I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 26


Netizens saw that Ye Zhi only made himself a bowl of wild vegetable porridge, and the barrage suddenly increased a lot.

"Is Ye Zhi being too selfish, how can he only cook for himself? Everyone is under one roof, can't you do more?"

"I would be surprised if Ye Zhi cooks for others. She is such a selfish person."

"I am embarrassed for Ye Zhi. People don't give her a good face. Why should she please them? Does anyone have a temper?"

"Hehe, everyone is so indifferent to Ye Zhi, and Ye Zhi also treats them the same way. Ye Zhi has nothing wrong with doing this."

Most netizens are scolding Ye Zhi, thinking that Ye Zhi is selfish, thinking only for himself, and does not consider other people in the program group as companions at all.

With a bowl of wild vegetable porridge, you can already see how bad Ye Zhi's character is.

But some netizens also said that Ye Zhi did this because everyone didn't plan to pay attention to her. She just followed everyone's wishes and ate her own meal quietly.

What's the problem with this

Shengman thought to herself, when she knocked on someone's door, they didn't even recognize her. In this poor country, she had such a difficult time from the beginning.

Why can Ye Zhi have something to eat, but she runs into a wall everywhere, now that she can't even eat a meal

Shengman's eyes became cold when he thought of this.

Nan Bi was standing next to Shengman. She knew that Shengman would come to the show, so she had the desire to please Shengman.

But to please Shengman, it is natural to suppress Ye Zhi, and now is a good opportunity.

Nanbi glanced at Shengman. She noticed Shengman's expression and knew that Shengman was upset.

In addition, Nanbi is already hungry now. She has been walking for so long without borrowing a penny, but she is exhausted.

Nanbi looked at Ye Zhi's refreshing look again. The more she looked at Ye Zhi, the more upset she became. Anger surged in her heart, and she blurted out: "Why do you only do something for one person?"

Nanbi continued: "We are all companions, do you want us all to be hungry?"

Shengman heard Nanbi questioning Ye Zhi, and an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of her lips.

She naturally knew that Nanbi was trying to please her, and now that Nanbi wanted to make the knife, she let Nanbi do it. Anyway, the person with the knife pointed at it was the Ye Zhi she hated the most.

She only needs to be the person behind the scenes and watch Nanbi tearing Yezhi quietly.

When Ye Zhi heard these words, she moved for a while and sneered a few times in her heart.

She knew exactly what Nanbi was thinking.

From the beginning of the show, Nanbi has always pleased Shengman everywhere, and now she wants to use her own operation to prove that she and Shengman are in the same camp.

Ye Zhi lowered her eyes, but Nanbi was destined to be disappointed. She wouldn't let others bully her and take this dumb loss for nothing.

Ye Zhi didn't immediately turn her head. She first opened the lid of the pot and looked down at the porridge in the pot. The porridge was already cooked and ready to be served immediately.

Then Ye Zhi bent down again and turned off the fire slowly.

Seeing that Ye Zhi ignored her, Nan Bi felt that she had no face, and couldn't help getting even more angry: "Ye Zhi, I'm talking to you, did you hear me!"

Ye Zhi turned around. She looked at Nanbi and said faintly: "I heard it, and I am not deaf. I was cooking porridge just now, can't you even wait for this time?"

Nanbi was stunned.

Ye Zhi said quietly: "I asked before going out just now, any of you who wanted to go with me to find wild vegetables, no one answered me at the time."

Both Xiong Ting and Shan Qian were silent. They had indeed heard this sentence at the time, but they had some prejudice against Ye Zhi in their hearts.

They didn't think Ye Zhi could get anything at the time, who would have thought that he would be slapped in the face so soon. Ye Zhi is understandable to say so.

Ye Zhi spoke again: "So, I thought you don't like to eat wild vegetables, even if you make a few more portions, it would be a waste."

Ye Zhi's short words fully explained why she only did her own part.

First of all, she has asked other people's wishes, and it was others who rejected her. Secondly, even if she makes a few more copies, what if others don't accept it

It would be wrong to do it, so Ye Zhi didn't do it at all.

In fact, Ye Zhi still hadn't said one thing. She could see that no matter what the reason, these people had some prejudice against themselves.

She came to this show for the purpose of changing everyone's impression of her. Although from the current point of view, there are already many obstacles.

However, if you want to win the respect of others, you can't get it by pleasing others.

If you ignorantly depress yourself, you will alienate others and despise yourself.

Ye Zhi wants to reverse her reputation, but she wants to be herself more so that she can gain fans who really like her.

Only in this way will they become their diehard fans.

Compared with Nanbi's impatient appearance, Ye Zhi was very calm. No matter what Nanbi said, she could easily resolve it.

Netizens also saw this scene, and the barrage appeared frantically.

"Suddenly I feel that Ye Zhi is so handsome. I like this calm look."

"Is there something wrong with this internet celebrity? She has a firecracker or is her brain flooded? She has hands and feet, so what does she ask others to do?"

"It's the first time to stand up to Ye Zhi. Don't throw the pot on others' heads if Nanbi doesn't do anything by himself. Please be a kind person, thank you."

"Nambi is just this temper. In fact, he doesn't have a lot of wickedness. It's just his temper."

Nan Bi wanted to talk to Ye Zhi and brush up on her presence in front of Shengman, but Ye Zhi blocked her words without expecting a few words.

She just couldn't fault it.

Although Nanbi was still very angry, she stopped talking for the time being.

Ye Zhi didn't plan to deal with Nanbi any more, she took a small bowl and slowly poured out the porridge. The kitchen was suddenly filled with fragrance.

The others had been hungry for a long time, and they couldn't help swallowing.

Ye Zhi didn't look at anyone. She was in front of everyone, carrying a bowl of warm porridge, passing the table, passing everyone, and she was about to start eating alone.

Xiong Ting wanted to ease the atmosphere just now, he gave a wry smile, and said what he said: "It seems we can only eat white rice."

These celebrities did not expect that they had gone for a long time, but no ingredients were found and no money was borrowed.

Although Ye Zhi had a bowl of wild vegetable porridge, compared to their dry white rice, the wild vegetable porridge was very delicious.

Ye Zhi kept walking. When she was about to leave here, she lightly dropped a sentence: "There is still some wild vegetables in the basket."

After saying this, Ye Zhi went back to the room, as if the person who reminded them was not her.

When everyone heard what Ye Zhi said, they turned to look at the kitchen. Just now they were attracted by Yezhi's congee, but they didn't notice that there was a basket next to it.

The wild vegetables in it were not what Ye Zhi said at all, enough for the four of them to eat.

It seemed that Ye Zhi had prepared the ingredients for them a long time ago, but because of their indifference, she didn't speak directly.

They were ashamed. They knew that Ye Zhi was attacked on the Internet. They also knew that Shengjia participated in the investment in this show. Shengman was the protagonist, and no one was prepared to deal with Ye Zhi.

And now, Xiong Ting and they both bowed their heads.

Barrage commented.

"It turns out that Ye Zhi is a person for this reason. Suddenly I feel that Ye Zhi is so pitiful and sympathize with her."

"Those people obviously didn't bring Ye Zhi before, so they still want her to cook dinner? Dream them."

"I'll see if this group of people can make wild vegetable porridge, don't burn the house before the porridge is ready."

During the show, everyone learned Ye Zhi's actions just now, preparing to cook wild vegetable porridge.

As a result, this group of people couldn't cook, they burned in a mess, almost dried the porridge, and added water to it.

The ingredients were wasted for nothing, and in the end he had no choice but to eat the burnt porridge.

Ye Zhi's word-of-mouth has improved a bit. Some netizens are planning to open Ye Zhi's live broadcast room, wondering what Ye Zhi is doing.

If you put it in the past, you would never watch Ye Zhi's live broadcast, but now things have started to change slightly.

The number of Ye Zhi's live broadcast room slowly increased. Netizens saw the guests eating unpalatable porridge, and Ye Zhi was drinking very fragrantly in the room alone.

She lowered her head to drink the porridge, sipping slowly one bite at a time, holding the bowl with her white fingers, moving slowly and gracefully.

The profile is perfect enough to be used as a screensaver.

Netizens have seen that Ye Zhi is isolated, but she has a good mentality, is not impatient or impatient, and enjoys herself.

At the same time, a netizen on Weibo took a screenshot of the video of Ye Zhi picking wild vegetables. The picture clearly showed that Ye Zhi went to the mountain alone.

Ye Zhi not only picked wild vegetables for one person, but also picked wild vegetables for others.

From the very beginning, Ye Zhi planned to help others, even if others rejected her, she still thought of others in her heart.

Some netizens began to feel that Ye Zhi's evaluation of her on the Internet seemed to be different.

Netizens saw that Ye Zhi's hands were stained with mud. She, who was originally an addiction to cleanliness, washed her hands many times after returning. And Ye Zhi accidentally scratched his hand while picking wild vegetables.

It was clear from the video that Ye Zhi's thin white fingers had several small wounds. But Ye Zhi just glanced at it and continued to pick wild vegetables.

There are no complaints.

Netizens have made a little change to Ye Zhi.

Ye Zhi didn't know that netizens' impression of her had changed a bit. When she went to wash the dishes, it was rare for someone to say hello to Ye Zhi, it was Xiong Ting.

Xiong stopped raising his hand, he was a little embarrassed: "That... Thank you for the wild vegetables."

Although they don't cook well, they can fill up their stomachs anyway.

Ye Zhi nodded at Xiong politely: "You're welcome."

After dinner time was over, the guests went back to the room by themselves, and the recording of the first day ended. What appeared in the lens was everyone's room.

The program team returned the mobile phone to everyone, Xiong Ting took the mobile phone to surf the Internet, Shan Qian also lay on the bed and swiped the mobile phone, Nanbi fiddled with his hairstyle in the mirror.

Sheng Man is now taking care of skin care. She has brought a mirror, holding a refa beauty instrument in her hand. The mirror is surrounded by incandescent lamps, dizzying a layer of light.

Every layer of skin care has not fallen. No matter where Shengman is, she has to live very delicately.

She is obviously recording a show in the country, but she still leads a luxurious life, and she looks a bit out of place.

Ye Zhi is about to start skin care. She is a female celebrity after all. She has to rely on her face to eat. She has been busy with makeup for a long time, so she must take care of her skin care.

Ye Zhi walked into the bathroom, tied all her hair up, and was about to wash her face.

Gu Ren finished his today's trip. He got into the car, leaned back, head lazily leaning there.

A faint fatigue appeared between Gu Ren's eyebrows. He closed his eyes, his lips pressed tightly, and the lines were sharp and distinct. Under the shroud of sunlight, it adds a little bit of preciousness.

Gu Ren kept his eyes closed, and after a while, he raised his hand and pulled his tie.

His hand hooked up the dark side of the tie, and the tie slid silently away at the collar of the shirt, and he put it aside.

At this time, the agent Cheng Qi leaned in and said mysteriously: "Her show is live."

Gu Ren didn't open his eyes, he faintly spit out: "Who?"

Cheng Qi looked around and made sure that no one was looking at them before he reminded him softly: "Your wife."

Hearing these words, Gu Ren slowly opened his eyes, his eyes moved slightly: "She's live streaming?"

Cheng Qi nodded.

The tiredness between Gu Ren's eyebrows suddenly disappeared, and his thin lips lightly opened: "Let me see."

After Cheng Qi learned about the marriage between Gu Ren and Ye Zhiyin, he had slowly digested the matter.

He guessed that Gu Ren should want to know Ye Zhi's situation, so he immediately came over to tell Gu Ren, Gu Ren really wanted to see Ye Zhi.

Cheng Qi quickly clicked on Ye Zhi's channel, and he handed the phone to Gu Ren. Gu Ren took the phone and looked down.

At this moment, Ye Zhi was washing her face in the bathroom. After removing her makeup, the skin on her face was white and transparent, and her facial features looked brighter.

Now Ye Zhi started to take care of skin care. She had just put on a mask, and suddenly her nose was itchy, and she sneezed gently into the camera.

The barrage was full of laughter.

Gu Ren had just seen Ye Zhi's face applying the mask. At this moment, a whole piece of white mask was directly over the lens, blocking the lens.

Gu Ren who didn't see anything clearly: "..."

He put down his phone and glanced at Cheng Qi lightly. The bottom of his eyes meant, is this what you want to show me

Cheng Qi also thought Ye Zhi was a little funny. Why did she take off the mask when she sneezed. He suddenly stopped laughing when he saw Gu Ren's eyes.

In the next second, Gu Ren smiled very lightly: "Is she funny?"

Cheng Qi was inexplicably thrown away by dog food: "..."

Gu Ren looked at the phone again and found that Ye Zhi was about to go to bed. He watched for a few more seconds before handing the phone to Cheng Qi.

Gu Ren didn't watch Ye Zhi's variety show, but he wanted to know what Ye Zhi was doing. He looked at Cheng Qi: "What did she do on the show?"

Cheng Qi: "She got the worst room by drawing lots at the beginning."

Gu Ren's eyes darkened a bit: "What then?"

Cheng Qi: "Everyone didn't take her with her for anything, but she went to dig up wild vegetables to cook porridge and drink it alone."

Upon hearing this, Gu Ren asked with interest: "She still makes wild vegetable porridge?"

Cheng Qi nodded: "She only did her share, and the net celebrity quarreled with her as a result..."

Cheng Qi told Gu Ren about Nanbi's bullying of Ye Zhi, and Ye Zhi came back lightly. He also felt that Nanbi was too difficult to get along with.

Gu Ren lowered his eyes, and after a few seconds, he smiled lowly, looking very happy: "She is quite reluctant to admit defeat."

Cheng Qi was stunned, and Gu Ren actually laughed again.

In such a short time, Gu Ren actually laughed twice, and it was all because of Ye Zhi. Cheng Qi was thoughtful.

Gu Ren looked at Cheng Qi: "She is very smart, and all the remarks about her on the Internet are incorrect. If you really get along with her, you will know that she is a very good person."

Cheng Qi: "Do you know her well?"

Gu Ren's voice was inaudible, and he said a hidden and profound sentence: "I'm still in the groping stage."

He only understood a bit, but couldn't help but want to know more. Ye Zhi... What kind of person is he

Gu Ren continued to ask: "Anything else?" He also wanted to know what happened to Ye Zhi on the show.

Cheng Qi thought for a while: "Her hand seems to have been scratched."

Gu Ren's eyes darkened. He suddenly picked up the phone and dialed the housekeeper's number: "Wait later, you will help me buy the best skin care products."

He doesn't know what skin care products are the best, but he hopes Ye Zhi gets the best.

Butler: "Is it for the young lady?"

Gu Ren said, he pondered for a moment, then added: "Also, find out where the best beauty salon is."

After the recording of this episode is over, he will take Ye Zhi to the best beauty place to relax.

Gu Renyun spoke lightly: "If necessary, you can build a beauty salon at home."

Cheng Qi on the side was shocked. Gu Ren plans to build a beauty salon at home? This operation is really full of money!

Gu Ren didn't care what Cheng Qi thought, he thought, so Ye Zhi wouldn't need to go to the beauty salon.

He will compensate her for the hardship she suffered on that show.

The author has something to say: build a beauty salon at home. I'm sour!