I Just Came to Borrow a Light

Chapter 16


It was past nine o'clock when Lin Chengbu drove the car away from Shenqiao. The night in the countryside was extraordinarily dark, and the stars in the sky were densely lit.

When the car drove to Xiaojiang Town, it was already dark all around, and there was no nightlife in the town. There were people singing open-air karaoke in the town square, but it was all closed at nine o'clock.

Lin Chengbu parked the car on the side of the empty road and lit a cigarette.

Kind of like a dream, I'm your boyfriend, and that kiss.

And the meal that followed, although there were not many words, but the meal was safe. The cake was not delicious, it was too sweet, and there was a lot of big talk. I kept talking while eating, but everything was comfortable.

After dinner, Yuan Wu didn't say anything, so Lin Chengbu didn't say anything. After he carried the big head back to his boat, Lin Chengbu sat on the stern with Yuan Wu all the time.

Yuan Wu said you should go back, and he drove out.

Like a dream.

Lin Chengbu leaned on the seat and looked at the starry sky outside the window. Xiaojiang Town was as quiet as a barren town, making people feel that walking forward, through the silence and darkness, was another world.

In this world, he had a fight with Yuan Wu, kissed and ate a meal, and when he returned to another world, he would return to reality as if he had woken up from a dream.

A little reluctant.

Lin Cheng took a long sigh, put out the cigarette and restarted the car.

When the car drove to the outskirts of the city, he stopped the car at a random on-street parking space, and called Jiang Chengyu: "Are you there yet?"

"Arrived at the east gate of the building materials market," Jiang Chengyu said vaguely, probably smoking a cigarette, "Where are you?"

"Just wait for me at the east gate, I'll walk over, two minutes." Lin Chengbu said.

Before he came out, he called Jiang Chengyu and asked him to drive over to pick him up. Jiang Chengyu was in the bar at the time, and he was quite reluctant. Lin Chengbu felt that he might have destroyed the prelude to his appointment.

"You look good." Jiang Chengyu looked at him and said with a smile after getting in the car.

"Really?" Lin Chengbu glanced at the car window, but couldn't see his face.

"How much did you drink? You want me to pick it up." Jiang Chengyu turned the car around and drove into the city.

"Two bottles of beer." Lin Chengbu said.

"Fuck," Jiang Chengyu was amused, "Drinking two bottles after calling me all the way? Didn't even taste it."

"Did you delay your business?" Lin Chengbu gave him a sideways glance.

"No," Jiang Chengyu said, "I don't even have the mood to do the right thing when I hear that you are long and short all day."

"I didn't even talk to you about my long and short stories," Lin Chengbu leaned against the seat, "Is this pot on my back too?"

Jiang Chengyu smiled: "How was your birthday today?"

"It's okay." Lin Chengbu thought about this night, and suddenly he was in a very good mood, feeling that he should indeed be looking good.

"Can you spend your birthday with me next month?" Jiang Chengyu asked, "Anyway, you've already passed by Yuanwu, and you don't dare to tell him that you passed it again."

"I won't be alone with you." Lin Chengbu said.

"Did I say I want to be alone with you? To be honest, I'm really bothered to be alone with you, it's hard to serve you," Jiang Chengyu clicked, "Call Yang Hui and the others to play."

"Okay." Lin Chengbu smiled.

Jiang Chengyu sent him downstairs. When he got off the bus, Jiang Chengyu stopped him: "I'll remind you."

"What?" Lin Chengbu looked at him.

"I feel like you're in a bit of a good mood today, maybe you've done something," Jiang Chengyu said. "If one day he's not in this state... Be careful not to screw it up."

Lin Chengbu was silent for a while: "I know."

Jiang Chengyu's words are right, and this is also the source of the unease that he wrapped in excitement and happiness all night.

Although Yuan Wu cannot be said to have amnesia, he does "don't remember" the past.

If one day he returns to a normal state, all that he has now will become unknown.

He returned home, fell on the sofa, and stared at the TV that was not on.

How should this measure be handled

He hasn't been to Shenqiao for the past two days. He has to go to work, and there will be a lot of things to do on the weekend. Moreover, he hasn't gone back to see his parents for a long time. He has to go back and lead him to death.

He would be looking forward to it as soon as his phone rang in the past two days. No matter what the consequences were, he had already forcibly detained the person of "Yuan Wu's boyfriend" on himself. Although it was a little inexplicable, he still vaguely hoped that Yuan Wu would accept this. Set, I hope he suddenly got through a certain line to call himself.

But the phone rang many times, none of which was Yuanwu.

This is actually not surprising. After Lin Chengbu took the phone to Yuan Wu, he never saw the phone again. He didn't know whether Yuan Wu hid it or threw it away.

And he didn't dare to call, for fear that something too sudden would frighten Yuan Wu.

This tangle has caught up with China.

Lin Chengbu chose the day when Lin Huiyu was away and went home, his parents would definitely scold him, and with Lin Huiyu, he was afraid that he would not be able to bear it.

"I haven't been home for a few months, so I don't know what you're doing." Sure enough, as soon as the meal was over, my mother started, "My son has married his daughter-in-law before he forgot about his mother, our son. Well, if my daughter-in-law doesn't marry, she can forget her mother."

"I'm busy." Lin Chengbu took the TV remote and pressed it.

"What are you doing, you are a cook." Dad said on the side.

"The cook is busy too, I have to study the recipe." Lin Chengbu smiled.

"Come on," Mom sighed, "Don't think that if we don't say it, you just fool us every time we succeed. In fact, the success rate is 0. Do you know that the thief knows?"

Lin Chengbu twitched the corners of his mouth and didn't speak. It took him a long time to realize what this thief Mom was.

"It's not that I told you, but you're quite a bitch." Mom looked at him. "Just do things that normal people don't do."

"People don't waste their minds on young people." Lin Chengbu said.

"Don't bully your parents for not reading enough books!" Mom raised her voice, "Besides, you're not a teenager! With such a big face, you're too embarrassed to say that you're still a teenager!"

Lin Chengbu continued to be silent.

"You're wandering around about who's business every day, I just want to ask you if this thing is over yet?" Mom started to get a little angry.

"No." Lin Chengbu said.

"You just got involved with this, didn't you?" Mom stared at him.

"I'm idle anyway," Lin Chengbu said, "I don't have anything else to do."

"How long are you going to be free?" Mom pointed at him.

"I've probably had a lot of free time in my life," Lin Chengbu replied.

"You made it your mission to piss off your dad and me?" Mom picked up the cup and poured water on his slippers.

"Mom," Lin Chengbu sighed, "Long live, do you understand? I didn't kill or set fire, except that I didn't do well in my studies, I'm quite an honest person. I always have things I want to do and I'm willing to do. , let's understand each other."

"Your mother is worried about you," Dad said. "I'm afraid you'll be flying like a blind moth."

"I'm not stupid." Lin Chengbu said.

"No one dares to argue with you as a fool!" Mom pointed at him again.

"It is said that the child's IQ is mainly determined by the mother." Lin Chengbu smiled.

"Don't fool me!" Mom yelled.

"Lai can only play with his parents," Lin Cheng stepped up and stood behind his mother, pinching her shoulders, "You said I'm not a teenager anymore, I'm embarrassed to find someone to play with."

Mom sighed heavily.

After coming out of Mom and Dad, Lin Chengbu squatted on the street and smoked two cigarettes.

Is this thing over yet

He also asked himself this question. If Yuan Wu was like this for the rest of his life, what would he do

He likes Yuan Wu, which includes appreciation, infatuation, and desire for nothing. Mixed together, he thinks it's pretty solid.

It's just that if Yuan Wuzhen has been like this all his life, he doesn't know if such feelings can last a lifetime.

But if he really doesn't care, will anyone care about Yuan Wu's existence

Thinking of this makes him feel bad for a while.

The struggle of a god-father fanboy.

After returning home, he turned on the computer, lit a cigarette, and entered Xing Tian's column.

Today's update has been uploaded, Lin Chengbu didn't click to read it, he knew what the content was by looking at the chapter name.

There seems to be no light at the end of the road.

This kind of dark chapter name that doesn't look like a chapter name is the style of Xing Tian's novels. Many times Lin Chengbu feels that the scary thing about these stories is not the ghosts and ghosts, but more from the author himself.

where did you go

Lin Chengbu drank a cigarette and stared at the page.

After smoking a cigarette, he opened the search page, typed in the words "Smile and a glass of wine," and slowly looked at the page that popped up.

Lin Chengbu felt that apart from the printed A4 paper, he hadn't stared at the words for a long time. After turning over a few pages, his eyes were a little dry, and he couldn't sit still. Dizzy.

The sorrow of illiteracy.

Lin Cheng got up and went to the refrigerator to get a half can of yogurt that he didn't finish yesterday, and took a few sips.

After wandering around the room a few times, he sat back in front of the computer and continued to flip through the next page.

In fact, he didn't know what he was looking for. He only knew that this ID was currently used by Yuan Wu, so this ID might still be used elsewhere, and he might be able to find some clues.

After turning dozens of pages, Lin Chengbu finally stopped his hand holding the mouse and clicked on one of the links.

This is a message board. There have been no new messages for two or three years. It seems to be attached to a website that has been abandoned. The website has not been opened, and no one has entered the message board.

The latest message on the message board, the ID is a glass of wine with a smile.

The following content is only a very simple sentence - I decided to go.

Lin Chengbu stared at the time of the message for this sentence for a long time. It happened to be almost two years ago. He then looked down at other messages. The time was earlier than this one, and it was concentrated three years ago.

He moved the recipes in his head to another place, leaving room to think about the time issue.

This message board was deactivated together with this website about three years ago. After that, it was no longer possible to enter directly from the website. If you want to come in and leave a message, it is estimated that you can only directly enter the address of the message board.

This message was left after coming in a year later.

After Lin Chengbu came to this conclusion, he swept the other messages again, and then felt a little chill in the back of his spine.

This is an anonymous message board, no registration is required, anyone can leave a message by entering an ID, and every single one, including those with happy words, seems to be full of... despair.

Even Lin Chengbu, who has not gone to school well and has no knowledge of this aspect, can immediately judge. Moreover, in Xingtian's first ghost story, a similar place was mentioned, which is a suicidal tendency. A secret meeting point for the crowd.

"Fuck." Lin Cheng stepped on the table and the chair slid back.

He took out his cigarette, lit it, and took two hard puffs.

His heartbeat was a little unsteady, and he took the yogurt and drank it all in one breath, overwhelmingly shocked.

What the hell is going on

After calming down a bit, Lin Chengbu dragged his chair and sat in front of the computer again, wanting to scroll forward again to see if there were any messages left with a glass of wine, but he found that the message board could only save the most recent 5 pages.

Even the message boards were so desperate that they directly erased those who existed before.

I do not know life and death.

Lin Chengbu didn't sleep well all night, his dreams were full of Yuan Wu, he sat on the stern of the boat without a smile and looked at the water.

This scene woke him up several times a night.

When I woke up in the morning, I felt like I hadn't slept.

He didn't go to work today. After washing up quickly, he went out. He was going to Shenqiao.

After seeing the message board, he suddenly wanted to stay by Yuan Wu's side, without talking, without any form of communication, as long as he could see Yuan Wu.

When passing by the small vegetable market downstairs, he ran in and grabbed a bunch of fresh vegetables, meat, and fruit with a group of old ladies who were robbing breakfast dishes. Then he bought a bunch of snacks in the supermarket next to him, and then took them out. Got into the car in a hurry.

After the car left the city, the speed limit was 80. He kept driving at 80 and slowed down when he approached Xiaojiang Town.

The air here became better, Lin Chengbu turned off the air conditioner and opened the car window.

After taking a few good breaths of fresh air, the phone he threw on the co-pilot rang.

After a glance, he quickly pulled the car to a stop, grabbed the phone and answered the phone: "Big head?"

"I'm Datou's mother," came a female voice with a local accent, "Are you Xiao Wu's friend?"

Lin Chengbu was stunned for a moment, and immediately replied: "Yes, I am!"

Big head mom? He suddenly felt scared in the daze: "What's the matter? Did something happen to him?"

Big head's mother is a straightforward rural woman. She speaks without turning or euphemism, and her voice is still loud: "He jumped into the river when it was dark!"

This loud sentence made Lin Chengbu jump up from the car seat like a thunderbolt, his head hit the roof of the car, and he shouted: "What?!"

"It's not dead! Come and take a look, everyone is fine now! But I don't know what's going on!" The big head mother shouted.

"Okay, okay! Well, well, well..." Lin Chengbu also shouted in a series, and after hanging up, he drove towards Shenqiao, "What's his situation now?"

"Sleep now! Asleep!" Big Head Mom replied.

"Okay, thank you, I'll be there soon, I'm in Xiaojiang Town right now." Lin Chengbu bit his tongue three times after saying a word.

After hanging up the phone, his mind was buzzing, and there was all kinds of confusion in front of him. He had to park the car on the side of the road again, and wiped a few wet tissues on his face to calm himself down.

jumped into the river

Jump into the river

Yuan Wu, who is so afraid of water, actually jumped into the river

But people are fine now.

people are fine.

Still asleep.

How could he fall asleep after jumping in the river!

In the end is jumping or swimming ah!

After making up his mind, Lin Chengbu took his mobile phone and called Jiang Chengyu.

"It's early in the morning," Jiang Chengyu was surprised, "I was just about to go to bed, what's the matter?"

"You have nothing to do these two days," Lin Chengbu said, "I just got a call from my neighbor in Yuanwu, saying that he jumped into the river, I'll be there right now, I don't know if anything will happen, you Don’t schedule for two days…”

"I see," Jiang Chengyu responded quickly, "If you want to help you call me, I'll be at any time."

"Thank you." Lin Chengbu hung up the phone.

For the first time, he felt that the road from Xiaojiang Town to Shenqiao was so damn hard to drive, the road was narrow and bumpy, especially the dirt road after passing the tourist area, which made his neck sore.

After finally driving to the old dock, he stuck his head out and stared out before the car was parked.

There was nothing unusual about the old wharf, it looked the same every time he came here, no people, no cars, no signs that something had happened.

Even the big head who always plays on the pier with a gourd on his back is there.

It's just that the big head didn't squat today, but ran over as soon as he heard the sound of the car.

"Brother Xiaobu!" He ran to the car and shouted.

"Big head, what's going on?" Lin Chengbu jumped out of the car and squatted in front of him.

"I don't know, I didn't see it," Datou frowned and looked anxious, "Mom won't let me go there, but brother Xiaowu is sleeping now."

"Is he on the boat alone?" Lin Chengbu stood up and ran over there.

"Uncle Fool is here," Datou ran after him, "wait for me."

"Don't go over," Lin Chengbu knew that Datou wouldn't allow Datou to pass under such circumstances, "Just play here, I'll come and tell you, be obedient."

"...Oh." Big Tou hesitated for a moment, then crouched on the edge of the pier.

Lin Chengbu ran between various boats and boards to the side of Yuan Wu's boat, and saw the fool sitting on the bow at a glance.

"Big idiot," he lowered his voice, "remember me? I'm Lin Chengbu, the one who was naked that day..."

The fool nodded, pointed to the cabin, and went to sleep again.

"He fell asleep?" Lin Cheng walked to the cabin door, not daring to open the door, but just leaned into the crack of the door and looked in.

Yuan Wu lay in the cabin, covered with a small blanket, wrapped tightly.

Lin Chengbu couldn't see his face clearly, he could only see that his somewhat messy hair was still wet.

In his heart, he didn't know whether to breathe a sigh of relief or to worry about Yuan Wu's current state, but Yuan Wu was asleep and he couldn't ask, so he could only turn around and ask the fool in a low voice, "What's going on?"

The fool looked at him, made a diving motion, and then couldn't express it.

He stood up, jumped onto the boat next to him, waved at Lin Chengbu, and Lin Chengbu followed him and jumped over.

The fool pointed to the cage, and then walked over there along the staggered boats.

Lin Cheng turned back and followed him to the cage step by step.

The two workers who were guarding the cage were serving rice and eating noodles. As soon as they saw them, they stood up. One of them pointed at Lin Chengbu: "Are you his friend? Hey, you came very fast."

"What's the matter with him?" Lin Chengbu asked quickly.

"Hey, I don't know, I can't tell, I don't know what he's going to do, I've never seen him like this, even if he wants to die, I've never seen him die like this." The worker sighed with emotion.

"What did he do?" Lin Chengbu asked.

"I jumped straight from the boat, and I couldn't get up. The idiot went down when he saw that something wasn't right! I didn't get him up after going down with such good water!" Now, look, he is holding on to a handful of aquatic plants! He can't even pull them away! I cut the aquatic plants with a knife to get him up! If I don't bring a knife, he will be finished! I will go back to the boat and get a knife and go down. He must be choking! If one breath is not right, he will die! What do you think he is doing!"