I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 66


Ye Zhi has a job in Tokyo these days, and in her spare time, she plans to spend some money on Gu Ren. Ye Zhi was going to buy Bulgari's necklace, and she went to the store.

Ye Zhi looked at it for a while and saw a necklace, which was very beautiful, elegant in style and unique in design.

Seeing that Ye Zhi liked it, the clerk said, "Miss Ye, you have a foresight. There is one last piece of this necklace left."

This necklace is worth several million, but to Ye Zhi, it is nothing. When Ye Zhi was about to pay, at this moment, she heard a sound coming from behind her.

There was a bit of noise at the door, as if someone had come in, a clerk said: "Miss, what do you need?"

Ye Zhi turned around and looked over. The person who came in wore large sunglasses, which covered most of the person's facial features, only showing a pair of strong red lips.

The red lips are dazzling, but what is stronger than the red lips is the man's aura.

She raised her chin high, and on her feet was a pair of jimmy choo high heels with very thin heels, and she was holding Chanel's bag in her hand.

A famous brand, red lips, red bag, arrogant temperament, for fear that others will not know that she is a big star.

Ye Zhi squinted her eyes, she thought, she might know who this person is.


Ye Zhi glanced at Sheng Man's nails lightly. If she remembered correctly, Sheng Man seemed to have made new nails and changed the color again, this time it was extremely positive red.

Sheng Man took off her sunglasses and hooked them in her hands at random, her expression was very arrogant.

Shengman happened to have a schedule in Tokyo this time. After work, she planned to visit Bulgari. She has not had much luck recently. Only expensive jewelry can comfort her a little bit.

Sheng Man glanced over, staring at him, his eyes immediately filled with anger, how could Ye Zhi be in Bulgari's shop

Sheng Man said with a calm face: "Why are you here?"

Ye Zhi said softly: "Can you come here, can't I come?"

Sheng Man glanced behind Ye Zhi. There was a necklace on the counter. It seemed that Ye Zhi had taken a fancy to this necklace. Shengman had a thought in his mind.

Ye Zhi ignored Shengman, she turned around and looked at the necklace again.

At this time, a white hand was placed on the table, Shengman walked a few steps closer, and her voice immediately fell: "I want this necklace."

Ye Zhi's eyebrows sank, she raised her head and looked at Sheng Man coldly: "Did the Sheng family teach you what is first come first serve?"

Sheng Man was overjoyed. She didn't guess wrong. Ye Zhi really liked this necklace, so she had to buy this necklace and come to Ying Ye Zhi.

Shengman took out his wallet directly, took out a card from it, and handed it to the clerk.

The clerk was also a little stunned when he saw Shengman's series of actions. She looked at Ye Zhi hesitantly: "There is only one necklace..."

Between Ye Zhi and Shengman, they can only be sold to one person.

Seeing that the clerk didn't take her card, Shengman couldn't help but increase her voice: "I have money but won't you sell it to me? How do you do business?"

When Ye Zhi saw Sheng Man's urgent look, she didn't want to embarrass the clerk, and said calmly: "Since she has to buy something that others like, then give it to her."

The corners of Ye Zhi's lips curled up in a mocking arc: "I'm pretty big, I won't be like some people, my face is thicker than the city wall."

"If you have to fight with me, then I will let you."

Sheng Man looked at Ye Zhi, Ye Zhi's expression was not smiling, as if to say, anyway, I don't want it now, just take it if you like.

Sheng Man suddenly felt that even if she snatched Ye Zhi's necklace, Ye Zhi had such an indifferent attitude and didn't care what she did.

Sheng Man suppressed his unhappiness and said, "Swipe this card."

The clerk picked up the card, she swiped it, her expression was a little strange, and looked at Shengman: "Miss, you don't have enough money in the card."

Sheng Man was stunned. There were hundreds of thousands of Kali, how could it not be enough.

Sheng Man then remembered that she still didn't know the price of this necklace. After she asked, she was shocked that this necklace actually cost several million!

Sheng Man was even more shocked, how could Ye Zhi buy such an expensive necklace. Didn't Ye Zhi have no money, how could she have the confidence to buy millions of things

But now the clerk is still looking at Shengman, Shengman can only stop thinking about it, she said: "Wait, I still have a card."

Nie Jiqing will give her millions of living expenses every month, and this month's living expenses have already been paid in.

Although she hadn't checked it, there were millions of dollars in the card before, enough to buy a necklace.

Shengman is a bit painful. If this is the case, it is equivalent to running out of living expenses, but she has already released her words. Anyway, she must buy this necklace today.

Shengman took out another card and handed it to the clerk. After a while, the clerk looked up, this time her face was even more ugly.

The clerk said coldly: "There is not enough money in this card."

Sheng Man was dumbfounded: "What?"

Clerk: "There are only a few hundred thousand in this card. The sum of all the money in these two cards is not enough to buy this necklace."

Sheng Man frowned. It stands to reason that Nie Jiqing had given her millions of dollars, but Sheng Man was startled when he thought of this.


Unless this time Nie Jiqing reduced her living expenses.

Sheng Man's face turned pale suddenly, what should she do now? She was talking about buying the necklace, but now she has no money to pay.

The clerk saw Shengman kept silent, and her face became darker and darker. Is this person playing her

Ye Zhi raised his eyebrows when he saw Shengman unable to pay, and continued to look calmly.

The clerk tried to keep herself in a good attitude, but her tone was still a little cold: "Miss, do you want this necklace?"

Sheng Man knew that she had lost her face, she didn't dare to look at Ye Zhi's expression next to her, she shook her head in embarrassment.

The clerk was very upset. She turned her head to look at Ye Zhi, and said mildly: "Miss Ye, if you want to buy, I will help..."

At this moment, Sheng Man suddenly said, "Ye Zhi, do you know how much this necklace is?"

Shengman said sarcastically: "Can you afford a necklace of millions of pieces?"

Although she was embarrassed, Ye Zhi didn't think about it.

Even if it was her, she wouldn't dare to buy millions of jewels directly. She would worry for a long time when she paid the money. How could Ye Zhi have so much money

Sheng Man was going to watch Ye Zhi make a fool of herself, because she didn't think Ye Zhi could pay millions of dollars.

The clerk's voice sounded, but Ye Zhi did not look at the clerk. His dark eyes just looked at Shengman steadily.

Ye Zhi knew what Sheng Man was thinking, but Sheng Man's abacus was destined to fail.

Ye Zhi's eyes were cold, her lips suddenly twitched, and she casually said: "Of course I want to buy this necklace."

Sheng Man was startled.

Ye Zhi's tone was cold: "Some people can't afford it, but it doesn't mean that others can't pay."

Ye Zhi didn't plan to take out the black card. She took out another card and handed it to the clerk: "Please swipe this card, thank you."

Shengman stared at the clerk, and she watched the clerk swiping the card, with a smile on her face. The clerk looked at Ye Zhi: "Miss Ye, now I will help you wrap this necklace."

Sheng Man was full of disbelief. When did Ye Zhi have so much money

She couldn't buy anything, Ye Zhi bought the necklace without blinking.

Shengman couldn't figure out why Ye Zhi had money. Was it because of the endorsements Ye Zhi received? Or did she have misunderstood Ye Zhi all the time

Ye Zhi looked at Sheng Man and said slowly: "Miss Sheng, you just wanted to buy this necklace. Now you don't mind if I buy it."

Ye Zhi said this deliberately, and pierced Sheng Man. As expected, Sheng Man's face was even more ugly.

Ye Zhi took the necklace and was about to leave. When she passed by Shengman, she stopped. Ye Zhi didn't even look at Shengman, staring straight ahead, and faintly uttered a word.

"In the future, before you grab someone else's things, keep your eyes open and see clearly whether you are qualified to fight."

Sheng Man was very angry, there was no blood on his lips.

Ye Zhi chuckled lightly, his voice a little cold: "If you don't have money, don't try your best. If you don't fight for it, you will think about it in your heart, or you will be jokes by others at that time."

Having said that, Ye Zhi finally turned his head, glanced at Sheng Man, and said blankly: "Are you right, Miss Sheng."

Sheng Man darkened his face and opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

Ye Zhi smiled, she turned and left.

Shengman picked up a stone and hit her in the foot today. She returned to the nanny car, and the innocent assistant was scolded by her.

Shengman thought about the reduction in living expenses. She picked up her mobile phone and wanted to call Nie Jiqing to ask for more information. But just a few seconds after the number was broadcast, Shengman tapped his phone.

Shengman was a little afraid to ask Nie Jiqing about this.

Since the previous incident happened, Shengman was a little scared of Nie Jiqing, she did not dare to mention it on the phone.

After returning home, she should ask Nie Jiqing face to face.

Shengman returned to the country, and she immediately came to Sheng's home. Before she came, she bought a lot of food and wanted to please Nie Jiqing.

Nie Jiqing glanced at the things that Shengman brought back. She used to be very happy to see these, but now she didn't feel anything in her heart.

Sheng Man first chatted for a few words, and then whispered: "Mom, how come my living expenses only hit a few hundred thousand this month? Never before has it been so little."

Sheng Man pulled Nie Jiqing's arm with a soft tone.

Nie Jiqing said lightly: "Are you going to buy luxury goods again?"

Sheng Man smiled: "Mom, I'm a star, what's wrong with buying some luxury goods? I have to support the scene."

Nie Jiqing: "What did you buy today?"

Shengman: "Bulgari's jewelry."

When he thought of this, Sheng Man felt angry, thinking of her quarreling with Ye Zhi for jewels, but Ye Zhi was slapped in the face.

Sheng Man said angrily: "If she hadn't taken a fancy to that necklace, I wouldn't have to fight with her."

Nie Jiqing keenly heard a sentence: "Who are you fighting with?"

Sheng Man just spoke: "He Ye..."

However, she subconsciously shut up.

She did not forget that Nie Jiqing asked her to apologize to Ye Zhi. In case Nie Jiqing knew that she was fighting with Ye Zhi for jewellery, she would probably be talking about her again.

Nie Jiqing did not hear clearly: "What?"

Shengman changed his words: "A person you don't know."

Shengman asked again: "Mom, then my living expenses..."

It won't be so little in the future, she is used to spending money lavishly, if there are only a few hundred thousand a month, she will be very uncomfortable.

Nie Jiqing calmly left a sentence: "From now on, your monthly living expenses will be reduced to several hundred thousand."

Sheng Man was stunned, and she said aggrieved: "Mom, didn't you always give me millions? Why did you suddenly reduce it."

Nie Jiqing saw Shengman's grievances, but there was no wave in his heart, but frowned: "You spend too much money, this habit should be changed."

Nie Jiqing looked at Shengman and said lightly: "A truly outstanding person does not need to be set off with luxury goods."

Shengman wanted to say again: "But..."

Nie Jiqing didn't want to say any more: "That's it." One sentence blocked Shengman's next words.

Sheng Man could only agree. She looked at Nie Jiqing's profile with faint anxiety in her heart.

Since when have she and Nie Jiqing been so strange

Ye Zhi was coming back from Tokyo today. Gu Ren wanted to know if she had arrived home. As soon as the car drove into the yard, he dialed Ye Zhi's number.

As soon as I opened the door, the familiar cell phone rang and landed in the living room.

It's Ye Zhi's cell phone.

However, there was no one in the living room at this time. Gu Ren paused and walked in the direction of the sound until he reached the sofa.

The phone was hidden under the pillow of the sofa, and the sound coming out was a bit muffled.

Gu Ren smiled helplessly, and picked up Ye Zhi's phone. The screen of the phone was on and two words were noted on the screen.


Gu Ren was in a daze for a moment, and the soft light was plated on his side face, as if soaked in the thin twilight, his sight on the phone was a little drifting.

It seems to be drawn into a distant but etched memory.

Gu Ren's dark pupils tightened suddenly, flashing lightly. His eyes looked at these two words, even a little silly.

Old friend, what exactly does the old friend in her mouth mean

Thousands of memories came up, Gu Ren was in the bottomless darkness, and she was the only voice willing to approach in the pitch black world.

Because Gu Ren was withdrawn, everyone left. She was the one who knocked on the door of the ward.

Gu Ren fell because he couldn't see and reached out to fumble. She was the one who helped him up.

Because Gu Ren lost everything and gave up on himself, she was the one who kept encouraging him out of the shadows...

Ye Zhi didn't know that Gu Ren's personality had also changed because of her behavior in her previous life. He used to be indifferent and cold, and he was alone everywhere.

After coming to this world, he is no longer withdrawn, he no longer refuses to communicate with others, and he is no longer the frost-hardened stone.

Gu Ren had a new home and a new life, but the person who helped him out was no longer there.

Gu Ren sent people to search for many years, but had no clue. He insisted on becoming a star because that person knew that his dream was acting.

He hopes he can stand in the most dazzling place, where she can see at a glance.

If that person comes here, she will definitely know his news on the news.

Holding one ten million hope, Gu Ren has been waiting for Ye Zhi to appear. When Ye Zhi learned of his night blindness and said what she had said before, Gu Ren knew.

-She is coming.

"Gu Ren, you are home."

Ye Zhi's voice came from the stairs, and Gu Ren's eyes finally slowly moved away from the phone. He turned his head and fell on Ye Zhi's body.

For an instant, as if the cold dark night passed through the long corridor, the moment it arrived at Ye Zhi, it suddenly brightened.

Ye Zhi went downstairs and walked to Gu Ren: "I forgot to put it here."

Gu Ren spoke lightly, his voice not hurriedly or slowly.

"Do you remember the first time I met you?"

Ye Zhi was startled. She remembered it, but that was the memory of the original owner. Her previous understanding of Gu Ren came from the original owner's cognition.

Ye Zhi was a little nervous inexplicably, and she held back her emotions.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Zhi raised his head slightly to look at Gu Ren. The bottom of Gu Ren's eyes was dark, but her figure was clearly reflected at this moment.

Gu Ren smiled suddenly, and his jet-black eyes stared at Ye Zhi for an instant, and a pleasant smile appeared.

"At the time I never thought that the person I was looking for turned out to be you."

Gu Ren looked down at Ye Zhi, his gaze seemed to make her look away.

What Gu Ren said was clearly a simple sentence, but it seemed to have a double meaning.

Ye Zhi turned his head subconsciously, and didn't dare to look at Gu Ren. She always felt that there was an unnoticeable emotion in Gu Ren's eyes.

And Gu Ren's current words seemed to show his mind, whether Gu Ren was doubting her, after all, her personality was not similar to the original owner.

If she told Gu Ren that she was not from this world, what would Gu Ren think of her.

Gu Ren lowered his eyelashes and stared at Ye Zhi's eyes with the fascinating light, and he seemed to fall into it in the next second.

The faint voice fell into the silent living room.

"Sometimes I think, are you really here?"