I Just Came to Borrow a Light

Chapter 6


Because he couldn't find a suitable excuse to delay the time, and with Lin Chengbu's delicious meal, Yuan Wu had to agree to him and go to see off the ghosts in front of him.

But how to do it, what kind of step, he has no clue at all.

Lin Chengbu, an idol with exaggerated acting skills, obviously didn't prepare the script in advance, or he didn't know what the process should be...

So after Yuan Wu promised to start this weekend, the two of them were silent, sitting in the stern watching the water together.

Ten minutes later, Yuan Wu returned to the cabin: "Let's go back first and discuss with your new ghost boss. As far as your development trend is concerned, you won't be able to get along if you don't make a charter."

After Lin Chengbu was kicked out, he was very depressed. He went back to the dock and sat in the car for a long time without starting.

This is indeed a problem.

When he went to Yuan Wu, he didn't think too deeply, just thought that he could catch up.

When Yuan Wu wrote about ghosts, he was a ghost. Maybe as Yuan Wu said, his acting skills were too exaggerated, but this was the best angle he could think of.

He caught up and waited for Yuan Wu to be less defensive about him before thinking of other ways, but now the plot is not completely controlled by him, and he can only see tricks and tricks in everything.

The only thing to keep in mind is not to be in a hurry, some things should not be said when they are not.

He wants to move forward, but he can't let Yuan Wu run. It's too hard for someone who has basically only had recipes in his mind.

The phone rang.

He took it over and glanced at it, hesitated before taking it: "Sister."

"Would you like to go home to eat with your parents today?" It was his sister Lin Huiyu's voice over there, "Mom said she'll go shopping for groceries in a while."

"I... I won't be back today," Lin Chengbu frowned, "I have something to do."

"What's the matter?" Lin Huiyu asked immediately.

"It's... an ordinary thing." Lin Chengbu said.

"Is there anything I can't say?" Lin Huiyu followed closely and asked.

"I can't be a little more private yet?" Lin Chengbu frowned, Lin Huiyu usually doesn't do this, but now this reaction basically shows that she knows.

"Chengbu, why don't you give up?" Lin Huiyu said, "Can you give up? Everyone has given up, why are you still chasing after him! His family doesn't care..."

"I'm not from his family." Lin Chengbu said calmly.

"Then who are you?" Lin Huiyu raised her voice, "Tell me, who are you?"

Lin Chengbu didn't speak.

"What's the use of you, if it's useful," Lin Huiyu sighed, "so many lunatics..."

"He's not crazy." Lin Chengbu interrupted her.

"Really? Well, I don't think he's crazy. He's not crazy now, but what about in the future?" Lin Huiyu's voice could tell her frowning, "he may be like him in the future..."

"He won't." Lin Chengbu continued to interrupt her.

"Hey!" Lin Huiyu sighed forcefully, "Why are you doing this!"

"Why? Because I am..." Lin Chengbu cleared his throat, "a holy father."

"Ah?" Lin Huiyu didn't make a sound for a long time after the ah was over, probably too angry to speak.

After a few seconds, the call was directly hung up.

Lin Chengbu whistled and threw his phone aside. Just as he was about to start the car, the cab door was tapped twice.

He turned his head and looked out the window, no one was there.

What the hell

Immediately after the car door was patted again, he was stunned, glanced in the rearview mirror, and saw a head and a very fleshy little hand.

"What's the matter, kid?" He lowered the car window, stuck his head out and asked.

Outside the car door stood a little boy, four or five years old, looking up at him with a serious face.

"You pressed my flower." The little boy pointed to his left front wheel.

"Huh?" Lin Chengbu looked at it, there were a bunch of weeds under the wheel, and he couldn't tell which one was the child's flower.

"This." The little boy crouched over and pointed.

"Then... you stand to the side, and I'll move the car?" Lin Chengbu didn't see it after he pointed it.

"No, you are brother Xiaowu's friend, right?" the little boy said, "if you press it, press it, and it will grow again tomorrow."

"Oh," Lin Chengbu looked at him, "is your name Datou?"

"Yes," Datou nodded immediately, his eyes lit up, "Did he tell you about me?"

"Say you're very capable." Lin Chengbu said, "Are you familiar with him?"

"Familiar, I often play with him," Datou said, "but we don't have a common language."

"...Oh, so that's it," Lin Chengbu lay on the car window, "Is that other person okay?"

"Very good, he bought me something to eat," Datou took out a small packet of French fries from his pocket, "Look."

"Then he's a good guy, right?" Lin Chengbu smiled.

"Well," Datou nodded, "but Mom said he was weird and told me not to play with him."

Lin Chengbu was silent for a few seconds: "Is he weird?"

"I don't know," Big Head ripped open the bag of chips and ate one, "My mother said the child doesn't understand."

"Children understand," Lin Chengbu reached out and touched his head, "adults don't understand."

There are still two days before the appointment with Yuan Wu. Lin Chengbu couldn't find him in the past two days, for fear that going too often would make Yuan Wu disgusted.

In fact, it was already quite disgusting now, Yuan Wu looked at him with infinite irritability and helplessness towards a neurotic.

Lin Chengbu only went to the store to cook vegetables four times a week. He was free these two days, and he kept flipping through the A4 paper at home.

In the end how to do

How can I make Yuan Wu see the truth little by little

How can Yuan Wu start to think about the unreasonable things surrounding him

The key is not to beat him or not to disappear again

"From the day we were born, we were saying goodbye to ourselves, we cried, laughed, accompanied ourselves, covering up our true emotions along the way... longing or despair...

He stood on the bridge, looked down at the river flowing smoothly under the bridge, and looked at the face looming on the water, who are you...

He stood under the surface of the water, chaotic bubbles stirred up around him, and dispersed upwards in panic...

The breath disappeared, the chest cavity seemed to be squeezed, compacted, and every bubbling bubble took him deeper into his final despair, a little, a little…”

Yuan Wu abruptly opened his eyes, stared at the small lamp on the top of the boat, gasping for breath.

The air mixed with the smell of aquatic plants kept entering his body, and he felt that he could see his undulating chest without having to lower his head.

After breathing heavily, he regained his strength, choked on the saliva again, lowered his head and coughed violently, and all the air that he managed to inhale was coughed out again.

"Fuck me." Yuan Wu sadly took the cup next to him and took two sips of water.

For many days in a row, it was such an immersive pain as soon as I closed my eyes.

He frowned and looked at the half-written content on the computer. What happened

When he wrote these stories before, he didn't have such an experience, was it because he hadn't written it for too long

How long has it been since you wrote

He stared at the dazzling white sunlight outside, and he suddenly realized that he couldn't remember what it was like to write a story before in front of him.

I don't know if I've ever had such an experience, what it's like.

These days, he feels a little confused, and the life in the East Bay wetland has become uneasy.

He irritably opened the small refrigerator and wanted to take a sip of beer, but found that there was not a can of beer left, so he had to take a can of Coke.

This forest city step.

He never wanted to find out who Lin Chengbu was and what he wanted to do. He just wanted to make this person or this ghost disappear from his life quietly and quickly.

What the hell is going on with this guy!

Updates such as holding a knife: congratulations on opening the pit!

Laughing and drinking a glass of wine: Congrats after it's been open for a day...

Holding a knife and waiting for an update: It's been a long time since I opened a pit, I was so happy that I forgot to congratulate you [Cheers friends.jpg]

Laughing a glass of wine: how long

Updates such as holding a knife: more than a year, is it not long

Hold the knife and wait for the update: By the way, I read the first chapter, it's great, the update must keep up, I'm worried about your old problem of breaking the watch, the old breaking will affect the reading even more, and the readers will be lost...

Haven't written a new story in over a year

Yuan Wu was a little surprised, more than a year

He opened the column on his website and looked at it. He was a little surprised to find that the editor was right. The last story with more than 100,000 words ended more than a year ago, to be exact, almost two years ago.

In the time between when he opened this new pit yesterday, there were only a few sporadic short stories.

He stared silently at the computer screen.

I don't know how long I stared at it before my mind finally started to turn.

He's still so young, and he's big enough to call him uncle, but he's already Alzheimer's

Updates such as holding a knife: Let's keep the previous style this time, it's good, don't try to change first and drink a glass of wine: Oh

Knife and other updates: keep it updated! Otherwise, I'll kill you and find you!

Laughing out a glass of wine: Hmm

Yuan Wu stared at the editor's words for a while, then quickly typed a sentence.

Laughing at a glass of wine: Can you change equipment after six laps

Knife and more update: what

Knife and other updates: … No, I can get dizzy after six turns

No, Yuan Wu made a smirk embarrassedly and closed the computer.

Of course, it can't be an editor. He hasn't had a new pit for nearly two years, and he hasn't looked for him. How could he come and pretend to be a ghost when he was all about to open a pit.

Moreover, Lin Chengbu didn't urge him to update, and he didn't even ask more about his new pit.

I'm so sick of it, let's get this lunatic away.

No matter if the setting of not being able to be reincarnated is a fool or not, in short, as long as you can let him go.

Early in the morning on the weekend, Yuan Wu just sent out the new chapter, and before he could read the comments, he saw Lin Chengbu jumping over from the pier in the distance.

"Morning." Lin Chengbu jumped onto the bow and greeted him.

"...Early." Yuan Wu responded.

"Aren't you asleep?" Lin Chengbu stood outside the cabin door and looked at him.

"No." Yuan Wu stood up and went to the stern.

"Did you stay overnight?" Lin Chengbu followed, "Why don't you sleep for a while?"

"Why do you have so many questions?" Yuan Wu turned his head and stared at him with his toothbrush, "I think I already know the reason for your death."

"What is it?" Lin Chengbu was stunned.

"Too much is annoying and I'll be beaten to death." Yuan Wu squeezed his toothpaste and squatted down to the side of the boat to start brushing his teeth.

"Do you think I talk so much about anyone I see?" Lin Chengbu leaned against the hatch and looked at him, "I don't talk so much with others, it's just that I haven't talked to you for too long."

After saying this, Lin Chengbu stared at Yuan Wu's back.

"Then I beg you," Yuan Wu said vaguely while brushing his teeth, "Take me as someone else?"

Lin Chengbu didn't make a sound.

Yuan Wu's answer was beyond his expectations, and it seemed that GET didn't get to his point at all.


Yuan Wu ignored him and started to wash his face slowly after brushing his teeth.

"I brought you breakfast," Lin Chengbu returned to the bow of the boat and brought over a lunch box that had been there before, "I made dumplings, fried them before going out in the morning, and soy milk."

"Thank you." Yuan Wu took the lunch box.

"It's not stuffed with chives, it's stuffed with cabbage." He added.

"I'm not picky eaters." Yuan Wu said.

"You're not..." Lin Cheng paused, "Leeks smell great."

"Oh." Yuan Wu responded and went into the cabin to eat dumplings.

In fact, it's a good thing to know a cook, especially a great cook. Yuan Wu drank soy milk while eating dumplings, and the flavor of the dumpling stuffing was very good. He basically didn't stop at one bite.

Lin Chengbu kept standing at the stern of the boat, leaning on the side of the boat with his arms to watch the water, and did not keep talking.

How good it is, how good it is for everyone to stop and stop.

"It's over," Yuan Wu put the lunch box into the garbage bag at the stern, "Tell me, what should I do?"

"Go to the place where their story happened." Lin Chengbu said.

Yuan Wu looked at him and waited for him to continue, but after he finished speaking, he also looked at Yuan Wu and said nothing.

"No?" Yuan Wu was stunned.

"Yeah." Lin Chengbu nodded.

"How do I know where their story happened?" Yuan Wu said.

"You know," Lin Chengbu said, "Didn't you say you have all the materials?"

"... That counts?" Yuan Wu looked at him.

"Forget it," Lin Chengbu nodded. "They know that someone has come to see them, and if someone remembers them, that's fine."

The me you see is not me, the me you know is not me, and the me you remember is not me.

This sentence flashed through Yuan Wu's mind.

It was a long time ago, and he couldn't even remember which story it was written in.

"Are you my reader?" Yuan Wu said, "I'll give you an autograph book and you'll be leaving?"

"I'm not your reader," Lin Chengbu said, "I don't like to read stories like this, and it's clear that you have no books here."

"...Let's go, let's go." Yuan Wu couldn't describe his feelings, helpless, uneasy, restless, but inexplicably lost his previous anger.

The first ghost, a teenager who joined the suicide group because of depression and curiosity, finally chose to use four shoelaces to hang himself on a lathe in an abandoned factory to end his life.

"Where?" Lin Chengbu asked as he walked towards the pier.

"Factory." Yuan Wu said.

"Which factory?" Lin Chengbu jumped onto the dock.

"I have to think..." Yuan Wu also jumped onto the pier. When he turned his head and saw a car parked on the small dirt road, he suddenly forgot what he was going to say, "What is this?"

"Shouzi," Lin Chengbu took out the key from his pocket and turned it on his fingers, "You..."

Before he finished speaking, Yuan Wu turned around and was about to go back.

"What's the matter," Lin Chengbu hurriedly followed, "This car has a license plate and can be used on the road."

"Are you going to take a side trip to see off the ghost brothers in front of you?" Yuan Wu felt that the feeling of staying with a mental patient was unbearable, and he was full of surprises everywhere.

"There is a reason," Lin Chengbu walked to the side of the car, raised his legs and stepped on it, "There is a reason for driving this car."

"Let me listen." Yuan Wu said.

"This is our ghost's rule," Lin Chengbu patted the handlebars, "I thought you would know, but it seems that you don't know so I can't say it."

Yuan Wu stood still.

It's a black-sprayed shoulder bag, it looks like it's well maintained, and to be honest, it's pretty cool.

It's just that he couldn't figure out why Lin Chengbu had to get such a car. It was obvious that he had driven a white car a few times before.

"Do you have any grudge against me?" Yuan Wu asked.

"No," Lin Chengbu said, "if you don't like it, you won't drive it next time, but it's too late to change the car today."

Yuan Wu stood there for a while before sighing and sat in the side bucket.

"Do you want to open it?" Lin Chengbu handed him the key.

"No." Yuan Wu said.

"It's not difficult, it's not necessarily that you can do it right away." Lin Chengbu said.

"Let's go." Yuan Wu took out the mask and put it on, then pulled the hat down again.

Lin Chengbu didn't speak anymore, took the helmet and put it on, and drove the car along the path.

This road has been along the water to Xiaojiang Town. Lin Chengbu's speed is not high, but the wind is strong beside the water. In addition, this section is a dirt road. When the car drives past, there is mud rolled up by the wind.

The seat has been modified, it's soft, and it's not too bumpy to sit on.

I don't know if it was because I was talking too much in the morning or because the road was gray, Lin Chengbu didn't speak, and kept his eyes fixed on the front.

Yuan Wu was also silent in the feeling of flying through the clouds and driving the fog.

After the car drove out of the dirt road, Lin Cheng let out a long sigh of relief: "I'm suffocating to death."

"It seems that the setting of breathing is not very scientific." Yuan Wu said.

"I'll drive to the city first," Lin Chengbu said, "do you remember where that factory is?"

"Not in the city," Yuan Wu frowned and turned to look at the roadside, "Probably the northern suburbs, I guess."

"Guess what?" Lin Chengbu glanced at him, "You still need to guess what you wrote?"

Yuan Wu did not speak.

Yeah, I wrote it myself, why guess.


Even this guess, he is not completely sure.

He lowered his head and pulled the brim of his hat, staring at the footpads in the side bucket, not wanting to talk any more.

The pads are also a cool black and clean, either freshly washed or not used in a long time.

It must have just been washed. His eyes moved from the foot pads to the door. The inside of the door was also very clean, and he could clearly see a few gray letters on it.

Yuan Wu suddenly felt short of breath, unable to breathe, and his heart beat so fast that the scene in front of him began to shake.

"Stop!" Yuan Wu pulled off his mask and shouted in a hoarse voice.

"What's wrong?" Lin Chengbu immediately slowed down, and when he turned around, he saw Yuan Wu's bloodless face, "What's wrong with you!"

"Stop." Yuan Wu's voice lowered.

Lin Chengbu stopped the car and didn't have time to pull over.

Yuan Wu jumped out of the side fight and ran back.