I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 40: (500 red envelopes)


early morning.

Gu Ren leaned slightly, leaning lazily against the door of Ye Zhi's room. He looked down at the ground without looking at the door.

Gu Ren raised his hand and knocked on Ye Zhi's door lightly, with a casual voice: "Ye Zhi, are you awake?"

There was no movement inside.

Gu Ren knocked on the door again: "Ye Zhi, are you awake?"

Ye Zhi was still asleep, she vaguely heard the knock on the door, she opened her eyes and really heard the sound coming from outside the door.

Ye Zhi asked in a daze, "Who is that?"

Gu Ren's familiar voice came from outside: "It's me."

Ye Zhi recognized Gu Ren's voice and instantly became sober a lot, and said, "What's the matter?"

Gu Ren didn't speak, he paused for a while. Across the door, his voice came: "Can I come in and have a chat with you?"

Ye Zhi glanced at his pajamas and his messy hair. She sat up in a spirited spirit: "Wait, I'll clean up!"

Ye Zhi quickly sorted out his pajamas, and said, "Come in."

The door opened, Gu Ren walked in, and he looked over to the bed.

Ye Zhi sat there with her hair loosely pulled up, and her black hair hanging down made her skin white even more.

Gu Ren couldn't move his eyes away, he sat down and looked at Ye Zhi: "From today, you are going to the gym to exercise."

There is a gym at home, so if you want to exercise, it is very convenient.

Ye Zhi was stunned: "Why do you want to exercise?"

Gu Ren: "There are many challenges in the "Perfect Partner" program, and most of them are performed outdoors, requiring a lot of physical strength."

Gu Ren glanced at Ye Zhi's slender body: "If you have poor physical fitness, you will have a lot of pain in this show."

Ye Zhi understood what Gu Ren meant. Since she took the show, she wanted to finish it well and try her best to stay behind.

Ye Zhi responded, she thought of a question and asked: "Do I need to find a fitness coach?"

Hearing these words, Gu Ren raised his eyebrows, and he laughed lowly: "Fitness coach?"

Gu Ren stood up suddenly, he walked slowly towards Ye Zhi, and stopped in front of the bed.

Ye Zhi raised his head and looked at Gu Ren. Gu Ren curled his eyebrows and said unhurriedly, "Do you think you need to find it?"

In the next second, Gu Ren raised his hand and pointed his slender fingers slowly at himself, with a sparse and cold tone: "Ye Zhi, I am your fitness coach."

Ye Zhi was slightly startled: "You?"

Gu Ren raised his eyebrows: "Can't you?"

Ye Zhi glanced at the smooth and perfect lines on Gu Ren's arm, then she silently glanced at her, and replied resignedly: "Yes."

Gu Ren smiled very lightly: "Miss Ye, you know, I'm very strict."

Ye Zhi straightened his back, not letting his momentum weaken: "I won't be lazy either."

After Gu Ren finished speaking, he turned and walked out. When he was about to walk to the door, he stopped abruptly, turned his body on his side, and looked at Ye Zhi in a blink of an eye.

Gu Ren left the next sentence: "Tomorrow at seven o'clock, I will come to wake you up." After speaking, Gu Ren left.

Since Ye Zhi decided to go to exercise, she adjusted the alarm clock that night and lay in bed early.

The next morning, the clear sound of the alarm clock rang, breaking the silence of the morning. Ye Zhi woke up as soon as the alarm clock rang.

Ye Zhi looked at the time, it was still early, she got up to wash, and soon became sober.

Ye Zhi paid attention to the time. It was almost time. She changed into sportswear, tied her ponytail, and opened the door.

As soon as Ye Zhi opened the door, he was stunned. Gu Ren leaned at the door, with his hands around his shoulders, a pair of long legs lying lazily across there, slender and straight.

Hearing the movement, Gu Ren looked over.

Gu Ren didn't expect Ye Zhi to get up. He slowly stood up straight, lowered his head and looked at Ye Zhi's neat dress.

The corners of Gu Ren's lips raised slightly: "Morning."

Ye Zhi: "Morning."

Gu Ren glanced down at the watch on his wrist, and the time on it just indicated that it was seven o'clock.

Gu Ren looked at Ye Zhi, he raised his hand, and lightly tapped the dial with his cold white fingers, with a smile at the end: "You are very punctual."

Ye Zhi smiled: "Of course."

Gu Ren and Ye Zhi casually ate some breakfast. After a while, Gu Ren stood up and said: "Follow me."

Ye Zhi followed Gu Ren, and the two went to the gym together.

In the next time, Ye Zhi understood what Gu Ren meant by being strict. Compared to usual, Gu Ren was indeed uncharacteristically strict.

She is weak, Gu Ren asked her to start practicing at the most basic level, but she was required to meet the standards in every movement so that she could achieve the best results.

Ye Zhi hasn't exercised for a long time. Every time she gets up, her body is sore. Ye Zhi felt very tired, but when she thought that Gu Ren was teaching her, she had the motivation to get up again.

He considers her, and she wants to work hard with him.

When exercising, Ye Zhi sometimes found that when Gu Ren looked at her, his eyes seemed to be confused.

But when she looked at it again, the trace of confusion was fleeting and would not be easily captured by her. Ye Zhi almost thought it was her illusion.

After a month of exercise, Ye Zhi completed those movements more and more easily, at least much stronger than her original physique.

On the last day, Gu Ren wanted to test Ye Zhi's training results this month.

As time passed, after Ye Zhi finished the last action, she was so tired that she lay directly on the ground, breathing much faster.

Ye Zhi breathed calmly, and asked softly: "I... Have I passed the level?"

Gu Ren's voice rang in a low voice: "Are you nervous?"

Ye Zhi did not speak. She was nervous about whether she disappointed Gu Ren during this month's training camp.

Gu Ren stood there with one hand in his pocket, lowered his eyes to look at her: "How can a student like you who work hard, let me down?"

Gu Ren stood against the light, Ye Zhi couldn't see his face clearly. From her perspective, it can be seen that Gu Ren's waist is very narrow and his legs are very long.

The light fell, and Gu Ren's body was half in the light and shadow, and half hidden in the darkness.

Half an inch of bright, half an inch of darkness, unexpectedly meeting, this kind of startling strange feeling, in this man, existed so vividly.

In the next second, Ye Zhi saw Gu Ren's body bend, he slowly squatted on the ground, resting his elbows on his knees casually, looking at her with his eyes down.

She was still lying on the ground, and he still bowed his head slightly, looking down at her.

This time, Ye Zhi could see Gu Ren's face clearly, his cold eyebrows, and the precious arc of the corner of his eye.

The light outside the window was hot and bright, Ye Zhi was lying on the ground, she raised her head, as if seeing the light and shadow shaking slightly.

In this flickering light and shadow, Ye Zhi heard Gu Ren's familiar and charming voice, which came clearly above her.

"Ye Zhi, now I tell you my answer."

Ye Zhi opened her eyes wide, and she looked at Gu Ren firmly, and her heart couldn't help but raise it.

Gu Ren leaned forward even more, but then no longer approached, those black eyes looked at Ye Zhi for a moment. He spit out a few words slowly.

"Ye Zhi, you passed the test."

Gu Ren's ending sounded slightly, with deep joy: "And it far exceeded my expectations."

Ye Zhi's heart loosened, and she smiled immediately.

After that, Ye Zhi remained quiet, Gu Ren did not leave, none of them spoke. The light is still hot, but here is a little quiet and warm.

The first episode of "Perfect Partner" is about to be recorded, and Ye Zhi and Gu Ren both rush to the venue. The male guests will wait in the venue first, and the female guests will appear one by one.

The male guests stood there, Gu Ren was particularly eye-catching, long and tall, like a clear fir-tree with snow falling.

The female guests have not yet appeared, and there will be a car parked afterwards, and the female guests will get off one by one.

The first car drove over, the car stopped, the door opened, and the person who came down was Amanda. She was tall and beautiful, and she was a famous model.

Amanda walked to the front and greeted the male guests, and she stood there.

After a while, the second car stopped, and the person who came down was Yue Ling. Yue Ling was wearing tight sportswear and outlined her good figure.

The people who appeared afterwards were model Jane and Shengman.

The last car came, and this was the last female guest. Everyone looked at the stopped car, and Gu Ren fixedly looked at the car.

Ye Zhi got out of the car, she walked to the front and greeted everyone. When she saw Gu Ren, Ye Zhi nodded at him.

This was the first time Song Li saw Ye Zhi and Sheng Man in the same frame at close range, and Song Li had an incredible idea.

He actually felt that Sheng Man was completely beaten by Ye Zhi.

The female guests were standing opposite the male guests. By coincidence, Ye Zhi happened to be standing opposite Gu Ren. As soon as they looked up, Ye Zhi and Gu Ren's eyes would meet.

But Ye Zhi is very measured. She knows that she can't have the eyes of Gu Ren, otherwise when the show is broadcast, everyone will call her again.

Gu Ren raised his head, his gaze flicked across Ye Zhi's body, soon drifted away, and then he withdrew his gaze inadvertently.

What Ye Zhi said to him before setting off appeared in Gu Ren's heart.

She strongly requested at home that, in order to avoid suspicion, when choosing a partner later, the two of them should not become partners.

The corners of Gu Ren's lips lifted slightly, don't you want to partner with him, do you

He lowered his eyes and looked thoughtful.

Yue Ling stood beside Ye Zhi, and she looked at Gu Ren without blinking. She had already thought about it, and when she could choose a partner, she must choose Gu Ren.

Gu Ren is handsome, capable, and very topical. If she can become a partner with Gu Ren, she will definitely become a champion, and she will be very popular.

Moderator: "We will start choosing a partner in a while. Before choosing a partner, everyone can say a few words."

Shengman: "I hope I can work with my partner and get the first place in this issue." Shengman made no secret of his desire to win.

The next speaker was Yue Ling, Yue Ling: "In order to participate in this program, I deliberately exercised for a month."

Yue Ling was lying naturally, she said so just to make everyone think that she worked very hard.

Ye Zhi glanced at Yue Ling, still the same as she had seen before, with very slender arms without any lines.

The guests each said a few words, and the host said: "Now I will start to choose a partner. I draw lots to decide who will choose the partner first. The selected person has the right to refuse."

The host took a note, he opened it and read it, and reported a name: "Yue Ling is the first to choose a partner."

Yue Ling was very surprised. She immediately looked at Gu Ren and said, "Gu Ren."

Gu Ren looked at her with a pale expression. Yue Ling took a deep breath, nervous and hopeful: "Can you partner with me?"

As the voice fell, the air suddenly fell silent.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at Yue Ling together. Everyone's thoughts were overwhelming, Yue Ling was really bold enough, she even directly suggested that Gu Ren would be her partner.

Gu Ren is indeed excellent, but he is cold-hearted and has a huge fan base. Even if some female stars have this idea, they dare not put it forward so boldly.

I just don't know how Gu Ren would answer.

Ye Zhi lowered his head and couldn't see any expression.

Gu Ren looked at Yue Ling, his face was still cold and clear, and the sun fell on his face, and he was fainted with a noble tone.

Gu Ren looked at Yue Ling, her eyes light and cold. His gaze shifted slightly, he glanced at Ye Zhi without a trace, and then moved away calmly.

Yue Ling looked at Gu Ren nervously. Although she was a little worried, she felt that Gu Ren would not reject her as a girl.

Gu Ren will definitely agree to her.

The next second, Gu Ren opened his mouth, his thin lips lightly opened, and his voice was very calm: "Sorry."

In just two words, it clearly explained one thing. Gu Ren rejected Yue Ling without hesitation.

From Yue Ling's name Gu Ren to Gu Ren's rejection of Yue Ling, Gu Ren's expression remained unchanged from beginning to end.

Gu Ren's eyebrows were cold and three-dimensional, and his thin lips pressed slightly. Such a good-looking person said the words to reject Yue Ling.

Yue Ling was extremely embarrassed, she did not expect that she would be rejected. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to bury her head directly, and did not dare to look up again.

Moderator: "Yue Ling, you still have one chance." The person who draws the lottery has two chances. If the second time is rejected, they can only be chosen by others.

Yue Ling barely calmed down. She knew that if she was rejected next time, she would have no face to record this episode.

Yue Ling scanned the male guests. Xiong Ding was the one she had worked with. He was getting older and shouldn't refuse her.

Yue Ling looked at Xiong Ding: "Xiong Ding, can you go with me?"

Xiong Ting said frankly: "Yes." Yue Ling breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, the host continued to draw lots. The selected person was a single dive, and the single dive and male star Xiang Heng became partners. The selection of partners continued. Model Jane chose Amanda, and athlete Qian Hong chose Liu Cong.

There are only four people left on the court who have yet to choose a partner.

Gu Ren, Song Li, Ye Zhi, Sheng Man.

Song Ji was standing next to Gu Ren. After Song Ji saw that Ye Zhi and Sheng Man were left among the female guests on the court, he had an idea in his heart.

Song Li approached Gu Ren and said a few words with Gu Ren. Gu Ren tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. Everyone saw their movements, but they didn't know what they were talking about.

At this time, the host drew lots. After seeing the name displayed on it, he looked in one direction and called the person's name.

"Gu Ren."

Sheng Man looked at Gu Ren's direction, and she had a faint expectation in her heart.

Speaking of her, she is also good enough. After so many people were drawn, she has never been drawn, and she has no chance to choose a partner.

Fortunately, Gu Ren, who she most wanted to partner with, was never selected.

Apart from her, the only female guests present were Ye Zhi. If Gu Ren plans to partner with a female guest, Shengman certainly thinks that Gu Ren will choose herself.

Shengman raised his head expectantly.

After the host reported Gu Ren's name, Ye Zhi couldn't help but look at Gu Ren, who happened to meet Gu Ren's dark and deep eyes.

Somehow, Ye Zhi's heart was uncontrollably fast.

Gu Ren didn't look at anyone, his gaze fell straight on Ye Zhi's body. The air was silent, and everyone was waiting for Gu Ren's answer.

Yue Ling wanted Gu Ren to be her partner, but Gu Ren refused her. Even if other female stars wanted to partner with Gu Ren, they had to rest.

Everyone can't help but wonder, who would such a person choose to be his partner

After a brief silence, Gu Ren's lips lightly opened, calling out a person's name, and his voice clearly reached everyone's ears.

"Ye Zhi."

Ye Zhi was startled, she looked at Gu Ren in surprise. Could it be Gu Ren...

Sheng Man saw Gu Ren calling Ye Zhi's name. She vaguely understood what would happen next, and she clenched her hands in anger.

The air became quieter, as if a very thin thread was stretched. Everyone's breathing slowed down a bit, for fear of disturbing the silence.

Gu Ren stared at Ye Zhi, his pupils were extremely dark, and there was an inexplicable luster flowing in the bottom of his eyes.

In the silence, Gu Ren opened his mouth, and his voice was low, deep and clear: "Can I be your partner?"