I Just Came to Borrow a Light

Chapter 59


At this moment, the atmosphere in the room was a little frozen.

The peanut landed on Lin Yang's forehead. He raised his head, obviously not expecting such a scene, but he did not give up the task of "catching the peanut". After the peanut landed on his forehead and bounced off, He slapped his forehead with his hand.


The solidified atmosphere in the room was broken by Lin Yang's father at this moment.

"Hey, I knew it!" The brother-in-law burst out laughing next to him, pointing at his son, "He definitely won't be able to catch it..."

"How did you become a father!" The mother was stunned by his laugh at first, and then glared at him after recovering, "It's funny to laugh at your son like that?"

"I'm not the only one laughing," my brother-in-law held back a smile. "I usually laugh at him too... son, don't you?"

"Well," Lin Yang nodded, bent over and found the peanut on the ground, "My mother always laughs at me."

"What child do you two have!" Mom glared at her brother-in-law again, then turned her head to stare at Yuan Wu, "You guys still use it like you practice kung fu?"

Lin Chengbu also wanted to laugh a little, but in order to prevent his mother from staring again, he could only smile and stretch his face between his mother and Yuan Wu: "Just try hand-eye coordination."

"He can't." My brother-in-law said again with a smile.

"You can't do it!" Mom was not convinced, she reached out and picked up a peanut, after thinking about it, she put it down and replaced it with a big green jujube, "Yang Yang, grandma throws it to you, you take it well. "

"Okay." Lin Yang answered loudly.

"...Hey." Lin Chengbu became anxious when he saw it. His mother's ability to throw things was indescribable.

But before he could stop it, his mother threw the big green jujube at her precious grandson.


It was actually thrown very accurately.

Da Qingzao flew towards Lin Yang, and looking at the trajectory, it probably landed on the chest, but if Lin Yang still took a step before he took it, he would have been smashed again on the forehead.

Just when Lin Cheng wanted to stand up to intercept it, Yuan Wu, who was beside him, suddenly leaned forward, stretched out his arm, and caught the big green jujube.

"I'm going to hit my face," Yuan Wu said. "He can't handle it from this angle."

"Yang Yang, your grandma smashed you with dates," my brother-in-law said again, "Yuan Wu's reaction was very quick."

"Hey," Dad couldn't help laughing, "Forget it, Yang Yang doesn't have cells in this area."

"You're taking laughing medicine!" Mom was a little embarrassed, so she continued to stare at her brother-in-law.

Lin Chengbu had always thought that this brother-in-law was a little naive, but today he is very grateful for his character and the laughter that he concentrated on his own son.

"I can't handle it," Lin Yang didn't care about his grandmother's jujube smashing him and his father's continuous ridicule, and looked at Yuan Wu, "Is it possible that I can't learn to bartender if I can't handle it?"

Lin Chengbu was very worried about Yuan Wu's answer.



That's right.

Based on his understanding of Yuan Wu's straightforwardness, the chances of these answers appearing each accounted for 33%, and he couldn't guess what the remaining 1% would be.

So he pinched Yuan Wu's leg with his hand.

Yuan Wu was probably startled, and reacted so quickly that he slapped him on the leg without even turning his head.

Lin Chengbu was stunned for two seconds before he shouted in a low voice, "Ah..."

"Yes." Yuan Wu nodded at Lin Yang.

Don't say it's my mother this time, even Lin Chengbu's face is twisted. I've seen someone with low EQ, but I've never seen someone like this!

"That's it," Lin Yang was not particularly disappointed, he just took the green jujube from Yuan Wu's hand and tossed it in his hand, "But I can still teach you English."

"You can catch this," Yuan Wu said, taking back the green jujube and holding it up, "Where do you think it will fall when it falls?"

Lin Yang looked up at his hands, stretched out two hands and gestured forward: "Here?"


Lin Chengbu was very impressed with this Lin Yang primary school tyrant's ability in this area. The position of his hand was almost a palm away from the position of Zao.

"Yeah." The jujube in Yuan Wu's hand moved to the top of his hand, and then let go.

The date fell into Lin Yang's palm.

"Ah!" Lin Yang shouted very happily, "I caught it!"

"Yeah." Yuan Wu nodded.

"Then I can learn bartending?" Lin Yang asked.

"Yes," Yuan Wu said, "but you have to wait until you turn 18."

"Why?" Lin Yang asked.

"You have to taste the bartending, but children can't drink." Yuan Wu said.

"Oh, that's still ten years away," Lin Yang sighed. "It's been so long, then maybe I don't want to learn bartending."

"Then you can learn something else," Lin Chengbu said, "Anyway, you learn to be a master, right?"

"Yes." Lin Yang happily took the jujube and nibbled while flipping through the English fairy tale book.

Lin Chengbu looked at Yuan Wu in disbelief, whether this person had high or low EQ, he was suddenly unable to judge.

Mom's mood was probably ups and downs, and she didn't speak for a long time while watching Yuan Wu.

"Drink some fruit tea," Dad said. "This fruit tea has some ground ginger. It's fragrant and warm."

Lin Chengbu took a cup of fruit tea and put it in front of Yuan Wu: "It's delicious, you can try it."

"Yeah." Yuan Wu picked up the cup and took a sip.

"When you mix drinks, do you also put ginger in a lot of wine?" Brother-in-law looked at Yuan Wu and asked.

"Well, many can be put," Yuan Wu said, "Ginger juice and ginger slices are available."

"Hey Dad," the brother-in-law asked Dad again, "Did you also put ginger in the one that your friend invited you to drink with a weird taste?"

"Yes, not only the taste is weird, but the name is also weird, what's the name, let me think about it..." Dad frowned while holding the cup, "Three sets of cars?"

"Is there a wine called Sansetche?" Lin Chengbu was stunned for a while, then turned to look at Yuan Wu, although he was not interested in wine, but after all, he was a fan of Yuan Wu for a long time, so he really didn't listen. Said to have this name.

"Moscow mule," Yuan Wu said, "the one with ginger beer."

"Yes, Mule, that's the name." Dad patted his thigh.

"The name sounds like a stable," Mom said.

"A mule isn't a horse," Lin Chengbu laughed, "it really smells like a stable, it should be the... horse neck."

Mom was stunned: "Ma Jingtao? Does he still mix drinks?"

Brother-in-law rejoiced next to him: "The wine he mixes is probably called Roaring."

"You're taking the laughing medicine!" Mom glared at him.

"Horse neck means horse neck, horse neck." Yuan Wu smiled.

"This one is quite delicious, a little sweet." Lin Chengbu added.

"You know a lot." Mom gave him a sideways glance.

"It's quite a lot," Lin Chengbu took a sip of fruit tea, "It's been so many years..."

Yes, it’s been so many years. When I have time, I go to squat on the 18th and watch Yuan Wu bartending. He knows many wine steps by heart, which are Yuan Wu’s fixed movements and which are his improvisations. He could tell, not to mention the names of these wines.

However, after he finished speaking, the parents, mother and brother-in-law seemed to have no idea how to follow up, and the room was suddenly embarrassed.

"Horse neck! Horse neck!" Lin Yang shouted loudly beside him, "Am I right?"

"Yes." Lin Chengbu nodded quickly.

"How to write?" He turned over a notebook and a pen from his schoolbag with great interest, and ran to Lin Chengbu.

"I... No." Lin Chengbu glanced at Yuan Wu.

"Ah? Uncle, have you never been to school?" Lin Yang was a little surprised.

"Yeah, I didn't go to school. In order to help your mother go to college, my uncle went to pick up junk and sell plastic bottles..." Lin Chengbu looked sad, "It's really hard work."

Lin Yang looked at him, and after a while he said, "It's a lie, it doesn't look like it at all."

"That's right, zero points go rough." My brother-in-law answered next to him.

"Don't speak foul language," Lin Yang said, then turned and sat beside Yuan Wu, "Uncle Xiao Wu, can you write?"

"I'm afraid you won't understand even if I write it." Yuan Wu said, hesitantly took his pen and wrote Horse neck in the notebook.

Lin Chengbu leaned over to take a look, Yuan Wu's English letters were better than square letters.

Lin Yang took the notebook and went to the side to learn to write. Lin Chengbu was trying to find a topic that could be avoided around Yuanwu when his mother's cell phone rang.

"Your sister should be back," Mom answered the phone, "Huh? Ah, it's all here, just waiting for you... No need to buy it, I bought it all... "

"My sister is back," Lin Chengbu whispered to Yuan Wu, "in a while..."

"Cook," Mom put down the phone, "your sister is at the gate of the community."

"I..." Lin Chengbu hesitated, if he went into the kitchen to cook, only Yuan Wu would be left in the living room to face his father, mother, sister and brother-in-law, wondering if Yuan Wu would be uncomfortable, "I don't want to do it. ."

"Huh?" Mom was stunned.

Dad and brother-in-law were also stunned and looked at him together.

"Let Lin Huiyu do it." Lin Chengbu said.

"Your sister just got off the plane and has been tired for several days," said brother-in-law.

"Then you do it." Lin Chengbu said.

"...Okay," brother-in-law nodded, "Can I make you eat?"

"I don't eat it." Lin Yang replied quickly.

Lin Chengbu laughed: "Hey."

"Go ahead," my brother-in-law patted him on the shoulder and said again, "I'm chatting with Yuan Wu, I just want to learn some tricks recently."

Lin Chengbu stood up, her brother-in-law probably said this to him.

I don't worry that Yuan Wu's appearance is so obvious

He walked into the kitchen, and his mother followed: "The dishes are all here, and there are still in the refrigerator."

"Are you going to help me?" Lin Chengbu opened the refrigerator to see what materials were there.

"I'll tell you where the dishes are," Mom said, "there's still a chef's recipe at home, and I'm still fighting."

"Our kitchen can't hold two people," Lin Chengbu smiled and took out a box of meat, "Is this meat you want to make braised pork?"

"Well, let's make one. The braised pork you made last time, Yang Yang, didn't like it very much," my mother said. "As soon as I came here today, I told my uncle to make braised pork. You can do the rest."

"Okay," Lin Chengbu put the meat on the desk, looked back at his mother after thinking about it, and whispered, "Hey, Mom, what do you think?"

"How about what? I'm a little hungry," Mom said.

"...I said Yuanwu." Lin Chengbu said.

"He," Mom leaned against the refrigerator with her arms crossed, "I can't tell, he doesn't seem to have any problems... Isn't he very... I think he speaks very straight?"

"It's very straight," Lin Chengbu said. "If it were someone else, he would speak straighter."

"It's better to be straight, you don't have a heart," the mother said, "but don't be like your brother-in-law, you don't have a heart, you don't have a brain."

"Don't talk nonsense," Lin Chengbu laughed, "If my brother-in-law really had no brains, how did he become the marketing manager."

"I'm also wondering," Mom frowned, "their company is going to close down."

Lin Chengbu was about to speak again when the door in the living room rang, and then he heard Lin Yang shout happily, "Mom—"

He threw the dishes in his hand and rushed back into the living room.

"This is my sister," he jumped to Yuan Wu's side, "Do you still have an impression?"

"No," Yuan Wu answered truthfully, and nodded to Lin Huiyu again, "Hello."

"It's normal to have no impression," Lin Huiyu smiled, "I didn't speak."

"Mom! Look." Lin Yang took a jujube and threw it up. The jujube fell to the ground, and he picked it up again.

"What are you looking at?" Lin Huiyu asked.

"Look at me picking up the jujube," Lin Yang threw the jujube up again and caught it this time, "Uncle Xiaowu said he would teach me how to mix drinks when I was 18 years old, and I passed his test."

"So good?" Lin Huiyu patted his head, "Then go and practice next to me."

After Lin Yang walked away, she looked at Yuan Wu: "What kind of test? Isn't he the kind of guy?"

"It's not really," Yuan Wu said, "I'll forget it in two days."

After a few people sat down, Lin Chengbu walked to the kitchen and looked at Yuan Wu again.

Yuan Wu glanced at him, and suddenly hooked the corner of his mouth at him.

This is Yuan Wu expressing to him that he is fine, but for Lin Chengbu, this expression is a bit sudden, and in front of the whole family, there is a sense of excitement under the table touching his legs.

He immediately flew a kiss to Yuan Wu in response.

But when Lin Huiyu saw the kiss, she rolled his eyes with disgust: "Chef Lin, you are quite charming."

"Thank you for the compliment." Lin Chengbu pinched an orchid finger and flew a kiss to her, turning around and entering the kitchen.

Lin Huiyu has always been not very satisfied with Yuan Wu. She has no objection to the bartender, but she has never been able to accept Yuan Wu's psychological state.

But Lin Chengbu knew that even if she was dissatisfied, she would not show it in front of Yuan Wu.

While he was busy in the kitchen, he perked up his ears to listen to what was going on outside.

Yuan Wu's words were still very few, and he basically didn't make a sound. His brother-in-law asked him something, and he would only answer, and then Lin Huiyu was talking about a strange taxi driver that he met on this business trip.

Little Lin Yang interjected from time to time next to him.

The atmosphere was not bad, Lin Chengbu breathed a sigh of relief.

After a bit of settling, he can take out all his cooking skills and keep busy in the kitchen.

After more than half an hour of work, the kitchen door was pushed open.

"It's still a while," Lin Chengbu said while opening the lid of the pot to look at the dishes, "Is there any wine? No cooking wine, get me some of my dad's high-strength wine."

"I don't know where." Yuan Wu's voice came from behind.

Lin Chengbu threw his shovel and turned around. Seeing Yuan Wu standing behind him, he immediately felt an ecstasy of reunion after a long absence: "Why did you come in?"

"Go to the toilet." Yuan Wu said.

"Turn over that door and go in." Lin Chengbu showed him the way. The house at home was old-fashioned, and to go to the toilet, one had to go through the kitchen first.

"It's very fragrant." Yuan Wu said as he walked over there.

"Wait," Lin Chengbu leaned to the kitchen door and looked out, everyone was chatting, he stepped to Yuan Wu's side in two steps, hugged him and kissed him fiercely, "Hey, I miss you."

"Take control," Yuan Wu pushed him, "If someone comes in, whether the ticket is charged or not, it's all your family."

"Fuck," Lin Chengbu laughed, reached out and touched his clothes a few more times, then stood up and asked softly, "How is it? Does it feel okay?"

"Not very good, I'm really tired, I don't know what to say," Yuan Wu said, "Let's go early after dinner."

"Okay," Lin Chengbu said, "hold on for a while."

"It's not necessary to insist on such an exaggeration," Yuan Wu smiled. "I just think it's hard to find something to say. Your brother-in-law is okay with talking to me. As soon as your mother and your sister talk to me, I feel it's hard to find something to say."

It is indeed a very difficult thing for Yuan Wu to find something if he has nothing to say. He has always said nothing if he has nothing to say. Even if he is in the cold, he does not care. .

"Then you can fight me," Lin Chengbu said, "just at the moment when I... ah, I'm going to get stuck!"

He ran to the stove and turned off the fire: "You give me a shot. Today's dishes are complicated, and it's a little troublesome for me alone."

"Okay." Yuan Wu responded.

Maybe it’s been a long time since the whole family got together like this. Mom and Dad were in a good mood and chatted in full swing. It wasn’t until the dishes were ready that Yuan Wu began to be served out. Only then did my mother realize that Yuan Wu was not in the living room. inside.

"Why did you run in to fight?" She was a little surprised, "I just said I always felt something was wrong."

"The chef said he was too busy." Yuan Wu put the dishes on the table.

"I'm going to help!" Lin Yang immediately jumped off the sofa and trotted into the kitchen to help with the dishes.

"Sit down," Lin Huiyu smiled at Yuan Wu, "How can I say that I am also a guest today."

Yuan Wu was not polite, nodded and sat down.

Just smelling the dishes made by Lin Chengbu was already very enjoyable. Yuan Wu looked at the dishes on the table and felt that if he stayed with Lin Chengbu all the time, he would not have to worry about losing his appetite for food in the rest of his life. question.

"Come on, clink a glass." Mom raised a glass of Coke.

Yuan Wu was stunned for a while, then followed everyone to raise the wine glass in their hands, and then slammed it.

"Let's eat, no one speaks, right?" said the brother-in-law, "I don't think I can wait for the speech to end."

"Eat, eat, eat," Mom said.

Yuan Wu breathed a sigh of relief and took a piece of braised pork.

"During the Chinese New Year at my house, when everyone arrives, I have to ask my grandfather to give a speech," Lin Chengbu said to him with a smile, "summarizing last year, looking forward to next year or something."

"Ah?" Yuan Wu felt a little confused.

"It's only a few days before the Chinese New Year," Lin Huiyu said. "You can come to my house to celebrate the New Year. It's crowded and lively. Let's take a look at what my grandfather has to say."

"I can recite it. It's the same every year," my brother-in-law said with a smile, "even the tone particles are the same."

Come to my house for New Years.

When Yuan Wu heard this sentence, his first reaction was not that Lin Chengbu's mother was basically okay, but... No.

I don't want to come to New Years.

Not used to so many people who are unfamiliar or even strangers and cannot be treated as strangers together.

Yuan Wu felt irritated when he thought of such a scene.

Lin Chengbu's family had already started discussing the New Year's affairs. Yuan Wu didn't want to spoil Lin Chengbu's enthusiasm at this time, but he was afraid that Lin Chengbu would agree.

"Xiaobubu," he leaned closer to Lin Chengbu's ear and said in a low voice, "I… can I come to your house for the New Year?"

Lin Chengbu looked at him for a while, but nodded quickly and said softly, "Well, whatever you want, it's fine."

Yuan Wu relaxed for a while and leaned back on the chair.

But at the same time, there was a burst of distress, and he felt distressed for Lin Chengbu.

Need to accommodate his strange temper again.

"But there are conditions," Lin Chengbu turned his head to look at him again, touched his legs with his hands under the table, and said in a low voice, "You have to let me celebrate the New Year with you, I want to have a New Year's Eve dinner with you. ."

"Huh?" Yuan Wu was stunned.

"Hey, why not..." Lin Chengbu raised his eyebrows suddenly, "Let's go on a trip? Travel ends... New Year's Eve."