I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 53: (500 red envelopes)


Gu Ren had other thoughts in his heart, and his gaze inevitably stayed on Ye Zhi's face for a while.

Ye Zhi noticed Gu Ren's strangeness. She thought that Gu Ren had forgotten that he was recording the show now, and would say something that shouldn't be said, so she immediately motioned him with her eyes.

Ye Zhi pretended to cough a few times, and it was early winter now, and the air was faintly cold, and her sudden cough would not arouse others' suspicion.

As soon as Gu Ren heard Ye Zhi's cough, he immediately recovered. He thought that Ye Zhi really had a cold, and his brows clenched.

In the next second, Gu Ren saw Ye Zhi's look at him with the camera on his back, and it immediately became clear.

Gu Ren smiled calmly, and pointed to the exit behind Ye Zhi: "Let's go out."

The passage of the labyrinth is very narrow, and if two people walk side by side, it is a bit reluctant. Ye Zhi took a step back and let Gu Ren go first.

Gu Ren was in front, and Ye Zhi followed him one meter behind him.

Because Ye Zhi and Gu Ren drew most of the map in the maze before, and now the missing ones have been filled in, they went very smoothly.

At this moment, there were only two of them in the maze, no one spoke, only the sound of each other's footsteps fell softly, like a slight drizzle rustling.

Ye Zhiming and Gu Ren didn't stand close, but they could still see a tacit understanding from their backs.

"Why do I see a feeling of peace and quiet, as if the two have been together for a long time."

"I can actually tolerate my idol and other people's group CP, and quietly Amway gave it to people around me."

"I want to fan Gu Ren and Ye Zhi's CP? I still think only Ye Zhi can be worthy of Gu Ren."

Ye Zhi didn't know that some of Gu Ren's fans raised the CP flag of the two after watching this episode, and there was even a tendency to gradually grow.

Gu Ren and Ye Zhi quickly walked out of the maze. When they came out, the Shengman group and the model group had already chosen to give up.

The other groups are still staying in the maze. They have no clue and show no signs of coming out.

No one can do the same as Gu Ren and Ye Zhi. After walking through the maze, they wrote down the map of the maze and drew it.

Ye Zhi and the others went to a resting place, waiting for other guests to complete their tasks.

After a few more hours, the game finally ended. Except for the two groups that gave up, all the remaining groups cleared.

The host announced the results of the two competitions: "According to the rankings of the two competitions, we converted them into points. The group with the least points is the model group."

The host looked at Jane and the others: "It's a pity that you were eliminated."

Sheng Man and Song Xun are the bottom of the rankings. If the results of the next period remain the same, she will be eliminated.

Yue Ling's complexion was not very good either, although she and Xiong Ting were not eliminated, but they were also very low in the rankings.

Moderator: "The partner will be re-selected in the next issue, and those with the highest scores have the priority to choose."

As soon as the voice fell, the eyes of several guests fell subconsciously on Gu Ren, because Gu Ren was the strongest, as long as he was in a team with him, the chance of winning was quite high.

Yue Ling and Sheng Man have the same idea. In the next episode, they want to form a group with Gu Ren.

When the guests looked at Gu Ren, Gu Ren's light fell on Ye Zhi. Before he could take it back, he happened to be caught.

Gu Ren showed his superb acting skills at this time, facing so many eyes, he was still able to look complacent.

Gu Ren was paying attention to Ye Zhi's movements, and now he simply sat down to confirm his actions.

Gu Ren tilted his head slightly to look at Ye Zhi: "How do you plan to choose next time?"

The voice was neither lukewarm nor light nor heavy, and even the tone of his speech was extremely gentle, as if he was really just asking his team members politely.

Ye Zhi was listening carefully to the host just now. She didn't expect that Gu Ren would almost reveal his stuff in full view.

Ye Zhi followed Gu Ren's words naturally.


Ye Zhi didn't guess Gu Ren's thoughts, she threw back the olive branch Gu Ren threw back.

Gu Ren didn't know what he was expecting Ye Zhi to say, but these two words were not the answer Gu Ren wanted.

Gu Ren could only respond indifferently, "Yes."

It was on the show now, Ye Zhi should have said that originally, but Gu Ren seemed to think that Ye Zhi really thought so.

Gu Ren tightened his eyebrows subconsciously, and his beautiful thin lips were slightly pursed.

Gu Ren was unhappy.

People usually have a cold impression of Gu Ren, even if he is in a bad mood, it can't be seen on his face.

After the show ended, Ye Zhi and Gu Ren went home in their own nanny car respectively. Gu Ren did not find a chance to talk to Ye Zhi.

The sky was already dark at this time, and the night, neon lights, and pedestrians passing by were all fleeting out of the window.

Gu Ren sat in the car, the car was so quiet that needles fell.

At this moment, the screen of Gu Ren's phone suddenly turned on, and suddenly lit up in the dark. Gu Ren glanced at it casually and found that it was actually a message from Ye Zhi.

—Gu Ren, it would be nice if I could be with you in the next issue.

The moment Gu Ren picked up the phone, his face changed slightly, and his eyes gradually raised a smile, even the corners of his eyes were smiling.

In the next second, Ye Zhi's message came in again.

-Is it because you are night blind? So you know everything about blind people

Ye Zhi thought that Gu Ren knew so much only because of night blindness, but she had some doubts in her heart.

If it was just night blindness, Gu Ren knew too much about blind people. Gu Ren acted as if he had actually experienced these things.

Gu Ren paused for a few seconds before sending out a message.

-may be.

When Gu Ren saw Ye Zhi's message, he couldn't help thinking, compared to others, Ye Zhi seemed to know blind people very well. Could it be that she had been in contact with blind people before

The two of them sent messages, and their minds inevitably thought of elsewhere.

Ye Zhi and Gu Ren avoided the paparazzi in their car and drove home. Due to traffic jams on the road, Ye Zhi's nanny car stopped outside for a while, and it was Gu Ren's first home.

After Gu Ren got home, he didn't immediately go upstairs, but sat on the sofa in the living room on the first floor and waited for Ye Zhi. After half an hour, Ye Zhi also arrived home.

After Ye Zhi opened the door, he first subconsciously looked into the living room, and he really saw Gu Ren waiting for her there.

However, Gu Ren seemed to be distracted. His gaze fell on the coffee table in front of him. He stared at a certain place, but his eyes were out of focus.

This seems to be Gu Ren's second time wandering today, the first time he was in the maze, and now it is the same.

Gu Ren didn't often get stunned before. Ye Zhi thought that Gu Ren was uncomfortable, frowned slightly, and called out in a soft voice.

"Gu Ren?"

Gu Ren immediately followed the source of the sound and looked at it. When his gaze fell on Ye Zhi, his tight eyebrows stretched out.

It seemed that the cold moonlight was disturbed by someone, but he inadvertently let out some gentleness.

Hearing Ye Zhi's worried voice, the corners of Gu Ren's lips raised: "Ye Zhi, I am waiting for you to say good night to you."

Ye Zhi was startled, and then he smiled.

"Good night."

Gu Ren stood up, his voice slightly low, and at the same time he said goodnight.

The two goodnights were stacked together, and they couldn't tell the sequence.

The two looked at each other, and then fell into a chuckle.

After returning to the room, Gu Ren immediately called. He wanted to find someone to investigate something. Gu Ren wanted to know if Ye Zhi had contact with blind people before he married him.

After the investigation results came out, Gu Ren found that Ye Zhi's past was very simple. Just like ordinary people, he went to school, then entered the entertainment industry and became a star.

Ye Zhi has never been in contact with blind people in this world, so why does she know so much

Maybe... Ye Zhi just hasn't been in contact with this world

Gu Ren had a vague idea, but he wasn't sure, because this idea was too bizarre and almost impossible to exist.

The Gu family received an invitation letter from the Rothschild family, and they will hold a party in two months.

This party invited famous people from all walks of life, and invited guests from all over the world.

According to past practice, the Gu family was certainly invited.

After the invitation letter was sent to Gu's house, Gu's mother notified Gu Ren, and she asked, "I think I should take Ye Zhi to this party."

Gu Ren held down the fingers on the letter, and gently lifted his slender and clean fingers, lowering his eyes, thoughtfully.

His gaze drifted away, as if the cold moonlight drifting from here to somewhere, the thin and thin figure flashed in front of him.

After a long while, Gu Ren said aloud, his eyes were dark and pale, but his tone was meaningful: "Well, it is necessary to introduce her to others."

Mother Gu didn't think deeply. She just felt that Ye Zhi was already in the Gu family, and it was time to let others know that Gu family had such a good daughter-in-law. Every public gathering was a good opportunity.

By the time Ye Zhi went home from work, it was already night.

Ye Zhi came in through the door, walked into the brightly lit living room, and found Gu Ren sitting at home waiting for her.

Gu Ren glanced at Ye Zhi. She followed his gaze and saw the invitation letter on the table.

The line of Gu Ren's chin was a bit sharp, but when his eyes fell on her face, it was gentle, and the two completely different feelings had a perfect combination on his body.

"I just delivered it this afternoon, take a look." Gu Ren's tone was casual, but his extremely shallow eyes contained deep meaning.

Ye Zhi was a little puzzled, she picked up the invitation letter, opened it, and looked at it seriously. This is an invitation from the Rothschild family. Two months later, they will hold a party.

Ye Zhi looked at Gu Ren, she didn't quite understand what this invitation had to do with her.

Gu Ren answered Ye Zhi's confusion: "My mother wants to take you to the party."

Ye Zhi was taken aback, and stood there, and information related to this family quickly flooded into her mind.

As we all know, the Rothschild family is the richest family in the world today.

The famous poet Heine once sighed: "Money is the God of this era, and Rothschild is the prophet of God."

Today, they are even closely related to European history. No one knows exactly how many assets the Rothschild family has.

The second lady of the Hilton Hotel married an heir in the family. Because the Rothschilds are too mysterious, the rumors about them have gradually become mysterious.

Ye Zhi had naturally heard the news about the Rothschild family. Her first thought was to see such a mysterious family with her own eyes.

But Ye Zhi quickly thought of this kind of gathering of celebrities, would it be inappropriate for her to go with Gu's family

Ye Zhi raised his head slightly and looked at Gu Ren: "In what capacity do I participate?"

Gu Ren lowered his voice, as if these were helpless actions: "This is the request of the family."

Ye Zhi understood that the Gu family really regarded her as a family.

"You forgot the fifth clause of the contract?" Gu Renqing raised his eyebrows slightly, "Do you need me to review it for you?"

Ye Zhi turned his mind and remembered. She must cooperate with Gu Ren and act as a loving couple in front of Gu's family.

Ye Zhi pondered carefully, and Gu Ren stood beside her, looking at her silently.

"Then I will agree to it for the time being." Ye Zhi said, "There are still two months left. Then we can think of a solution."

"Well, I'll think of a solution at that time." Gu Ren said clearly, repeating Ye Zhi's words. He bends his lips slightly, and his slightly cold outline stretches.

Gu Ren's eyes were deep, his eyes were dark and heavy, but his voice was clean and mellow, and he couldn't hear any ulterior motives.

He remained silent, and Ye Zhi had already entered his trap.

After Ye Zhi agreed to attend the party, Gu Ren quickly told the Gu family about the matter.

Although he didn't tell Ye Zhi, the Gu family had a plan already in their minds. At that time, it was most appropriate to publicly introduce Ye Zhi to everyone.

The party was two months later, but Ye Zhi had to start preparing now. Gu's family helped her find a teacher who taught her dining etiquette.

That afternoon, Ye Zhi stopped working for a long time, turned off all the notices, and used it exclusively to learn etiquette.

French dining etiquette is different from British dining, and British afternoon tea and dinner etiquette are different.

The basic etiquette of the table starts with the setting of plates. In a formal banquet, there are more knives and forks, and even wine glasses are divided into four types.

The method of using tableware should be from the outside to the inside, and every piece of tableware cannot be used wrong...

Ye Zhi summed up all the etiquette he learned this afternoon into two words, which was cumbersome.

Her learning speed is very fast. After the end of the afternoon, these points have almost been memorized.

After the teacher left, Ye Zhi was still following the meal steps, remembering everything he had just taught.

Sitting at the table, Ye Zhi had a straight back and an elegant manner. He carefully picked up the knife and fork, and every movement was like an exercise.

When Gu Ren went home, he saw this picture. He looked a little surprised, and the slightly cold aura around his body became gentle.

The housekeeper stepped in slowly, just about to speak, Gu Renhu slightly frowned, his fingers lightly placed on his lips, and he motioned to the housekeeper not to make a noise.

There was silence all around.

Gu Ren walked behind Ye Zhi softly. He bent down slightly, lowered his head and asked, "Are you tired of learning?"

Ye Zhi raised his head and met Gu Ren's dark eyebrows.

Ye Zhi shook her head. Although she learned it in an afternoon, she still felt that what she did was not good enough. Now that she has learned dining etiquette, she has to do her best, and she will definitely come in handy in the future.

Ye Zhi didn't realize that, before she knew it, she had already regarded herself as a member of the Gu family, perhaps because they were too sincere.

Gu Ren: "Did you have dinner?"

Ye Zhi found out that his stomach was a little hungry. Because of the rush of time, she just wanted to remember etiquette and even forgot to eat.

"Let's go." Gu Ren straightened up, he suddenly smiled, "Let's go out to eat today."

Ye Zhi stood up, took up his coat and put it on, followed behind Gu Ren. They picked a very ordinary car in the garage of the house.

Since being followed by the paparazzi last time, Gu Ren bought a few ordinary cars, and only drove them out when the two went out alone.

The car ran smoothly without being disturbed along the way, and stopped outside an alley. Ye Zhi got out of the car, covered his face, and continued to follow Gu Ren to walk in.

Gu Ren stopped, and Ye Zhi looked up and saw the rudimentary structure.

In this small alley, there is a restaurant hidden. From the appearance, it seems that there is nothing special about it.

Ye Zhi was curious: "What shall we eat today?"

Gu Ren tilted his head slightly, and uttered three words in a low voice: "Li Jiacai."

Li family cuisine is the inheritance of palace cuisine.

Unlike other restaurants, Li Caijia doesn't say anything about ordering. They only serve their own dishes every day, and there is only one table a day.

In the 1990s, Li Jiacai had reached a per capita consumption of 1,600 yuan.

Price is not the most important factor. More importantly, if you want to eat here, you need to start booking at least half a year ago.

No one would have imagined that in this ugly place, one could enjoy an imperial meal-level dinner.

The author has something to say: Li Jiacai is really so awesome. Both the former British Prime Minister and the former President of the United States have come here admiringly.

Today is also a day to truly admire Ye Zhi.