I Just Came to Borrow a Light

Chapter 55


Lin Chengbu was very dissatisfied with the rule that he had to turn off his mobile phone when getting on the plane. He especially hoped to talk to Yuan Wu on the phone and report which cloud he flew to.

But he was a good young man who had to stop smoking and park in the box, so he told Yuan Wu that he would turn off his mobile phone after taking off.

Sure enough, it was late, 20 minutes late.

Usually he sleeps on planes, getting a blanket before the guys who ask the flight attendant for a blanket first if they need it or not.

But he couldn't sleep, so he forced his eyes to close.

He didn't sleep well last night because he was too excited. He was supposed to be sleepy at the moment, but his eyes hurt so much that he couldn't sleep.

He could only open it again, staring at the tufts of hair standing up in the front seat.

What is Yuan Wu doing

Did you buy milk tea? What flavor did you buy? I won't buy him a cup of lotus seed porridge just to play with him...

It takes about an hour and a half to go to the airport in Yuanwu, will he go earlier

Will you go back to sleep after the phone call and then sleep through the night

Probably not.

Will not.

Lin Chengbu kept thinking back and forth like crazy, since Yuan Wu would be late or go too early, impatiently thinking that he didn't bring him any gifts because he didn't have time.

When the plane finally started to land, the child behind who was eating, drinking and lapping all the way finally screamed with joy. Lin Chengbu felt that for the first time, he didn't find the bear child annoying and wanted to go over and scream side by side with him.

The time it took to turn on the phone also became a bit long. Lin Chengbu had no luggage, so he carried a bag with his phone and squeezed to the front.

As soon as the cabin door opened, he jumped out like a refugee, trot forward all the way, and called Yuan Wu as he ran.

But after three calls in a row, no one answered.

Lin Chengbu felt a little unbelievable, and felt very uneasy for a moment, unable to tell whether it was disappointment or worry.

He called two more times, but it kept ringing until he hung up and no one answered.

"What's the matter?" Lin Chengbu's soaring emotions almost fell to the ground, and he called Jiang Chengyu again.

"Hello." Jiang Chengyu answered the phone, and he was sober when he heard the voice.

"You haven't slept yet?" Lin Chengbu was a little surprised, and before Jiang Chengyu could answer, he asked again, "Is Yuan Wu with you?"

"I'm in the hospital," Jiang Chengyu said. "When did Yuan Wu go to my place at this time? You..."

"Okay, I'll hang up." Lin Chengbu hung up the phone before Jiang Chengyu finished speaking, fearing that Yuan Wu would call him at this moment.

However, the phone never rang again, and Yuan Wu's phone was never answered. Lin Chengbu was dejected and uneasy, followed the people around him and slowly walked towards the exit.

When they were about to reach the exit, the people around them all quickened their pace and began to crane their necks to look over there.

Lin Chengbu held the last bit of hope, and also looked outside the arrival hall.

Your uncle, a liar.

He frowned, he must have overslept.

On the left were two couples who reunited and hugged and gnawed their mouths. Lin Chengbu clicked his tongue, turned his head and walked around.

He took a few steps listlessly, and when he was about to take his mobile phone and dial the number again, someone stopped him, he took a wrong step to the side, and that person followed the wrong step.

"Fuck." Lin Chengbu was about to scold someone unhappily when he glanced at the short boots on the person's feet.


He raised his head abruptly, and his neck almost shook: "Fuck, why don't you answer the phone!"

Yuan Wu covered his mask and looked at him. After a few seconds, he said, "... I forgot my phone in the car."

"Hey, I'm scared to death," Lin Chengbu couldn't care about anything else, he put an arm around him fiercely, buried his face in his shoulder, and secretly bit him on the neck, "I thought you over slept."

"How is it possible," Yuan Wu said, "I've been here for half an hour."

"Hold me!" Lin Chengbu hugged Yuan Wu for a long time, but Yuan Wu's arm didn't respond.

"I have something in my hand." Yuan Wu said, pulling down his mask and tilting his head to kiss his ear.

"...Ah." Lin Chengbu suddenly felt his legs softened, "Did anyone see it?"

"Yes," Yuan Wu said, "is this right in the middle of the passage? People pass by us and stop to watch."

Lin Chengbu listened to the music, let go of his arms, and looked to the side, there was really someone... stopped.

"Where's my milk tea?" Lin Chengbu pulled the collar, a little embarrassed.

Yuan Wu raised both hands: "Milk tea, and special notes, which one do you want?"

"Fuck," Lin Chengbu was stunned, "Is there a special tone?"

"Well," Yuan Wu nodded, "I had nothing to do, so I went to the 18th and brought it here."

"I want a special tune," Lin Chengbu grabbed the cup, "Damn, I'm about to cry."

"Drink with your tears," Yuan Wu took another cup of milk tea and took a sip, "Be strong, just let the tears flow into your stomach."

Lin Cheng was overjoyed, holding his cup and smiling for a long time: "Delicious."

Yuan Wu stared at him and looked up and down several times: "Finally, I'm really handsome."

"It turns out to be a fake handsome?" Lin Chengbu looked down at himself, the down jacket on his body was sent to him by Yuan Wu, there was no exaggerated pattern, but the color was brighter and yellow, "I think you bought a small jacket? Number one?"

"The elderly always wear clothes one size bigger." Yuan Wu said.

"Why did you choose yellow?" Lin Chengbu asked.

"It's more conspicuous when you leave the airport," Yuan Wu took a sip of milk tea, "It's easy to find."

"...Just for this reason?" Lin Chengbu was stunned.

"Well," Yuan Wu glanced at him, "You are white, you can wear any color, and the yellow shit is also suitable."

"Oh," Lin Chengbu opened the lid of the cup and took a sip of the cream, "Let's go grocery shopping in a while, and then go back after shopping, and I'll cook you a delicious meal in the evening."

"I didn't eat at noon." Yuan Wu said.

"Then hurry up," Lin Chengbu pulled him and walked forward quickly, "I'll make you something simple and delicious at noon, I want to do something..."

"Did you eat it on the plane?" Yuan Wu asked.

"...No." Lin Chengbu replied.

"Impossible." Yuan Wu said.

"Not really." Lin Chengbu answered persistently.

"If you didn't eat it, you couldn't have thought of going there for dinner." Yuan Wu said.

"...I just ate a piece of bread," Lin Chengbu sighed, "Really, it's too unpalatable."

When he got to the parking lot, the first thing Lin Cheng did when he got into the car was to look up at the burnt eye on the sun visor.

"It's quite big," he said with a smile.

"Push it harder," Yuan Wu said, "Go in the co-pilot."

"I'll drive," Lin Chengbu said, "Did you not get enough sleep today?"

"You've been drinking." Yuan Wu leaned against the car door.

Lin Chengbu looked at the special note in his hand: "Oh."

Yuan Wu started the car and drove out of the parking lot, Lin Chengbu leaned comfortably on the co-pilot, tilting his head and staring at Yuan Wu.

Suddenly there is an indescribable feeling of happiness.

Even Yuan Wu only said that he missed him a little because he had been gone for too long.

But he could perceive some subtle changes.

It was completely different from Yuan Wu's unconditional obedience before and the painful embarrassment of the two later.

Yuan Wu didn't say anything deeper than thinking of you, but he didn't care.

He is not a particularly confident person, but at this point, Yuan Wu's attitude has given him the confidence of a heavenly father. Even a person like Yuan Wu, who is very unfamiliar with emotions, will never say "I love you" in his life. , he can also down-to-earth believe that Yuan Wu will have this feeling.

Hey hey hey.

Lin Chengbu smiled at the front.

"I just put 10ml of wine," Yuan Wu glanced at him, "drunk?"

"Yeah." Lin Chengbu nodded.

Yuan Wu opened the passenger's window.

A gust of cold wind hit his face, and Lin Chengbu shivered: "Hey! What are you doing!"

"Sober up." Yuan Wu said.

"I'm not drunk!" Lin Chengbu closed the car window and whispered next to his ear, "I was drunk when I saw you."

Yuan Wu suddenly moved his hand on the steering wheel, and the car veered to the right.

"Hey!" he shouted.

"Look at the road!" Lin Chengbu also shouted, and he was scared out of cold sweat. Fortunately, there was no other car beside him.

"Fuck you!" Yuan Wu drove the car back to the original lane.

"I'll just say something," Lin Chengbu sat upright, thought about it and said with a smile, "Are you suddenly very excited?"

"It's suddenly numb," Yuan Wu said, "and your anger blows on my neck, it's itchy."

"Is it numb?" Lin Chengbu said, "I came from the heart."

"I'm also numb from the bottom of my heart," Yuan Wu reached out and patted his shoulder, "The young man has a future."

Lin Chengbu laughed, and after a while he asked softly, "Don't you like listening to this? If you don't like listening to me, I won't talk about it later."

"No, I don't like to listen to it, I just..." Yuan Wu slowed down, "I'm not used to it, I haven't said this to anyone... and no one told me this."

Lin Chengbu wanted to say that you had not been in a fake relationship before, but after thinking about it, he didn't say, Yuan Wu's refusal attitude, even if he "falls in love" with someone, it is estimated that no one can face him like that. Say something nasty.

"Will you bother me to tell you this?" Lin Chengbu asked.

"No," Yuan Wu said, and glanced at him after thinking for a while, "but if you keep talking about it, I might slap you."

"Understood." Lin Chengbu laughed, "I can't always say it out loud, and I've never said such a thing to anyone before."

Yuan Wu drove the car directly to the supermarket next to Lin Chengbu's house.

After Lin Chengbu got off the car, he took a shopping bag from the back pocket of the driver's seat and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Still taking this?" Yuan Wu frowned. The shopping bag was quite large. After rolling it into a ball and stuffing it into his pocket, Lin Chengbu's slim down jacket bulged out.

"Loading things, I bought a lot of vegetables." After Lin Chengbu finished speaking, he looked down at himself, found the point where Yuan Wu frowned, and couldn't help laughing, "Hey..."

He took out the shopping bag, opened it, smoothed it out, folded it carefully, and put it in his butt pocket: "Is that okay?"

"That's fine," Yuan Wu locked the car, "Actually, I like you like this."

"What?" Lin Chengbu immediately asked.

"I can't tell, he's a handsome guy and doesn't care about his image all day long," Yuan Wu didn't know what to say, turned and walked towards the entrance of the supermarket.

Lin Chengbu smiled and hugged him from behind, swaying forward: "I'm not as stinky as you are."

Yuan Wu stopped after walking a few steps, and turned to look at him: "Aren't you?"

"Ah," Lin Chengbu lowered his head and rested his chin on his shoulder, "what's the matter."

Yuan Wu turned his hand back and touched it, and Lin Chengbu hurriedly avoided: "What are you doing, where are you going to touch it!"

"No," Yuan Wu looked at him, "you..."

"It's hard, it's hard," Lin Chengbu clicked and pulled his pants, "Isn't this normal, I haven't seen you for three months."

"Why didn't I get hard?" Yuan Wu said.

"You're old." Lin Chengbu said.

"I think something is different from what you have in mind." Yuan Wu said.

"What's the difference, what do you think?" Lin Chengbu asked with a smile.

"Ah, it's back." Yuan Wu said.

"... gone?" Lin Chengbu looked at him.

"No." Yuan Wu nodded.

"It's so insincere," Lin Chengbu sighed, "I've been thinking about it since last night anyway, thinking about you and going to bed with you at the same time... Did you really think about it?"

"I really didn't think about it," Yuan Wu walked to the elevator and pressed the button, "If you say this... it's a little too serious."

"Why are you pretending to be serious with me?" Lin Chengbule said, raising his hand and singing in a loud voice, "Do what you want—do it happily—"

The elevator door opened, and a few people stood inside, their eyes swept back and forth on them in unison, and then landed on Lin Chengbu, who was still carrying his hand and didn't take it back.

"... so happy." Lin Chengbu cleared his throat in embarrassment, lowered his head and entered the elevator.

Yuan Wu was wearing a mask and could see his expressionless face. He also entered the elevator. As soon as the elevator door closed, he heard the laughter of several people outside.

"It's so embarrassing," Yuan Wu still looked at the floor button blankly, "I'm so embarrassed that I forgot which floors the supermarket is on."

"Negative one." Lin Chengbu reached out and pressed the button.

After a second of silence, the two were amused at the same time.

"Hey," Lin Chengbu smiled and sighed, "I'm just too happy."

"Me too." Yuan Wu pulled his mask.

Lin Chengbu was probably a little anxious. After entering the supermarket, he arranged for Yuan Wu to go to the cashier to get rid of them. He pushed the cart and strode straight to the fresh food area. .

"So fast?" Yuan Wu was a little surprised when he saw him.

"It would have been faster if I hadn't caught a fish with that old lady." Lin Chengbu said.

"You're still catching fish with the old lady?" Yuan Wu took a box of salmon in the shopping cart, "That's it?"

"Well, the size of this box is just right for two people to eat, I'm good at it and she came to grab it," Lin Chengbu said with a displeased face, "It's like a tug-of-war, I almost lost..."

Yuan Wu has been out of the supermarket still want to laugh.

I don't know why, but I'm in a very good mood today... How can I not know why, I know why.

Because Lin Chengbu came back.

Because he thought about Lin Chengbu for a long time, Lin Chengbu finally came back.

Because he really realized what it means to meet after a long absence today.

Although three months is not a long time in theory.

It was also because he suddenly discovered that he was not only used to Lin Chengbu, but also that you were good to me, so I didn't want to disappoint you.

He had always been afraid that he would not be able to give the response Lin Chengbu wanted.

But when he saw Lin Chengbu walking out with his head down at the airport, hugged him, watched him get overexcited, and stood at the supermarket checkout waiting for him, he suddenly realized that some feelings were So silent, you don't know when it came, you just know it's there.

"Let's have a simple lunch at noon," Lin Chengbu quickly packed up all the dishes as soon as he got home, put what should be in the refrigerator, and soaked what should be soaked, then rushed into the bathroom, "I'll take a shower."

"… Hmm." Yuan Wu responded.

Lin Chengbu's journey was swift and fast, and his purpose was so obvious that he was about to write the words "I'm going to have sex" on his face with a pen.

"Are you together?" Lin Chengbu stuck his head out of the bathroom.

"I washed it when I got up in the morning." Yuan Wu said calmly.

"Do you need another wash?" Lin Chengbu asked sincerely.

"Two baths in the morning on a cold day," Yuan Wu looked at him, still taking his time, "I don't think I need to suffer from this disease."

"Fuck, are you kidding me," Lin Chengbu glared, "Hurry up! Come in and accompany me!"

Yuan Wu entered the bathroom, and before taking off his clothes, Lin Chengbu turned on the nozzle, and the steam wrapped in hot water splashed his face.

Lin Chengbu dragged him to the wall and pressed him on the wall. He nibbled on his face without hesitation, biting his eyes, nose, and mouth.

Yuan Wu felt that he couldn't even catch his breath when he was covering his face. Lin Chengbu wrapped his tongue in hot water and stuck his tongue into his mouth with his desire.

The fire that Yuan Wu was still suppressing was immediately hooked into several paths by him, and burned all over his body.

"Let me tell you," Lin Chengbu grabbed his clothes and wanted to take them off, but because he was soaked, he couldn't pull them up after several times, so he quickly gave up and put his arms around his waist down. Touching it, "I haven't dreamed of anything other than the dream of being a hooligan... I didn't even know I could be so fucking thirsty."

Yuan Wu wanted to laugh, but Lin Chengbu's gasping voice mixed with the sound of water rushing in his ears seemed especially sexy. He only felt that his breathing was suddenly tight, and he would definitely not be able to laugh, even breathing was a little bit. Can't keep up.

"I'll be crazy if I don't come back." Lin Chengbu said, the tip of his tongue twirling around his ear.

Yuan Wu said nothing, turned his head and took a bite on his neck.

Lin Chengbu gave a low snort and suddenly squatted down. Before Yuan Wu could react, he had already pulled down the waist of his trousers.

Yuan Wu suddenly raised his head and leaned against the wall.