dressed up always makes people feel a little deliberate, and it is inevitable that they will fall into the stereotypes.

The staff, including the people in the live broadcast room, unconsciously had an idea.

In this contrast, Ye Zhi was even better.

Shengman didn't know what other people thought, and she made a humble gesture: "You come first."

Ye Zhi did not refuse, and chose a bamboo stick at random. When she put her hand on the bamboo stick, the director's face changed suddenly.

The camera couldn't take it, but Ye Zhi could see it clearly. She could only hear a slight click before she pulled it out.

When Ye Zhi drew out the selected bamboo sticks, the sticks were really short. From Ye Zhi's point of view, the traces of the broken bamboo sticks can be seen.

The director relied on Ye Zhi's lack of background, and even if he suppressed Ye Zhi, she would have nowhere to say.

Ye Zhi's complexion was as usual, and he did not question on the spot, but turned to look at Shengman.

Sheng Man gently curled the corners of his lips, revealing a slight provocation under his eyes. Sheng Man must have noticed the scene just now, which means that only Sheng Man and Ye Zhi knew about it.

Shengman naturally took away the remaining bamboo stick. Compared with Ye Zhi's, Shengman's bamboo stick was longer.

But it can be clearly seen that Shengman's bamboo sticks are much shorter than others.

The director immediately said: "Okay, the room has been selected, completely fair and just."

The barrage in the live broadcast room has begun to refresh, and all the comments on one side are related to Ye Zhi and Shengman.

"I am the only one who thinks that Ye Zhiyan pressed a line of Xiaohua Shengman, did she give the grandly dressed Shengman a second?"

"Sheng Man wears high heels, Ye Zhi wears flat shoes, but they are the same height, but the official height is 168cm. Is Sheng Man taller or Ye Zhi shorter?"

"Shengman has a history of lying, and it is not surprising that he lied about his height."

"Don't hold on to Shengman's affairs, how can Ye Zhi's character be so good?"

Almost all the barrage are discussing the appearance and dress of the two people, but one of the barrage is very inconspicuously floating and caught in it.

"Is my eyes wrong? Why is Shengman's bamboo stick so short?"