I Just Came to Borrow a Light

Chapter 15


who are you

I am your uncle.

Lin Chengbu felt very distressed about the first answer of his conditioning.

Perhaps the obsession with Yuan Wu has reached the deepest part of his mind, and all the memories have been replayed over and over since their first acquaintance.

The afternoon when I first saw Yuanwu.

Yuan Wu, who was sitting on the black fire hydrant at the door of No. 18, smoking a cigarette, looked at him coldly from behind a few locks of hair hanging from his forehead, and just puffed out a cigarette and turned away. …

Every shot, every detail, is in his head.

Before that afternoon, all he had in mind were the recipes and "I want to fall in love", and after that afternoon, there were only recipes and Yuanwu.

"Tell me," Yuan Wu took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, pressed the lighter close to his face, and looked at him in the firelight and the first puff of blue smoke, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

However, even if Lin Chengbu only had the recipe and Yuan Wu in his mind, even if he vacated all the recipes for Yuan Wu, he could not answer this question accurately.

who I am.

I am Lin Chengbu, and Yuan Wu has long known that his name is Lin Chengbu.

I am a great chef in a private restaurant, and for Yuan Wu, this is not the answer at all.

I am a friend of Jiang Chengyu, so who is Jiang Chengyu

I am your fanboy, now how can I explain that I am not a reader fanatic, not novels, but your indifferent and unrestrained figure in the phantom-like changing lights before.

Who I am is not difficult to answer.

The hard part is to answer who you are in Yuanwu.

What Yuan Wu cared about was not who Lin Chengbu was.

But for him, who is Lin Chengbu

Lin Chengbu's mind was in a mess, and his heart was still aching.

He didn't expect that one day he would face such a question. He had known Yuan Wu for so long, but in the end he couldn't even answer who you are.

When Yuan Wu asked who you were for the third time, Lin Chengbu looked up at him, took two seconds to confirm his answer, and then opened his mouth.

"I'm your boyfriend." He looked into Yuan Wu's eyes.

Yuan Wu's pupils shrank for a moment, whether it was because of the sun or fright.

But after Lin Chengbu said this sentence, the whole person relaxed, as if he was nervous with the test paper that was changed from 70 points to 99 points, and finally handed it over to his father to sign, it didn't matter whether he lived or died. .

"Boyfriend?" Yuan Wu squinted his eyes with a cigarette in his mouth, and pointed to himself, "Mine?"

"Yes." Lin Chengbu said.

Yuan Wu didn't say anything, just glanced into the cabin, the big head was seriously holding the hall cup behind his back, and then grabbed the beer bottle and tried to throw it behind him.

"Hey," Yuan Wu shouted, the ash fell on his hand, he shook his hand, "Smashed his head!"

"My hand doesn't seem to be big enough." Big head lowered his head and opened his hand to look.

"You play with that measuring cup, there are two, throw that one." Yuan Wu said.

"Oh," Big Head obediently took out the two measuring cups, "they are not the same size, why?"

"If you don't talk to me between now and before dinner, I'll give you five yuan." Yuan Wu said.

Datou was stunned for a moment, then quickly pursed his lips and nodded.

"I've been alone for a long time," Yuan Wu turned back to look at Lin Chengbu, "Sometimes my mind gets confused, and I can't remember some things, such as when I went to Xiaojiang Town last time, can't remember. Know when you came here for the first time, I can't remember if you ever said why you always came over..."

Lin Chengbu was silent.

"But I shouldn't be mistaken about whether I have a boyfriend," Yuan Wu took a breath, "I don't have a boyfriend."

Lin Chengbu sighed softly.

"If you say you're my girlfriend..." Yuan Wu glanced at his crotch, "Unfortunately, I've already seen it, and you're not my girlfriend either."

Lin Chengbu opened his mouth and did not speak.

"Okay," Yuan Wu stood up, propped up the edge of the boat and looked at the water, "If you don't want to tell me, don't tell me, who doesn't have a secret that can't be told."

"November 11," Lin Chengbu said, "the first time we met was four years ago."

Yuan Wu looked back at him and continued to stare at the water.

"That's your birthday," Lin Chengbu said in a low voice, "Singles' birthday."

Yuan Wu's hand holding the cigarette shook slightly.

"You have a scar on your back," Lin Chengbu continued in a low voice, as if talking to himself, "You fell while driving. It's very long. Your car is the one I drove over that day."

"You basically only drink mocha when you drink coffee, but you don't do well when you make your own coffee," Lin Chengbu closed his eyes, "You like hyde and goth metal, and the ringtone of your phone is Here in the Throat from My Dying Bride... I The pronunciation is not very standard…”

"You go to the gym three times a week, you only run for an hour each time, and you have a lot of dandelions on your balcony. I haven't counted how many pots there are. I only went once..."

Lin Chengbu couldn't finish his words, he still wanted to say, that time Jiang Chengyu went to your house to get some things and I went with me. Everything in your room is dark blue and white...

Yuan Wu put the pod into the water, turned around and closed the back door of the cabin, and then punched him hard in the face.

Lin Chengbu sat on the small stool, as if he was squatting, but when he punched him, Lin Chengbu leaned back and fell directly on the boat.

Yuan Wu didn't wait for him to get up, stepped on top of him, pressed his shoulder and punched him again.

Lin Chengbu felt that the sun, which had already set, became extraordinarily golden again, and Yuan Wu threw another punch at him in the golden light.

"Fuck!" Lin Chengbu raised his hand to block it. Yuan Wu's fist hit his arm, but he felt no pain. He grabbed Yuan Wu's wrist. In order not to disturb the big head in the cabin, he Squeezing his voice, "Your uncle! You really fight!"

Yuan Wu pulled out his hand and punched him in the ribs again, grabbing his collar: "What do you want to do?"

Lin Chengbu was so in pain that he almost lost his temper, and after two mouthfuls, he gritted his teeth and punched Yuan Wu's ribs. The punch was not heavy, because he was too sore to exert himself, so Yuan Wu just paused, but he still Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yuan Wu was thrown aside suddenly.

"What do I want to do?" He turned over suddenly, pressed his right knee to Yuan Wu's stomach, and held his hand, "If you ask me who I am, I will tell you who I am!"

"It's time for you to take medicine." Yuan Wu looked at him.

"What's your name?" Lin Chengbu stared at him, "Is it Yuan Shen? Is your name Yuan Shen? Do you write novels? Are you Xing Tian?"

Lin Chengbu desperately suppressed his urge to say the word Yuanwu.

Yuan Wu was silent for a moment, as still as the dusk lightly wrapped around him, and then he arched his legs fiercely and pushed it up with his knees.

Lin Chengbu didn't ride on top of him, he was half-kneeling and half-squatting, this not-so-beautiful posture left an empty door for Yuan Wu. When he got up on his knees, he felt that if he could get up a little more, he could directly smash him. his eggs.

"Fuck you, uncle!" Lin Chengbu grabbed Yuan Wu's clothes and picked him up and threw him on the boat, "Are you still serious!"

Yuan Wu didn't say anything, and stared at him, probably thinking that such an attack was useless, so he turned his head and bit Lin Chengbu's wrist.

Lin Chengbu's anger came along with the pain, and this bite made him unable to even shout.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck it!

The word in my mind formed a square array, kicking and walking past.

"I'll tell you what I'm going to do!" Lin Chengbu pressed his throat and stared at Yuan Wu, "If it wasn't for the big head today, I'd give you right now!"

Yuan Wu was silent for two seconds, then suddenly raised the corner of his mouth and smiled: "It scared me to death."

Yuan Wu looks good when he smiles. Lin Chengbu likes to see him laugh, but Yuan Wu rarely laughs. In his impression, Yuan Wu's appearance is always indifferent, and occasionally he gets angry suddenly impatiently.

He stared at the corner of Yuan Wu's mouth for a short moment, maybe not even a second.

He bowed his head and kissed.

This is the first time he has touched Yuan Wu's lips, with a faint smell of smoke, not too perfect, not to mention warm, slightly dry...

But he plunged headlong into it, sinking into a long-held desire.

Yuan Wu didn't struggle, the tip of his tongue entered almost unhindered, over his lips, over his teeth, and into the temperature that fascinated him.

Tapping, probing... nothing.

The desire for Yuan Wu made him have already removed all the preludes and layouts in his heart.

No need, no need, these flirting steps have been thrown away a thousand times in his mind.

What he wants is madness, storms.

Go straight.

Tossing and tangling, sucking and encroaching.

The sun had really set, and Lin Chengbu was sure.

But when he closed his eyes, there was a warm light around him.

Breathing a little hard.

Maybe it's because the heart is beating too fast, or maybe it's simply forgetting to breathe.

Lin Chengbu finally let go of Yuan Wu because he was out of breath.

He put his arms on Yuan Wu's head and stared at him.

His breathing was a little heavy, and the hair on Yuan Wu's forehead trembled slightly following his breathing.

Yuan Wu didn't speak, didn't pant like him, didn't continue to beat him like he imagined, just looked at him quietly, and after a while he said, "You're hard."

"...Oh," Lin Chengbu didn't know what to say, "yes."

"Get up." Yuan Wu said.

Lin Chengbu stood up silently, walked to the side, and leaned against the edge of the boat with his face turned away.

"Let's cook," Yuan Wu said. "The big head is still growing, so if you're hungry, you shouldn't grow up."

"Okay," Lin Chengbu replied, "Wait a while, wait for me... soften."

Yuan Wu paused, pushed the door open and entered the cabin.

Datou was sitting on the boat with sweat profusely. He threw the two measuring cups back and forth, and then dropped them. Yuan Wu sat aside and watched for five minutes, but he just didn't take it again.

"Give it up," Yuan Wu said, "let them go."

He glanced at him and said nothing.

Yuan Wu stared at him for about a minute before he remembered the five dollars: "Okay, you can continue."

Big head continued to throw the measuring cup.

The sound of washing the pot and pouring water came from the stern, and Lin Chengbu started to cook.

Yuan Wu leaned on the mat and turned his head to look outside.

Boy friend

Yuan Wu couldn't think about the previous events at all, and he couldn't even judge what happened just now and what these things meant.

Just feel messed up.

Very messy.

Some ideas are so close that they can be made clear by raising a hand and tearing them apart, but they are always so elusive.

It wasn't the first time that this feeling had occurred, the vague thoughts that were constantly infesting him in boredom and confusion, but every time it made him feel scared and uneasy.

I want to get close, but I don't want to take that step anyway.

He didn't know why.

He is not sure whether he recognizes Lin Chengbu or not, but the words Lin Chengbu said, those words that made him suddenly angry in the panic...

He didn't know if it was true, but he was afraid of those words and didn't want to hear them.

In the end what happened

What happened to your life

Why be afraid

What are you afraid of? hide what

Why don't you want to think about it anymore

Why do you run away when you touch it

How long has it been? Just keep avoiding all the doubts

Yuan Wu didn't know if he would be bothered by these question marks in five minutes. He had used closed ways to comfort himself countless times.

Does it work

It was effective until Lin Chengbu appeared.

what about now…

Yuan Wu took out a can of Coke from the small refrigerator, opened it and took a sip, his eyes fell on Lin Chengbu.

Lin Chengbuzheng took a small piece of meat and shredded it. The speed was very fast and the posture was very beautiful. For the first time, Yuan Wu felt that watching people slicing meat was a kind of enjoyment.

Who is Lin Chengbu

a mental patient.

A mental patient who chose a big adventure.

A mental patient who chose Big Adventure and said he never chose Big Adventure and said he was his boyfriend.

Yuan Wu shook his head and interrupted the self-explanation that he started again.


What is that

Lin Chengbu had some familiar things on his body, and when he opened the suitcase and took out his clothes, this familiar feeling intensified.

Familiar, and not annoyingly familiar.

Even when Lin Chengbu's tongue was entangled between his teeth, he didn't feel disgusted, he was just calm, a little dazedly waiting for something to change quietly.

Boy friend

Do you like men

"Do you eat chili?" Lin Chengbu asked outside.

"Aren't you my boyfriend?" Yuan Wu said, "You don't know?"

"I know you don't eat it," Lin Chengbu glanced at him, "but I don't know if you would say you eat it yourself."

Yuan Wu did not speak.

"Then I won't put chili peppers, you don't eat spicy food," Lin Chengbu continued to cook, "Is there anything you don't want to eat at Datou?"

"I don't have it!" said Datou, "I eat everything, just don't eat fish. I eat fish every day, and I'm so tired of eating fish."

"I bought chicken wings, you can eat chicken wings later." Lin Chengbu said.

"Okay!" Big Head replied happily.

Lin Chengbu continued to cut vegetables quickly, Yuan Wu was a little fascinated by it.

The knife in Lin Chengbu's hand didn't seem to be a knife. Every time it fell, Yuan Wu felt that he had to cut off at least three of his fingers, but every time he didn't.

And every time after cutting, let the knife turn around the hand and insert it on the chopping board, which is full of dexterity and eroticism. Lin Chengbu does it naturally and beautifully.

Braised chicken wings, sweet and sour pork ribs, steamed beef with tempeh, there are no special ingredients in the town, but Lin Chengbu still quickly made these popular meats emit a strong fragrance.

Yuan Wu looked hungry for a while.

"How long will it take?" he asked.

"Eat the fish after it's steamed, come and help?" Lin Chengbu glanced at him.

Yuan Wu got up and went to the stern: "What am I doing?"

"Wash the bowls and stuff and put them away," Lin Chengbu said. "I bought beer today and I didn't make soup. The fish will be ready after steaming."

"Yeah." Yuan Wu took the dishes and washed them and put them on the small table, then sat watching Lin Chengbu.

Lin Chengbu didn't say a word, staring at the pot of rice that was cooking next to him. He didn't have a rice cooker or a pressure cooker. .

Yuan Wu stared at his face for a while, then went into the cabin and took a can of Coke and handed it to him.

"I don't drink this stuff," Lin Chengbu said, "drink beer."

"I didn't let you drink." Yuan Wu looked at his face.

"Oh," Lin Chengbu smiled, took Coke and put it on the corner of his eyes, "then this can is not enough, I feel like my whole face is crooked."

"Fart." Yuan Wu said.

"You know, you just smashed my mouth," Lin Chengbu said, "It's bleeding, I'll take a bath for a long time."

"I know," Yuan Wu said, "I have tasted it."

Lin Chengbu choked and coughed for a long time: "Damn."

"It's so fragrant!" Datou ran out, "It's so fragrant! It's more fragrant than the dishes my mother made!"

"When I come back in the future," Lin Chengbu paused here, looked at Yuan Wu, and continued to say after seeing that Yuan Wu had no response, "Come here for dinner."

"Really?" Big head's eyes lit up, but soon he whispered, "No way."

"Why?" Lin Chengbu asked.

"Because...because..." The big head looked at Yuan Wu, leaned close to Lin Chengbu's ear, put his hand to his mouth, and whispered, "Mom said that brother Xiaowu is a strange person, so he won't let me come over."

Lin Chengbu was stunned for a while, then said with a smile, "It's okay, you are here to play with me, not with him."

"That's right!" The big head immediately became happy, and after thinking about it, he said, "Actually, I like the little... uncle very much."

"Me too." Lin Chengbu said.

The dish was ready quickly, Big Head sat on the small stool, Lin Chengbu and Yuan Wu sat on the ground.

Yuan Wu gave Big Head a can of Coke and five dollars, and threw a can of beer to Lin Chengbu: "Happy birthday."

"Happy Birthday!" Big Head shouted.

"Thank you." Lin Chengbu said with a smile.

"Is there a cake for my birthday?" Big Head asked while nibbling on a chicken wing.

"Yes." Yuan Wu said.

"Can you eat cake at the same time?" Datou asked in a low voice, and after asking, he suddenly stared at Lin Chengbu's face, "Brother Xiaobu, why is your face so blue?"

"Bumped," Lin Chengbu quickly diverted his attention, "Do you want to eat cake? Go and get it, you can eat a piece first."

Datou's attention shifted instantly, he nibbled on the chicken wings and ran into the cabin to take out the cake: "Do you want to sing a birthday song?"

"No, it's not until the child's birthday." Lin Chengbu smiled and opened the cake box, "I haven't seen it yet."

"There are words!" Big Tou shouted beside the box, "I know it, I can read it, I read it!"

"Read it." Yuan Wu said.

"What what! Little! No! No! Sun!" Big Head shouted loudly, "Le! Happy birthday!"

"Why don't you..." Lin Chengbu was stunned for a while, then glanced at the cake, "I'm so stupid! Is the lady boss illiterate?"

Yuan Wu laughed on the side.

"You saw it, didn't you?" Lin Chengbu turned to stare at him, "You know what she wrote about Xiao, right?"

"Well," Yuan Wu nodded, "I don't know how to write your name."

"Lin Chengbu," Lin Chengbu grabbed his hand, put it on his knee, and wrote word by word in his palm, "Lin, Cheng, Bu... You better remember it clearly."

"Huh?" Yuan Wu looked at him.

"From now on, whether you can remember it or not," Lin Chengbu said, "I am your boyfriend."