I Just Came to Borrow a Light

Chapter 2


Maybe it was because his voice was too weak in the deafening torrential rain, or maybe it was just that the spear gun with two inches out was too inconspicuous.

Now it is certain that there is indeed a person outside.

"Welcome!" The enthusiastic female voice sounded again.

The man stopped and shook with some hesitation.

"Welcome to come again next time! Welcome! Welcome to come again next time!" said the enthusiastic female voice happily.

"Don't stand there!" Yuan Wu was a little irritable, and wanted to extend the spear gun a little more, but the width of the door gap was limited, so he couldn't push it, so he had to retract the spear gun, but it didn't work.

The spear gun was stuck in the crack of the door, unable to enter or retreat, and the door was stuck and could not be opened.

Just when Yuan Wu felt that the world was so amazing and wanted to scold people, the person outside seemed to have seen movement in the door, so he leaned over again and said, "Hello."

The sound was very loud, even Yuan Wu could hear it clearly in such a loud rain.

"Welcome! Welcome!"

"Can this..." The man had to back away again, "Can you close it?"

"Welcome to come again next time! Welcome!"

Yuan Wu ignored him and concentrated on pulling the spear gun out from the crack of the door.


"Can you shut this thing down!" The man stepped to the door and roared.

"Fuck you, you can't." Yuan Wu was still pulling the spear gun.

“Welcome next time…”

The man touched the sensor beside the door and smashed it hard.

The sound of the sensor shattering was quite loud, and Yuan Wu jumped in fright. With a trembling of his hand, he finally pulled out the spear gun.

But the arrow on the spear gun was gone.

"I rely on me to smash your sensor and you want to kill me? Are you crazy?" the man outside shouted in a tone of shock full of surprise, incomprehension and disbelief.

Yuan Wu opened the door, facing the water mist coming towards him, and saw that the arrow on the spear gun poked at the boat board beside the man's feet.

He quickly took a knife hanging behind the door into his hand and pointed at the man: "Let you get out."

This is a salmon cooking knife. He bought it to kill fish, but the ideal is always so beautiful and nihilistic. After the knife was bought, he never used it, because there is no salmon here and he eats instant noodles.

But when used for self-defense, this slender sharp knife is still very cool.

The other party obviously did not expect his weapon to be so handy, and stayed in place without moving.

It was only at this moment that Yuan Wu saw this person's appearance clearly through a flash of lightning.

is a mental patient.

In the weather in July, he was wearing a Chinese tunic suit and buttoned up his throat.

Although his face remained in the "handsome" category despite the scouring of the rainstorm, Yuan Wu still felt that his judgment was fast and precise.

"Hello," the man stretched out his hand after being stunned for a while, "let's get to know you, my name is Lin Chengbu."

"My name is Bu Jingyun," Yuan Wu looked at his hand, because there was no lightning, he couldn't see anything clearly.

The man stared at him silently for a long time, because the light was too dark, Yuan Wu couldn't judge what was going on with him. Bar.

"I'm at the bottom," the man said suddenly, "I was planted in the riverbed."

Yuan Wu suddenly raised his eyes and stared at him.

"With... aquatic plants," the man frowned and thought for a while, "yes, with aquatic plants... dangling."

Yuan Wu felt a chill rise slowly from his tailbone and radiate down his spine to his entire back.

Although it's not exactly the same, this is indeed the sentence he just wrote today, and no one will be able to see it except his broken computer and himself.

How did this man know

This Bu Jingyun... No, who is this Lin Chengbu

Yuan Wu stared at him, his mind was spinning in a mess, all kinds of guesses and brain holes exploded in an instant, and he didn't have this energy when he was writing something seriously.

After spinning around eight hundred and eighty-six laps, he stopped at a thought.


"I'm already dead." Lin Chengbu said standing on the bow.

Behind him is the intertwined rain and fog, and the sound of raindrops falling into the water from all around is like whistling or weeping... Yuan Wu typed the keyboard in his head.

"I'm..." Lin Chengbu said again.

Yuan Wu stepped out of the cabin and raised his hand towards his face.

A flash of lightning swept across the night sky again, and the blasting thunder cracked overhead. The background effect was too timely and too dedicated. Yuan Wu seemed to hear the refreshing slap of his hand on Lin Chengbu's face.

"Ghost." Lin Chengbu covered his face.

Yuan Wu ignored him, pulled out the arrow beside his leg, turned back to the cabin, and closed the door.

It was still raining hard, and it felt like the most unrestrained performance this summer.

Yuan Wu put the arrow back on the spear gun, put it back carefully, glanced at the crack of the door, and saw nothing.

The sensor was smashed, and he couldn't tell whether the ghost named Lin Chengbu was still standing on the bow, but his judgment on this person was still mentally ill.

A ghost, whose face can be slapped by people, doesn't even have the basic qualities...

But how did he know what he had just written

Yuan Wu frowned.

Where is the problem

Hacking into your own machine

But if he hadn't been dragging and not opening a new pit, he would only be knocked once by the editor, the only contact, where would he be hacked

When Yuan Wu couldn't think of a reason, he took a can of Coke and was about to give up thinking and enjoy the loneliness of wandering in the rain, when there was a knock on the cabin door.

He turned his head, and a face pressed against the hatch glass made him almost burst the Coke can in his hand.

He stared at Lin Chengbu's face without speaking or moving.

Lin Chengbu was talking, and looking at his mouth, he was saying to open the door.

"The door is not locked." Yuan Wu said.

Lin Chengbu guessed that he also understood his mouth shape, and immediately opened the door: "I actually want to..."

"Stand." Yuan Wu said, seeing Lin Chengbu soaking wet and standing in the cabin, a puddle of water immediately accumulated under his feet, he regretted his reflexive response.

"I meant to..." Lin Chengbu wiped the water on his face and shook his hand.

"Go out." Yuan Wu frowned.

Lin Chengbu was very cooperative, and immediately exited the cabin and stood at the bow, looking a little hesitant.

Yuan Wu looked at him, opened the Coke in his hand and took a sip.

"I'm actually here..." Lin Chengbu seemed to have made up his mind, "borrow a fire."

"What?" Yuan Wu squinted his eyes and blew away a lock of hair on his forehead that was blocking his vision.

"I just came to borrow a fire." Lin Chengbu said.

Yuan Wu stared at the person in front of him who was dripping water. After watching for a minute, he asked, "Have you chosen a big adventure?"

"Huh?" Lin Chengbu was stunned for a while, but then nodded again, "Yes."

Yuan Wu grabbed a lighter from the side and threw it.

Lin Chengbu caught it and put the lighter in his pocket.

"Let's go." Yuan Wu said, feeling a little hoarse in his throat, took a sip of Coke.

"Nice to meet you." Lin Chengbu nodded at him.

"Go away." Yuan Wu suddenly felt a little irritable, and he didn't know whether it was because he talked too much today or because he encountered two inexplicable strangers that made him feel uneasy.

Lin Chengbu didn't stop, turned around and walked to the bow, and jumped forward.

The board between the two boats was pulled off. He should have jumped over before, but... Yuan Wu drank a cola and heard the sound of Lin Chengbu falling into the water.

The rain was heavy, the wind was blowing fast, the boats were shaking, and the distance between the two boats was already different from when he came.

Yuan Wu sighed and leaned back on the cushion.

The water here is deeper than the other side of the pier. He thought for a while whether he wanted to save people when Lin Chengbu called for help.

However, Lin Chengbu obviously knew how to swim, and he didn't even exclaim. He only tossed in the water twice and quickly climbed onto the boat next to him, then left silently.

There was still no answer to Yuan Wu's question, but he felt that his life had been chaotic, like living in a paste. Compared with figuring out why Lin Chengbu came here, and why he knew what he just wrote today, it made him more What I care about is that he only wrote 3,600 words in a few days.

He hasn't opened a new pit for a long time, and he can't even afford instant noodles.

It seems that the mobile phone has not been ringing since last month, and no one will contact him at first, but now even the certificate application text message and your ICBC electronic password device are about to expire. Please verify that your CCB card has 10,000 points and click this link. If you can't receive it, it should have been shut down.

Yuan Wu sighed, got up and closed the door, wiped the puddle of water that Lin Chengbu stepped on, sat back on the mat and turned on the computer again.

"He was standing beside the water, the water was so deep that his face could be clearly reflected, but he couldn't see under the surface of the water, only the gloomy shadows flashed by, blending with the gloomy sky reflected on the water...

The wind rippled on the water, pulling his face out of various shapes in circles, familiar and unfamiliar...

He had heard this voice before, it was like groaning, it was like crying, and it was like telling, but when he recalled it repeatedly for countless days and nights, he still couldn't tell who the voice belonged to and what it said...

The face in the water also became blurred, and he suddenly couldn't determine whose face it was...

The feeling of wanting to see clearly but not being able to see is getting stronger and stronger, and the fear of the unknown spreads in his heart little by little, nervous, afraid...

Vision is blurred, thinking is blurred, breathing becomes blurred...

He opened his mouth wide and inhaled desperately, but the air was like an iron wall imprisoned all around..."

Yuan Wu woke up suddenly, gasping for breath, and it took a long time for him to slowly regain his senses. He stood up, rubbed his forehead and looked out the window.

The rain has stopped, and the sun is so bright that it seems to have lost memory. Except for the water plants and duckweeds that were smashed by the raindrops floating on the water surface, there is no trace of the rainstorm last night.

He squatted in the stern sun and brushed his teeth, the reflection of the water made him unable to open his eyes.

There was someone talking far away, and the voice was quite loud. It was estimated that fish had escaped from the cage over there during the heavy rain overnight, and the workers were reporting.

He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths. The air with a faint smell of water and grass entered his lungs. He felt a lot more comfortable. The residual feeling of suffocation in the previous dream slowly disappeared.

I have to go to town today, I have to pick up the coffee I bought, and by the way I have to buy something else, toothpaste, soap, instant noodles, etc., as well as beer and cola snacks...

Yuan Wu took a notepad from the table and wrote down what he wanted to buy.

The words became more and more ugly as they were written. He tore the page and put it in his pocket. There were still some things written before on the notepad. He could no longer understand what was written, but the words were much better-looking than they are now.


Yuan Wu scratched his hair, put on his hat and walked out of the cabin.

The town closest to Shenqiao is called Xiaojiang Town, and it takes only half an hour to drive by motorcycle. On the day of going to the market, there will be an illusion of suddenly breaking into human society from the wilderness.

Yuan Wu had a motorcycle, which was kept in the firewood house of the original owner's house. He only rode back and forth once a month. He usually walked to nearby places, mainly because he was unwilling to enter the village.

In fact, there are a lot of tourists in the village, and there are half a tourist commodity alley, but maybe he has been living in isolation for too long, or he has written too many things, and people in the village feel that they are looking at themselves. Looks a little weird.

The owner of the boat was at home, Yuan Wu nodded with him, and pushed the car out of the firewood room. The wheels were all muddy, the back seat had chicken feathers, and there were scratches on the fuel tank. The owner of the car drove a lot.

But because the car has been parked here for free, and the fuel has been full, he doesn't care about these, not to mention that the price of the boat was still cheap when he bought it... Is it the boat he bought

Or rent

When did you buy it

rental? When is the rent paid

Yuan Wu stepped into the car and put his legs on the ground for a long time without thinking about it.

Xiaojiang Town is the only town to go to Shenqiao. This season is the most crowded, most of which are tourists from the city, who are taking a short self-driving tour.

However, because many car owners are in the spirit of "you are all idiots, I am the smartest and the best at driving in this lane and driving slowly, you see, I also know how to drive in the opposite lane", the only road entering the town is blocked so that even motorcycles The car can't go.

Yuan Wu parked the car on the side of the road and walked with his head down. He was going to the small supermarket in the market in front of him to get his coffee beans and buy things by the way.

Hot sun, dust, exhaust, horns, loudspeakers in stores, all kinds of shouts and hellos.

A very popular town, but also very troublesome.

Yuan Wu took out a mask and put it on his face. He quickened his pace and squeezed among the people in the city, the people in the town, the people in the town and the people in the village.

"Hey!" Someone next to him shouted, and the voice was quite bright.

Yuan Wu's words about being out of sight and out of mind were thoroughly implemented, and he walked forward without raising his eyelids.

"Hey!" the man shouted again.

This voice is very directional, making Yuan Wu feel that the target person is himself.

When he hesitated for a moment and wanted to turn his head, his voice suddenly became much closer: "Yuan... Xingtian!"

Yuan Wu raised his eyebrows, and when he turned his head, he had already heard whose voice it was.

The mental patient who said he was a ghost yesterday.

"Remember me?" Lin Chengbu didn't wear a Chinese tunic suit today, he only wore a T-shirt and floral pants, looking like he was going on a beach vacation.

Yuan Wu did not speak.

Xingtian was the pseudonym he used to write the story. It wasn't too strange to know this name, maybe it was a reader.

But Lin Chengbu called out the word "Yuan" before Xingtian, but he was very concerned.

No one knows what his name is, and the owner of the boat uses another ID card, what's his name? It doesn't matter, I just don't know.

The big family didn't know either, they just called him Xiaowu.

How did Lin Chengbu know

Yuan Wu glanced at him, buried his head and continued to move forward. There were too many things he didn't understand, so don't waste his mind any more. Originally, thinking about the story during this time has made his mind very clear.

If you don’t think about, ask, or care about many things, they don’t exist.

The world is nothing more than "me" and "others", and he has been using this idea to find a way out for himself.

However, Lin Chengbu was different from the other "others". Yuan Wu had clearly shown that he didn't want to talk further, so he still followed.

"I think you should remember me, I'm Lin Chengbu," he even stretched out his hand to shake hands, but after getting no response, he retracted it and put it in his pocket, "Look, I can do it even if you wear a mask. Recognizing you, you should be able to remember me too, I think I'm pretty handsome."

Yuan Wu had lowered his head and walked forward, but after hearing this, he couldn't help but turn his face to look at him.

"Isn't it?" Lin Chengbu smiled.

Yuan Wu casually brought a large basin with commodities piled up at the door to him.

"What? I don't want this. Buy it if you want. It's good," Lin Chengbu said. "This beef-colored one is too ugly. You want a green one."

"It's so big." Yuan Wu said.

"Huh?" Lin Chengbu didn't understand.

Yuan Wu pulled down his mask: "Your face."

With a big bag of coffee beans, Yuan Wu felt satisfied when he saw it. The aroma of coffee would make him feel secure, although sometimes he would have diarrhea if he drank too much.

I bought everything according to the contents on the note, and packed it into a large pocket. When Yuan Wuzheng took the wallet to pay, Lin Chengbu walked into the store and stretched out his hand to hold the bag in his hand: "It's so heavy, Are you going to stay for a month at a time? Or half a month? No more fruit?"

No matter from the expression, language or all kinds of things, Lin Chengbu acted like he had known him for more than 100 years. This kind of unbridled familiarity made Yuan Wu feel irritable and uncomfortable anger.

Yuan Wu ignored him and went straight out of the store and walked back down the street.

He only stopped when he got to the motorcycle, and Lin Chengbu, who had been following him, put the bag on the seat: "Would you like to tie it?"

Yuan Wu didn't say a word, walked into the alley between the two buildings next to him, and waved at him.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Lin Chengbu immediately followed.

As soon as he approached, Yuan Wu suddenly reached out and grabbed his collar and swung it against the wall. Lin Chengbu staggered and was pressed against the wall by his neck.

"What the hell are you doing?" Yuan Wu asked in a low voice.

Lin Chengbu frowned and looked at him with complicated eyes. After ten paces, he said, "Do you really not believe that I am a ghost?"