I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 69


When Sheng Lian first received the call, he had guessed the person's intentions, because his handle was in the hands of the person, and he had to obey.

At this time, the parking lot was empty, and the wind passing through the hall brought the bitterness of winter, which made people feel chilly.

Seeing Sheng Lian's silence on the other end of the phone, his tone suddenly became impatient.

"Have you thought about it? I don't have so much time for you. If you still want to keep your current wealth and honor, be acquainted."

Sheng Lian swallowed, knowing that he has no retreat: "How much do you want?"

The man sneered: "Within a week, you give me five million."

"Otherwise, not only will you suffer, but your daughter Shengman will not end well."

It's not that Sheng Lian can't get the money, but the money is already bleeding for him, but in order to stop the traffickers, he has to do it.

When Sheng Lian heard that the man mentioned Shengman, he became even more panicked, and immediately agreed.

"Yes, I will give you five million."

After Sheng Lian's promise, the man hung up.

After hearing the man's voice, Sheng Lian's body instantly softened. He leaned against the wall, and the cold wind kept blowing, which couldn't calm him down.

After Sheng Lian slowed down, he walked back to the car and sat in.

The driver glanced at Sheng Lian from the center rearview mirror. Although the light was turned on in the car, he could still see that Sheng Lian's face was extremely ugly.

I don't know what was said on the phone just now that would make Sheng Lian like this.

The driver didn't dare to touch Sheng Lian's mold, so he slowed down and asked, "Master, are you going home now?"

Sheng Lian sat in the seat, and only recovered when he heard the driver's words. His voice was hoarse and full of fatigue.

"Set off."

The car started, drove out of the empty parking lot, and melted into the busy street.

As night fell, the whole city was brightly lit, bright and dark light staggered through the car windows, and Sheng Lian's thoughts had drifted away.

The trafficker was named Liu Cang just now. Although Sheng Lian is not sure if this is Liu Cang’s real name, many people know that Liu Cang specializes in child trafficking and has done a lot of wicked things.

The reason why Sheng Lian cooperated with Liu Cang was really because he had nowhere to go.

Compared with the current life, he had a very difficult life before, because he often gambled, and finally owed a debt.

When Sheng Lian was chased by his creditors, he had to go to the Sheng family to ask for help. At that time, he saw Sheng Luo, the only daughter of the Sheng family for the first time.

The Sheng family and his wife had only one daughter, Sheng Luo, who had been raised since childhood. If nothing happens, all the future businesses of the Sheng family will fall on her.

At that time, a thought took root in Sheng Lian's heart. If his daughter could be like Sheng Luo, that would be great.

However, he was not considered a distant relative of the Sheng family, at most he was a bit touched.

It wasn't until the second time that Sheng Lian was pursued for gambling debts, he immediately made up his mind to do a desperate thing. If he succeeds, he will be rich and prosperous.

Sheng Lian deliberately looked for a few opportunities to come to the door and figured out the rules of the Sheng family. When Sheng Luo was alone, she took her away.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Sheng Lian had already contacted Liu Cang, a trafficker, and as soon as the person arrived, Sheng Luo was taken to another place.

Sheng Lian didn't know where Liu Cang sold Sheng Luo, and the rest of the matter had nothing to do with him.

Sheng Lian was worried that the Sheng family would be suspicious. After handing Sheng Luo to the trafficker, Sheng Lian still went to the Sheng's house very actively and watched the painful struggle of the Sheng family during that time.

The Sheng family and his wife hadn't closed their eyes for almost several days. They had been searching for Sheng Luo's whereabouts. Nie Jiqing became thinner suddenly and passed out crying many times.

Although Sheng Lian was extremely nervous in his heart, he still pretended to be calm. He didn't even ask for Liu Cang's money. He just asked Liu Cang to send people farther away and never had a chance to come back.

After the limelight of this incident passed, Sheng Lian sent his biological daughter over. Sheng Man was still young, just as old as Sheng Luo.

Sheng Lian has always instilled a concept in Shengman, and he must take good care of Nie Jiqing's favor.

Fortunately, although Shengman was young, she knew nothing about pleasing people. After winning the Sheng family's love, she became the adopted daughter of the Sheng family.

The incident that he abducted Sheng Luo was buried in his heart, and he did not disclose it to Shengman Shengbang.

After so many years of stability, Sheng Lian's originally uneasy heart gradually calmed down. Later, he even forgot about it, until now Liu Cang came to the door.

When Sheng Lian handed Sheng Luo to Liu Cang, he did not reveal the identity of Sheng Luo, nor did he know when Liu Cang became suspicious and investigated the matter.

If Liu Cang tells Nie Jiqing and the others about this, according to the ability of the Sheng family, they will definitely find clues to confirm the authenticity of the matter.

Sheng Lian now has to spend money to plug Liu Cang's mouth. After such a good life, he doesn't want to go back to the past.

At this time, the driver's voice came from the front.

"Master, I'm home."

The car stopped at some point, Sheng Lian saw the familiar villa in front of him, his eyes gradually became firm, he must not lose his current life.

Sheng Lian didn't raise the matter with anyone. He paid out five million according to the regulations. Before the stipulated time came, Sheng Lian contacted Liu Cang in advance.

Liu Cang's hateful itchy voice rang on the other end of the phone.

"How is it? Did you get the money?"

Sheng Lian patience: "I am ready for five million. I will give you another two million and ask you to do something for me."

Liu Cang was silent for a few seconds. Of course he won't lose if he has money. "What's the matter?"

Sheng Lian recalled the child who had called his uncle when he was a child, but he did not feel any compassion.

It might be because he never wanted to recall that incident. Now when he thinks of Sheng Luo again, Sheng Lian can't even remember her face.

"I want you to find someone for me."

Liu Cang instantly understood what Sheng Lian meant: "Look for the Sheng family's biological daughter? See if she is dead or alive, and where did she go? Will it threaten you?"

Liu Cang secretly cursed a scumbag in his heart, and Sheng Lian could even start with his relatives.

The Sheng family treats Sheng Lian so well, he can also calculate the Sheng family, and even stuff his own daughter in, which is worse than him.

Sheng Lian didn't feel ashamed at all cheating the Sheng family like this every day. When the Sheng family met Sheng Lian, it was really bad for eight lifetimes.

Sheng Lian heard the contempt in Liu Cang's words, and he had no choice but to ignore it.

"You help me investigate where she is now, I want the exact answer."

After Liu Cang accepted the money that Sheng Lian had paid him, he accepted it, and Sheng Lian was relieved.

The probability of Sheng Luo appearing in front of them again is very low, and when Sheng Luo was abducted, he was too young to remember too many things.

Now Sheng Luo should be just an ordinary girl in a remote area. She would never have thought that she could have so many things.

Sheng Luo will never get back everything that belongs to her, these are already Shengman's.

However, in order for Sheng Lian to be foolproof, Sheng Lian must determine the specific location of Sheng Luo and help Shengman stabilize his current position, otherwise their family will be ruined.

If Nie Jiqing knows that her daughter was abducted all by him, and no one else is needed, Nie Jiqing will definitely punish him severely.

Sheng Lian will not let this happen. He can only seize the opportunity if he is fully prepared before the incident is exposed.

Under Gu Ren's supervision, Ye Zhi would eat nutritious meals every day to ensure a healthy weight loss.

Ye Zhi was already thin, but her plan was quite effective during this period of time. Although she was thin, she was not skinny.

From body shape to acting, Ye Zhi has been preparing for the boot. When there is no schedule, Ye Zhi will study the role at home.

That afternoon, Ye Zhi was sitting in the room with a script in front of him. The lines were marked with different colors and points that needed attention.

Ye Zhi turned on the TV and started playing the movie that Gu Ren had played.

Gu Ren has many works. He once acted as a patient, and Ye Zhi decided to find his feelings in his performances.

At the beginning of the film, the camera gradually moved from outside the window to Gu Ren's face.

His eyes were dark as ink, and he was clearly a patient, but his eyes were very bright, and he was a little sick, and it didn't affect his handsomeness in the slightest.

Then, the story began.

I don't know why, after watching it for a while, Ye Zhi's attention was lost on Gu Ren's acting skills.

Ye Zhi unconsciously put down the script in his hand and stared at Gu Ren's face earnestly. Although every inch of his facial features have been familiar for a long time, looking at it on the screen is another feeling.

The more she watched, the more she felt that Gu Ren looked really good-looking.

Unconsciously, the sky has gradually darkened.

Ye Zhi's gaze fell not far away, where there was a gift box that she had just bought two days ago.

A new watch.

Ye Zhi hadn't bought a gift for Gu Ren for a long time, and she wanted to give this gift to Gu Ren before she joined the filming.

She and Gu Ren had previously verified that as long as she used the money she earned to buy things for Gu Ren, he would never have an accident.

It’s just that when giving gifts, Ye Zhi has something else to say to Gu Ren...

Thinking about it, Ye Zhi forgot the script on the table, and the TV didn't turn off.

Ye Zhi walked there quickly, picked up the gift box, and walked to the bathroom. The bathroom lighting is extremely bright, the mirror is large, you can clearly see her every move.

Ye Zhi closed his eyes, took a deep breath, looked in the mirror, and opened his eyes. Her hair is only loosely tied up, and her face is more beautiful and beautiful.

But at this moment, Ye Zhi would not pay attention to his face at all. What she was observing was the movements and expressions.

She held the gift box in her hand, her eyes focused, as if it were a grand rehearsal.

I was very nervous, so I thought about practicing. Ye Zhi, who is inexperienced, is worried at this time, how can he express it accurately

"Gu Ren, I..."

Ye Zhi opened his mouth slightly, his words seemed to be stuck in his throat, trying to hand out the gift box in his hand, but his movements were slow again.

The first attempt failed.

Ye Zhi shook her head, her thinking became a little clearer. She looked in the mirror again and decided to try again.

"Gu Ren." Ye Zhi's lips closed together, and he pronounced this very important name to her very gently and softly.

The beginning looks perfect, however, the next sentence immediately follows: "I bought you a watch."

Ye Zhi: "..."

She felt that she had lost her language ability, so why couldn't she speak such simple words.

So, the second attempt continued to fail.

Not knowing how long he practiced, Ye Zhi washed his face with cold water to stabilize his emotions.

Ye Zhi looked at the mirror and smiled. Somehow, she felt that the curvature of the corners of her lips was a bit stiff and strongly unnatural.

Ye Zhi practiced in front of the mirror for a long time, but he didn't know it was almost time for dinner.

Gu Ren waited for a long time, but Ye Zhi did not go downstairs for a long time.

Gu Ren looked down at the phone, and Ye Zhi never responded to the WeChat sent just now. No one answered the phone.

He remembered that Ye Zhi had no schedule this afternoon, and the housekeeper had also said that after she went home, she did not go out again.

Gu Ren pressed his eyebrows, got up and walked up the stairs. As night fell, the lights in the house were already turned on, and it was very bright everywhere.

Gu Ren walked to the second floor, the light above his head was on, the light slowly fell on the corridor, and soon he reached Ye Zhi's room.

The door to the room was closed, and she didn't know what she was doing inside.

Gu Ren raised his hand, bending his slender fingers, his knuckles fell on the door, and knocked on the door: "Ye Zhi."

Gu Ren raised his voice, knocking on the door with a cold voice, filling the corridor: "Ye Zhi, are you there?"

After waiting for a while outside the door, no one answered. Gu Ren's hand moved down, placed it on the handle, and turned slightly, and the door opened.

There was still a sound in the room, Gu Ren closed the door, he turned to look at the TV, and paused.

On TV, Gu Ren was wearing a hospital gown and walking in the hospital.

Gu Ren remembered that he made this movie a few years ago and entered the crew for half a year. Now the memory of the crew is still clear.

Gu Ren raised his eyebrows. Ye Zhi was watching his movie just now

He looked around Ye Zhi's room, but did not find her. The TV is still on and there are scripts on the table, but what about Ye Zhi

Gu Ren's gaze stayed on the other side of the bathroom, the door was open, there was a light inside, and Ye Zhi might be there.

Gu Ren walked to the sofa, picked up the remote control, and turned off the TV. There was no sound of water in the bathroom, but there was a faint voice.

At this time, Ye Zhi can't be in the bath, so what is she doing in it

With doubts, Gu Ren walked to the bathroom with his long legs. The closer he got, the more distinct the voice there.

Only Ye Zhi's voice came, and she seemed to be muttering something to herself.

Gu Ren walked to the bathroom door and saw Ye Zhi turned his back to him, looking directly in the mirror. He moved slightly and leaned on the door lightly.

At this moment, Ye Zhi, who was standing in front of the mirror, had no idea that someone had already arrived outside, and she was about to be spied on during her rehearsal.

Ye Zhi's voice was soft and clear, and in the silence, she once again pronounced his name cherished.

"Gu Ren..."

Ye Zhi hadn't finished speaking, but a familiar cold voice suddenly sounded behind him, and he said very lightly, "Yeah."

At this moment, the air in the entire room seemed to be frozen.

Ye Zhi's body stiffened, she just tilted her head slightly, and met the person's eyes in the mirror.

Profound and clear facial features, calm and moonlike temperament, with innate elegance and nobleness in every move.

It's Gu Ren.

Ye Zhi pursed his lips, with a strong desire to escape.

Her face turned pale, she could only control her body with difficulty, and turned around slowly, and then she saw Gu Ren leaning on the door.

When did he come

Ye Zhi's brain was empty, and under the light light, the corners of her beautiful eyebrows and eyes were stained with a faint light, and the blush could be clearly seen.

But she can't take care of that much anymore.

In a minute-long stare, no one spoke until the air began to flow again.

Ye Zhi just froze in place, motionless, it was Gu Ren who made the move first.

His gaze slowly moved down, and he glanced at the gift box in her hand.

Gu Ren looked down and thought for a few seconds, not knowing whether it was a doubt, a guess, or a clear understanding.

Immediately, Gu Ren raised his head again, his gaze returned to Ye Zhi's face, his dark eyes, with unclear emotions.

Ye Zhi's scalp was numb, his body was tight, his steps seemed to be nailed to the ground, and he couldn't go anywhere.

Gu Ren suddenly started, slender like a cedar tree, cold like a moonlight, and his long figure approached.

Gu Ren's eyes stared at Ye Zhi for a moment, and walked towards her step by step. Ye Zhi had nowhere to go after a step back, only feeling the cold touch of the sink behind him.

The eyes of the two people crossed in the air, and there seemed to be no sound outside.

Gu Ren's eyes flickered, and his tone of voice was low, like a cold wind with a warm sun in early winter: "What do you want to say to me?"