I Just Came to Borrow a Light

Chapter 29


Lin Chengbu was going to work today. Although he didn't sleep all night and really wanted to sleep in Yuan Wu's bed, he could only squinted for a while and then took the spare key hanging behind the door and went out.

Yuan Wu's house was quite far from Chunzhi's restaurant, Lin Chengbu went out 20 minutes early, and he still arrived a little when he entered the back kitchen.

"Hey? Brother Lin?" The people in the kitchen were stunned when they saw him, "A change of style?"

"Huh?" Lin Chengbu looked down at Yuan Wu's clothes, "Is it so obvious?"

"It's so obvious," a waiter said while passing by, "It's not your clothes at first glance, did you steal it?"

"It was stolen, keep it a secret for me." Lin Chengbu nodded and entered the locker room. He stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself. He was still holding an ordinary Yuanwu T-shirt, but the printed pattern was a little unclear. , it's not so obvious that it's not your own, right

Gee. He turned around and took the uniform, stopped when he was about to put it on, turned his back to the mirror and glanced in.

"Hey, what are you doing..." He looked at a Q-version dick on the back of his clothes, spanning from left shoulder to right crotch, "I... fuck."

This is indeed very obvious.

I guess I was so tired that I didn't realize it when I put on my upper body. At that time, I glanced at the messy picture on the front, and I wore it without writing FUCK ME...

He quickly took out a T-shirt from his locker and put it on. He didn't have Yuan Wu's ability to completely ignore his surroundings.

Today was quite a busy day, there were many guests, and there were a lot of requests for the table reservations.

It was almost ten o'clock when he got off work, and Lin Chengbu sat in the car, feeling that he could barely open his eyes.

In order to refresh himself, he took out from his pocket the small piece of paper he found in the crevice of the bed.

This address only had the street name and house number written on it. There was no specific district or the like. Lin Chengbu checked the map on his mobile phone and found that this street was not too far from Yuan Wu's house. It was estimated that it would take about 40 minutes to drive there.

what address is this

Yuanwu's holiday home? It's not like, this person used to live very casually, and he didn't need the group to take a vacation somewhere.

Yuan Wu hides her boyfriend's home? I fucking can't!

That's... Won Shin

Lin Chengbu frowned, it was Yuan Shen's address, would Yuan Wu be there? What is he doing there? I feel that Yuan Wu should no longer regard himself as Yuan Shen, is that to miss? Masochism

This is really refreshing, Lin Chengbu feels that he is more energetic.

There was a small supermarket outside Yuan Wu's house. When Lin Cheng walked back, the small supermarket was not closed. He went in and bought some snacks, convenience foods, and yogurt.

Downstairs, he looked up at the window of Yuan Wu's house as usual, but there was no light on.

A little disappointed, but also a sense of relief.

To be honest, he wasn't sure how Yuan Wu would react if he found out that he had come to his house.

According to the temperament of Yuan Wu before the photo, it is estimated that he will be beaten, according to the Yuan Wu during this period... I don't know.

Lin Chengbu sighed and went upstairs into the house.

After checking all the details, it was determined that Yuan Wu had not returned.

The spoiled and moldy things in the refrigerator had already been cleaned up by Lin Chengbu yesterday, and he put all the snacks, yogurt, etc. he bought just now.

The refrigerator suddenly became warm and lovely.


Lin Chengbu took out a small notebook and put the shopping list in it.

Looking at the bills that were forcibly added to Yuan Wu's head, Lin Chengbu suddenly wanted to laugh.

What is this for

It proves that no one in this world remembers Yuan Wu, does he remember

Everyone doesn't care about Yuanwu, will he still care

and then

so what

He sat down on the sofa and sighed softly.

It's not that he really expects Yuan Wu to make a promise with his body... He really promises, but he may not dare to ask for it. Yuan Wu's temper is like that.

"Ah..." Lin Chengbu lay down on the sofa and twisted, "Where the hell are you!"

For a week in a row, Yuan Wu looked at the calendar on the wall. Every day he made a mark with a pen. If he did what Dr. Liang said, he would make a tick, and if he failed, he would make a cross.

Five forks this week.

Dr. Liang said that some things are easy to say, but not easy to do. If you do it, it will help. It depends on whether you can do it or not.

In fact, a lot of what he has to do now is just simple repetition. He also knows the role of these homework, hinting and affirming himself, and separating himself from the guilt of Yuan Shen.

But he also knows that, as Dr. Liang said, the problem is not only about Yuan Shen's suicide, but what he wants is to first get rid of the emotions that are disturbing him all the time, and then go to Consider something else.

Dr. Liang suggested that he go home and live, and not let himself stay in an environment full of traces of Yuan Shen.

He followed this advice, and today he plans to go home first.

In fact, it's not that he has to stay here, but... When he thinks of the house that has been vacant for so long, he has a kind of despair, what kind of dirty it must be... When he thinks of the situation of cleaning up the house, he feels that he is still wandering outside. more comfortable.

There is no reliable housekeeping company on hand, and in such a dirty house, most housekeepers are not willing to answer at all.

When Yuan Wu drove to his house, he wanted to call Lin Chengbu and ask him if his eldest sister would like to take over the job, and it would be okay to give more money.

The keys were always with him, although for a long time he had forgotten where they were and what they were for.

Or know and don't want to think about it.

It was like he would be irritable every time he saw Lin Chengbu in chaotic days, he didn't hate Lin Chengbu, although he couldn't say he had any other thoughts.

His resistance to Lin Chengbu was only because he clearly understood subconsciously that Lin Chengbu knew who he was, and that Lin Chengbu represented the end of the life of "I am Yuanshen".

Those details that he didn't want to think about and deliberately ignored would wake him up from his dream.

As for Lin Chengbu, it's like a wake-up call.

Didi, dick, dick, don't stop until you wake people up.

Yuan Wu parked the car downstairs, looked up and glanced upstairs, almost forgot which floor he lived on, the house has not been bought for two years, and he has not lived out of habit.

He sighed, gave himself some mental construction, and went upstairs.

As soon as the elevator door opened, he saw the clean door of his house and the shiny lock.

black question mark.jpg

Misplaced? He glanced at the floor number again, that's right, it wasn't that he entered the wrong floor, right

Standing at the door staring at the door and hesitated for a while, Yuan Wu took out the key and tried to twist the lock.


The dirty air and all kinds of musty smells did not come as promised, and the fresh air blowing in his face made him a little confused when he stood at the door.

He was stunned for a while before he touched the wall and turned on the light.

Depend on.

The windows are clear and the air is fresh.

There is no dust even in the cracks of the wooden floor, as if a deep cleanliness has been fighting for a long time here.

Next to the shoe cabinet by the door were fresh new slippers.

Staring at the slippers for at least a minute, he reached out and kicked it.

There is no agency.

This is indeed his home, the house he has lived in for over a year.

Yuan Wu walked around the house a few times. Everything was cleaned up. Even the stove in the kitchen was clean. He stood in front of the refrigerator and took out the yogurt. The shelf life was not over yet.

He was almost certain now that Lin Chengbu had come.

As for when it came, he looked at the production date of the yogurt, it should be no more than last week.

This feeling is not very good to describe.

Yuan Wu poured himself a cup of yogurt and stood in the middle of the living room with the cup, which was not easy to describe.

The sofa cover was probably washed. He touched it in the past, and the crispy feeling of being exposed to the sun still remained, as well as the curtains, bed sheets and quilt covers.

Curtains... Must have been washed, he touched a hole in the bedroom curtain.

It was torn and sewed up again. The corners of the needles were very ugly, and the threads were not of the same color, with white threads on a gray background, which looked like earthworms.

He remembered the cross stitch that Lin Chengbu had mentioned, and felt that he could almost imagine what it looked like.

"Do you live with me?" Yuan Wu sat on the edge of the bed and patted the pillow lightly.

The bed was neatly tidied up, and Yuan Wu didn't find any trace of sleeping on the pillow, not even a single strand of hair.

Lin Chengbu probably hadn't slept in his bed for a long time, and the pillowcase still smelled of sunshine.

He stayed in the bedroom for a while, then turned to the balcony.

When he saw several pots of dandelions neatly arranged on the balcony, he was stunned.

I leaned over and took a closer look at the dandelion stem. It was an old stem. It was not a new plant. It should be the pots that I planted before.

It was only then that Yuan Wu noticed that his house was fully equipped with water and electricity, so he turned on the gas stove, and even the gas was still being supplied.

The feeling at this moment is more indescribable than when the door was first opened.

He imagined that Lin Cheng walked over, took his water, electricity and gas bill from downstairs, and then paid the bills on time for up to two years...

Suddenly my eyes felt a little prickly.

He pressed the corner of his eye, maybe he should call Lin Chengbu.

… I recommend Dr. Liang.

Without the trouble of tidying up the room, Yuan Wu took back the things he put in Yuan Shen's place. In fact, there was nothing but a few clothes.

His things are all on the boat, no, they should all be with Lin Chengbu now.

This kid should already know that he has come back to live, but Yuan Wu's mobile phone was turned on several times, and there were only greeting text messages from Jiang Chengyu, and Lin Chengbu never contacted him.

What are you thinking

Is it really Jehovah, hello, I am relieved

Yuan Wu did not contact Lin Chengbu.

He didn't want to contact anyone until he felt like he wasn't back to his normal life, or at least his old rhythm.

He was not used to being interrogated with concern.

I also hate comfort and enlightenment without any real meaning.

Dr. Liang’s suggestion still works. After returning to his home, Yuan Wu felt that he could at least fulfill the seemingly simple but difficult requirements of Dr. Liang’s. , Every day, thinking about Yuanshen is fixed for a certain time. At a certain point, it starts to ponder, and when the time ends, it stops. No matter if there is anything left to think about, this time can be used to think.

As for the time outside this time, Yuan Wu looked at the cross stitch he bought on the table... Maybe his level was higher than Lin Chengbu.

He opened the first cross stitch.

This is the largest piece of cross stitches in a pile of cross stitches that he carefully selected. He bought it after going to many stores.

After buying Zhang Cross Stitch, he was forced to listen to a half-hour preaching by a sister in her 60s. He felt dizzy and almost wanted to call Dr. Liang.

The name of this cross stitch is... Heavenly Father.

Colors are pretty complicated.

Yuan Wu felt that his life became more regular day by day. Every other day, he met and chatted with Dr. Liang for an hour.

The yogurt Lin Chengbu bought was a brand he had never tasted before, and the taste was quite strong. After drinking it, he went to the small supermarket at the door and walked around, found the same one, and bought two large cans.

This kid still hasn't contacted him, as if he has disappeared.

However, Yuan Wu didn't plan to find him. In his current state, he couldn't resume his previous contacts with anyone without being awkward. Moreover, if he wanted to find Lin Chengbu, it would be much easier for him than Lin Chengbu.

As long as you open the curtain a little, take out the binoculars, and glance at the street outside the community, you can see a person wearing a baseball cap and a mask sitting on a bench by the roadside.

Yuan Wu sighed, he could see that this person was Lin Chengbu without thinking, it wasn't how familiar he was with Lin Chengbu, but the mask covering Lin Chengbu's face belonged to him.

this IQ.

Simply amazing.

Lin Chengbu sat on the bench very regularly, and Yuan Wu felt that he could even know the regularity of his weekly work based on the time he appeared for a month.

Yuan Wu didn't know if he was worried about him or didn't dare to contact him directly. In short, it had been almost a month since Lin Chengbu had appeared on the bench so regularly.

But every time Yuan Wu went out, he would hide from the bench. Yuan Wu paid attention to it several times, but he didn't find where he was hiding.

What about kids hide and seek

Yuan Wu felt that this kid was so naive that it made people feel a little distressed for no reason.

He doesn't have to go to Dr. Liang today, and from this week onwards his visits to Dr. Liang have been reduced by one.

He was sitting on the sofa, holding the key to Yuanshen's room in his hand and turning it around for almost five minutes, he picked up the phone and turned it on, and called Dr. Liang.

"Doctor Liang, do you think I should give my brother's key to my grandparents?" He looked at the key, "The house is rented. I renewed the group once before, and the time is almost up."

He will not continue renting the house.

But if the house is returned, all the things in the house will have to be moved out. What should I do with Yuanshen's things

Dr. Liang did not directly tell him what to do, but let him decide for himself.

Is there anything he wants to keep, what to keep, why, what to do with the things he doesn't keep, whether to give it to grandparents or throw it away, if it is to grandparents, he will definitely meet two old people, how will the meeting be

All of these, he has to consider whether he can face and bear it.

Such a decision is not easy to make.

Yuan Wu is very clear, but such a decision can only be made by himself.

He took the notebook, laying on the sofa and sketching.

In the book are records of various treatments and counseling since this time, and he slowly turned it over.

The characters are really ugly. In fact, there is no need for cross-stitch embroidery. It is true that he should practice calligraphy when he has nothing to do.

He didn't want to always turn forward Yuanshen's notepad because his words were too far from Yuanshen's, so he could recognize them at a glance.


"I think he's been doing pretty well recently. He has recovered his habit of running, but he just didn't go to the gym." Lin Chengbu sat on the bench and called Jiang Chengyu, "Has he contacted you?"

"No," Jiang Chengyu yawned, "but he should turn on the phone every day, and he read the text messages."

"It will definitely be turned on, he has to contact Dr. Liang," Lin Chengbu said, "I don't think I need to stare at it every day. He will probably be fine after a while, and he should return to the 18th. ?"

"If he doesn't answer, I'll beg him to come back," Jiang Chengyu said. "My signature bartender, besides, I'm really used to his appearance at the bar."

"Yeah." Lin Chengbu responded.

"You sound very melancholy?" Jiang Chengyu smiled.

"No," Lin Chengbu also smiled, "Isn't it the same as before, there's nothing melancholy about."

"It's too fake," Jiang Chengyu said. "Tell me the truth, you don't think it's not bad that he never gets better. At least he has a very close relationship with you in the past two years."

"It's not bad, I'll go to Shenqiao to find him later, he doesn't remember the past, I've known him from the beginning several times," Lin Chengbu clicked, "I'm not a complete pervert, I I can't stand to introduce myself every few months."

Jiang Chengyu laughed over there for a long time: "Hey, he should be able to remember it now. I have a chance to interview him. What does it feel like."

"I think so," Lin Chengbu whispered, "I think, I thought about it myself, if I met someone like me, I would think this person is sick."

Jiang Chengyu laughed even harder: "Hurry up, I think Dr. Liang is reliable. You and Yuan Wu go with you to see, to increase the degree of favorability associated with the same disease."

"You got it, I..." Lin Chengbu raised his eyes, suddenly stunned, and said incoherently for a long time, "I'll... I rely on, I'll hang up... I have to hang up... "

"What's wrong?" Jiang Chengyu asked.

"Yuan Wu... I'm here." Lin Chengbu hung up the phone and stared across the street.

Yuan Wu didn't know when he came out. He usually doesn't go out at this time, so Lin Chengbu was so relieved that he didn't even look at the gate of the community while making a phone call.

At this moment, it was too late for him to hide, so Yuan Wu was standing across the street.

This is a small street, and now Yuan Wu is at most 20 meters away from him.

If he wants to stand up now and walk away, Yuan Wu will be able to see him immediately, although he covers himself quite tightly, but... Yuan Wu just stood like that, his eyes stayed on him.

He estimated that Yuan Wu had already recognized him.

After driving the fourth car on the road, Yuan Wu walked over here, the speed was quite slow, like his usual style, he always dragged his steps and was a little lazy.

Lin Chengbu didn't know what attitude he should use to meet this unexpected meeting at this time, so he could only sit still, resting his arms on his knees and watching Yuan Wu slowly sway from across the street to him.

They were already face to face, and they had to collide with one step forward. Yuan Wu stopped, and before Lin Chengbu stood up, his hand stretched out, his fingers hooked on the mask and dragged down.

"That... I am... I am here..." Lin Chengbu had to pull down the mask, "I am here..."

"Borrow a fire, sir." Yuan Wu took a lighter from his pocket and handed it over.