I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 76


When Ye Zhi heard Gu Ren said that she wanted to feed her, her face blushed suddenly, and she immediately let go of her hand in fright.

Gu Ren's hand was originally covering Ye Zhi's. The moment Ye Zhi loosened his hand, he moved his fingers slightly and gently hooked, holding the chopsticks in his hand with great ease.

Gu Ren straightened up. He pinched the chopsticks with his fingers. The dark chopsticks lined his skin like clear colored glaze.

Ye Zhi eagerly saw the chopsticks fall in Gu Ren's hands, and her voice stammered: "I, I... I can eat by myself."

Ye Zhi spread his fingers: "Give it back to me."

Gu Ren glanced at Ye Zhi's white palm first, and then his gaze fell on Ye Zhi's face.

Gu Ren raised his eyebrows and deliberately stretched his tone: "Didn't you just say that you can't eat it anymore?"

Ye Zhi repeatedly said, "You can eat it, of course I can eat it." After Gu Ren stared at Ye Zhi for a few seconds, he handed the chopsticks to Ye Zhi.

The chopsticks finally returned to Ye Zhi's hands. In order to prove himself, Ye Zhi brought the dish Gu Ren had given her to the forefront and began to eat seriously.

When Ye Zhi was eating, there was a light voice above his head.

"Don't worry, eat slowly."

Ye Zhi's heart loosened, and the next second, Gu Ren's understatement came again, his tone of voice was not hurried: "Anyway, I'm just by the side watching you eat."

Ye Zhi shook his hand and almost dropped his chopsticks on the table.

Gu Ren returned to his position, he took a few mouthfuls at random, then put down his chopsticks, his black eyes kept staring at Ye Zhi.

During the meal, Ye Zhi raised his head and glanced at Gu Ren.

Gu Ren placed one hand on the table carelessly, with his palm lightly resting on his chin, his head slightly tilted, his palm covering his perfect thin lips.

People like Frost and Snow were covered with a little bright light, but they seemed to be able to see deeper bright colors behind the halo.

Excessively handsome.

Gu Ren caught a glimpse of Ye Zhi looking at him, his chin was slightly closed, the corners of his lips were pulled up unconsciously, but his line of sight was always looking at Ye Zhi.

Gu Ren still maintained this posture.

At this moment, he opened his mouth, and the voice came from his palm, as if separated by a thin layer of gauze, the voice was a bit muffled, but it was not halved.

Gu Ren faintly left a sentence: "Will you continue to eat?"

Ye Zhi almost sank in Gu Ren's beauty. Hearing these words, Ye Zhi suddenly recovered.

She glanced at the food in front of her, and immediately replied: "Of course."

Ye Zhi finished one dish, and then she obediently picked up another dish and ate it slowly.

With a smile in Gu Ren's eyes, he glanced at the time on the wall, then withdrew his gaze, his tone of voice was cold and slow.

"Don't be nervous, it's still early, let's take your time."

Gu Ren deliberately emphasized the last few words, but the simple words were slightly contaminated, and the tone was particularly charming.

Ye Zhi was shocked. Gu Ren's implication was that if he didn't continue to eat, he would really feed her.

Tonight he will fully implement this principle and will not release water at all.

After a while, Ye Zhi finished his meal. Gu Ren watched quietly. He understood Ye Zhi's food intake before the diet. Ye Zhi would not feel uncomfortable eating so much now.

Today's meal is probably the most that Ye Zhi has eaten in so long. Ye Zhi sat in the position and rested for a while.

After a while, Ye Zhi stood up. She felt dizzy before she walked a few steps. She shook her body and was about to fall to the ground.

Ye Zhi suddenly noticed that someone was gently holding her back. She raised her face and saw Gu Ren's cold white jaw.

Gu Ren was very tall. At this moment, he was looking down at Ye Zhi.

When Gu Ren was holding Ye Zhi just now, he could clearly perceive the butterfly bones on Ye Zhi's back.

She is too thin now.

Gu Ren suddenly bent down and hugged Ye Zhi horizontally. With his hands slightly closed, he could even perceive Ye Zhi's excessively slender figure.

Gu Ren's eyes darkened again.

Ye Zhi froze, her face flushed suddenly: "You let me down, I can go by myself."

Gu Ren tilted his head, the face he tilted slightly down, with a trace of oppression at this time, Gu Ren's tone couldn't be rejected: "Don't let it go."

Ye Zhi's voice was as soft as a mosquito: "Others are looking at us..."

Gu Ren continued to hold Ye Zhi and walked upstairs, without retreating: "No."

Ye Zhi was relieved: "I will definitely eat more in the future."

At this time, Gu Ren paused. He tilted his head and faintly uttered a few words: "It's late."

The understatement completely blocked Ye Zhi's mouth. Ye Zhi could only bury his head in Gu Ren's arms, and did not dare to move.

Gu Ren put Ye Zhi on the bed. Then he let go of his hand. Gu Ren said, "I'll get something."

Gu Ren left the room and Ye Zhi sat on the bed, staring blankly at his back.

Living in Gu's family, Ye Zhi sometimes feels that Gu Ren is like a magician. No matter what she needs, she will be within reach in the next second.

After a long while, Gu Ren pushed the door in. He hooked his foot and brought the door subconsciously.

More than 70% dark chocolate is better for the body. Gu Ren had previously expected that Ye Zhi might experience hypoglycemia during dieting.

He stocked up a lot of chocolates in case of a rainy day.

Ye Zhi looked at the chocolate in front of her, thinking that he was going to dazzle his eyes. Gu Ninguo was really careful, from 75% to 80%, and even 99% prepared.

Gu Ren's thin lips moved slightly, and the cold and easy-going voice fell: "Choose one."

The only secret for female celebrities to stay in shape is to strictly control their diet, and it is best not to touch snacks.

And Ye Zhi, the most self-disciplined female celebrity, broke the rule that night.

Ye Zhi chose 80% of the chocolate and bit into a small piece. The taste was just right, sweetness mixed with bitterness.

In order to go on a diet and filming, she has not eaten a normal meal for almost a month. It is no exaggeration to say that this should be regarded as the sweetest thing she has eaten during this time.

Ye Zhi noticed a line of sight, and Gu Ren was still watching her. Her husband's supervision is still very effective.

Ye Zhi made a decision whether to continue eating or staying in shape.

I only allow myself to be arrogant for such a night and eat a little more chocolate.

Ye Zhi took another bite, forgetting the restraint of the female star, and bending his mouth unconsciously.

In the next second, Gu Ren stretched out his hand, and Ye Zhi quickly felt his fingers cover up.

His slender fingers brushed the corners of her lips lightly, like a gentle breeze, and the cold fingertips carried a slight warmth.

"It's a bit touched." Gu Ren's movements were very natural, he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, and his fingertips stayed for a while.

It was as if the electricity had passed, and the tingling sensation spread.

Ye Zhi raised his head and stared at Gu Ren in a daze.

The two men's eyes met impartially.

It was really strange. She was so easy-going to get along with each other before, but after confessing to each other, his every move made her even more distraught.

Ye Zhi was about to discuss terms with Gu Ren. Ye Zhi looked at Gu Ren: "I will be more suitable for the role if I lose three kilograms. I will not lie to you."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Zhi saw Gu Ren's indifferent eyes, his tone was neither light nor heavy, and he rejected Ye Zhi's words.

"Half catty."

Ye Zhi wanted to fight again, but weakly lowered his voice: "The two kilograms."

Without raising his eyebrows, Gu Ren said quietly, "Half a catty." A sentence clearly expressed his attitude.

Ye Zhi thought for a while. This time, her voice became lighter: "Is that one kilo?"

Just when Gu Ren was about to continue uttering the words Banjin, he suddenly noticed the feeling of a slight drop from the cuffs.

Gu Ren looked down, Ye Zhi's slender hands were gently pinching his sleeves, her face lifted slightly.

Ye Zhi said softly: "If I lose another kilogram, the photogenic effect will be better."

Ye Zhi unconsciously squeezed her sleeves again, and she said softly, "Please."

Gu Ren was stunned.

This gentle please, the voice was extremely soft, but it dipped into his heart deeply, rippling circles.

Ye Zhi's voice was a little aggrieved. As soon as Ye Zhi spoke, Gu Ren felt that his heart seemed to be tightened, with a touch of sourness.

Gu Ren closed his eyes. He always knew that his calmness and restraint would cause everything to fall apart when he met her.

As long as she says it, he will always compromise no matter what.

Gu Ren opened his eyes and his eyes were extremely deep. He stared at Ye Zhi and sighed softly, "That one kilogram."

Ye Zhi smiled.

Gu Ren's gaze fell in Ye Zhi's, and his deep voice fell: "Ye Zhi, I care about you very much."

Ye Zhi's heart beat. While her heartbeat was chaotic, she heard Gu Renhao's clear voice: "I care about you more than you think."

Ye Zhi looked at Gu Ren blankly.

Gu Ren's eyes were half drooping, his jaw stretched in a thin arc, and the light illuminated the corners of his eyebrows.

As if in the deep night with no end in sight, he came against the light, step by step, lighting up the endless light for her.

At this time, the winter night was silent, and the bright moon in the sky was white and white, but it couldn't match the faint light wafting through Gu Ren's eyes.

Gu Ren said, "Good night."

The moment Gu Ren turned around, he heard Ye Zhi's voice and fell into the air clearly.

"Me too."

Ye Zhi was saying that she also cared about herself.

Gu Ren turned around, Ye Zhi had buried himself in the quilt, his exposed ears were reddish.

Gu Ren smiled softly.

It was late at night, everything was silent, only dim yellow street lights were on on both sides of the street, the cold winter wind was isolated by the windows, and the interior was warm.

Nie Jiqing was already ready to fall asleep, but she tossed and turned on the bed, unable to sleep.

Nie Jiqing's husband, Sheng Yu, was also affected by her emotions and turned to ask her: "What's the matter?"

Sheng Yu knew Nie Jiqing very well, and naturally saw that her condition was not right in the past few days.

Nie Jiqing turned on the small lamp beside the bed, and the soft light fell, and the anger in her eyes was clearly visible.

"The abduction of our daughter should have something to do with Sheng Lian. I suspect that all of this is Sheng Lian's plan."

After Sheng Luo was lost, Sheng Yu was as painful as Nie Jiqing, but in order to comfort Nie Jiqing, he could only suppress his thoughts in his heart.

Now Nie Jiqing's words gave him a glimmer of hope, because he was too nervous, and his voice trembled slightly.

"Then does he know where our daughter is?"

Nie Jiqing shook his head: "I think he may not be clear. Recently, he was dealing with Liu Cang, a human trafficker. Don't act rashly. Now give them a few more days to settle down and resolve it together."

Sheng Yu suppressed his anger and slowly calmed down: "I understand what you mean."

Nie Jiqing snorted coldly: "I don't know whether Shengman knew about it in the past few years. If she knew the inside story, she could be so clever and she would be too thick-skinned."

Sheng Yu was already extremely disgusted with Sheng Lian and the others, and he trembled with anger when he thought of his daughter suffering outside while Sheng Man was enjoying such treatment.

"After searching for so many years, I finally have a direction. I will send someone to follow Sheng Lian and they must find Luo Luo."

Sheng Yu was always calm and composed in front of outsiders, but now he can't calm down when it comes to his daughter.

Thinking of the day when he will reunite with his daughter, he talks a lot.

"I don't know what happened to Luo Luo after so long, will you forgive us?"

When Nie Jiqing saw her husband, who had always been displeased with appearances, became chattering, she couldn't help but wet her eyes.

As long as they think of their daughters, their hatred of Sheng Lian gets a little deeper.

Nie Jiqing and Sheng Yu discussed it for one night, and they already had a countermeasure. As for Sheng Lian's family are just grasshoppers after the autumn, it won't last long.

The things that Sheng Man and Sheng Lian took away from their daughter over the years, Sheng Yu not only wanted them to double back, but also left them with nothing.

The two slept almost all night, and Sheng Yu went out early in the morning.

Nie Jiqing originally wanted to make up for sleep during the day, but when she was about to fall asleep, a person suddenly flashed in her mind.

Ye Zhi.

Nie Jiqing's sleepiness disappeared. She immediately took out her mobile phone and began to check Ye Zhi's information on the Internet.

Ye Zhi is twenty-five years old this year. He was raised by adoptive parents, and his birthday is in May.

The age is correct, the family situation is correct, and the birthday is correct.

Nie Jiqing was overjoyed. The reason she would think of Ye Zhi was because she felt strange in her heart every time she met Ye Zhi.

She couldn't tell the feeling, she had a natural closeness to Ye Zhi.

What if Ye Zhi is her daughter

After Nie Jiqing had this idea, she couldn't hold it under any pressure. She immediately searched for a contact and stopped her finger on Ye Zhi's name.

Nie Jiqing took a deep breath, suppressed his nervousness, and dialed Ye Zhi's phone.

The beep on the other end of the phone only rang a few times, and someone answered the phone, and Ye Zhi's cold voice came from the receiver.


Nie Jiqing's heart jumped, and she tried to calm down so that her voice sounded the same as usual.

"Miss Ye, I want to talk to you about something today. I wonder if you have time?"

Ye Zhi was visibly stunned for a few seconds. She didn't know why Nie Jiqing would have trouble calling her, but she quickly returned to normal.

Ye Zhi didn't know that Nie Jiqing knew what Sheng Lian did, and in the book, the original owner had no chance to see Nie Jiqing.

Shengman also took advantage of the Sheng family's power to rectify the original owner miserably, because Nie Jiqing's connivance of Shengman meant that the Sheng family indirectly harmed the original owner.

Ye Zhi politely rejected Nie Jiqing's proposal.

"Mrs. Nie, you can call me Ye Zhi. If it was Shengman's matter last time, she had already apologized and the matter would be over."

Nie Jiqing heard the faint estrangement in Ye Zhi's words, and felt a pain in her heart for some reason, and immediately explained.

"I'm really sorry about Shengman. I want to see you again."

Ye Zhi heard the plea in Nie Jiqing's words, she hesitated for a few seconds, and unexpectedly responded. When she heard Nie Jiqing's pleasant voice, she was relieved.

Nie Jiqing also offered to pick her up, but Ye Zhi refused, and she drove to the Shengzhai by herself.

As soon as he hung up the phone, Nie Jiqing immediately sat in front of the dressing table, began to put on makeup, and then stayed in the cloakroom, picking up clothes repeatedly, but did not find a satisfactory one.

Madam Zhao looked strangely aside: "Madam, are there any important guests coming?"

Nie Jiqing was stunned when she heard what Zhao Ma said, and then whispered to herself softly: "Maybe it's not a guest."

Nie Jiqing couldn't confirm Ye Zhi's identity, so naturally she couldn't express too much emotion. Even if she wanted to ask Ye Zhi some questions, she had to remain calm and not make Ye Zhi suspicious.

Nie Jiqing thought for a while, and chose a necklace from her collection.

Later, she could only use Shengman's affairs as an excuse to give the necklace to Ye Zhi as compensation, and take the opportunity to ask some questions.

Waiting for Ye Zhi's arrival became extremely long and difficult every second. When the sweet doorbell rang, Nie Jiqing stood up from the sofa and walked quickly towards the door.

As soon as the door opened, a beautiful figure appeared at the door.

Zhao Ma looked at Nie Jiqing with a smile, and her attitude was a little more affectionate than the young lady.

How could that important guest be the lady's most annoying person.

Ye Zhi.