I Just Came to Borrow a Light

Chapter 26


Probably not at all psychologically prepared for Yuanwuhui to come here now, Jiang Chengyu didn't say a word for a long time after being introduced, he inexplicably bent over to pick up the cigarette that fell on the ground and put it back in his mouth.

Then he asked Lin Chengbu in a low voice, "Does he know me?"

Lin Chengbu turned his head and just wanted to ask Yuan Wu, but Yuan Wu was stuffed in his mask and said, "Does it look like this?"

Jiang Chengyu was stunned when he heard it, and touched his face: "I've always looked like this, but I haven't seen each other for two years... Am I going to be old in two years? Not really!"

Seeing Jiang Chengyu like this, Lin Chengbu wanted to laugh a little. This man was very concerned about his appearance, and his sensitivity to age was no less than that of stinky little girls.

"It doesn't really change," he said, leaning into Yuan Wu's ear and whispering, "Don't you have an impression of him? Or do you mean the Jiang Chengyu in your memory doesn't match the number?"

Yuan Wu narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Chengyu for a long time before whispering, "Maybe it's not right, I've seen this person before, but I'm in a mess right now."

"Hey, that's right, it doesn't matter if the name doesn't match," Jiang Chengyu breathed a sigh of relief when he heard it, and came over and hugged Yuan Wu, "Long time no see, Xiao Wu."

Yuan Wu quickly pushed him away.

"Go in and sit?" Jiang Chengyu didn't care about his reaction.

Lin Chengbu looked at Yuan Wu, Yuan Wu was silent for a long time, and several customers who were about to enter the bar looked over, and he said, "Okay."

"Come in at the back door," Jiang Chengyu turned around and walked towards the back door of the bar. "Those regular customers seem to have recognized them. It's time to crowd around and scream..."

Lin Chengbu pushed Yuan Wu and followed Jiang Chengyu to the back door. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see that several girls at the door were no longer entering the bar, and they all looked over here.

"Screaming?" Yuan Wu asked.

"Well," Lin Chengbu whispered, "you used to be very popular for bartending. After you don't come, there will be many fans asking about you. If you suddenly see you now, you will definitely scream."

Yuan Wu didn't speak, just lowered his head and pulled his mask again.

"It's alright," Lin Chengbu saw his resistance, "no one can see when you enter the back door, let's sit at a different table and leave for a while, mainly because we haven't seen Brother Chengyu for a long time, let's chat for a while. sentence."

"What are you talking about?" Yuan Wu frowned.

"Anything is fine," Lin Chengbu said, "if you want to chat, just sit for a while."

Jiang Chengyu took them to a booth far away from the bar. There were several pots of green plants next to the booth. Standing outside, the people in the booth could hardly be seen.

"Do you have an impression of this place? You used to like to sit in this position. It's quiet. They don't lead guests to this table when you're there." Jiang Chengyu sat down and waved his hand.

"Brother Chengyu, Brother Xiaobu," a waiter ran over. This is a waiter who has worked for many years. He came over and said hello. When he saw Yuan Wushi next to him, he was stunned, and was a little surprised after a pause. Said, "Brother Xiaowu... Okay, long time no see... Is it still the old rules?"

Yuan Wu raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

"Yes," Jiang Chengyu patted him, "don't lead the tables here."

"Got it." The waiter bent over, turned and walked away.

"What are the old rules?" Yuan Wu asked.

"Your old toddler meal," Jiang Chengyu said, "beer and popcorn."

"Really," Yuan Wu leaned against the wall and propped his arms on the table, "It sounds like watching a movie."

"There is a postgraduate package in the back," Lin Chengbu smiled, "malt wine without ice."

"Oh," Yuan Wu replied, as if he had no special feelings about these, "Is this the way I used to... I seem to remember... I feel like I've dreamed..."

"It's definitely not a dream," Jiang Chengyu lit a cigarette and put the cigarette case in front of him. "You have been living like this for half a month. Whoever dreams is like going to work."

"I'll go with..." Yuan Wu thought for a while and looked at Jiang Chengyu, "You, are you two drinking here?"

"Usually it's just you," Jiang Chengyu said, "I'll come over to chat with you when I'm free, but you don't like chatting too much."

After he finished speaking, he rushed to Lin Chengbu and whispered, "He talks more than he used to. Before sitting here for half an hour, he couldn't hold back a word."

"Well, it's quite..." Lin Chengbu thought for a while, "Ordinary."

The kindergarten package was brought out soon, along with some snacks, plus Jiang Chengyu's special drink every time.

Before Lin Chengbu came over, he would drink some beer, or wait for Yuan Wu to mix a glass of whatever he wanted. Compared with Jiang Chengyu and Yuan Wu, who drink like beauty contestants, he has no particular hobby for wine. , he can't tell the difference between the fruit wine made by himself and the foreign wine.

Several people did not speak, took the wine and started drinking.

Yuan Wu touched a few popcorns and put them in his mouth, took a sip of beer, looked at the green plants next to him, and remained silent.

Lin Chengbu watched his movements, and after he drank a beer, he glanced at Jiang Chengyu, who also looked over at the same time.

Both of them could see that this action and sequence were the same as Yuan Wu's habit of putting popcorn in his mouth first, then drinking a sip of beer and chewing it together. Lin Chengbu always felt that eating popcorn like this was a waste of popcorn. The coke aroma and crispiness, but Yuan Wu likes it.

What Yuan Wu is thinking now, and whether the scene in front of him is in his memory, no one knows, but at least his unconscious actions and habits remain unchanged.

Yuan Wu didn't move the snacks on the table, just drank the beer slowly with popcorn.

Jiang Chengyu and Lin Chengbu are quite used to this state, because he used to be like this, but today's feeling is still a little different, after all, Yuan Wu is now a person who has lost his life.

It's just that he didn't speak, and Lin Chengbu didn't know what to say, and he didn't want Jiang Chengyu to speak casually. This man was very wild after drinking a little wine, and he might say something inappropriate.

So it was still stunned.

Until the number of people in the bar gradually increased, the lights and music began to become blurred, and Yuan Wu finally made a sound after drinking the malt wine. He lowered his head and sighed at the empty glass in front of him.

"I like this feeling," Jiang Chengyu leaned back in his chair, smoking a cigarette, "lights, music, laughter, screams, talking, and crying."

Yuan Wu looked at him and said nothing.

"If it's a little longer, you'll have an illusion," Jiang Chengyu continued, "I'm sitting here, obviously sitting here, but I don't know where I am. I listen to these people laughing and crying, but I can't tell whether it is Who am I?"

Yuan Wu took off the mask that had been covering the bridge of his nose and took a gulp of beer.

Lin Chengbu glanced at Jiang Chengyu, and suddenly found that Jiang Chengyu's opening was very good, and he was indeed a literate person.

Maybe this remark will have a little empathy for Yuan Wu in the chaos

"Some people," Yuan Wu took another sip of beer, "from birth to death, they didn't wake up alive."

"You?" Jiang Chengyu pushed the second cup of ale in front of him.

"It's not me," Yuan Wu took a sip from the cup, "maybe it's me."

"It's not you," Lin Chengbu whispered beside him, "you've always been Yuan Wu, you're sober, and you've never missed it."

"Huh?" Yuan Wu turned to look at him, muttering softly, "Yuan Wu... Yuan Wu, Yuan Wu..."

"Xiao Wu," Jiang Chengyu took his own cup and touched the cup in his hand, "I called you Xiao Wu for at least five years, really."

"Yeah, Xiao Wu..." Yuan Wu closed his eyes and poured all the wine in the glass with his head up.

Just as Lin Chengbu was about to stop him, Jiang Chengyu kicked him under the table, pretended to lower his head and patted his pants, and whispered, "Let him drink."

"...Oh." Lin Chengbu hesitated for a while, but didn't stop him from giving Yuan Morning a third glass of wine.

Yuan Wu's drinking capacity is good, it's not easy to get drunk, but it's not difficult to drink too much. Jiang Chengyu probably wants him to tell the truth after drinking.

But the premise is that they don't get drunk.

After drinking Yuanwu beer and malt wine for a while, Lin Chengbu could feel that he was slowly relaxing, leaning on the corner of the chair and looking at the chaotic lights on the table.

"Do you know," Yuan Wu patted Lin Chengbu on the shoulder and put the cup in his hand on the table forcefully, "Who has never been awake in his life."

"Yuan Shen." Lin Chengbu answered quickly.

Yuan Wu patted his shoulder again and pointed at him: "That's right."

Lin Chengbu opened his mouth in surprise and didn't say anything.

When he said Yuan Shen, he was not sure about the answer, and he didn't know what happened to Yuan Shen at all. He just wanted to pull Yuan Wu's consciousness to Yuan Shen in a conditioned reflex, so that he could really realize Yuan Shen. And he is two people.

"Yuan Shen," Yuan Wu leaned on the table and turned around with a cup in his hand, "This person doesn't know who he is. Every day, every day, every day, he asks."

"Ask what?" Jiang Chengyu touched his glass with him.

"Do you know who I am? Who do you think I am? Am I you?" Yuan Wu raised his head, his eyes were a little confused, but his voice was clear, "This person feels that sometimes he is himself and sometimes not himself. ."

Lin Chengbu picked up the glass and took a sip of beer, then took a block of ice from the ice bucket and put it in his mouth.

This is the first time Yuan Wu talks about Yuan Shen, which makes him a little scared.

"Is this person crazy? Or a fool?" Jiang Chengyu tutted and beckoned. The waiter ran over and took the bottle to refill. He reached out and took the bottle, "I'll do it myself."

The waiter backed away.

"Mad man?" Yuan Wu turned to look at him suddenly, "Who are you talking about?"

"You said, this person," Jiang Chengyu poured him half a glass of wine, "who is this person?"

Lin Chengbu stared nervously at Yuan Wu, Yuan Wu looked at Jiang Chengyu, and after a while he suddenly smiled: "It's Yuan Shen."

"Is Yuan Shen a lunatic?" Jiang Chengyu asked clearly.

"No!" Yuan Wu slapped the table, his voice hoarse, "No no no no no!"

Lin Chengbu stepped on Jiang Chengyu's shoes fiercely.

Jiang Chengyu frowned and groaned silently, and raised his middle finger at him.

"No..." Yuan Wu lowered his voice.

"No, we know he's not." Lin Chengbu put his arms around his shoulder, Yuan Wu was still talking, but his voice was too low to be heard clearly in the bar's music and noisy voices.

"Xiaobubu," Yuan Wu turned his head and looked at him on the table, "You don't understand this feeling."

"Xiaobubu?" Jiang Chengyu repeated on the side, this title made him a little confused.

"What kind of feeling?" Lin Chengbu asked.

"There is a person who is by your side every day." Yuan Wu took the empty glass and knocked on the table. Jiang Chengyu helped him pour the wine, only the bottom of the glass. He took the glass and knocked again, Jiang Chengyu tutted. He poured a small half of the glass, and he took a sip and drank it, "Like a shadow... Sometimes I wonder, is it really a shadow? My shadow?"

"It's Yuan Shen, right? He's not your shadow, he's your younger brother." Lin Chengbu said.

"My brother..." Yuan Wu narrowed his eyes, "Yes, it's my brother, but who knows, maybe it's my brother..."

"Well, it doesn't matter who the twins are," Jiang Chengyu said.

"Identical twins, understand?" Yuan Wu drank the wine in a hurry, his voice was already drunk, and his eyes floated, "same egg, two children."

"Understood." Lin Chengbu nodded.

"Will it be one person?" Yuan Wu smiled, "This person always asks me if we are actually one person, whether we have one, should not exist, is it me?"

Lin Chengbu felt a little dizzy, even though he only drank two glasses of beer, he was still a little dizzy.

"Why does he ask that?" Jiang Chengyu found the point.

"Yeah, why?" Yuan Wu touched Jiang Chengyu's cigarette case, took a cigarette, lit it, and leaned back in the chair, holding the cigarette in his mouth for a long time without speaking.

Lin Chengbu looked at Yuan Wu and couldn't tell whether he was "awake" or confused. He was talking about Yuan Shen, which he had never said before, but "this person" was the one he used the most.

This way of expressing that escapes makes it impossible to determine whether he is really telling Won Shin's story or whether he is telling his "own" story from the perspective of a third person.

Jiang Chengyu probably felt similar to him, frowning at Yuan Wu without speaking.

The atmosphere of the bar has reached the wildest stage of the day, and the bartenders at the bar are also driving the surrounding emotions with the wines of various colors and the flying bottles.

Yuan Wu drank almost a bottle of malt whisky, Jiang Chengyu asked the waiter to take away the rest of the wine and put it there instead of a bottle of soda.

Yuan Wu didn't seem to feel it, and it was quite natural to drink it after pouring it on him.

"Yuan Wu and Yuan Shen," Yuan Wu held the empty cup and tossed it skillfully in his hand, looking at the people in the bar in the changing lights through the leaves of the green plants, "It's a premature birth. "

Lin Chengbu, who was in a daze while thinking about what to do next, suddenly raised his eyes and stared at Yuan Wu.

Next to him, Jiang Chengyu, who was so bored that he had been playing with his mobile phone, also turned his head.

"It was found three months ago that they were squeezed into an amniotic sac," Yuan Wu's voice suddenly became clear and calm, the previous alcohol seemed to have disappeared, and the only place where he could see that he was still drinking too much was a cigarette After I ordered it for a long time, I didn't light it. "It was cut out in advance at seven months, because their umbilical cords were entangled with each other and their development was uneven, and the difference would get bigger and bigger..."

Lin Chengbu took the lighter in his hand and lit the cigarette for him.

"There is one child who is very weak," Yuan Wu breathed out a cigarette and looked at the fire of the cigarette butt, "Extremely weak... Guess who?"

Without waiting for Lin Chengbu and Jiang Chengyu to speak, Yuan Wu continued talking to himself: "Yes, of course it's Yuan Shen... No, it's not Yuan Shen, it's Yuan Wu."

"Aren't you in good health?" Jiang Chengyu said, "how could it be you."

"Mom and dad name the children, the big one is Yuan Wu, the youngest is Yuan Shen," Yuan Wu's voice began to become unclear again, and his tongue was a little big, "Ye Ye, everything grows full and yin and yang are intertwined.廵, yang qi is in full bloom, yin qi begins to sprout... If it is stretched and formed, the body of all things will be formed..."

"What?" Lin Chengbu didn't understand and turned to look at Jiang Chengyu.

"It means Wu and Shen." Jiang Chengyu said.

"The eldest child has been sick all the time," Yuan Wu said vaguely with a cigarette in his mouth, "grandma said that the child squeezed the elder brother and did not grow well, and the disease has not been cured, the child is too domineering and hinders the elder brother. …”

"Does it mean that Yuan Shen has hindered Yuan Wu?" Lin Chengbu was confused. What Guo Xiaoshuai said that day was clearly Yuan Shen's poor health.

"Isn't that saying that Yuan Shen is not in good health?" Jiang Chengyu also asked him softly, not understanding a bit.

"You mean Yuan Shen." Lin Chengbu frowned.

"Later, grandma said," Yuan Wu didn't seem to hear what they were saying, poured himself a glass of soda water, drank it all and closed his eyes. The body is all formed... It should be used by older children. When the body of all things is formed, the disease will be cured..."

"What?" Lin Chengbu was stunned.

"Does it mean that the names of Yuan Wu and Yuan Shen have changed?" Jiang Chengyu said in surprise, "Yuan Shen was originally called Yuan Wu, is he your brother?"

"Fuck me?" Lin Chengbu felt that his mind was in chaos. If Yuanshen's mental state really had a problem, just changing his name would be enough for him to wrap himself around and collapse.

"So guess what," Yuan Wu suddenly opened his eyes and pushed Lin Chengbu in front of him, "Am I Yuan Wu or Yuan Shen?"

"You are Yuan Wu, I don't need to guess," Lin Chengbu looked at him, and answered with certainty, "You guys changed your name 800 years ago, I don't care what your original name was, whether it was a brother or a younger brother, anyway You are Yuan Wu, and your name is Wu Ma, and I only recognize you."

Yuan Wu looked at him, laughed after a while, poured himself another glass of beer while laughing: "It's so good... so you don't understand."

"I don't need to understand!" Lin Chengbu frowned.

"You don't understand at all!" Yuan Wu pointed at him and then at Jiang Chengyu, "You don't understand either!"

"Yes." Jiang Chengyu nodded.

"I don't know who I am, I don't know who I should be!" Yuan Wu suddenly leaned back in the chair, huddled in the corner, his voice slowly became louder, as if trying to suppress the sound waves around him, "Who is it? Who was it later! Asking every day! Thinking every day! Am I you? Are you me? He asks every day! Thinks every day!"

"Yuan Wu," Lin Chengbu felt that his current state was a little too excited, and reached out and grabbed his arm, "It's all over, it's all over..."

"The doctor said that his brain is damaged! Where is the damage? Where is it?" Yuan Wu glared at him, "Where is it? No! Nowhere! He just wants to know who he is!"

"Who wants to know?" Lin Chengbu asked, looking into Yuan Wu's eyes, "Tell me, who wants to know who he is?"

Yuan Wu looked at him, his lips trembling violently, and Lin Chengbu saw the tears streaming down his eyes.

"Yuan Shen," Yuan Wu said softly, a tear slid from the corner of his eye, "It's Yuan Shen."

"I know, I know," Lin Chengbu hugged him and patted him, "I know, it's over, it's okay, it's over..."

Jiang Chengyu called the waiter over: "Ice towel."

"How can it be all right!" Yuan Wu suddenly pushed Lin Chengbu away and roared, "How can it be all right!"

"Xiao Wu..." Jiang Chengyu wanted to interrupt, but he was interrupted before he could speak.

"Shut up!" Yuan Wu yelled at him.

Jiang Chengyu closed his mouth.

"How can it be okay!" Yuan Wu bent his legs, stepped on the chair, and hugged his head, "How can it be okay... Do you know how he died, do you know how he died, why did he... why… "

"Don't think about it anymore, don't think about it anymore," Lin Chengbu hugged him again, took the ice towel handed over by Jiang Chengyu, and patted the back of his neck, "Don't think about it yet."

"How could he not want to!" Yuan Wu grabbed his collar, bloodshot in his eyes, "He won't let go! He won't let go!"

"What... don't let go?" Lin Chengbu felt a chill on his back, remembering what the workers said on the day Yuan Wu committed suicide at Shenqiao.

"He's holding on to the water weed and won't let go," Yuan Wu looked at him, his voice hoarse, "He's holding on to the water plant, no matter how hard I break his hand, I can't break it..."

"Stop talking..." Lin Chengbu was a little panicked.

"Let him say, he must say this." Jiang Chengyu whispered, covering his mouth with his hand to prevent Yuan Wu from finding out that he didn't shut up.

"Do you know how difficult it is to pull water plants?" Yuan Wu looked at him, his voice trembling, "I can't pull it out... and I keep pulling... I grabbed his hand, he grabbed the water plants... He looked at me and laughed, he looked at me. laugh at me…”

Lin Chengbu felt that his breathing became difficult.

"I can't breathe, do you know what it feels like to be suffocated?" Yuan Wu leaned back against the corner, "special...special...desperate, you can't save him, you can't even save yourself... Then? Why don't you? Ask, what happened next?"

"What happened later?" Lin Chengbu felt his voice tremble.

"I let go later," Yuan Wu raised his head and smiled, "I let go... Yuan Shen is dead."