I Help the Richest Man Spend Money to Prevent Disasters

Chapter 79


It was late at night, and the dark sky covered the top, and pressed down, the big villa of Gu's house was still brightly lit.

The night was as cool as water, and the wind of spring night drifted silently into the garden with a bit of bitterness, like a clear and distinct suggestion.

This evening, a very important guest came to the house.

Yan Zhi went straight to the second floor, holding the sealed bag in his hand, looking serious.

After confirming that there were no others in the corridor on the second floor, Gu Ren and Ye Zhi entered the study room with a sealed document on the table.

Yan Zhi was sent by Gu Ren to investigate Sheng Lian. He has been working for the Gu family for a long time and is worthy of trust.

Their investigations are extremely professional, and several people have different clues, and if there are inaccurate information, they will repeatedly confirm.

Yan Zhi is straight to the point: "Sheng Lian has been in frequent contacts with one person recently."

"This person is called Liu Cang." Yan Zhi put a photo in front of them, "He is a trafficker."

Ye Zhi turned his head, and looked at each other with Gu Ren, and saw his cold white chin angle, and the light hooked his chin with a hard edge.

"Is that him?" Gu Ren's expression became thinner and colder.

It's too early, the original body's memory is a bit blurred. After repeated confirmation, Ye Zhi replied: "It's him."

Yan Zhi: "According to our investigation, Sheng Lian and Liu Cang have not been in contact for many years. This time, after Liu Cang and Sheng Lian met, he went to a village several times."

"There were two families in that village who died in a landslide. They both had a daughter of the same age."

"Liu Cang is looking for a photo of that girl back then." Yan Zhi said, "I have cut the photo in advance, and he hasn't found it yet."

"Do you want Liu Cang to find those photos?"

As they had previously guessed, Sheng Lianguo really started to move.

Sheng Lian wanted to find the picture of that girl, just to confirm whether she was really dead. I lived in that village for a few years, and now it looks roughly like it is now.

As long as Sheng Lian sees the photo, he will know that Ye Zhi is Sheng Luo. In panic, Sheng Lian will definitely think of other ways.

Well, it's better to let him know that the girl from that year is back.

Ye Zhi is a public figure. Her every move is under the supervision of the public. It is extremely difficult for Sheng Lian to act.

Gu Ren and Ye Zhi were in the dark, and Sheng Lian was in the light.

When Sheng Lian knew that Ye Zhi was the abducted daughter of the Sheng family, he would definitely come to her, and then he would be able to hold his handle.

Gu Ren and Ye Zhi are ready. When Ye Zhi works, they will have the most comprehensive security measures to ensure that she will not be harmed.

However, every movement of Sheng Lian will leave evidence.

They will always be one step ahead, and no matter how hard Sheng Lian works, he can only watch his strategy fail.

In the end, Sheng Lian could only bind himself as a cocoon and enter the cage he built for himself.

As for the trafficker Liu Cang, he is also an important person and cannot be let go.

They have collected part of Liu Cang's criminal evidence, and will not make the evidence public until the matter is fully revealed.

Gu Ren asked Yan Zhi and the others to find other people who were abducted by Liu Cang, because this human trafficker had broken other people's complete families.

He must pay for it.

"The victims who were trafficked back then." Yan Zhi said, "We have found a few in neighboring villages."

Liu Cang was extremely cautious, never making more stops in one place, and he would never look back for the "goods" that had already been released.

Yan Zhi's people followed for a long time, and he knew that Liu Cang was focused on searching for Sheng Luo's information and had no idea about it.

Thinking that those people had such a tragic experience as the original body, Ye Zhi immediately asked, "Have they already gone home?"

Yan Zhi nodded: "The people who found the family have been sent back, and those who haven't been found will be temporarily resettled."

After being rescued, those people are willing to testify in court later to correct Liu Cang.

Everyone's words are the best evidence, and Liu Cang is absolutely impossible to escape the sanctions of the law.

After Yan Zhi left, Gu Ren and Ye Zhi began to discuss future plans.

The news that Ye Zhi is the daughter of the Sheng family will eventually be revealed.

One day, this matter will be exposed in front of the media. Sheng Jia, Ye Zhi, and Sheng Man... The entanglement between the chaebol and the two big flow small flowers will cause great controversy.

At that time, Ye Zhi would be on the cusp of the storm again.

The public relations team should also prepare in advance so that Ye Zhi can gain the most favorable position in public opinion.

Gu Ren and Ye Zhi have already set the game, what they have to do now is to wait for the culprits to jump off by themselves.

They will all be sanctioned, and none of them can escape.

Nie Jiqing and Sheng Yu discussed for a long time, and they have chosen the right time to directly announce that Shengman is the adopted daughter of the Sheng family.

On this day, the Sheng family suddenly announced that they would hold a press conference. Nie Jiqing's expression was indifferent, and the audience was full of reporters.

Nie Jiqing said lightly: "Today I want to announce one thing to everyone, and it has something to do with Shengman."

The reporters are very curious, what is Mrs. Sheng going to say

In the silent air, Nie Jiqing said: "Sheng Man is not actually my biological daughter. She is just the adopted daughter of the Sheng family. Her biological father is Sheng Lian."

A soft word, like a boulder, hit the water heavily.

Nie Jiqing's voice fell, and the audience was in an uproar!

Shengman is not the bloodline of the Sheng family. The Sheng family has spoiled Shengman for so long, but now they tell them that Shengman is just a fake

Moreover, who doesn't know that Sheng Lian has always been attached to the Sheng family. If he leaves the Sheng family, Sheng Lian is useless at all, and he is actually a relative of Shengman

The reporters suppressed the shock in their hearts, and Nie Jiqing continued: "My biological daughter disappeared many years ago. Under my grief, I adopted Shengman as an adopted daughter."

Nie Jiqing thought of this, and her voice suddenly sank: "I ask myself that I haven't owed Shengman half a point for many years."

Everyone knows that the Sheng family has been very fond of Shengman for so many years.

Shengman lives in a 1,000-square-meter mansion and is always a big name. This kind of treatment is not an exaggeration even for his biological daughter.

Nie Jiqing's voice was cold: "But Shengman has done a few wrong things recently, which completely chilled my heart towards her."

Nie Jiqing's expression was very weak, but his voice was very cold: "Now, I have taken back Shengman's house."

Nie Jiqing said word by word, every word was extremely clear.

"In the days to come, I will take back everything that the Sheng family has given to Shengman, bit by bit."

Nie Jiqing's words caused an uproar in everyone's hearts. This breaking news is destined to become the biggest breaking point in the near future.

Most of the reporters have already set off, ready to stop Shengman and get first-hand information.

Shengman didn't know about this. Now, she has just participated in a brand event, and the hateful thing is that Ye Zhi is also here.

Ye Zhi ignored Sheng Man's eyes and walked straight out.

Before Ye Zhi walked to the door, she saw Shengman's agent Huo Jie walk quickly next to Shengman, and said anxiously: "Something has happened, let's get out of here first!"

Ye Zhi stopped. She raised her eyebrows in thought. Sister Huo is considered a very experienced person in the entertainment industry. What is it that can make her so gaffe

Shengman was in a bad mood because she was driven out of the mansion. She said angrily: "What happened? What are you in a hurry?"

Before Sister Huo had time to speak, a lot of reporters suddenly rushed into the door, and when they saw Shengman, they crowded around frantically.

Ye Zhi knew something must have happened, so she moved a few steps aside quietly, away from the reporters, and then stood not far away watching.

Sheng Man didn't notice that something was wrong. She noticed that the reporters were all around her and ignored Ye Zhi. She was a little proud, with a smile on her face.

In the next second, a reporter asked sharply: "Mrs. Sheng said that you are the adopted daughter of the Sheng family, and you have concealed your identity for so long. What is the purpose?"

Shengman's smile became stiff in an instant, she said in disbelief: "What did you say?"

A reporter said sarcastically: "Mrs. Sheng just held a press conference and announced that you are just the adopted daughter of the Sheng family."

"This matter may not be clear to others, but you have replaced someone else's identity for so long, how can you not know?"

Shengman fell heavily, and the thing she feared the most finally happened. Nie Jiqing really gave up on her this time and did not leave her any affection in front of the public.

Why did Nie Jiqing announce this suddenly? Why didn't Nie Jiqing tell her at all? Why is Nie Jiqing so cruel

The reporter's sharp questions were thrown out one by one, getting sharper and sharper.

"The Sheng family took back your mansion, what did you do to anger Mrs. Sheng?"

"You are now the abandoned son of the Sheng family, where will you go in the future? Will you go back to the Sheng family and ask for forgiveness, or will you completely sever the relationship with the Sheng family?"


Sheng Man's face was extremely pale, she pinched her hand tightly, without a trace of blood on her lips.

She wanted to defend, but found that she couldn't say anything.

Because what everyone said was right, everything she had was given to her by the Sheng family, and it was only natural for the Sheng family to take back these things now.

Ye Zhi stood not far away and questioned Sheng Man from the reporter. Sheng Man's ugly and embarrassed expression was all in his eyes.

She was also a little surprised. Nie Jiqing announced the incident so suddenly, and Shengman seemed completely unaware of it.

Nie Jiqing did this deliberately. She deliberately chose such an opportunity to let Shengman be surrounded by reporters outside and questioned, without even a chance to breathe.

At this time, Zhou Pingyu walked to Ye Zhi and said in a low voice: "I didn't expect Sheng Man to be the adopted daughter of the Sheng family. It's really unpredictable."

Ye Zhi raised his eyebrows and spoke calmly: "Yes, things are really unpredictable."

Ye Zhi's eyes were a little cold, Shengman's mansion had been taken back, then what would be waiting for Shengman next

Although the world is unpredictable, the bad guys will eventually be punished. Shengman and those who participated in the abduction will get their due retribution one by one.

Sister Huo stood next to Shengman, trying to protect Shengman to go outside, but more reporters gathered around, handed the microphone to Shengman, they couldn't get out at all.

Such a hot news broke out, how did they leave Shengman

Shengman looked around blankly, her heart panicked, and she wanted someone to take her away and appear in a bad situation.

Sheng Man turned his head, Yu Guang glanced at Ye Zhi standing there, her eyes lit up.

If Ye Zhi could say a few words for her, those reporters would not be so reluctant. Even if Ye Zhi is the person she hates most, she can't take care of it now.

Sheng Man looked at Ye Zhi with a plea for help.

help me.

Ye Zhi felt very keen, and naturally saw what Shengman meant. Shengman wanted to help her. Ye Zhi sneered inwardly.

When Sheng Man took up the identity of the original body with peace of mind and spent the money of the Sheng family, has she ever wondered where the original body was at that time? Hara has left her family, how is she doing

Oh, Shengman didn't.

When Sheng Lian abducted and sold the original body and caused the original body to fall into the pain that he shouldn't suffer, did they think of giving the original body a chance

Nor did Sheng Lian.

For so many years, they have watched all this happen coldly, enjoying the glory and wealth that shouldn't belong to them, and now Shengman still wants to help her

Feng Shui turns around, and now it's just to wake up Shengman's dream of nothingness. What position does Shengman have to help her

There was anger in Ye Zhi's heart, but it didn't show any signs on his face.

Sheng Man hoped that Ye Zhi could help her divert the reporter's attention, so she naturally stared at Ye Zhi closely.

Ye Zhi stood there quietly, her hands wrapped around her shoulders, her snow-white hands carelessly placed there.

Ye Zhi looked at Shengman for an instant, with a taunt in his eyes. In front of Shengman, she lifted up her high heels in a hurry.

Then, he took a few steps back calmly.

The distance between the two became even further in an instant. Ye Zhi had no intention of stepping forward to help Shengman. She looked at Shengman with an extremely cold expression.

When Sheng Man saw Ye Zhi doing this, she gritted her teeth with anger.

There were too many reporters around Shengman. At this time, someone squeezed forward and Shengman staggered and almost fell.

After a while, Shengman's bodyguards came over, they protected Shengman and Huo sister, and left here with difficulty. The door opened and Shengman immediately sat in.

The car drove forward in a hurry, and Sheng Man hurriedly fled here.

After Nie Jiqing held a press conference, he was actively discussing the matter online, and #盛曼被出盛家# directly climbed to the top of the hot search!

Xiaohua Shengman, whose momentum was weakening, finally ranked first in the hot search again, but this time he was directly scolded by everyone.

"Shengman is a counterfeit, and the Sheng family is very kind to the Shengman. Whatever the Shengman wants, the Sheng family will give her what, I will stand in the Sheng family!"

"Is Sheng Man conscious of being an adopted daughter? She spent so many years in the Sheng family, and the Hermès bags she bought are filled with a house. She really regards herself as the daughter of the Sheng family?"

"I always find it strange that the Sheng family is so rich, why is Shengman only a nouveau riche, and his feelings are a fake."

Among the many scoldings, very few of Shengman's fans retorted, feeling that Shengman was very pitiful, and Shengjia treated her too much.

As a result, as soon as this remark came out, it was sent back by netizens.

"Sheng Man really feels pitiful, so let me spit out the money I spent these years before talking!"

"Shengman has already taken advantage of it, and is still planning to sell it? Our spit stars will drown you!"

At the same time, netizens also dug up the black material posted by Shengman. Playing big cards, not dedicated to work, having a bad attitude towards assistants...

One by one, Shengman's image is getting worse and worse.

The Internet was full of one-sided scolding, and Shengman Studio was caught off guard, and he didn't know how to public relations.

Sheng Man usually acts too arrogantly, everyone tolerates her, watching her show off the wealth reality show, they all want to see Sheng Man's rich life.

Once the label of Bai Fumei is torn off, the false dreams piled up with money will collapse instantly.

Shengman is remembered by others only because she is the daughter of the Sheng family, and now, this has become her most fatal weakness.

People who are not from the Sheng family, but enjoy the benefits of the Sheng family comfortably, who doesn't think Shengman is hateful

In addition to fighting against Shengman, netizens are still actively discussing who is the real daughter of Shengjia

At the press conference, Nie Jiqing did not mention any information about this person except for mentioning that her daughter was missing.

No matter how the reporters asked, Nie Jiqing didn't say a word.

Netizens can't help but become even more curious, where is the daughter of the Sheng family now? What does she look like and what kind of temperament does she have

Did the Sheng family find this daughter

Is Nie Jiqing's decision to drive Shengman out of the house so resolutely, is it related to her biological daughter

The daughter of the Sheng family has not yet appeared. With just such a shallow information that everyone knows, she has portrayed several different versions among the population.

Many questions lingered in the hearts of everyone.

Who is this mysterious grand daughter? And where is she now