I Just Came to Borrow a Light

Chapter 49


Yuan Wu glanced at Jiang Chengyu: "What does it mean to be successful and what does it mean to fail?"

"Don't pretend to be stupid with me," Jiang Chengyu put the cigarette in his mouth and held it in his mouth. When he lit the cigarette, he took a breath, which affected the wound at the corner of his mouth, and wrinkled his face for a long time, "Fuck."

"I can't tell," Yuan Wu took a cigarette and lit it, "Anyway, I smoke it almost every day, and I went to buy a water heater in the morning."

"I'm not asking this, I know you two are like buy one get one free every day," Jiang Chengyu gritted his teeth and tried to control the extent of his lips opening and closing, "Fuck, I'm having trouble speaking now, can you let me say a few words less? "

"We're in love," Yuan Wu said.

Jiang Chengyu choked on his cigarette, coughed and twitched the corners of his mouth. He pointed at Yuan Wu with a painful expression, but didn't say a word for a long time.

"I don't know what to say," Yuan Wu looked at him, "Isn't that what it is like to fall in love? At least it's much more comfortable now than the so-called 'love' I talked about before."

"Do you like him?" Jiang Chengyu asked, pressing the corner of his mouth.

"I like it." Yuan Wu answered this question very succinctly, without any pressure or confusion.

"What do you like about him?" Jiang Chengyu asked again.

"He said that he doesn't need a reason to like someone," Yuan Wu held a cigarette in his mouth, looking at the smoke drifting upward, "No one in this world can do that again."

"He likes you, he revolves around you, he's happy when you laugh, he's worried when you're upset, he can do anything for you," Jiang Chengyu stared at him, "so you decided to like him, right?"

Yuan Wu glanced at him and said nothing.

"I saw that the two of you are in a wrong state," Jiang Chengyu held his cigarette, "you are in a wrong state, and neither is his state, one of you is 'as long as he is with me', the other is 'Engong wants this so so That's it', it's so inexplicable."

Yuan Wu still did not speak.

Jiang Chengyu has never been in a serious relationship, at least not in Yuan Wu's memory, but Jiang Chengyu has countless friends who have lived in the bushes. For him, things like feelings are something that he can see clearly.

Yuan Wu didn't admit that Jiang Chengyu's words were right, but he didn't want to deny it either.

To a certain extent, Jiang Chengyu's words made him suddenly lose his direction.

"No, you two can pull him down," Jiang Chengyu said, "before I have no idea about him at all, you withdraw and I'll go up."

Yuan Wu gave him his middle finger.

This discussion did not continue. Neither Jiang Chengyu nor Yuan Wu liked to discuss the feelings of life. After being silent for a while, the topic returned to the inhuman wound on Jiang Chengyu's face.

It's really all beat up by the usual language, and it is said that there are many injuries on the body.

But Changyu didn't take any advantage.

Jiang Chengyu gritted his teeth: "He will definitely not crook his mouth when he laughs in the future, I'll straighten his mouth!"

Lin Chengbu smiled and leaned against the wall with his ribs.

I want to adjust my mood before going in.

Yuan Wu's liking was beyond his expectations, and what he had already felt was Yuan Wu's tolerance and cooperation with him, more than he could feel Yuan Wu's feelings for himself.

Jiang Chengyu used a very accurate name.

In Yuan Wu's heart, as the only person who did not give up Yuan Wu... He was kind to Yuan Wu.


Maybe just like Yuan Wu gave him the same definition.

Heavenly Father.

Although Lin Chengbu would also say that he was the Holy Father and the Lord, he would also say that being so nice to Yuan Wu was waiting for him to make a promise...

But once he found out that Yuan Wu really seemed to do it, he didn't have a trace of happiness, only deep disappointment and loss.

What he wants is not gratitude and inspiration.

What he wants is love.

Lin Chengbu closed his eyes, raised his head and lightly knocked on the wall.

Seven ten in the evening.

There is wind outside the box.

I looked at the garden with a plate of spare ribs.

Those words disappointed me a bit.

An auto mechanic-turned-cook, once lost, he can force himself to become Wong Kar Wai.

The door of the box opened suddenly, and Yuan Wu came out with a cigarette in his mouth, presumably wanting to smoke in the yard.

When he saw Lin Chengbu leaning against the wall with his ribs, he was stunned.

Lin Chengbu was also stunned. Yuan Wu came out too suddenly, and he was distracted again. He didn't hear any movement at all, and he didn't even have time to look like he was about to enter the door.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds.

Lin Chengbu felt that this was probably the most tacit understanding between him and Yuan Wu since they met. No one said anything, but they all knew in an instant.

I hear you.

I know you heard me.

"Are the dishes ready?" Yuan Wu put out the cigarette in his mouth on the trash can next to him.

"Well," Lin Chengbu nodded, "this is the last set."

Yuan Wu turned around and entered the box again. When Jiang Chengyu looked up and saw the two of them came in together, he was stunned: "Have you met?"

"I just happened to..." Lin Chengbu put the dishes on the table, "The dishes are ready, let's eat."

"Aren't you going back to the kitchen?" Jiang Chengyu asked.

"Well, don't go back, tell the boss," Lin Chengbu sat down and let the waiter who followed up to prepare the service go out, "You can do it yourself, you can do other things."

This was probably the least meal Lin Chengbu had spoken to in such a long time, apart from eating alone.

He didn't want Yuan Wu and Jiang Chengyu to see his emotions, but when something he was worried about and never wanted to face suddenly appeared, he couldn't control himself.

Yuan Wu saw it, and Jiang Chengyu must have seen it too.

But it can be seen that there is no way, he really can't find a way to soothe his emotions in a short time.

As long as Yuan Wu is not alone with him, he will talk less. If he doesn't speak again, Jiang Chengyu is basically the only one who is active.

Under such circumstances, Lin Chengbu had to admire Jiang Chengyu, even if he and Yuan Wu just responded humbly, he didn't make the scene any more embarrassing.

But after eating, Jiang Chengyu returned to the 18th, and when only Yuan Wu and him were left, the atmosphere became a little subtle.

"Shall I take you back?" Lin Chengbu started the car.

"Yeah." Yuan Wu responded.

Compared with him, Yuan Wu is even less good at or unwilling to hide his emotions. He used to be like this, impatient and unhappy, all written on his face.

The same is true now, the depressed mood influenced by Lin Chengbu is also straightforward and undisguised.

Silent all the way.

When Lin Chengbu parked the car downstairs, he turned his head: "Did you hear that?"

"... Well," Lin Chengbu hesitated and nodded, "but... it's not surprising."

"Chengyu suddenly asked," Yuan Wu put his arms on the car window, his fingers picked a lock of hair around his forehead, "I didn't even think about it, I didn't know how to say it properly."

"Actually, it's impossible to think about such a thing," Lin Chengbu said, "the first reaction is almost always accurate."

"Really?" Yuan Wu hooked the corners of his mouth.

"But I'm quite surprised," Lin Chengbu looked at him, "You said you like me."

"I really like it," Yuan Wu said. "It's all this far. It's impossible to say that you don't like it. I don't believe it myself."

"Me," Lin Chengbu said with some difficulty, "actually this sentence is enough."

Yuan Wu turned his head to look at him: "Liar to me or lie to yourself?"

"No... I'm just... I mean..." Lin Chengbu frowned and asked determinedly, "Am I too greedy? Do something good and still care about gain or loss?"

"If you say 'do something good', it's a little too much beyond the outline," Yuan Wu smiled, "This is not something that can be done from the very beginning."

"It's nothing, I'll be humble," Lin Chengbu said, "I just want to, I'm so happy..."

"Do you just like me?" Yuan Wu interrupted him.

Lin Chengbu looked at him and did not speak.

Yuan Wu also looked at him, waiting for his answer.

"I dare not say it," Lin Chengbu was silent for a long time before speaking, "I dare not say it. With your current state, if I say it, you will run away."

"Why?" Yuan Wu asked.

"You will feel that you can't pay back, it's too heavy." Lin Chengbu said.

I love you.

Lin Chengbu never said these three words... No, I said it to my mother, it was the homework assigned by the teacher, and I went home and said to my parents that I love you. After he said it, he got goosebumps. Mom is probably the same, rubbing her arms and saying whether your teacher is wrong is not in line with the national conditions at all...


Off topic.

I love you.

These three words have a very high status in Lin Chengbu's heart. They rank first in terms of numbness and difficulty in speaking. The key point is that these three words are very special. They can be thrown out of the mouth and can be dissipated as soon as the wind blows. Yes, but when it came out of my heart, it sank badly.

He didn't want Yuan Wu, who was already "repaying his kindness", to carry heavier burdens.

Even if Yuan Wu can imagine that his feelings for him are not just liking, but as long as he doesn't say it, everything can be discussed, and it won't force both of them to a dead end awkwardly.

"I'll go upstairs first," Yuan Wu opened the car door, "I have to go to Dr. Liang's place tomorrow afternoon, now once a month, to chat with him."

"Yeah." Lin Chengbu nodded.

Tomorrow Yuanwu will not go to the 18th. He suddenly panicked when he thought of this moment. He found that if he didn't keep looking for various reasons, picking up Yuanwu to the 18th was their only contact.

Except for the purchase of a water heater, Yuan Wu never made any requests for a meeting. He asked him every time, and Yuan Wu agreed.

How long can this situation last

"Xiaobubu," Yuan Wu got out of the car, turned his head and leaned halfway into the car to look at him, "I have something I don't know what to say."

"Whatever you say, I don't need to make a draft." Lin Chengbu smiled.

"I like you," Yuan Wu said. "It shouldn't be because of anything else. I mean, there is no specific reason, but I like it a lot."

"Yeah." Lin Chengbu nodded seriously.

"I may..." Yuan Wu frowned, as if thinking, "Maybe..."

It was the first time that Lin Chengbu saw Yuan Wu organize language so hard, and suddenly felt a little distressed. If he didn't need to consider his feelings, Yuan Wu would not have to live so tired.

"It may be like this for a long time," Yuan Wu said, "Do you understand what I mean? I may be like you for a long, long time... I like it very much."

"I understand." Lin Chengbu said.

My feeling for you is probably at the stage of "I like it a lot".

After Yuan Wu turned upstairs, Lin Chengbu lit a cigarette.

He finally had no way to be an ostrich anymore, and finally could no longer ignore the lingering unease in his heart, although he thought about making things clearer and wanting to know more clearly Yuan Wu's thoughts and feelings.

But these things came a little too suddenly, and he didn't even have time to prepare himself mentally, so he suddenly faced this reality.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that if he didn't want to change the status quo, Yuan Wu would have no opinion and would continue to accompany him, poking their heads in the sand together.

until suffocated.

Does Yuan Wu really just like him


Is it really just touched or touched or touched by him

Is it really hard to go one step further from liking

Lin Chengbu frowned, barely smoking the cigarette in his mouth, until the ashes fell on the back of his hand and scalded him, then he suddenly recovered and pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray.

Just as I was about to start the car, my phone rang.

It's Yuan Wu's phone.

"Hello?" Lin Chengbu answered the phone, opened the door and got out of the car, looked upstairs and saw a head sticking out of the window.

"Is the car broken?" Yuan Wu asked.

"...No," Lin Chengbu said, "I smoked a cigarette."

"Are you coming up?" Yuan Wu asked again.

Lin Chengbu's heart beat faster for three seconds, but he still quickly said, "No, I have to get up early tomorrow to go to the store."

"Oh," Yuan Wu's head shrank back, "Then... let's talk about it."

"What's wrong?" Lin Chengbu immediately asked, "What's the matter?"

Yuan Wu's head came out of the window again: "When you are free, let's go to the movies."

"Watching a movie?" Lin Chengbu was stunned, "What movie do you want to watch?"

"...I don't know what movies are coming out recently," Yuan Wu hesitated, "I mean, go see a movie, what do you want to see?"

"I... I'll check it out." Lin Chengbu raised his head.

"It's fine to go directly, it's up to you to see whichever the time hits." Yuan Wu said.

"Okay." Lin Chengbu said.

After hanging up the phone, Yuan Wu retracted his head and closed the window.

Lin Chengbu drove the car out of the community and stopped at the place where he stopped when he came to watch for a while, and then slowly walked to the bench where he always sat.

Yuan Wu was comforting him.

What about watching movies? Yuan Wu doesn't like watching movies at all. He would rather go to concerts than go to the cinema. Lin Chengbu heard him say it a long time ago and felt that watching movies was oppressive and uncomfortable.

But now Yuan Wu suddenly said to watch a movie together.

Too fake.

It made him feel bad.

Lin Chengbu lowered his head and scratched his hair. The cold wind at night blew from his fingers to his scalp, and the coolness penetrated into his body, which could not be relieved for a long time.

Suddenly, it became like this.

The camouflaged balance and stability before was so inexplicably broken.

He was suddenly agitated, took out his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Chengyu's number.

"Hello?" Jiang Chengyu's voice was mixed in the sound waves on the 18th, "Why did you call me now, and you didn't meet Xiao Wu..."

"Fuck you!" Lin Chengbu shouted.

"What the hell did I do to you?" Jiang Chengyu was stunned.

"It's okay to ask what the fuck you are asking!" Lin Chengbu said.

"...You two are my friends, and you've been together for so long, isn't it fucking normal for me to ask!" Jiang Chengyu reacted, "believe it or not, I'll find someone to deal with you. what!"

"Fuck it!" Lin Chengbu said.

"Fuck," Jiang Chengyu laughed, "No, what did you hear when you were hiding outside?"

"I heard it all," Lin Chengbu sighed, "Not a word is missing."

"Actually, you don't have to think so much about this matter. You know that Yuan Wu, he has always been like this," Jiang Chengyu said, "If he had to say it, he had never been so concerned about anyone before, or I wouldn't have asked. ."

"That's because I'm benefactor, benefactor!" Lin Chengbu said, "No one in this world can treat him like this except me. He didn't have it before, and probably won't in the future. There is only one heavenly father."

"What a mess," Jiang Chengyu also sighed, "Why don't I give you an idea."

"Speak." Lin Chengbu said.

"You spend the night with me, then tell him," Jiang Chengyu said, "and see how he reacts."

"...Jiang Chengyu," Lin Chengbu was almost speechless, and he didn't even bother to raise his voice, "I tell you, if I want to beat you, I won't be lighter than Changyu."

"Don't mention that kid! I'm looking for him." Jiang Chengyu's voice was vicious.

"You keep looking," Lin Chengbu felt a little weak, "I'll hang up first."

"Don't be so depressed," Jiang Chengyu changed his tone of voice, "think about it, the two of you are calm now, just like a boat floating on the water, walking slowly along the water, it's useless for you to be in a hurry, speed depends on Waves."

"Ah? Who is it?" Lin Chengbu was stunned.

"Waves, ocean waves, waves in water, real waves," Jiang Chengyu said, "surfing waves, surfing fast, that's because there are waves."

Because of the waves.

If there are no waves, you can only float slowly.

But who knows how long it will take to float, Yuan Wu is so repressed and accompanied him slowly drifting, what if it is a backwater bay and the two of them just go around in circles like this

If it gets annoying, Yuan Wu may get off the boat and go ashore.

And there is the possibility of seasickness.

Oh no, Yuan Wu lived on the boat for two years... but the boat was parked...

Will a parked boat get seasick

Lin Chengbu stood up and slowly returned to the car.

It is also a kind of helplessness that this brain is not enough at the beginning.


Lin Chengbu and Yuan Wu stood in front of the ticket machine in the studio.

He felt that Yuan Wu was just as bad as his luck in choosing the time. The movie he wanted to watch had one at 11:50, and the next one was at 1:30 noon.

However, in order to watch the movie with peace of mind, they had already eaten their lunch.

"Have another meal?" Lin Chengbu said.

"I really don't want to accompany you to the hospital for injections." Yuan Wu said.

"Then let's go shopping?" Lin Chengbu said, "There is a video game mall on the second floor, go to Biao for a while?"

"Okay." Yuan Wu nodded.

The two stood on the elevator in silence all the way down, Lin Chengbu hesitated for a long time, and asked softly, "Uncle, are you annoying?"

"Huh?" Yuan Wu turned to look at him, "What's the trouble?"

"Stay with me like this." Lin Chengbu said.

"Fortunately," Yuan Wu said, "it's not annoying, there's nothing to worry about."

"Will it be annoying if it goes on like this all the time?" Lin Chengbu asked again, "This shouldn't be the state you want, right?"

"I don't," Yuan Wu looked at the head of the person in front of him, "I never thought about what the state I want is, you don't have to mind that."

"I don't need you to be like this," Lin Chengbu suddenly got a little excited, pulled Yuan Wu down the elevator quickly, and went to a place with few people next to him, "Yuan Wu, I don't need you to be like this, I really don't need you to be careful Everything follows me! I don't need you to sing!"

"Sing what?" Yuan Wu looked at him.

"Grateful heart—" Lin Chengbu sang, "Thank you for—"

"...do you want to applaud?" Yuan Wu clapped his hands twice.

"You know what I mean," Lin Chengbu said, "I said before that I wanted you to show me your love. It was a joke, you couldn't hear it, right?"

"Can you not bother about this?" Yuan Wu leaned against the wall.

"It's not that I'm struggling with this, it's..." Lin Chengbu frowned, trying to find his native language, "yes..."

"You're just tangled," Yuan Wu suddenly became impatient, "I don't want to think about these things, I don't want to analyze how we should get along! Why are we together, how should we be together!"

Lin Chengbu looked at him, didn't say a word for a long time, and finally sighed softly: "I know I shouldn't say it, but I still have to."

Yuan Wu looked at him.

"I don't want you to thank me for loving me, I want you to love me." Lin Chengbu said.