I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man

Chapter 205: Subdue the general of the town (5)


When Ji Mingyuan heard it, he couldn't understand what Xu Qingze was thinking. He felt that Xu Qingze was born to be angry with him, or else everything he did and every word he said could make him so angry.

What is "how the prince wants me to curry favor with you", does he mention it, and this person will do it? Could it be that in this guy's heart, what he wants is that kind of resignation

Ji Mingyuan was annoyed when he suddenly heard someone shout happily: "Third brother, you are here, it's really easy for me to find."

Xu Qingze looked up, and saw a young man in brocade clothes walking towards him with a smile on his face. Before approaching, the young man in brocade clothes said happily: "I lost at Xiaoxiao's side last time, and this time I invite you. Let me tell you, I found a good place to keep you if you like it." Said Jin Yi The young man also winked at Ji Mingyuan, the meaning of which was self-evident.

Ji Mingyuan had neither joy nor anger on his face, he just looked at Xu Qingze fixedly.

The young man in brocade clothes noticed that the atmosphere was a bit weird, followed Ji Mingyuan's gaze, and saw Xu Qingze, his scalp went numb. Prime Minister Xu had been their first teacher before becoming prime minister. Don't look at Prime Minister Xu's graceful appearance and extraordinary demeanor, he is the most severe in teaching students, none of them has not been punished by him. If what he said just now reaches the ears of Prime Minister Xu, Prime Minister Xu will definitely read them a book and ask them to guard the imperial mausoleum to cultivate themselves!

Xu Qingze and Prime Minister Xu are somewhat similar, especially the upright eyebrows and eyes, the young man in brocade clothes is terrified when he sees them. Looking carefully, I found that Xu Qingze was very young, a few years younger than himself, so he reluctantly let go of his hanging heart.

It's just that the young man in brocade clothes didn't dare to say anything more, and said coyly, "Since you have something to do, third brother, I won't bother you."

But Ji Mingyuan said casually: "It's already here, why are you in a hurry to leave? Since you have a good place to go, let's go there now." He looked at Xu Qingze with a smile, his eyes flickering, "Qingze must also want to be with us go."

Xu Qingze frowned.

Ji Mingyuan knew that Xu Qingze was in trouble, but he was not happy, and Xu Qingze would also feel uncomfortable today. He said to the young man in brocade clothes: "Look, Qingze has no objection. Let's go, you lead the way."

The young man in Jinyi gritted his teeth and took Ji Mingyuan and Xu Qingze to the "good place". When we got there, there was a burst of fragrant wind, and we didn't need to think about it to know what kind of business it was for.

Xu Qingze frowned even tighter, but did not turn around and leave.

Seeing that Xu Qingze was really going to follow in, Ji Mingyuan laughed back angrily, and said to the young man in brocade clothes, "Go in by yourself." After speaking, he grabbed Xu Qingze's hand and walked out until he was far away from the alley fluttering with strings and bamboos. open.

The young man in brocade clothes stood there in astonishment.

After a long time, he finally pinched the guard beside him severely. Hearing the guard's scream, the young man in Jinyi was stunned: "I'm not dreaming! The third brother actually grabbed the hand of that little Mr. Xu! Oh my god, I think I found something extraordinary!" He waved his hand and signaled the guards to follow in, "Let's go, let's all come in, come in, I'll take care of it here tonight, so you can relax too."

The guard wanted to cry but had no tears. The master can only relax himself, if they dare to immerse themselves in the gentleness, if they don't protect this master well, they will move in retrospect! This is the queen mother's favorite little prince!

On the other side, Ji Mingyuan held Xu Qingze's hand tightly, and walked with Xu Qingze through the busy city. Although the bystanders were surprised at how close the two men were, they didn't dare to look more because of the group of black-clothed guards behind them.

Xu Qingze originally wanted to refuse, but when he thought of what he said, he stopped the thought and let Ji Mingyuan lead him away.

Sensing Xu Qingze's obedience, Ji Mingyuan grasped it even tighter. They have known each other for so long, but they have never talked openly and honestly. Xu Qingze took a step back when he took a step forward. He never thought that he would force him like this, but on the contrary, Xu Qingze could be gentle and accommodating.

The more so, the more uncomfortable Ji Mingyuan felt.

If he wanted such meekness, there were plenty around him, as much as he wanted.

Ji Mingyuan took Xu Qingze by the hand and walked through the busy city and alleys. When the road turned around, a light suddenly lit up in front of his eyes.

Opposite is an abandoned house, which has not been repaired for many years, the bricks and tiles are very old, dilapidated, and the original appearance cannot be seen. Just looking at the location and the lighting, the original owner's status should not be low. Xu Qingze thought for a long time, and finally remembered when he followed Ji Mingyuan into that mansion. This was the mansion of Ji Mingyuan's sister, Princess Yonghe.

That is Ji Mingyuan's only elder sister, who is a compatriot of the same mother. She is quite talented and famous. In the early years, Ji Mingyuan had a very good relationship with this elder sister, and tried her best to win this outer house for her elder sister. The siblings would meet here from time to time. Later...

Later, Ji Mingyuan's sister was named Princess Yonghe, and was sent to Beiman to be married. Such a beautiful and delicate princess was sent out to sue for peace shortly after Jiji opened the mansion because of frequent defeats in border wars.

It has been more than ten years now, and no one in Beijing has mentioned Princess Yonghe anymore, as if such a person had never appeared in Dazhou.

Xu Qingze's heart trembled.

He remembered that many years later, Princess Yonghe learned the news of Ji Mingyuan's death in Beiman, so she jumped off the city wall, and she no longer wanted to serve the barbaric and rough Beiman.

They sighed when they heard those things.

Does Ji Mingyuan know

Ji Mingyuan probably didn't know, after all, Ji Mingyuan had passed away by then.

Xu Qingze stood in the garden.

Ji Mingyuan had already let go of his hand, and stood in front of a plum tree full of flowers, stroking the whirling trunk of the tree. After a long time, Ji Mingyuan said: "This tree was planted by my sister on the day she opened the mansion. At that time, we all thought that we could finally leave the palace, and we were very happy. We never thought that such a thing would happen after leaving the palace. Now the plum blossom Open it, but she can't see it." Ji Mingyuan's usual flirtatiousness and wanderlust were all suppressed, leaving only a deep depression, "Maybe she will never come back in this lifetime."

Ji Mingyuan just said "maybe", but Xu Qingze knew that Ji Mingyuan was right. Before he could suppress the pity on his face, Ji Mingyuan's gaze swept over him. His gaze was as sharp as a knife, as if he had seen through his expression.

Ji Mingyuan said clearly: "It seems that she didn't come back." He grabbed Xu Qingze's hand again, looked at Xu Qingze fixedly, and actually made a request, "Since you want to please me, then help me Bring my sister back."

Xu Qingze was slightly taken aback.

Facing Ji Mingyuan's dark eyes, Xu Qingze felt that he had touched Ji Mingyuan's deeply buried heart for the first time. Bring back Princess Yonghe who married the Northern Man? How is it possible to—


Xu Qingze calmed down.

can be done.

As long as the Beiman is beaten, the Beiman has to send Princess Yonghe back.

If they don't want to send it back, they just grab it by force.

Did Ji Mingyuan have such thoughts? Xu Qingze's heart skipped a beat. In his dream, Ji Mingyuan would sometimes stand alone on the bow of the boat, staring at the north side in a daze, as if there was something attracting him there. It turns out that what Ji Mingyuan has been thinking about all along is actually Princess Yonghe

Only then did Xu Qingze remember that they had talked about it at that time, and when someone around mentioned the matter of Princess Yonghe, he clenched his fists. Ji Mingyuan noticed it, and they asked him his opinion during the night talk. He said, this is a shame for the country, and the safety of a country requires the sacrifice of a woman to preserve it. If he can do it in the future, he will definitely bring Princess Yonghe back , Don't let her be a weak woman alone in a foreign country. At that time, Ji Mingyuan looked at him fixedly, as if he wanted to see whether the words he said were true or false.

It turned out to be like this.

Xu Qingze felt a pain in his heart.

He didn't dare to look into Ji Mingyuan's bright eyes, and tactfully told the truth later: "I didn't do it." He didn't go to pick up Princess Yonghe, and he didn't even think about it.

He had long since forgotten the words he swore to say when he was a boy, let alone fulfilling them. People like him are just ordinary drifters.

"Idiot." Seeing Xu Qingze dodging his gaze, Ji Mingyuan was not only not angry, but also smiled slightly, as if being pleased by Xu Qingze. He stretched out his hands to press Xu Qingze's head, making Xu Qingze look up at himself, "Of course you can't do it, you're a scholar, for a thesis, you haven't even stepped into the court; for martial arts, you can't shoulder it You can't lift your hands—what can you do?"

This is blatantly looking down on people. Xu Qingze was a little annoyed, but he also knew that Ji Mingyuan was telling the truth, they were too young to do anything.

Xu Qingze said, "You can't do anything."

Ji Mingyuan said: "Yeah, I can't do anything." He can have fun and travel around, but he can't touch military power and real power. Dazhou people are always the best at dealing with their own people, so he can't hold on tighter to the things he's clutching, but he doesn't dare to let go of them—otherwise, everyone knows what's waiting for him ahead.

Xu Qingze said, "Maybe..."

Seeing that Xu Qingze hesitated to speak, Ji Mingyuan couldn't help giving Xu Qingze a sideways look: "Huh?"

Xu Qingze said, "Nothing."

Ji Mingyuan didn't ask too much: "Then I'll just wait for you, Qingze, to 'please' me." He pressed Xu Qingze's shoulder smoothly, "If you do it, I will be very happy. If I am happy, naturally it won't be bad It's your business."

Xu Qingze responded in a low voice and stopped talking.

After entering the palace on the second day, Xu Qingze and Ji Jinrong chatted alone for a long time, all talking about Ji Mingyuan. While talking, Ji Jinrong understood: "Are you trying to bring him to our side?"

Xu Qingze frowned. When he spoke, he tried his best not to be biased, but he still brought out his own thoughts unconsciously.

Xu Qingze said: "I just don't think he's that hopeless..."

Ji Jinrong never knew that Xu Qingze and Ji Mingyuan had such a relationship. After hearing Xu Qingze's words, he understood what Ji Mingyuan meant when he said "I'm changing". It's just that Xu Qingze's heart softened because of that friendship, but he was different. Before Ji Mingyuan was poisoned, he didn't have much remorse. Such a person would never regret what he did, and he would still use words to provoke him until his death—the phrase "I'm changing it" is probably also trying to stab Xu Qingze in his heart. A thorn made Xu Qingze restless day and night, and he was always remembered.

Thinking of the gloom in Xu Qingze's eyebrows back then, Ji Jinrong knew that Ji Mingyuan had succeeded.

Seeing the hesitation on Xu Qingze's face, Ji Jinrong knew that Xu Qingze hadn't really fallen into it, but was just moved by the weakness that Ji Mingyuan showed him. He knew Xu Qingze's temperament, not only did not mention his own guess, but also agreed: "Then we must show some sincerity. It is a bit difficult to bring Aunt Yonghe back immediately, but it is still possible to send one or two people to Aunt Yonghe Yes. At that time, we can exchange letters with Aunt Yonghe at any time, and wait for the right time."

Xu Qingze said: "Your Highness..."

Ji Jinrong said with a smile: "It's rare that you have a friend you can really chat with, how can I let you miss it." Regardless of whether what Ji Mingyuan said is true or false, since that guy dares to say it, he dares to do it . If Ji Mingyuan was sincere, then their life would be a pity; if Ji Mingyuan just pretended to deceive Xu Qingze, then that's fine, left and right Xu Qingze is different from them, they came back with complete memories, but Xu Qingze just "dream".

Even if there is an inseparable friendship in the dream, it may not be there again outside the dream.

This is the same for Ji Mingyuan and Xu Qingze.

At this time, Ji Mingyuan was called to drink by the little prince.

The youngest brother, like Ji Mingyuan, is a pleasure-loving master. As a brother today, the little prince knows Ji Mingyuan's situation best. Thinking of Ji Mingyuan being with Xu Qingze yesterday, the little prince couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning at night, so he approached Ji Mingyuan early in the morning: "Third brother, I think it's better for you not to get too close to Xu Qingze."

Ji Mingyuan didn't seem to understand: "Why?"

The little prince looked at him and sighed: "You know why in your heart."

Xu Qingze is the eldest son of Prime Minister Xu, and he may be the pillar of another country and the prime minister of a dynasty in the future. They were originally the imperial relatives that Ji Yu feared, how could they get too close to such powerful courtiers? Don't look at the little prince's heartless life every day, in fact, he knows everything in his heart.

He can see what can and cannot be done better than anyone else.

Ji Mingyuan said: "Don't worry, if your brother finds out, you will never be angry." What he did to Xu Qingze is not something that can win Prime Minister Xu over. He was so angry that he broke his leg, making him dare not come to Xu Qingze again.

No, he doesn't dare to come to Xu Qingze now, so he can only try to meet Xu Qingze.

The little prince was a little confused, looked at Ji Mingyuan, and wanted to hear what Ji Mingyuan said clearly.

But Ji Mingyuan laughed: "Can't you see? I just want to taste the taste of that prime minister. That guy looks cold-faced and cold-hearted, but his heart is actually very soft-hearted. I will take him to the Princess Mansion today. As soon as I said it like this, he felt uncomfortable for me. A gentleman, the most despised other people's life and death, originally only three points of sadness, but he can give you ten points." His eyes were full of joy, "You Guess when I can eat people up to my mouth?"

The little prince was dumbfounded, pointing at Ji Mingyuan, he couldn't say a word.

This wife is too bold!

If Prime Minister Xu knew that Ji Mingyuan had such an idea, Prime Minister Xu would never let him go!

The author has something to say:

Your Majesty: I will not speak, I will quietly watch you die.