I [Imperial] Am This Type of Man

Chapter 208: Subdue the general of the town (eight)


There was no good place to go in the north, but Ji Mingyuan had great powers, so he insisted on taking down the hot spring village, sent people to arrange it in advance, and invited Xu Qingze over there with the west wind. Looking at the misty hot spring pool, Xu Qingze faintly understood Ji Mingyuan's intentions. Along the way, Ji Mingyuan begged for everything he could, and he didn't mind doing more.

Anyway, Ji Mingyuan just wanted to try something new. After thinking about this idea for a long time, Xu Qingze took off his robe generously, and got into the water naked.

Ji Mingyuan ordered someone to warm the wine, and calculated the time to go get it himself. When he came back, he saw his naked back looming in the mist. The water in the pool is clear, but the heat rises up, which makes people look down on what is hidden under the water. The half of his back that came out of the water was really white and straight. Ji Mingyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and it took him a lot of effort to calm down.

If he hadn't known that Xu Qingze had been taught very strictly since he was a child, he would have thought that Xu Qingze was seducing him. Even Ji Mingyuan never imagined that he would have such patience, just kissing and touching without actually doing anything for a whole year. These days of innocence and asceticism are really difficult. Since Xu Qingze invited him like this, how could he disappoint Xu Qingze

Ji Mingyuan also took off his robe, and took the wine into the water. Mutuo floated on the water and floated in front of Xu Qingze with the wine.

Ji Mingyuan had a smile on his lips: "Have a glass of wine?"

Xu Qingze looked at Ji Mingyuan, then at the wine in the glass, and said flatly, "You can't drink alcohol while soaking in hot springs, it's easy to get dizzy."

Xu Qingze didn't drink, and Ji Mingyuan didn't force it, and floated away on the wooden support. He leaned slightly closer, smelling Xu Qingze's breath: "You know a lot."

Xu Qingze was startled, and it took a long time before he said, "Your Majesty said it." He also heard that sentence in his dream.

Ji Mingyuan's expression froze. On such a good day, Ji Mingyuan didn't want to hear the title "Your Majesty" at all, and he didn't know what spell Ji Jinrong put on Xu Qingze to make Xu Qingze so loyal. In what way is he worse than Ji Jinrong? Of course, when it comes to caring for the people and the world, he is definitely not as good. He doesn't care about the life and death of the world and the people at all.

Ji Mingyuan didn't want to talk about other things, so he reached out and pushed Xu Qingze to the side of the hot spring pool. He has never tried the love between men, but since he wants to "taste it", he will naturally understand it thoroughly. He knows the difference between a man's body and a woman's body, and what needs to be prepared.

The body below him is strong and strong, not weak and boneless like a woman. The thin shoulders, arms, wrists, thighs, calves, ankles, every part seems to contain infinite power. But such a body, which can explode at any time, is like a beast with its throat bitten. It can only tense its spine and wait for the fate of being torn and bitten.

It was awesome.

Before enjoying it, Ji Mingyuan already felt satisfied. He bowed his head and kissed Xu Qingze's lips. This was the place he had visited the most this year, and he was already familiar with every inch of territory inside. The violent kiss swept past like a storm, making Xu Qingze tremble even while breathing.

Ji Mingyuan leaned forward and pressed close to Xu Qingze, making Xu Qingze feel his long-suppressed longing. The person in front of him is him, no matter in the dream or not, the body below him is what he longs for, and he will not let the "dream" be so restrained and hesitant to move forward.

Xu Qingze naturally noticed the "change" in Ji Mingyuan, and his expression changed slightly. No matter how calm and calm he pretended to be, he was not yet twenty years old, and it was not easy to convince himself to accept such a thing.

Fortunately, Ji Mingyuan couldn't allow him to think too much, and soon aroused the fire in him. Both of them are men, but they are not so shy and shy. They hugged each other for a long time and turned upside down in the pool water.

It wasn't until Xu Qingze was exhausted that Ji Mingyuan carried him into the room. It's just that he didn't let Xu Qingze go when he was in the room, instead he smiled and said: "You don't need to work hard on the bed." He fell on it again, and tasted the taste that he hadn't tasted enough just now.

Xu Qingze fell asleep hazily almost early in the morning, and it was already noon when he woke up again, and the bedside was already empty. He was not wearing anything, and when he looked down, there were marks from last night, bruises and bruises, if someone who didn't know saw it, he would definitely think that he had been beaten. But compared to the torture last night, Xu Qingze would rather be beaten. His head was a little dizzy, his eyes opened for a while, and then slowly closed again. The arms, waist, buttocks, and legs were all sore and weak, and there was a faint pain when he moved. It could be seen that the man was like a beast in heat last night.

With last night, Ji Mingyuan should get what he wanted, right? Thinking this way, Xu Qingze fell asleep again drowsily. When he woke up again, the sunset outside shone in through the window. It was golden and dazzlingly bright. He blinked and tried to speak, but found that his throat hurt so badly that he was too dumb to make a sound.

never mind.

Xu Qingze suppressed the pain and sat up, and wanted to get off the ground, but found that he had already put on his middle coat, and those horrifying traces were vaguely hidden under the skirt, so it was not so scary after all. He was a little surprised, but he heard Ji Mingyuan's voice coming from the door: "Hey, are you awake?" Ji Mingyuan put down the hot porridge in his hand and brought over a glass of water, "Drink some water first."

Xu Qingze nodded, took a few sips of water, and felt that his throat was much better. After tasting it carefully, I found that what Ji Mingyuan handed over was water mixed with honey, which was used to moisten the throat. His ears warmed up, thinking about what happened last night. He never knew something like this could be so indulgent. It's just that if he wants to find a partner in the future, he will definitely not find someone like Ji Mingyuan, otherwise his health will be too much.

Just as Xu Qingze was thinking, his jaw was pinched. Ji Mingyuan said: "What are you thinking about? You can't even think about it while drinking water, and your ears are still so red. Could it be that you just got out of bed and remembered what happened last night?"

Xu Qingze naturally wouldn't say what he thought. If someone like Ji Mingyuan listened to his thoughts, he would definitely let him know what "too much" means. In a short time, he didn't want to be as indulgent as last night.

Xu Qingze turned back into a gourd, and Ji Mingyuan didn't mind either. He tasted the inside and outside of the person yesterday, and felt that the taste was really unusual. I thought that I would get bored after tasting it once, but I missed it even more after tasting it. If he hadn't cared about Xu Qingze's body, he would definitely savor it several times.

Ji Mingyuan's eyes swept over Xu Qingze wantonly. This body is strong enough, but it's a little thinner. Next, I need to feed him more and let him grow a little bit of flesh, so that it will be more comfortable to hold him.

After making up his mind, Ji Mingyuan brought in the porridge. He sat on the edge of the bed with great interest, and fed the porridge to Xu Qingze's mouth: "Come, have some."

Xu Qingze felt something was wrong. It stands to reason that Ji Mingyuan has already got what he wanted, why is he suddenly so considerate? He was puzzled and didn't open his mouth. He just reached out to take the porridge from Ji Mingyuan's hand: "I'll do it myself."

It's rare for Ji Mingyuan to have the interest in taking care of others, how could Xu Qingze disturb him. He snorted, the porridge stopped on Xu Qingze's lips, and his tone was undeniably tough: "Be obedient and eat."

Xu Qingze felt even weirder. He was really hungry, and he didn't want to be in a stalemate with Ji Mingyuan, so he simply opened his mouth and drank the porridge. After the first sip, Ji Mingyuan brought a second sip. After feeding one after another for a long time, a bowl of porridge finally bottomed out. Xu Qingze breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm full."

Ji Mingyuan was in high spirits, how could Xu Qingze get away with it: "No, you are growing up, how can you only eat this little?" He got up and walked out, taking another bowl of warm porridge from the servant , sat back on the edge of the bed again, "at least drink up this bowl too."

Xu Qingze couldn't hold back Ji Mingyuan, so he could only continue to ask Ji Mingyuan to feed him porridge.

For the next few days, they all lived on the hot spring village. Ji Mingyuan seemed to like feeding him, and changed ways to make him eat more every day. After Xu Qingze recovered, he stopped feeding from Ji Mingyuan, and only ate more food than usual at Ji Mingyuan's request.

After feeding like this for several days, Ji Mingyuan touched Xu Qingze's body, feeling better than last time. After touching it, Ji Mingyuan was not willing to let go, and pinned Xu Qingze under him again.

Xu Qingze was a little taken aback. He felt something was wrong. But after thinking about it, the Northland was very desolate, and Ji Mingyuan only opened meat once in the whole year, so he followed Ji Mingyuan. Compared to the first time, Ji Mingyuan was more restrained, and he was able to adapt better, barely able to get up and get out of bed the next day.

Jiming is far away.

Xu Qingze walked out the door and saw the guards next to Ji Mingyuan guarding outside, so he asked where Ji Mingyuan was going.

The guard knew Xu Qingze's identity and the relationship between Xu Qingze and Ji Mingyuan, so he hesitated. It can be seen that Xu Qingze's eyes are clear, and he doesn't seem to be a person who indulges in sensuality. The guard couldn't help reminding: "The little prince has arrived, and he said he found a good place, so he took His Highness away." The "good place" in the mouth of the little prince , Needless to say, I know where it is.

Xu Qingze listened, but his heart was very calm. That's right, he would be surprised if someone told him that Ji Mingyuan had changed his temperament because of their relationship. Knowing that the guard had good intentions, he told him this matter, so he couldn't help laughing and started chatting with the guard: "Your accent seems to be from the south. I know a few classmates from the south, and they speak similarly to you."

Hearing Xu Qingze's kind words, the guard felt that he had done the right thing. He said, "Yes, I'm from the south, from Fuzhou."

Xu Qingze said: "The tea produced in Fuzhou is good."

The guard scratched his head: "I don't know much about this, but we do have a lot of tea growers over there. The imperial court sends people down to collect tea every year. It should be good." After finishing speaking, he added, "If you like For tea, I wrote to ask the family to keep some, and keep the tenderest and best ones.”

Xu Qingze smiled: "Thank you."

This was what Ji Mingyuan heard when he came back. He saw Xu Qingze smiling at the guard from a distance, approaching in three steps and two steps, and heard Xu Qingze thank the guard. Thanks for what? What are they talking about? Along the way, although Xu Qingze would not show him a cold face, he had never been as happy as in "Dream". What did the guard say just now to make Xu Qingze smile at him? With sullen eyes in his eyes, Ji Mingyuan said to the guard, "Go down."