I Just Came to Borrow a Light

Chapter 30


Lin Chengbu took the lighter that Yuan Wu handed over. Now the weather has turned colder, but the metal lighter still has Yuan Wu's body temperature. He quickly held the lighter in his hand.


"This is the only one left," Yuan Wu said, "return it to me when I run out."

"...Oh." Lin Chengbu hurriedly touched the cigarette in his pocket, took out the cigarette case after a long time, opened it and glanced at it, it was empty, he looked up at Yuan Wu in embarrassment, "I don't have any cigarettes. already."

Yuan Wu didn't make a sound, took a cigarette case from his pocket, took out one, and put it to his lips.

This action made Lin Chengbu tremble a little. If he trembled a little more, he could catch up with Si Chuan. He leaned over and took a bite of Yuan Wu's fingers, putting the cigarette in his mouth.

When he lowered his head to light the cigarette, he had time to react and massaged his brain.

I came to a conclusion that made me feel more at ease. Anyway, Yuan Wu was normal and not angry.

Just when he was about to stand up and talk to Yuan Wu, Yuan Wu sat on the bench while lighting a cigarette, and looked side by side with him at the small street in front of him.

"I can see this angle as soon as I turn down the road downstairs," Yuan Wu said, smoking a cigarette. "No wonder he runs every time."

"...Ah." Lin Chengbu didn't look at the gate of the community with a guilty conscience.

"You can still see if my window is on, right?" Yuan Wu narrowed his eyes and touched him with his arm, "Is that so?"

"Ah, yes." Lin Chengbu quickly raised his eyes and glanced over there. Indeed, he usually saw Yuan Wu turn off the lights at night and went home.

"Come on, uncle will give you a gadget," Yuan Wu took out a small telescope from the inner pocket of his coat and put it in his hand, "Let's play."

Lin Chengbu took the binoculars and was suddenly embarrassed.

"Play, let's take a look." Yuan Wu stabbed him with his arm again.

"I... don't want to play now." Lin Chengbu cleared his throat.

"Do you believe me if you don't play me?" Yuan Wu said.

Lin Chengbu put the telescope in front of him.

"It's the other way around." Yuan Wu said.

Lin Chengbu turned the telescope away.


The magnification of this telescope is not high, but if you look at it from here, you can see the curtains of Yuanwu's house... If Yuanwu looks from the window...

"Is it clear?" Yuan Wu asked him.

"... Hmm." Lin Chengbu nodded, holding the binoculars at a loss.

"My mask," Yuan Wu flicked his finger on his chin, "Do you know that it's custom-made? It's just this one. You are afraid that I won't be able to find you..."

"Damn it." Lin Chengbu whispered, and took out the mask that was stuffed back into his pocket.

Black bottom with a fluorescent blue slap print on it, this thing is custom made...

"Let's go back," Yuan Wu took his hand and looked at his watch, "You're going to work today, so you can't go too late in the afternoon, right?"

"Yeah." Lin Chengbu responded.

Yuan Wu looked at him, he looked at the mask in his hand and said nothing.

"It's three o'clock now, still sitting still and calling?" Yuan Wu said.

"If you didn't come out, I would have left as soon as I finished the phone call," Lin Chengbu glanced at him, "I don't want to leave after you come out."

"Then you should be absent from work." Yuan Wu yawned, leaning on the bench and looking up.

"That's what I thought," Lin Chengbu took out his mobile phone and called the store. He pretended to have a stomachache for a while before hanging up, "I'm asking for leave."

"Good boy," Yuan Wu stood up, "then sit and play."

Lin Chengbu was stunned for a while, and when he saw Yuan Wu walking back to the middle of the road, he jumped up and shouted, "Are you going back now?"

"Otherwise?" Yuan Wu said without looking back.

"No, I have already asked for my leave!" Lin Chengbu chased after him.

"Just take a good time off and play." Yuan Wu said.

"What am I playing alone!" Lin Chengbu felt a little depressed, "I just want to play with you... play with you!"

Yuan Wu stopped after crossing the street and turned to look at him.

"Play with you." Lin Chengbu corrected his statement again.

"What are you playing?" Yuan Wu asked.

Lin Chengbu opened his mouth and closed it again.

yeah play what? The days he and Yuan Wu were most familiar with were when Yuan Wu was neurotic, and now that Yuan Wu was no longer nervous, their relationship instantly returned to its original state.

Play shit!

"Forget it," Lin Chengbu sighed, walked back and waved at Yuan Wu, "Go back and rest, I'm going to work."

Yuan Wu said nothing, turned around and entered the gate of the community.

After walking more than ten steps, Yuan Wu looked back and saw that Lin Chengbu didn't follow him, and it was estimated that he had really left.

He stopped, leaned against a tree by the side of the community road, and lit a cigarette.

It doesn't feel the same as before.

In the past, Lin Chengbu was just an ordinary person, not an annoying one, with a good appearance and a good figure, and a suitor who could get angry and slap his face at will.

But now it's different.

Once realized that Lin Chengbu is the only person who hasn't let up and forgotten about him for so long, the only person who has been working hard for so long and hasn't given up on him...

Even if he still has no further thoughts about Lin Chengbu, he still can't be as indifferent as before.

Take the short hand and eat the soft mouth, even if it is not required by yourself.


Yuan Wu took out his mobile phone, turned it on, and dialed Lin Chengbu's number.

As soon as the call came through, before he could raise the phone to his ear, it was already picked up.

"Hello? Hello!" Lin Chengbu's voice came out immediately.

"Hey," Yuan Wu sighed, "be quieter."

"I'm just... It's quite unexpected," Lin Chengbu's voice instantly turned into a whisper, "Are you turned on?"

"I have some arrangements this afternoon," Yuan Wu said. "If you don't mind, wait for me at the door for a while, and I'll go out now."

"Okay!" Lin Chengbu immediately responded.

Yuan Wu took out his cigarette, got up and walked to the gate of the community. Before he walked ten meters away, he saw Lin Chengbu running in from outside.

"Don't let you wait for me at the door for a while." Yuan Wu said.

"I don't want to wait." Lin Chengbu said.

"Where is your car parked?" Yuan Wu asked.

"On the side of the road where you turn at the end of the street," Lin Chengbu pointed, "stop there... it's not easy for you to see."

"You said you've been tossing around, hide the car, put on a hat, and hide when you stare at me," Yuan Wu said. "Finally, put on my mask."

"How could I know that your mask is exclusive?" Lin Chengbu took out the mask, "Then... give it back to you."

"Don't wash it?" Yuan Wu said.

"Oh," Lin Chengbu stuffed the mask back into his pocket, thinking about it and making up his mind, "I won't return it, I'll keep it, anyway, you will just throw it on the boat."

Yuan Wu smiled.

Lin Chengbu was in a good mood, walking like walking on a trampoline, very brisk.

"You can dance." Yuan Wu said.

"Huh?" Lin Chengbu looked at him, took out the remote control and pressed it, and the car yelled from the front.

"So lively." Yuan Wu looked at him a few times, opened the door and got into the car.

"Actually, I've always been quite lively," Lin Chengbu also got into the car. "It's just that you haven't carefully observed me, and you don't know what kind of person I am."

"Really," Yuan Wu pulled the seat belt and looked at the buckle, "You are probably such a person."

"What..." Lin Chengbu turned his head and glanced at it, then laughed, "Does this count? Then the whole back of your clothes is this thing."

"Yes," Yuan Wu fastened his seat belt, "I'm just like that."

"What?" Lin Chengbu started the car.

"That's it." Yuan Wu said.

"That's it," Lin Chengbu drove out of the car, "Anyway, after knowing you for two years, nothing has changed much... Where are we going?"

"Let's open it first, open it at will." Yuan Wu said.

Lin Chengbu glanced at him, and without asking any further questions, the car took a random direction along the street and turned out.

Go straight at the green light, turn left at the red light, and after three intersections, Yuan Wu whispered an address beside him: "Go there, do you know the way?"

Lin Chengbu was moved, this address was quite familiar to him, although he had never been there.

The address Yuan Wu said was on the small note.

"I haven't been there," Lin Chengbu said, "show me the way."

"Well, let's go around on the second, there are few cars." Yuan Wu turned on the music.

"Okay," Lin Chengbu nodded, "going there... why?"

"Pack up some things." Yuan Wu said.

"Your other residence?" Lin Chengbu looked at him.

"No," Yuan Wu also glanced at him, "Where Yuan Shen used to live."

"...Oh." Lin Chengbu responded.

As expected, the address was Yuanshen's.

Just... What did Yuan Wu go there to pack? Won Shin's stuff? His own stuff

Lin Chengbu didn't ask any more questions, and drove his car towards the second ring road.

Yuan Wu stopped talking and looked out the window. It was very similar to when he was neurotic. When Yuan Wu was not nervous, Lin Chengbu had no chance to drive him, so there was no comparison. Yuan Wu may have always been like this.

But now Lin Chengbu has nothing to worry about, don't worry about Yuan Wu falling asleep suddenly, crying suddenly, jumping out of the car, suddenly not knowing him...

Thinking that these worrying things would not happen again, Lin Chengbu felt an indescribable happiness, and he couldn't help laughing while looking at the road ahead.

After laughing for a long time, he glanced at Yuan Wu again and found that Yuan Wu was leaning against the car window and looking at him.

"I just... laugh." Lin Chengbu felt a little embarrassed.

"I never thought you laughed so much before," Yuan Wu said.

"We didn't spend much time alone before." Lin Chengbu said.

"Does it mean that you giggled when you were alone with people?" Yuan Wu sighed, "No wonder I don't want to pay attention to you."

"Are you ashamed?" Lin Chengbu couldn't help but laughed again, "Ai Diu Diu, I just wanted to laugh."

"Laugh," Yuan Wu turned back and looked out the window, "It's not easy, yeah."

Lin Chengbu looked at his profile, and after a while he whispered, "Hey, Yuan Wu."

"Yeah." Yuan Wu responded.

"You've got everything sorted out now," Lin Chengbu said, "then you... know, that's... why... er, just... "

"Speak your native language." Yuan Wu sighed.

"Why didn't you agree to me?" Lin Chengbu said, "Can you tell me why?"

"Then why?" Yuan Wu turned around, "Why didn't you agree to Jiang Chengyu chasing you for so long?"

"Because I like you," Lin Chengbu replied without thinking, and then he was stunned again, "You don't... like others?"

"No." Yuan Wu said.

"You don't hate me, do you?" Lin Chengbu asked. After Yuan Wu responded, he was silent for a while, and sighed with a long voice, "That's actually not right, right? You don't feel it?"

"I'm past the age to talk about feelings." Yuan Wu said.

"Then when you talk about the age of feeling, do you have feelings for anyone?" Lin Chengbu asked again.

Yuan Wu thought for a while: "...No."

"Oh." Lin Chengbu didn't speak anymore, he couldn't tell what he felt, whether it was disappointment, loss, or still a little hope.

"Turn left to the end." Yuan Wu pointed him in the direction.

Lin Chengbu turned to the left road.

"I've grown up so much," Yuan Wu said, "I've never felt anything towards anyone."

"Have you never had a boyfriend or been in a relationship?" Lin Chengbu was a little curious.

"I did, but I didn't talk about it." Yuan Wu said.

"... How can this be?" Lin Chengbu was stunned.

"Yes." Yuan Wu looked at him.

"Are you holding back?" Lin Chengbu asked.

This time, it was Yuan Wu's turn to be stunned. After a while, he suddenly became happy. He leaned against the window and looked outside and laughed for a while before he stopped.

"Silly music!" Lin Chengbu clicked his tongue.

"I just want to prove that I'm not a pervert," Yuan Wu narrowed his eyes, "to prove that I am also a person who has feelings and needs feelings."

"Then what do you have?" Lin Chengbu slowed down.

"That's what I asked," Yuan Wu smiled and didn't answer, "There is a community at the right corner of the blue billboard in front."

"Okay," Lin Chengbu turned beside the billboard and saw the gate of a community in front, "Open in?"

"Well," Yuan Wu nodded, and when Lin Chengbu walked towards the gate, he suddenly shook his head again, "Don't go in, don't go in first, find a place to park."

"Oh," Lin Chengbu braked the car, backed up a little, stopped next to a tree on the side of the road, and looked back and forth, "That's it, there's no camera, but you can't stop for too long. ."

"Five good citizens." Yuan Wu said.

"I haven't been deducted any points since I got the book." Lin Chengbu smiled.

The front of the car is facing the gate of the community. This afternoon is the time when there are the least people. After ten minutes, two or three people and three cars passed by. It was very quiet.

Yuan Wu adjusted the seat back and looked at the gate of the community with his arms on his back.

Lin Chengbu didn't know what he was thinking, but he felt that such a lukewarm and very cool weather, with such a comfortable sunshine after the morning, stood there for more than ten minutes, if he hadn't eaten at noon and was now very hungry, he would be a little bit hungry. I want to sleep.

Since Yuan Wu woke up, it seems that it is not so easy to sleep, and he has been looking forward with his arms on his pillow.

Just when Lin Chengbu wanted to get out of the car and go to the nearby grocery store to buy a bread pad, Yuan Wu moved and said, "It doesn't seem to be there."

"What?" Lin Chengbu looked at him, "Nothing?"

"Feelings," Yuan Wu said, "who do you like and who you hate, there seems to be none."

It was only then that Lin Chengbu realized what they were talking about 20 minutes ago: "Do you think you don't?"

"Well, no." Yuan Wu said.

"I want to smoke a cigarette." Lin Chengbu said.

"Smoke, it's not like I don't smoke." Yuan Wu said.

Lin Chengbu opened the car window and sunroof, lit a cigarette, and after two puffs, said, "You have it."

"Huh?" Yuan Wu looked ahead.

"If you really have no feelings," Lin Chengbu said, "you wouldn't be like this because of Yuan Shen."

Yuan Wu turned to look at him, and after a while, the corners of his mouth curled up: "Yes."

"Also," Lin Chengbu thought for a while, "you treat me differently."

"Is there any difference?" Yuan Wu said, "I still think you are quite ashamed sometimes."

Lin Chengbu smiled: "It's different, you should know it yourself."

"Don't think too much, uncle," Yuan Wu stretched his waist, "you have tossed for so long, everyone will remember it, it doesn't mean what will happen to me."

"I didn't really point out that you can make promises." Lin Chengbu smiled.

"Tsk," Yuan Wu reached out and squeezed his chin, "Laughing so wrongly."

"Don't touch it blindly," Lin Chengbu patted his hand away, "It's easy to catch fire, you know, I'm so young."

"Do you want a face? You are so young, and you dress like a middle-aged person all day long." Yuan Wu said.

"Bringing you closer," Lin Chengbu tugged at the T-shirt on Yuan Wu's body, which was still indistinguishable from front to back, left and right, inside and outside, "I used to think that you thought I was young."

"Fuck off," Yuan Wu said, "You're only five or six years younger, and you still think you're much younger. Let me tell you, I don't care at first glance, do you know why?"

"I know," Lin Chengbu smiled, "Why don't you just call you uncle."

"No," Yuan Wu also tugged at the clothes on his body, "It's too tasteless to wear it, it's a waste of money."

"Okay?" Lin Chengbu leaned beside him, "You haven't praised me yet, do you think I'm actually pretty handsome?"

"Well," Yuan Wu stared at his face for a while, then continued to look down, "I think you are handsome everywhere, to be honest."

"Are you really not at all tempted?" Lin Chengbu frowned.

"I'm not tempted, let's do something else." Yuan Wu said.

"Where did you move?" Lin Chengbu's eyes lit up, and his fingers lightly tapped Yuan Wu's arm twice, "You can move anywhere, it's better than not moving anywhere."

"Really?" Yuan Wu narrowed his eyes, "You don't mind?"

"What do you mind?" Lin Chengbu looked at him.

"Do you mind if I just want to sleep with you sometimes?" Yuan Wu asked.

Lin Chengbu was stunned.

My mind was a little immobile.

Yuan Wu was so close to him that he could clearly see Yuan Wu's eyelashes. When Yuan Wu uttered the word "go to bed", his voice sounded like Dove's circle around his neck. Let's go to the moon together.

"I... probably... don't mind." Lin Chengbu glared at him.

"It's quite open to thinking." Yuan Wu sighed.

"Ah, yes," Lin Chengbu still glared at him, "I've thought about going to bed with you for a long time, not sometimes, but every day."