I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 60


When Ye Zhi saw Gu Ren seem to be smiling, she felt a little strange, she first pulled Gu Ren away from the pool, and then asked.

"why are you laughing?"

The smile of Gu Ren's eyebrows deepened, as if the plum blossoms in the winter had accidentally fallen on his eyebrows when they walked through the plum blossoming road just now.

In the dark eyes, a little smile fell, Gu Ren looked sideways at Ye Zhi, and felt Ye Zhi's strength when he grabbed him.

The strength is not light, and he grasped very tightly, as if he was afraid of losing him in the next second.

Regardless of the reason, Gu Ren's mood became better.

When facing Ye Zhi, Gu Ren's original indifferent tone couldn't last long, but he became gentler and gentler.

Gu Ren looked away, and said lightly.


Ye Zhi and Gu Ren had been shopping outside for a long time, and they would easily catch a cold after they stayed, and they returned home.

Until night fell, when the moonlight fell obliquely into the window, Gu Ren did not have any accidents.

When it was time to fall asleep, Ye Zhi couldn't follow Gu Ren's room, staring at him and waking up. If she did this, Gu Ren might think she was a pervert.

After Ye Zhi finished washing, she lay on the bed. After tossing for a while, she turned and pressed the switch on the bedside.

The small light turned on, and the yellowish light fell on Ye Zhi's face. She stared at the lamp for a while, then took the phone beside the bed and turned it on again.

The next second, Gu Ren's phone vibrated by the bed.

Gu Ren clicked on the message, a cautious greeting from Ye Zhi.

—Gu Ren, are you okay

Gu Ren laughed softly, his dark pupils were soft with stars, as if it had rained at first, but the light rain moistened his eyebrows.

Gu Ren also replied a message with no surprise.

-Don't worry, I'm still alive.

Ye Zhi fell asleep peacefully after receiving Gu Ren's text message.

Ye Zhi has been with Gu Ren these days. As she had guessed, as long as she spends her money to buy things for Gu Ren, there will be no trouble.

After Ye Zhi confirmed his doubts, he planned to return the ten million to Gu Ren.

While eating breakfast, Ye Zhi mentioned the incident with Gu Ren: "In a few days, I will be able to return 10 million to you."

Ye Zhi felt comfortable, but Gu Ren began to think more.

If the two don't owe each other, will that person be leaving

Gu Ren wondered if Ye Zhi wanted to make a clear relationship with him, so he didn't want to owe himself, and was anxious to pay him back.

Gu Ren put the chopsticks aside, and then raised his head to look at Ye Zhi. At this time, Ye Zhi lowered his head to eat breakfast, not knowing that Gu Ren was watching her.

Gu Ren thought that it was time for him to find an opportunity to tell his true thoughts.

It was night, Gu Ren lay on the bed after returning to the room. Moonlight poured into the window, and Gu Ren's hands were as cold and pale as the moon outside the window.

He was still thinking about the daytime, and the night was getting deeper, and the memories of his previous life were overwhelming.

At that time, Gu Ren was blind and could not see anything. In the dark world, only her voice could be heard.

"I made the soup today, and be careful when you drink it. I didn't use a ceramic bowl. Even if you knock it over, it won't hurt your hands."

"Winter is here, and the plum blossoms outside are blooming. Do you want to go for a walk?"

"I heard from the nurse that there was a lot of wind last night. No wonder the plum blossoms have fallen to the ground. It will clear up in a few days. May I take you to the sun?"


Having been in this world for many years, that voice still remained in Gu Ren's memory.

Although Ye Zhi's voice is different from that of his previous life, when he cared about him, he had the same emotion and the same tone.

He was still a patient in his previous life, and Gu Ren could feel that his every move would always be followed by her.

But now, only a contract is keeping them. Gu Ren was afraid, she would leave him when the contract expired.

After thinking about it all night, Gu Ren felt that he couldn't wait any longer.

He must tell Ye Zhi that he likes her.

At least give him a chance to stay by her side.

After Sheng Man knew that Nie Jiqing was angry, she wanted to please Nie Jiqing these days and prepared breakfast for Nie Jiqing.

Early in the morning, Nie Jiqing walked downstairs, she was sitting in the living room, Sheng Man came over gently, she winked at Zhao Ma.

Mother Zhao said: "Mrs., Miss got up very early today, and she made breakfast for you herself."

Nie Jiqing glanced at the golden fried eggs and toast on the plate. Shengman kindly said: "Mom, you have a taste."

Nie Jiqing hummed lightly.

Sheng Man's heart relaxed, she felt that she lowered her attitude to please Nie Jiqing, and Nie Jiqing would definitely forgive her.

Nie Jiqing was eating breakfast, and the air was quiet.

After a while, she raised her head and looked at Shengman calmly: "Tomorrow, I will call Ye Zhi home, and you apologize to Ye Zhi."

Shengman was drinking coffee. Hearing these words, Shengman looked up in disbelief: "Mom, what did you say?"

At the same time, the coffee in Shengman's hand fell to the ground and hit the floor suddenly, and the dull sound came clearly.

She almost suspected that her ear was wrong, and Nie Jiqing even asked her to apologize to Ye Zhi! How can this be!

Sheng Man stared at Nie Jiqing closely, she hoped she had heard it wrong. But Nie Jiqing's face was extremely calm, she just sat there, looking at herself faintly.

The sentence just now seemed to have been accidentally mentioned by Nie Jiqing, but her expression was not to be rejected.

Shengman's heart gradually sank and fell heavily, panic covering her whole body.

Sheng Man barely calmed down and softened his voice: "Mom, did you make a mistake?"

Nie Jiqing spoke extremely calmly: "You must apologize to Ye Zhi for your design of Ye Zhi and ask her for forgiveness in person."

In a word, Shengman's other thoughts were completely blocked.

Nie Jiqing did ask her to apologize to Ye Zhi, and to express her apology to Ye Zhi in front of her.

Sheng Man was so angry that the blood rushed to her head. She stood up and couldn't help shouting: "Ye Zhi has already got the endorsement, and she has taken advantage of it. Why should I apologize to Ye Zhi?"

"Mom, why don't you help me, help an outsider?"

Unlike Sheng Man's angry look, Nie Jiqing sat there, her body still straight, her hands gracefully resting on the dark tabletop.

Nie Jiqing looked at Shengman. She didn't say a word, and there was no trace of anger on her well-maintained face. She just looked at Shengman's eyes with a bit of coldness.

After a long while, Nie Jiqing spit out a few words coldly: "Shengman, you have lost your mind."

An understatement, but like a sharp thunder, fell heavily in Shengman's heart, and Shengman immediately came back to his senses.

Sheng Man thought uncomfortably, she dared to speak to Nie Jiqing in such a tone just now. She would have restrained her emotions before.

Shengman sat down and said cautiously: "Mom, I'm sorry..."

Nie Jiqing looked at Shengman blankly: "I have taught you for so long, now you have forgotten even the basic etiquette and cultivation?"

Sheng Man knew that she was at a loss, and said more carefully: "Mom, then I don't apologize face to face, can I just send Ye Zhi a message of apology?"

Nie Jiqing didn't speak, she looked at Shengman faintly, Shengman only felt that her heart was more panicked.

A few seconds later, Nie Jiqing left a sentence: "You have been too tired recently. Work temporarily stopped."

After saying this, Nie Jiqing stood up without even looking at Shengman.

Shengman's eyes widened, she was banned? Sheng Man asked in a daze: "Mom, why?"

Nie Jiqing didn't look back, she only said one sentence: "You disappointed me too much."

Sheng Man fell into the position feebly, his face pale. Shengman returned to the room, but did not go downstairs for a long time.

At dinner, Zhao Ma reminded Nie Jiqing: "Miss has not eaten."

Nie Jiqing's expression remained unchanged: "After she wants to understand, she will come down by herself."

In the evening, Sheng Man finally let go. In order not to make Nie Jiqing angry, she could only agree to apologize to Ye Zhi.

Today, Ye Zhi finished work. She walked outside, preparing to walk to the nanny car.

She didn't notice that a black car had been parked on the corner long ago, and the people in the car had been paying attention to her for a long time. As soon as Ye Zhi came out, the car followed.

When Ye Zhi was still some distance away from the nanny car, at this moment, the black Bentley stopped in front of Ye Zhi, and Ye Zhi paused.

Ye Zhi looked over.

The windows of the Bentley car slowly moved down, revealing an elegant face in the back seat. The man turned his head to look at Ye Zhi, it was Nie Jiqing.

Nie Jiqing saw Ye Zhi, and she smiled: "Miss Ye, I want to chat with you, don't know if you are free?"

Ye Zhi's eyes moved slightly, she did not speak, thinking about Nie Jiqing's intention.

When Nie Jiqing saw Ye Zhi not speaking, she didn't care. The next second, she opened the car door and lightly stepped on the ground with her high heels.

Nie Jiqing walked to Ye Zhi and said politely: "I want to give you an explanation about what Shengman did that day."

Ye Zhi pondered for a few seconds, then looked at the assistant: "You go back first."

The Bentley car drove forward, and Ye Zhi was sitting next to Nie Jiqing. Ye Zhi didn't want to be involved with Nie Jiqing, and was separated from her by a long distance.

Nie Jiqing glanced at Ye Zhi's position seemingly unintentionally, and then said: "I am very sorry for what Shengman did to you."

Nie Jiqing said seriously: "To express my apologies, I would like to invite Miss Ye to my house today, and let Shengman apologize to you in person."

When the voice fell, Ye Zhi was a little surprised. Nie Jiqing actually planned to make Shengman apologize to her

After getting in the car, Ye Zhi looked at Nie Jiqing seriously for the first time. Nie Jiqing's expression did not seem to be fake.

After being shocked, Ye Zhi immediately showed vigilance and defensiveness in her heart. She gathered her mind and thought about Nie Jiqing's true purpose this time.

Ye Zhi pondered for a moment, and said quietly, "Mrs. Nie, you should know my relationship with Shengman. I have always been at odds with her."

Nie Jiqing nodded: "I know."

Ye Zhi's tone was not cold or cold: "Speaking of which, you and I have only met a few times in total. This is the first time we met at Shengman's house."

"Outside Shengman's dressing room that day, we met for the second time. Today... is our third meeting."

"Plus today, you and I have only met three times in total."

Ye Zhi faintly spit out: "The relationship between three sides is actually no different from a stranger. You have no reason to help me, not your daughter."

Nie Jiqing was slightly dazed when he heard the words of a stranger.

"You took the initiative to get me in the car today, take the initiative to let me go to Shengzhai, and also take the initiative to ask Shengman to apologize to me. I can't understand your thoughts."

Ye Zhi made no secret of the precautions in her words. Nie Jiqing is Shengman's nominal mother. Of course, she would be vigilant and suspicious.

How could Nie Jiqing fail to hear the alienation in Ye Zhi's words.

If others suspected her, she would be somewhat dissatisfied, but if Ye Zhi did this, she was not even impatient, but with a touch of sadness.

Nie Jiqing was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "I understand Miss Ye, Shengman did something wrong. As her mother, you suspect that I should."

Nie Jiqing: "I know my daughter's temper. She is proud and indulgent. I didn't raise her well."

"But if I know that she has done something wrong, I will surely let her admit her mistake, and if she did something wrong, she must be conscious of the consequences."

Ye Zhi stared at Nie Jiqing, feeling a little bit in her heart. She said quietly: "Mrs. Sheng, I questioned you just now, aren't you angry?"

Nie Jiqing shook his head: "If I were Miss Ye, I would be more cautious."

Nie Jiqing said word by word: "Miss Ye, I canceled the cooperation between Zoe Chen and Shengman. This is my sincerity. You can put your guard down."

Ye Zhi had already faintly guessed that this incident was the work of Nie Jiqing, but she did not expect that Nie Jiqing would actually do this.

After all, she spoils Shengman that way.

Nie Jiqing smiled: "Ms. Ye has an outstanding temperament. I think you are more suitable for contemporary speakers than Shengman."

Nie Jiqing's eyes flickered, with a faint expectation she didn't know: "Miss Ye, are you willing to believe me now?"

After speaking, Nie Jiqing looked at Ye Zhi nervously.

In this almost flattering conversation, she almost put herself in a relatively low position.

As Shengman said, she has cancelled Shengman's endorsement, but she insisted that Shengman apologize to Ye Zhi in person.

She even came to invite Ye Zhi to personally explain to Ye Zhi why she did it. She didn't know why she was so tolerant to Ye Zhi.

She just said it subconsciously and did so.

Nie Jiqing thought, maybe she subconsciously wanted to give Ye Zhi justice, or maybe it was other reasons she didn't know that drove her to do so.

Ye Zhi thought for a while, and agreed, "I'll go to Shengzhai with you."

She recorded the audio when she was talking to Shengman before. Now that Nie Jiqing said so, this recording is no longer needed.

Nie Jiqing breathed a sigh of relief.

After Ye Zhi finished speaking, he was not ready to speak, but turned his head to the side.

Nie Jiqing was still looking at Ye Zhi's face, and she subconsciously asked: "I don't know where Miss Ye's family is?"

Ye Zhi turned to look at Nie Jiqing.

After Nie Jiqing spoke, he realized that he had asked a somewhat abrupt question.

She smiled: "Miss Ye has a very good temperament. I'm just curious, what kind of family can raise a good person like you?"

Ye Zhi was silent.

After a long while, Ye Zhi said softly: "My family is gone."

The original adoptive parents have died, and her biological mother is right next to her, but she doesn't know herself and recognizes someone else as a daughter.

Nie Jiqing's heart sank, she opened her mouth, but the words were stuck in her throat, and she was a little bit speechless in discomfort.

Nie Jiqing took a deep breath: "Sorry."

After that, Ye Zhi did not speak, and Nie Jiqing did not speak again.

Somehow, the sorrow that lingered in Nie Jiqing's heart struck again, this time her heart was extraordinarily heavy and heavy.

The car stopped and they got out of the car.

Ye Zhi stood in front of Shengzhai. She looked up at Shengzhai, her emotions complicated. This was the first time she came to Shengzhai, but as an outsider.

Ye Zhi was lost for a while, and Nie Jiqing noticed it. She asked with concern, "Miss Ye, why don't you go in?"

Ye Zhi shook his head.

Nie Jiqing walked in with Ye Zhi, and Zhao's mother came over: "Mrs."

Nie Jiqing said directly: "Call the lady down."

After a while, Sheng Man went downstairs, and when she saw Ye Zhi, hatred appeared in her eyes. Thinking that she wanted to apologize to Ye Zhi today, she barely slept last night.

She never felt that she hated Ye Zhi so much.

Nie Jiqing, who loves her, insisted on asking her to apologize uncharacteristically. Of course she was unwilling to do so, but she was not the biological daughter of the Sheng family. She had to compromise in order to win Nie Jiqing's favor.

Ye Zhi's expression was indifferent, and Sheng Man was so much more emaciated than when she saw it last time.

Nie Jiqing motioned to Ye Zhi to follow, and they walked to Shengman's front. Sheng Man stood in front, and Nie Jiqing and Ye Zhi stood on the same side.

Nie Jiqing looked at Sheng Man with a cold tone, her voice clearly falling into the air, with faint oppression.

"Sheng Man, apologize to Miss Ye."