I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 35: (500 red envelopes)


After a brief silence, Gu Ren broke the silence at the moment.

"Hello everyone, this is Gu Ren."

As Gu Ren's voice fell, everyone hadn't slowed down yet, and they discovered that the mysterious guest mentioned by the director was Gu Ren.

Gu Ren and Xiong Ting have worked together. Xiong Ting has a very good impression of Gu Ren, and they have always kept in touch with each other.

Xiong stopped a step forward, smiled and patted Gu Ren on the shoulder: "A Ren."

Shan Qian is a newcomer. In the process of learning acting, he has always regarded Gu Ren as an idol and studied Gu Ren's acting skills.

At this time, Shan Qian saw Gu Ren and was unconsciously excited.

However, Nanbi had a schedule and left at dawn. If she knew that Gu Ren would participate, she would stay anyway.

Only one person present had a different mentality, and that was Ye Zhi.

In addition to being shocked or shocked, Ye Zhi never heard the news that Gu Ren mentioned that he was going to participate in a variety show.

By the way, Gu Ren mentioned it to her, but she didn't mention the specific program at all. She also taught Gu Ren to cook a few home-cooked dishes, which turned out to be used here.

Ye Zhi knew that it was a live broadcast, and her actions would be recorded by the camera. Ye Zhi was afraid that when she saw Gu Ren's reaction would be discovered by netizens, he immediately suppressed her expression.

While Gu Ren was greeting other guests, Yu Guang was also paying attention to Ye Zhi's every move, naturally seeing Ye Zhi bow his head as if avoiding.

Ye Zhi's reaction at this moment was as expected by Gu Ren. He originally had a smile in his eyes. Because of Ye Zhi's actions, the smile in his eyes deepened in an instant.

Gu Ren's gaze passed over Ye Zhi inadvertently, and the growing smile slowly closed, as if the soft color just now was an illusion.

The next second, another car drove in from the entrance of the village, and Yue Ling got out of the car and greeted everyone with a smile.

Even when facing Ye Zhi, Yue Ling still smiled sweetly, and she couldn't see her disgusting emotion towards Ye Zhi in private.

After Gu Ren and Yue Ling arrived, the barrage almost exploded, but with Gu Ren in front, only a few people discussed Yue Ling.

"Ah, my idol has really come! I'm not dreaming, am I?"

"I hope Ye Zhi has a bit of foresight, don't think about hyping Gu Ren, let Gu Ren go, let us watch a program."

"Ye Zhi doesn't seem to want to touch Ci Gu Ren at all, don't rush to complain now, I hope Ye Zhi will keep it well."

Gu Ren stood directly next to Xiong Ding, while Ye Zhi was standing on the farthest end from Gu Ren, unable to meet his sight or speak.

But Ye Zhi originally stood in that direction, even if she stood a little further away to avoid suspicion, it would not arouse the suspicion of netizens.

But Yue Ling was different. The most important reason for her coming to this show was to get on the line with Gu Ren. She was afraid that her agent would disagree, so she crossed the agent to pick up the variety show.

After Yue Ling watched Gu Ren stood still, he glanced at all the guests first, and then walked straight to Gu Ren's side and stood there.

Yue Ling thought to herself that she and Gu Ren were originally from the same company, and there was nothing to be scolded even if they stood together.

What Yue Ling thought was good. Although netizens saw this scene and did not directly say that she touched porcelain, some netizens already felt uncomfortable.

The director spoke.

"Now there are new guests, so we have to regroup and divide them into two groups. First, the female guests will play a small game. The two fastest can choose the team members first."

What the director said was exactly what Yue Ling wanted, and she must win whatever she said.

There are three female guests, Ye Zhi, Sheng Man and Yue Ling.

There is a distance of a few meters between them. Everyone needs to stand in place and make six turns. Whoever finishes it first has the right to choose first.

This is not difficult for Ye Zhi, she herself learns to dance.

When hearing the rules of the game, Yue Ling looked at Ye Zhi. She had previously read Ye Zhi's information. Sheng Man once deliberately made Ye Zhi skip a dance.

Ye Zhiwu dances very well, and such a small game is also a breeze for her.

Shengman doesn't look down on this kind of game, but she doesn't want to fall to the point of being selected, and if she succeeds first, she still has the opportunity to choose Gu Ren.

For a time, the three female guests were all ready subconsciously, and they had different thoughts.

As the whistle blew, the female guests turned in circles at the same time.

Unsurprisingly, Ye Zhi did the best, and the range of her feet turning was where she stood. She turned very fast, but there was no sign of instability in her figure.

Shengman, who turned the slowest, had never played a game like this before, and her movements were so awkward that she knew at first glance that she would lose.

Yue Ling was better than Sheng Man, but her body turned more and more in the direction of Ye Zhi, and she couldn't control her figure in circles, even if the distance between her and Ye Zhi had been shortening, it was normal.

When Ye Zhi finished the last lap, Yue Ling just ran into Ye Zhi. Ye Zhi leaned to the side and stopped spinning, but Yue Ling happened to finish the last two laps.

Ye Zhi lost, Yue Ling won.

After Ye Zhi was hit, he immediately stabilized his figure and insisted on finishing the last lap.

At the moment when Yue Ling hit Ye Zhi, Gu Ren's faint eyes suddenly became cold, and his whole figure seemed to be wrapped in the cold moonlight, so cold that people did not dare to approach him.

Gu Ren frowned, and his fingers dangled slightly. He subconsciously wanted to step forward and hold Ye Zhi, but his reason instantly pulled him back. Only then did he realize that this was recording a show.

Gu Ren had originally looked so light and indifferent, but now it was even colder.

Fortunately, Gu Ren stood in the shadow on the side, even if it was photographed by the camera, it couldn't explain much.

Yue Ling watched Ye Zhi stand up, and immediately smiled and took a few steps forward: "Sorry, I turned so dizzy that I accidentally ran into you."

Yue Ling smiled and said sincerely, as if she had been accidental just now.

How could Ye Zhi couldn't tell if Yue Ling did it on purpose, she also smiled back: "It's okay, I will remember to stand further next time."

Yue Ling thought that Ye Zhi would get angry on the spot. When she was blocked by Ye Zhi's words, she could only nod her head: "I will pay more attention."

After Yue Ling found out that Ye Zhi was wearing the latest dress last time, she guessed that Ye Zhi must have a backstage, otherwise how did that dress get into Ye Zhi's hands.

However, Ye Zhi's background cannot affect netizens' impression of Ye Zhi. Ye Zhilu's popularity is so poor, even if she bumps into Ye Zhi, no one will help Ye Zhi speak.

But this time Yue Ling was wrong. Netizens had a better impression of Ye Zhi. Ye Zhi was hacked because she touched porcelain and Gu Ren was hacked. Now she doesn't touch porcelain, and netizens will not chase after her forever.

Besides, who is Yue Ling, how can she have so many fans of Gu Ren.

"Did Yue Ling deliberately? I found her looking at Ye Zhi when the game started."

"It turns out that I was still admiring Ye Zhi turning around, but I was hit unexpectedly. Ye Zhi still insisted on completing the task, and he was not angry at all."

"I have changed a lot of Ye Zhi this time. Yue Ling is desperately trying to win. It's not because I want to pick Gu Ren away in advance."

The director turned a blind eye to Yue Ling's behavior, and he didn't go into it deeply. Anyway, the show is worth seeing like this.

Director: "Yue Ling and Ye Zhi are the leaders of the two groups. Yue Ling has completed the circle first, and Yue Ling will choose the team members first."

Since Ye Zhi and Yue Ling won the top two, Shengman was left behind and became the chosen one.

Compared with Sheng Man's bad face, Ye Zhi was quite calm. She looked at Yue Ling clearly, she knew Yue Ling's reason against her.

Last time at the dress shop, Yue Ling broke into the shop, but failed to get the dress she wanted, and instead was added to the blacklist.

After Yue Ling saw that the dress was wearing on her, there was nothing he didn't understand. Ye Zhi didn't care about Yue Ling's secret targeting.

Ye Zhi suddenly thought of something, her gaze fell on Gu Ren's body, but she only stayed for a moment and then looked away.

Ye Zhi vaguely guessed Yue Ling's other intentions. Ye Zhi frowned slightly, feeling a little irritable for no reason.

Yue Ling smiled when she heard the director's words. She pretended to think hard for a while and scanned all the guests.

Finally, Yue Ling said the name that she had already decided in her heart.

"Gu Ren."

Yue Ling smiled at Gu Ren: "We are still in the same company, and I hope to show you more."

In the face of Yue Ling's deliberate coping, Gu Ren did not smile as she expected, but Gu Ren just nodded slightly.

Gu Ren didn't show any partiality to Yue Ling because of her mention of the same company.

After setting up the group, Gu Ren didn't walk to Yue Ling's side, still standing in place, as if he was going to wait until everyone was selected before going over.

However, Gu Ren's temperament has always been this way, cold and cold, making it difficult to see his emotions. Even if he did this, everyone felt reasonable.

The smile on Yue Ling's face stiffened for a moment, but soon returned to normal. She also knew Gu Ren's character, Gu Ren was not the kind of person who would take the initiative to show good things.

It was Ye Zhi's turn to select members of the team. Ye Zhi glanced briefly, then looked at Xiong and smiled.

"Brother Xiong, you have to go with me."

Xiong Ting just didn't want to be with Yue Ling. He saw the scene where Yue Ling deliberately bumped into Ye Zhi just now. He had experienced much more than Yue Ling, and Yue Ling's careful thinking could be seen through him at a glance.

Xiong Ting has always been going straight back and forth, disdainful of dealing with those who are serious about it.

Xiong Ting laughed twice and walked in Ye Zhi's direction: "Of course I am fine."

Yue Ling saw that Ye Zhi had chosen Xiong Ting, and immediately said, "I'll choose a single dive for the next team member."

As soon as the voice fell, everyone realized a problem. If Gu Ren, Xiong Ting, and Shan Qian were selected and left, then it meant that one person was left.

Shengman turned out to be the undesired member of the team.

However, everyone subconsciously felt that it should have been this way. Combined with Shengman's previous performance, if it were them, they would also avoid Shengman and elect others first.

Sheng Man's face almost couldn't be maintained. When did she receive such treatment, why didn't anyone choose her

Sheng Man almost dropped something and left. The director noticed that the atmosphere was not right, so he hurried out to round the field.

"Then Shengman will automatically belong to Ye Zhi's group."

Ye Zhi didn't expect this result either. He didn't expect that Yue Ling would not choose Shengman. Ye Zhi watched Shengman walk to her side reluctantly.

Ye Zhi looked at Sheng Man's flat expression and almost couldn't help but laugh, but she kept in mind that she was recording a show now, and learned that Gu Ren looked calm and calm in the face of everything, so she suppressed her smile.

From the time Ye Zhi and the others began to select group members, netizens have been speculating whether Ye Zhi and Shengman will be put in a group, and now it actually happened.

"Sheng Man's reluctant expression is too obvious, I can feel her anger through the screen."

"Although Ye Zhi is standing in a row with Shengman, how do I feel that there is a Milky Way between the two people, hahaha!"

"The show is too interesting, I can chase one hundred episodes just for this scene."

Director: "The ingredients are hidden by the show team, and the guests have two hours to find them."

After Ye Zhi chose the direction, Yue Ling chose a completely opposite position, and the two groups began to carry out the task.

Ye Zhi and Xiong Ting discussed, they first started looking along the stream, Sheng Man stood beside them, saying nothing, and didn't mean to participate at all.

After Ye Zhi and the others set off, Sheng Man slowly followed behind.

Yue Ling chose the direction of the woods. She saw that Ye Zhi had already left her sight, and the smile on her face deepened a bit.

While walking, Yue Ling talked to Gu Ren: "Senior, although I am in the same company as you, I haven't said a few words yet."

Yue Ling tilted his head and looked at Gu Ren, with a delicate smile on his face.

Gu Ren didn't squint, looked around, and didn't even look at Yue Ling. He hummed, his voice was slightly cold.

"I am very busy."

After saying this sentence, Gu Ren said nothing.

Gu Ren answered very briefly, and he didn't know whether he was busy answering the previous question or telling Yue Ling that he was too busy to talk to her now.

Yue Ling wanted to say something, Shan Qian suddenly said, "There seems to be nothing to eat here. We might as well find them separately, otherwise we won't be able to eat dinner."

Just as Yue Ling wanted to refuse, Gu Ren immediately agreed: "It's a good idea, it's more efficient."

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Ren and Shan Qian spontaneously split into two directions, and even after Yue Ling, they began to look for them.

It is understandable that Gu Ren and Shan Qian made this suggestion. Now is the task time, and finding the ingredients is the first thing.

Yue Ling wanted to take the opportunity to get close to Gu Ren, and the plan he had hyped up failed before it even started.

At the other end, Ye Zhi and his party were walking toward the stream. Ye Zhi and the others guessed it was correct. The very center of the stream seemed to be filled with food.

Ye Zhi entered the water first, followed by Xiong Ting and Shengman, Xiong stopped in the other direction to see if there were other ingredients.

But Sheng Man just wanted to put her feet in, but when she saw the brand-name shoes on her feet, she began to hesitate.

The water in the stream in autumn was a bit piercingly cold, Ye Zhi just frowned, and went on walking again.

When Ye Zhi walked very close to the ingredients, he suddenly stepped on a particularly smooth stone, slipped under his feet, and sat in the water all of a sudden.

At this moment, half of Ye Zhi's body was wet. Ye Zhi just wanted to stand up, and the next second, a hand was put in front of her.

The slender fingers are thin and clean, and the lines in the open palm are clear. Look up along the hand.

Gu Ren stood against the light, standing in a position where the light and shadow interlaced, the clear sunlight fell on his shoulders, and his face was mostly covered by the shadows.

Ye Zhi stretched out her hand subconsciously, and when she put her hand on the palm of Gu Ren's hand, she realized that her hand had been soaked with water.

The moment Ye Zhi wanted to withdraw his hand, Gu Ren held her hand without hesitation and pulled her out of the water.

The moment Ye Zhi stood up, the hands that Ye Zhi and Gu Ren held each other tacitly separated, and each took a step back.

Ye Zhi could only hear the sound of water splashing behind her. She immediately turned her head to look and found that Sheng Man had come to the stream at some unknown time and fell into the water just like her.

Xiong Ting on the side hurriedly stretched out his hand and handed it to Shengman: "Come on, I will help you up."

Sheng Man reluctantly asked Xiong Ting to pull her up.

Seeing such a scene, netizens suddenly became excited.

"Ah, my idol actually took Ye Zhi's hand!"

"How do I feel that Shengman did it on purpose? Did you want to wait for Gu Ren to pull her? I didn't expect Brother Xiong to come."

"Ye Zhi did it deliberately. I calculated the time and wanted Gu Ren to pull her."

"Ye Zhi shouldn't have eyes behind her back. Gu Ren came from behind, and she was also a guest. It's normal to help if she fell, and after Ye Zhi stood up, she went straight away."

Ye Zhi didn't expect Gu Ren to be so courageous, but she fell in front of Gu Ren and Gu Ren did nothing, which made people more suspicious.

After Ye Zhi and Gu Ren looked at each other, they immediately looked away.

The moment Ye Zhi turned her head, Gu Ren understood Ye Zhi's meaning, and she only said one sentence in her eyes.

Gu Ren, converge a little bit.