I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 54


There are very few branches of Lijiacai. The one in this hutong is considered to be the most authentic. One table a day is no exception.

The locations of other branches are easier to book, but this one accepts foreign guests, who are either rich or expensive.

Ye Zhi walked into this room of only 11 square meters. The earliest Li family dishes began here, and his reputation spread far and wide.

They sat down, the banquet was booked, and they just waited for each dish to be served.

There were only two of them in this store and no other customers. Ye Zhi looked at Gu Ren and said, "It seems difficult to book here."

Gu Ren lowered his eyes and turned his gaze to Ye Zhi. Yun Danfeng said lightly, "Well, I only ordered it a few months ago."

Gu's family had come here for a few meals before, and Gu Ren had never been to a branch. He only knew that the Li family's food here was the most authentic, so he naturally wanted Ye Zhi to taste it.

What Gu Ren didn't say was that when he made the reservation before, he hadn't thought that he would come with Ye Zhi.

Now that there is more Ye Zhi in his life, everything seems to be different from before.

Not long after they were seated, the dishes were slowly served. The freshest ingredients and the most original methods showed the court dishes.

Bacon, jade tofu, green pine scallops, braised beef tripe with donkey meat...

Ye Zhi was thinking while picking up the dishes, she didn't know what the prices of these dishes were.

This can be regarded as the most difficult restaurant to book a table. Compared to other branches, it must be much more expensive.

However, when you think about it, she is someone who dared to eat hundreds of thousands of lychees, and she wouldn't feel hot at any price.

The light vacantly enveloped Ye Zhi's face, and her cold white skin was enveloped in a light and shallow light under the light. She looked at the fresh shellfish in her hand in a daze.

Gu Ren's expression moved slightly, and he stared at Ye Zhi with extremely deep and black eyes: "What are you thinking about?"

"I ate Chinese food tonight, and the dining etiquette learned in the afternoon is of no use." Ye Zhi's tone was a bit regretful.

Gu Ren lifted the corners of her lips and accepted the words naturally: "After that, shall we go to eat Western food?"

"Okay." Ye Zhi nodded, she moved her chopsticks and continued to eat.

The night outside the window had gradually subsided, and Gu Ren's dark eyes suddenly lit up, as if starlight. He curled his lips calmly.

Ye Zhi didn't realize that being with Gu Ren subconsciously had become a habit in her life.

After walking out of the restaurant, it was a narrow alley with only a few street lights.

The dim light was wrapped in a light bulb. Although it was dim and artistic, it could only barely see the road. For Gu Ren, it was not a good way to go.

Gu Ren paused, and after hesitating for a moment, Ye Zhi also walked out behind him.

As soon as Ye Zhi took the first step, she realized that it was wrong. She bent slightly and looked towards the entrance of the alley.

The light in the alley was dim, but if Ye Zhi could see the road, Gu Ren couldn't see clearly. She had to find a way.

Ye Zhigang thought about taking out his mobile phone from his bag, preparing to illuminate the alley and provide light to Gu Ren.

In the next second, Gu Ren opened his mouth behind Ye Zhi, with a vague but bright fragility in his voice.

"Ye Zhi, I can't see it anymore."

Gu Ren stood in place with a tall and slender body, not even ready to move. Gu Ren saw Ye Zhi's hesitation and made a suggestion.

"Why don't you lead me away?"

Implied selfishness.

Ye Zhi turned his head and glanced at Gu Ren. Ye Zhi's actions fell in Gu Ren's eyes. Because of his night blindness, it was interpreted as another meaning.

Gu Ren thought Ye Zhi felt sorry for him, so he was ready to stretch out his hand and take the initiative to pull him.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhi immediately said: "Wait a minute, I will turn on the flashlight in the phone, and you will be able to see it."

Very incomprehensible style.

The light of the flashlight fell untimely, interrupting Gu Ren's selfishness.

Gu Nen's eyebrows tightened, looking at the already clear road, pretending to be pitiful, he pretended to sweep around and spoke hesitantly.

"It still seems a bit dark."

Ye Zhi looked around strangely: "It's pretty bright."

Gu Ren lightly sighed, "Maybe my symptoms have worsened."

When Ye Zhi heard this, he quickly took a step towards Gu Ren: "Are you okay?"

Gu Ren looked at Ye Zhi, who was only half a meter away from him, and stretched out his hand. His slender and thin hands grabbed Ye Zhi's corners of clothing, because of the force, the joints were slightly raised.

"It's all right here."

Ye Zhi believed Gu Ren's words, and thoughtfully shone the light of the flashlight on the road in front of him. Gu Ren took a step, and the light on Ye Zhi's hand stayed there.

When the car stopped outside the alley, Ye Zhi helped Gu Ren shine the light, and he couldn't help reminding Gu Ren babblingly.

"You have to be careful about everything you do in the night scenes, especially when I'm away in the future..."

Before Ye Zhi had finished speaking, Gu Ren suddenly released the corner of Ye Zhi's clothes, took a few steps forward, and just walked out of the alley.

The bright lights outside poured down in an instant, and the scenery in front of Gu Ren suddenly opened up a lot.

Gu Ren was silent, without a word, and walked to the side of the car, but he did not forget to help Ye Zhi open the car door, and then sat in the driver's seat by himself.

At this moment, the street light was very bright, reflecting on Gu Ren's cold side face, and his eyes felt a little helpless.

Ye Zhi felt that Gu Ren's mood suddenly changed, but she didn't ask much.

Gu Ren started the car, and the car drove into the dark night.

Gu Ren suddenly became angry. Although Ye Zhi hadn't guessed the reason, she vaguely felt that something had changed.

But she didn't realize what this change meant.

Ye Zhi didn't think deeply, she thought for a while, and turned her half side secretly, pretending to be looking at the scenery on the side, but in fact she glanced at Gu Ren.

Gu Ren's hands were placed on the steering wheel and placed lightly on it. His fingers were slender and distinct, like a cold and perfect sculpture.

Gu Ren noticed that Ye Zhi was peeking at him, his expression remained unchanged, but he slowly tightened his hands and covered the steering wheel with his palm, which was his silent restraint.

Ye Zhi thought about it and said, "That..."

Hearing Ye Zhi's opening, Gu Renxin moved. He didn't look at Ye Zhi, but there was a little joy in his heart.

When the words came to his lips, Gu Ren only faintly said: "What?"

The tone is neither light nor heavy, light and detached.

When Ye Zhi heard Gu Ren's voice, his heart sank suddenly, and his throat was full of words he wanted to say. Gu Ren still didn't look at her, her face was cold and distinct.

Ye Zhi looked at Gu Ren blankly.

When Gu Ren could not speak, his thin lips pressed tightly, his lower jaw was slightly closed, and the thin outline seemed to be soaked in the coldness of ice and snow.

Such a good-looking person, but at this time, as if surrounded by ice and snow, every inch is a deserted arc. Proper measure is the cold that cannot be overcome.

He was so cold like this that Ye Zhi felt that her heart was going to freeze.

Ye Zhi suddenly felt that they seemed to have met for the first time now.

Gu Ren was so inaccessible, so indifferent, as far away as the cold moon beyond reach.

As soon as Ye Zhi had this idea in her heart, she felt so sore in her heart that she was so uncomfortable that her whole heart was pulled.

Ye Zhi instinctively didn't like this cognition, she didn't like it very, very much, she thought about it any more, the sour feeling would overwhelm her heart.

Ye Zhi was a little aggrieved, she didn't look after Gu Ren anymore, and withdrew her gaze. Ye Zhi turned his head to look out of the window, with a faint tear in the corner of his eyes.

She pursed her lips and sniffed gently.

Ye Zhi didn't know why she felt so uncomfortable and unhappy when Gu Ren ignored her. If she thinks about the reason again, she is afraid that she will not help crying.

As soon as Gu Ren finished saying that sentence, he regretted it.

Gu Ren frowned, he was a little upset, why did he say such a sentence just now? He clearly didn't think so in his heart.

He has always been calm, when did he become so irrational

After a long while, Gu Ren sighed inwardly, and he turned his head to look at Ye Zhi. Ye Zhi looked out the window, unable to see her expression clearly.

Gu Ren opened his mouth. He wanted to say something, but in the end he remained silent. His hands were on the steering wheel, his fingers clenched slightly unconsciously, pale.

The cold war that started unexpectedly is still going on. Next, neither of them spoke again.

The car stopped and Gu Ren opened the door. He got out of the car from one side and glanced at Ye Zhi. Ye Zhi didn't look at him, bowed his head and got out of the car.

Ye Zhi was about to walk forward. At this moment, she saw a faint shadow on the ground, drawing a tall and slender figure.

Ye Zhi raised his eyes and met a pair of deep black eyes.

Gu Ren stood in front of Ye Zhi, lowered his eyes and looked at Ye Zhi in silence. He stared at Ye Zhi, his eyes filled with deep emotions.

He was aware of it a long time ago.

His clouds are light and breezy, his pretending to be calm, and his restraint and forbearance, all emotions will instantly dissipate in front of Ye Zhi.

It all became a sentence... Can't bear it.

It was like this before, and it still is.

Ye Zhi didn't move forward, nor did Gu Ren take a step back. The two of them stared at each other in silence, feeling mixed and confused.

At this time, Gu Ren suddenly let out a sigh: "Sorry."

Gu Ren's apologize, it seems that the circling sunlight fell in the snow, and the snow that could not be condensed suddenly dispersed.

Ye Zhi's heart beat, she stared at Gu Ren earnestly, and a trace of unspeakable emotion filled her heart.

Gu Ren's voice sounded again. This time, his voice was a little lower, and he gently tapped Ye Zhi's ear.

Gu Ren stared at Ye Zhi, a very low voice filled his throat, and his tone was slow: "I was wrong just now."

Ye Zhi didn't speak, and didn't know why. After Gu Ren spoke, the emotions that had been suppressed in her heart suddenly rushed to her.

Gu Ren saw the reddish corners of Ye Zhi's eyes, his heart was shocked, he leaned down suddenly, and looked at Ye Zhi deeply.

Ye Zhi's eyes were red, tears seemed to be congealed under his eyes, and his face was very pale.

Gu Renxin gave a twitch, and he subconsciously raised his hand, trying to touch Ye Zhi. When his hand was about to touch Ye Zhi, he stopped alive again.

Gu Ren slowly put down his hand, his gaze still fell straight into Ye Zhi's eyes, and he said lowly: "Can you forgive..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Zhi suddenly said, "Can you forgive me?"

Gu Ren was stunned.

Ye Zhi's voice was very soft, but serious: "You are not happy anymore, I should continue to ask you to ask clearly, but I didn't do that."

Ye Zhi paused and continued to preach: "I am timid, as soon as you speak, I will... I dare not say any more."

Ye Zhi looked at Gu Ren's face carefully: "I haven't talked to you, so can you forgive me?"

Gu Ren fixedly looked at Ye Zhi, under the moonlight, she looked up at herself, her black eyes more detailed than Liuli.

They turned out to be... They were all apologizing to each other.

In the early winter night, everything was so quiet, Ye Zhi suddenly saw the corner of Gu Ren's lips pulled slightly, and a low muffled smile fell in the darkness.

Gu Ren's smile suppressed the charm of the night and covered the beauty of the moonlight. There was a hint of frost and snow in the cold, and it was too good to look at.

Ye Zhi stared blankly at him. When someone as quiet as Gu Ren laughed, he would have such a different color.

Regarding tonight, neither of them need to speak again.

Gu Ren left a sentence: "Shall we go home?"

Ye Zhi smiled: "Okay."

The two walked forward side by side, and the moonlight outlined their backs.

Gu Ren participated in an audition for a movie called "Eye". As mentioned in the movie, this movie is about eyes.

To be precise, it is about a blind man's movie.

This film is a literary and artistic film, and the director and production team are very strong. Such an excellent film will have very strict requirements on the male lead.

When Cheng Qi knew that Gu Ren wanted to audition, he was surprised at first, because it is difficult for a blind person to act, and Gu Ren has never acted a blind person.

But Gu Ren's attitude was very firm, and he said he really wanted to get this role.

Cheng Qi knew that Gu Ren liked to challenge difficult things, and he agreed with Gu Ren's ideas. After Gu Ren went to the audition, as expected, Gu Ren passed the audition as expected.

On this day, Gu Ren is going to take a makeup photo. After the director communicated with Gu Ren, Gu Ren stood in the center of the shooting location, and the lighting props were ready.

The light blurs everything around, only he is the most vivid existence, and you can't ignore it at a glance.

The straight bridge of the nose, perfect lips, everything is very colorful, but when the light shines on Gu Ren's eyes, everyone is stunned.

Gu Ren's eyelids drooped slightly, and those eyes were dark and heavy, but his dark pupils did not have a trace of expression, as silent as stagnant water without a trace of ripples.

Upon closer inspection, there was no focus in Gu Ren's eyes, and the light passed through his eyes, silently converging into nothingness.

It's like a very beautiful picture, but it loses the most important color.

What a beautiful pair of eyes, but what a pity.

Everyone almost thinks that Gu Ren is really blind, because his acting skills are so realistic, this time the makeup photo shoot was very successful.

A few days later, the official Weibo of "Eye" posted a makeup photo. After announcing that Gu Ren was going to star in the movie, fans were very much looking forward to it. They wanted to see how the idol played a blind person.

In the first photo, Gu Ren looked forward, with no trace of expression in his dark eyes. He seemed to merge with the night, and the light was no longer.

Surrounded by bright tones, the sun surrounded Gu Ren's body, but he carried a sad and strong temperament.

It is distressing and regrettable.

Soon, the crew released a second set of makeup photos. This photo is different from the previous one. Gu Ren closed his eyes.

Gu Ren closed his eyes and lifted his face slightly to face the sunlight.

His profile is three-dimensionally distinct, and the light flickers across his outline, leaving bright and dark shadows on his face.

The light divided Gu Ren's face into several distinct areas, and his facial features were illuminated by the sunlight, making him too handsome.

But when the light fell on Gu Ren's eyes, the light dimmed instantly, and the area of his eyes was dark.

Clear and elegant facial features, without bright eyes.

The encounter of light and darkness, at this moment, is intertwined into such a strange and unique visual effect.

"Gu Ren acted like, I really thought he was a blind man! What a great acting!"

"Why do I want to cry when I see the fixed makeup photos? Has the male god experienced anything? Why can he act like this?"

"The look in the idol's eyes makes me feel broken. I don't dare to watch this movie, but I really want to see the idol's acting skills, what should I do!"

"I will watch the movie with a tissue, while watching it, while crying for Gu Ren's acting!"

While the netizens were impressed by Gu Ren's acting skills, Ye Zhi also saw the set-up photo. The moment she saw the set-up photo, she was slightly stunned.

Ye Zhi unexpectedly had a very incredible idea, she actually saw the shadow of the person she had taken care of in Gu Ren's body!

Ye Zhi murmured: "It's so alike..."

Gu Ren's eyes and expressions are so similar to that person!

Ye Zhi suppressed his emotions and denied this idea, because how could Gu Ren be him