I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 50: (500 red envelopes)


Gu Ren's voice rang in the air, and Ye Zhi was slightly startled. Gu Ren was asking her, why is she so clear about blind people

Ye Zhi stayed here for too long, she almost thought she was here. However, she knew clearly that she was not.

She comes from another world.

Memories emerged in Ye Zhi's mind. In the original world, she used to be a volunteer and helped a blind person.

When she first arrived there, other volunteers told her that there was a blind man here who was very withdrawn. He didn't like to laugh, talked very little, and hardly communicated with others.

Although the blind man is very good-looking, because of his cold temper, many volunteers are reluctant to take care of him. Who can stand such a cold person.

However, Ye Zhi went.

In getting along with the blind, Ye Zhi gradually learned a lot about the blind. She knew that the blind was blind after birth. He looked cold, but he needed help.

The blind man doesn't talk much, maybe because he still can't get out of some things, and has closed his heart with his cold appearance.

After getting along for a long time, Ye Zhi feels that blind people are actually not as bad-tempered as others say, he just doesn't care about others.

Everyone has their own personalities, and they have different ways of getting along with different people. Ye Zhi knows this truth well.

Ye Zhi thought to himself that a cold personality like a blind man is a bit similar to Gu Ren. When she and Gu Ren met for the first time, Gu Ren was so alienated.

But getting along with Gu Ren day by day, Ye Zhi knew very well that in front of her, Gu Ren would laugh.

When Gu Ren laughed, it seemed that the frozen snow had melted, making it especially beautiful.

When Gu Ren is facing a difficult situation, she will also consider all aspects for her...

When Ye Zhi thought of Gu Ren, the corners of his mouth were not consciously curved.

Ye Zhi was immersed in his thoughts and did not speak for a long time. Gu Ren saw Ye Zhi in a trance, he called out a few times: "Ye Zhi, Ye Zhi..."

Ye Zhi's thoughts have gradually drifted away, as if she was in a distant memory. She seemed to be standing in her previous life, with a black chair in front of her.

The blind man, who was lonely and thousands of miles away, sat there.

The blind man closed his eyes, and even so, he could still see that his features were extremely beautiful, but the inch was as cold as frost and snow in the sky.

She had taken care of him for several days, and he was as silent as ever.

Everything around was too quiet, and in this silent air, Ye Zhi heard Gu Ren's voice.

Gu Ren's voice was a bit heavier than usual, with a hint of imperceptible urgency in the deep: "Ye Zhi, Ye Zhi..."

He was calling her name.

Gu Ren's voice seemed to be able to tear the silence, Ye Zhi suddenly recovered, and she instantly withdrew from the memory.

Ye Zhi raised his eyes and looked over, the sunlight illuminating the figure in front of her. The sun fell heavily, sketching out his tall and straight figure.

It's Gu Ren.

The daylight is bright, Gu Ren's outline is sharp and distinct, and every five senses is very familiar, and the light fills the end of his eyes with an elegant tone.

A young and handsome face is impressive at a glance.

Unlike Ye Zhi's long gone memories, the memories are far away and elusive. At this time, Gu Ren is as vivid as the most real existence in this void.

At this moment, Gu Ren stood in front of Ye Zhi, his eyes were so deep that Ye Zhi couldn't understand.

Ye Zhi was a little dazed. For some reason, Ye Zhi felt weird in her heart, but she couldn't tell what this feeling was.

Ye Zhi suppressed the strange feeling in her heart. She looked at Gu Ren seriously and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Gu Ren's gaze didn't last for an instant, and his voice sounded in a low voice: "You were in a daze just now."

Gu Ren looked straight at Ye Zhi, looking like a gentle net covering her surroundings.

In the quiet early winter, Gu Ren's voice was extremely soft and slow: "Ye Zhi, do you have anything you want to say to me?"

Ye Zhi remembered the scenes she had just recalled, blind people, volunteers... The scenes flicked past one by one, but that was what she had experienced in her previous life.

From another world.

And she doesn't belong here, she has traveled through it.

Ye Zhi settled down, and she looked at Gu Ren calmly: "The reason why I am so clear about blind people is because I have seen some information."

"I know something about blind people..."

When Ye Zhi's voice fell, Gu Ren's black eyes dimmed suddenly, and his voice fell a bit, with a hint of disappointment: "Really?"

Ye Zhi did not speak.

Gu Ren looked at Ye Zhi solemnly, his eyes fell on Ye Zhi, his eyes were extremely complicated, and he couldn't tell how he felt in his heart.

When they were practicing just now, Gu Ren found that Ye Zhi understood blind people very well, and a thin shadow suddenly appeared in his mind.

This discovery stirred Gu Ren's heart. When the slender shadow slowly overlapped with Ye Zhi, the shadow suddenly disappeared.

Gu Ren sighed lightly.

Ye Zhi had already left, and Gu Ren was still standing there, his hands were slightly tight unconsciously, pale in color.

Gu Ren's gaze dropped. He looked at the ground, but there was no focus in his eyes. He murmured: "Is that really the case?"

At this time, there was a gust of wind, and the winter wind was icy.

After a while, the wind stopped, and Gu Ren's voice was also in the wind, as if he had never spoken.

Ye Zhi only shot one commercial in the past few days and did it in an indoor studio without contacting the audience.

Ye Zhi will participate in a platform activity in a shopping mall today. This was the first time she appeared in public after the previous news.

In Ye Zhi's dress today, the styling team took a lot of work.

It must not be too veggie, nor too public. The public's impression of Ye Zhi has just reversed, and her attendance at the event will definitely cause a sensation across the Internet.

Make sure that she is radiant and full of energy when she appears in front of everyone.

From the strands of hair to the ankles, everything must be exquisite and attractive.

The black nanny car has arrived at the mall, and the activity has not yet started. Ye Zhi is sitting in the car, the stylist fiddles with her long hair, and the makeup artist puts up a layer of lipstick on her.

The assistant's voice rang in his ears: "Today there are a lot of people in the mall, and the fourth floor is full of people."

Ye Zhi took a deep breath, got out of the car, and walked into the mall.

On both sides of the road, many people took out their mobile phones and took photos with Ye Zhi. The different voices intertwined, and she was calm in the noise.

Under the escort of bodyguards, Ye Zhi passed through the crowd and finally reached the middle of the red carpet.

When the brand asked Ye Zhi to come to the mall for publicity, there was no such news. Now, Ye Zhi's enthusiasm has grown wildly, and the audience who heard the news have blocked the mall three floors inside and outside three floors.

Ye Zhi stood on the red carpet, and the host announced the start of the event.

The activity process progressed gradually, and Ye Zhi's work today went smoothly. When it was about to end, the host suddenly spoke.

"Ye Zhi, this is your first appearance in a few days." Halfway through the conversation, everyone had already guessed the host's thoughts.

The face of the agent in the audience changed, and he wanted to interrupt. But Ye Zhi's expression was still indifferent. She glanced at the team calmly, meaning that she could solve it by herself.

"Just ask what you want, I don't mind." Ye Zhi curled her lips, her temperament had gone through the baptism of wind and rain, and she seemed to have become more exquisite.

"You seem to be in a good mood today, haven't you been affected?"

Ye Zhi: "As far as I am concerned, the past has been turned over. I will not let those things bother me."

She did nothing wrong in this matter, and the person affected should not be her.

After the event, Ye Zhi walked outside the mall, and the nanny car was waiting for her at the door. The more you walk out, the more crowded it gets.

Many people were calling Ye Zhi's name. For fear of an accident, the bodyguards firmly surrounded Ye Zhi and kept others away.

What they didn't expect was that when Ye Zhi walked to the entrance of the mall, the outside voice suddenly quieted down.

Because of the appearance of Ye Zhi, the bustling crowd was in order.

"Ye Zhi! I'm sorry!" I don't know who shouted first, and the high voice passed through the crowd, reaching Ye Zhi's ears.

Immediately afterwards, more and more people shouted: "Ye Zhi I'm sorry!"

Ye Zhi stopped quickly. She looked at those people in a daze, with unfamiliar faces and their expressions focused.

There are a lot of people outside the mall. There are former black fans, current fans, and passers-by who have chased after the whole thing. Everyone knows what happened during this time.

From the insults at the beginning to the backlash of public opinion, because of this incident, they gradually began to understand Ye Zhi.

They met Ye Zhi again, this time without any prejudice.

Ye Zhi stood there, her gaze slowly sweeping across every face present, their age identities were different, but they brought the most sincere sincerity.

In the past, Ye Zhi had also encountered the besieged scene, but at that time she was surrounded by bodyguards and was abused by them.

The difference is that this time, the former black fan stood in front of her and sincerely apologized.

Ye Zhi suddenly bent down and bowed deeply, earnestly thanking them for their kindness released to her at this moment.

Her nose sore, and the second she raised her head, a tear fell uncontrollably.

Seeing Ye Zhi's red eyes, someone shouted: "Ye Zhi don't cry."

Ye Zhi waved to everyone, walked into the nanny car aside, and drove away.

The news that Ye Zhi made his first appearance immediately dominated the headlines.

The major media squatting in the mall have already taken photos of Ye Zhi, and the audience at the scene recorded a video of Ye Zhi crying.

After seeing the video, some netizens made the moment Ye Zhi shed tears into a gif, which was quickly reposted to major gossip forums.

#叶栀仙女哭# immediately became the top searched one.

The former black fans also raised a topic, #我们欠叶栀一个别没# also ranked in the top ten of the hot search.

"Fuck, what kind of fairy is this, can people cry so beautifully!"

"I actually watched this video for ten minutes. This black fan apologized on the spot. The video of Fairy Ye Zhi's tears is so prickly. Everyone in the video is so sincere."

"Everything is over, I hope Ye Zhi will be happy and smooth in the future, and she will definitely become more and more popular."

The first episode of "Perfect Partner" was recorded and broadcast. It was a pre-release version. I didn't expect the response after the broadcast was even better than expected.

Originally, the show invited Gu Ren to wait for the popular celebrities, and the popularity is already very high. I didn't expect that the discussion between Ye Zhi and Song Ji had increased to a higher level after the incident happened recently.

At the request of netizens, the program will be live broadcast from the second phase. Netizens can watch the program broadcast in real time, and they can also participate in the discussion at any time.

When the show started, the number of people in the live broadcast room skyrocketed, and most of the netizens flocked to watch the guest interactions.

Among them, they are naturally more concerned about Gu Ren, Ye Zhi, Sheng Man and Song Li, who are curious about what will happen between them.

When Ye Zhi appeared, the number of people in the live broadcast room reached a small peak.

Ye Zhi wore a plain sportswear. Due to the game settings of the show, a lot of physical energy was needed in the show.

In order not to delay the game, Ye Zhi's bangs were knitted, his long black hair was tied up high, his forehead was full and clean, and his naturally fair skin was extraordinarily delicate in the sun.

Ye Zhi didn't seem to have been affected by the turmoil some time ago. Her complexion was good and her eyes were smiling.

"Ah, my lady is still so beautiful in sportswear."

"Zhizhi is so beautiful. I hope this game will not be affected and don't get injured."

"Be sure to stay away from Song Xun later. With such a heavy heart, don't be fooled by this person."

Ye Zhi was not the first to arrive. Her car drove into the filming location and the door opened. When she got off, Yue Ling, Jane and Amanda were already there.

It is absolutely impossible for Yue Ling to take the initiative to greet Ye Zhi. She has been in a state of indifferent to everything that happened to Ye Zhi recently.

When Xiong Ting and Shan Qian came forward to support Ye Zhi, Yue Ling did not speak.

Yue Ling wanted Ye Zhi to fall to the bottom because of this, how could he help her.

Ye Zhi of course noticed Yue Ling's dislike for her, and she didn't have the idea of sticking it on, so she walked aside.

Except for Yue Ling, the other guests did not look at her with strange eyes because of the storm that just passed.

Yue Ling thought she was hiding well, but her attitude towards Ye Zhi was already revealed in her subtle expressions.

Immediately behind Ye Zhi, a car drove over and stopped in front of the guests.

Gu Ren got out of the car. Coincidentally, this time he and Ye Zhi wore a sports suit of the same color. Although the styles were different, at first glance, it seemed that the two were wearing couple outfits.

Gu Ren's stature is tall and tall, even wearing sportswear, it doesn't damage his clean temperament, he just stands there, as if the clear sky is reflected at his feet.

Yue Ling was energized all of a sudden, and wanted to talk to Gu Ren before the guests arrived. Now, Ye Zhi, who had touched porcelain Gu Ren, has also been whitewashed.

Gu Ren walked straight to Ye Zhi's side, and stood side by side with her, separated by the right half-meter distance, not close or far.

Gu Ren worried that Ye Zhi would be implicated by the previous storm, so he arrived early and wanted to accompany Ye Zhi.

But Gu Ren's move couldn't be blamed, because Ye Zhi was his partner, and there was nothing wrong with him standing next to his partner.

The rest of the guests arrived one after another, and in the end there was only one person left.

Song Li.

Song Li has been in the limelight recently, and he barely achieved the popularity that Song Li wanted, but this is not the case, because most of the people who follow Song Li are black fans.

The netizens in the live broadcast room are all waiting for Song Xie's arrival. They don't know if Song Xie will participate after this incident.

If you participate, you will be scolded to death by netizens, and if you don't participate, you will definitely be described as a waste of money.

When the last car came slowly, all the guests and the netizens in the live broadcast room watched him closely. At this moment, the number of people reached a peak again.

"Song Xu still has a face, I don't dare to show up casually."

"Obviously deceived the netizens to go round and round, without a word of explanation, I knew that I would be a tortoise."

When the car stopped, Song Qi got out of the car. He looked around for a week, and finally fell on Ye Zhi.

Song Yu actually ignored her partner Sheng Man, and instead walked quickly towards Ye Zhi.

When Song Li came, Gu Ren subconsciously wanted to take a step forward and protect Ye Zhi behind him.

But Gu Ren quickly recovered, and suppressed his instinctive reaction, but his eyes sank a little because of this.

Song Yu's team came up with a public relations strategy for him. They asked Song Yu to apologize to Ye Zhi in public, so as to slightly restore the bad image in the eyes of netizens.

Ye Zhi watched Song Li's approach, and everyone in the room looked over.

Finally, Song Ji stood still in front of Ye Zhi. Looking at Ye Zhi's cold face, he still spoke, with a sincere tone.

"Sorry, the previous news caused you trouble."

In front of the public, Song Yu, who had despised Ye Zhi, had to lower his head and apologized to Ye Zhi.