I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 42: (500 red envelopes)


Ye Zhi and Gu Ren rushed to the next challenge location and saw Song Li standing in the center. Not far in front of him was a wall full of balloons.

Song Yu held a gun in his hand and pointed it at the balloon. However, Song Xun's expression was a bit ugly. Sheng Man stood behind and looked at her. Her expression was also ugly, and it seemed that it was not going well.

Ye Zhi and Gu Ren went to understand the challenge rules.

A microphone is placed in each of the four directions on the wall, and the voice of one of the partners will be heard in the microphone when the time comes. The challenger will shoot the balloon in that direction according to the direction of the sound.

But the key is that the challenger must be blindfolded and use only the voice to discern the direction.

And there are many balloons around the four microphones. Only three balloons are blue. You must hit the blue balloon to be successful, and hit other balloons to fail the challenge.

In the four directions, blindfolded and hit the four target balloons in the specified time respectively to be considered as a successful challenge.

The staff member said: "Song Xun and the others have challenged twice, but they have not succeeded in the challenge." Song Xun did not even hit a balloon.

Ye Zhi looked at Gu Ren: "This task is a bit difficult." Not only was he invisible, but he had to hit four balloons in a row.

Gu Ren pondered for a moment, and left a sentence: "But you can give it a try."

Ye Zhi suddenly thought of something, she said directly: "I will challenge this task."

Others thought about whether Gu Ren would hit all the balloons in the future, but Ye Zhi was worried that if Gu Ren was blindfolded, would he think it was night

Gu Ren has night blindness, will he feel uneasy because of it

Gu Ren shook his head: "I'll finish."

Ye Zhi was worried that Gu Ren could not understand what she meant. She suddenly said: "Then remember, when the cloth strips are covered, although it is dark in front of you, it is not the real night."

Ye Zhi's sentence sounded a little unclear, so he didn't understand what it meant, but only the two of them knew what it meant.

Ye Zhi was reminding Gu Ren that even if he couldn't see it, it wasn't because of night blindness. He didn't need to worry.

Gu Ren understood Ye Zhi's words instantly, his eyes darkened a bit, "I understand."

Gu Ren raised his hand, pointed to his ear, and said something meaningful: "Judge by hearing, not by sight."

Ye Zhi knew, and Gu Ren understood what she meant, and she felt a little relieved.

In these few conversations between the two, others will not find anything wrong. Gu Ren is Ye Zhi's partner, Gu Ren is about to play, and Ye Zhi confessed a few words before that, it is understandable.

Now that Gu Ren decided to complete the project, Ye Zhi was going to record what he said. She walked to the recording studio, thought about it, and recorded a sentence.

Ye Zhi said, "Gu Ren, I am here."

I am here, so even if darkness falls, you don't need to be afraid.

After Ye Zhi recorded this sentence, he returned to the venue. Gu Ren was in front of the preparation, she stood watching from a distance.

Gu Ren took the black cloth handed to him by the staff. He held the black cloth and slowly covered it around his eyes.

The black cloth covered Gu Ren's deep eyes and his deep black eyelashes. The exposed lower jaw was cold white and thin, with smooth lines, as if it were a sculpture.

The moment the cloth strip was covered, Gu Ren's eyes plunged into darkness. Not only the light, but even the sound, seemed to be far away from him.

Gu Ren raised his hand, covering one of his eyes with a slender hand, and touching it lightly, the fabric felt a bit rough and the texture was extremely thick.

Then, Gu Ren slowly removed his hand. He raised his hand in front of his eyes and stretched out his fingers slowly, still unable to see anything clearly.

The completely opaque black cloth strip made him seem to be in the deep dark night without a trace of light.

Gu Ren seemed to think about it again. The first time he knew he had night blindness, his heart suddenly filled with confusion and hesitation.

But he remembered what Ye Zhi had said. She told him that he was completing the project now, not the real dark night.

Thinking of this, Gu Ren's eyes gradually returned to calm.

In the case of temporary loss of vision, the sense of hearing becomes extremely sharp, and any subtle sound will be captured.

At this moment, a male voice suddenly came from the microphone: "Please be prepared, the challenge will begin immediately."

The air was extremely silent, and the microphone in the upper left corner rang Ye Zhi's voice, her voice was cold and clear.

"Gu Ren, I am here."

Gu Ren's heart shook. The phrase "Gu Ren, I am here" seemed to break through the condensed darkness and dispelled all anxiety.

Gu Ren understood why Ye Zhi would record such a sentence. He understood her worries and her worries.

Gu Ren could even imagine the look of Ye Zhi when he said these words. She must be scared, he can't overcome the fear of darkness.

But how could he let her down

Gu Ren tilted his head, he seriously recalled when Ye Zhi's voice sounded just now. After a few seconds, Gu Ren raised his hand and pointed the gun to the upper left corner.

Gu Ren held the gun straight, but did not move. The hand is always in the air, maintaining such a silent posture.

Gu Ren tilted his head slightly, and his jaw deflected inward for a few minutes. The light reflected on his skin color, glowing with a jade-like cold white tone.

Gu Ren recalled the scene just now. He frowned and felt something was wrong with his instinct. It should be in this direction, but it seemed something was missing.

The senses were no longer useful here, so he relied on his intuition to judge where Ye Zhi's voice had just come from.

Gu Ren's thin lips pressed tightly, and he simply gambled once. Win, or lose, just between his thoughts.

At this time, Gu Ren's hand moved up slightly, and there was almost no difference with the naked eye. Only Gu Ren himself knew that his hand changed direction.

At this time, the top microphone on the ceiling sounded a warning sound. Remind Gu Ren that if he doesn't shoot again, after time has passed, he is equivalent to giving up this opportunity.

The cold mechanical voice sounded: "Five, four..."

Ye Zhi's heart was raised, she was worried that Gu Ren was suffering from night blindness, and there was a shadow in her heart, so she didn't shoot for a long time.

Just now she suggested that she wanted to complete this project by herself, but Gu Ren refused her. She had known this a while ago, and she should have tried her best to stop it.

Ye Zhi was extremely worried, her palms were covered with cold sweat.

Time passed quickly, and the cold mechanical female voice continued to count down: "Three, two..." There was still a second away, and Gu Ren was equivalent to giving up the opportunity directly!

The next second, Gu Ren's index finger bent slightly and pulled the trigger. With a "bang", the blue balloon in the upper left corner was instantly broken.

It hit the target balloon and Gu Ren won the bet.

As long as Gu Ren's hand shifted by a few minutes, he would make a wrong call. But Gu Ren didn't. He hit the balloon accurately.

Ye Zhi showed a slight smile.

Gu Ren had no time to think about whether he hit the target balloon. Because at this time, Ye Zhi's voice came from the microphone again.

Gu Ren tilted his head and listened attentively. Ye Zhi's voice clearly fell into his ears, and again, "Gu Ren, I am here."

Same tone, same voice. This time, the sound came from the microphone in the upper right corner.

Gu Ren lowered his head slightly, his gaze lowered, but his hand slowly raised, pointing to the upper right corner.

Gu Ren adjusted his angle, this time he didn't think for long, and soon shot. The gunfire broke the air and directly hit the blue balloon under the microphone.

Gu Ren also hit the second target balloon.

When Gu Ren challenged, Song Xun and Sheng Man were also watching. Although they have failed the challenge twice, but the other mission is too far away, they are not ready to go.

They were going to try again after Gu Ren challenged.

Song Xie didn't think that Gu Ren would succeed in the challenge before, but when Song Xie saw Gu Ren hit two balloons in succession, he became uneasy.

Gu Ren was able to hit two balloons? You know, he challenged twice, but missed none.

Song Yu sank his face, would Gu Ren hit all the remaining balloons? This is simply impossible.

The challenge rule is that as long as one of the four target balloons fails to hit, the challenge will fail. How could Gu Ren do it

He firmly believed that Gu Ren would definitely fail.

After Sheng Man saw Gu Ren hit the balloon, she felt that Gu Ren was very capable, but it was a pity that she was not his partner.

Sheng Man glanced at Song Li, with disgust in his eyes. Unexpectedly, Song Xie was so useless, he couldn't even hit a balloon and had no chance to win at all.

People on the sidelines had different thoughts, and Gu Ren was still standing in the center, blindfolded. In the silence, there was another "Gu Ren, I am here."

Gu Ren raised his hand, the gunfire fell, and the blue balloon in the lower right corner was hit again.

Sheng Man Song Li's face was ugly, while Ye Zhi's lips increased with a smile.

Gu Ren knew that there was one last balloon left, and he must take it more seriously. Ye Zhi's nice voice resounded from the microphone in the lower left corner.

"Gu Ren, I am here."

Gu Ren raised the gun for the fourth time, his expression was complacent, and the corners of his lips raised a slight smile. Compared with the first time of uncertainty, this time, he was confident.

Gu Ren smiled, he calmly squeezed the trigger, the gunshot fell into the air and also hit the last target balloon.

The four target balloons were all hit, no difference.

After Gu Ren took off the black cloth strip, the light flooded into his eyes. He closed his eyes first, and when he adjusted to the light, he looked up at the wall full of balloons.

All four balloons hit, and as he expected, he won the bet.

Gu Ren turned around and met Ye Zhi's eyes.

Seeing that Gu Ren had succeeded in the challenge, Ye Zhi subconsciously wanted to run in front of Gu Ren. But now she is recording a show, she can't be too strong.

Ye Zhi walked quickly to Gu Ren's side. She looked at Gu Ren and couldn't hide her surprise: "You succeeded."

Gu Ren lowered his eyes to look at Ye Zhi, and pulled his lips together. If anything, he emphasized, "We succeeded."

This challenge is indeed difficult, but the key is that if he is familiar enough with Ye Zhi and he can accurately recognize her voice, the problem will be solved.

Gu Ren's eyes were quite meaningful, and he... how could he not recognize her voice

Gu Ren succeeded in the challenge. After he and Ye Zhi got the pass, they hurried to the next location.

After completing a few more tasks, they rushed to the final location. The host is waiting for everyone at the end.

Two people rushed in front, and the host took a closer look. It was Gu Ren and Ye Zhi. The host smiled: "Congratulations, you are the first team here."

Next, the second to reach the finish line is the Olympic champion Qian Hong and Liu Cong.

The third person who rushed was Sheng Man and Song Li. After seeing Gu Ren's challenge successfully, the two of them gave up decisively and rushed to another venue to complete the task. Fortunately, they arrived here in time.

After submerging Xiang Heng, Yue Lingxiong stopped one after another, and the last one arrived was the model group.

The first episode is over. After the second episode is recorded, the lowest score of the two episodes combined will be eliminated.

After the end of the first program, the program group asked the guests to stand together and take pictures.

When taking pictures, the partners naturally stood together, a group of models, a single dive Xiang Heng... Therefore, Ye Zhi and Gu Ren also stood together.

When everyone was about to find a good position, Sheng Man directly ignored his partner Song Xun, and accurately aimed at the middle position, c position.

I don't know if it is because Shengman habitually puts herself in the most important position, or because she has too much actual combat experience, she has already slipped out of the c position.

When Shengman was standing at the c position, in the next half minute, Shengman succeeded in getting everyone's attention.

The gazes from Ye Zhi and Gu Ren: They were a little speechless, but they didn't show it on their faces.

Xiong Ting's attention: He is the person with the deepest experience in the performing arts scene, and Shengman is indeed a little hard to say.

Yue Ling's angry stare: How can she make her debut three or four years earlier than Sheng Man, how could Sheng Man have the face to do so.

But Shengman was not afraid of everyone's gaze, and his feet seemed to be firmly nailed to the ground. Regardless of other people's qualifications and status, she will occupy the most conspicuous position.

The c bit must belong to her.

When the guests were standing there, Gu Ren staggered a little, and when he skewed, he was about to fall.

Ye Zhi was standing next to Gu Ren, others did not notice, but she was keenly aware of it. Ye Zhi bent down slightly and supported Gu Ren's body with his hands.

Gu Ren stood firm, he looked down, and met Ye Zhi's solemn gaze, Gu Ren was a little strange.

Ye Zhi looked at Gu Ren. She stretched out her slender fingers and slowly pointed to the ground. Gu Ren looked in the direction of Ye Zhi's finger, and was slightly startled.

On the ground not far from Gu Ren, for some reason, there was a raised nail. It's very inconspicuous, and you can't recognize it if you don't look closely.

If Gu Ren had fallen down just now, he would have been stabbed by this nail, and the situation would be very serious.

Ye Zhi raised his head to meet Gu Ren's gaze, both of them looked very solemn. The nail that appeared for no reason left a shadow in the hearts of both of them.

No one noticed the movements of Ye Zhi and Gu Ren, and then began to take pictures.

After the shooting, the photos were posted online, and the netizens were very angry and screamed. Most people's ideas can be summed up in one sentence.

Shengman dared to stand in c position, what is her identity? Are all the people present dead

"I want to ask Shengman's fans, does your idol have c cancer?"

"There is more than one person better than Shengman, right? Why is she standing in the middle?"

"Sorry, this is a variety show. Please don't use the c-position theory of the entertainment industry. Shengman just stood there casually. If everyone feels dissatisfied, our fans apologize for her."

Shengman's fans argued for reasons and explained that this is just a variety show, and there is no need for everyone to be so serious.

However, some netizens quickly summarized the photos taken since Shengman participated in the event. They found more details. It turns out that it is not only this variety show that she has grabbed the c position.

On the red carpet, pictured together on the show... Shengman always let others stand aside, no matter if others are older than her.

People even dare to grab the c position of an international famous director, so how can they put other people in their eyes? Fans who had washed Shengman all night are gone, so they can only go back to wash and sleep.

Netizens who brainstormed, gave Shengman a very appropriate title.

c cancer.

Because of Shengman's death, netizens neglected that the male and female protagonists were standing together, and all their anger was directed at Shengman alone.

While Sheng Man was being scolded, on this side, Gu Ren and Ye Zhi returned home. They both felt that things were not right today.

Ye Zhi looked serious: "If you fell today, the nail will hit you."

Gu Ren raised his brows slightly, and said slowly: "It stands to reason that there will be no nails in that venue." The staff will check in advance.

Gu Ren pondered for a moment. This incident could not be explained by common sense, but it appeared out of thin air. It seemed... There is only one reason to explain it.

Gu Ren raised his eyes, looked straight at Ye Zhi, and called her name: "Ye Zhi."

Ye Zhi looked at Gu Ren.

Gu Ren's dark eyes didn't last for an instant, and he uttered a clear voice, and his voice fell into the air: "Did you forget to spend money lately?"