I Just Came to Borrow a Light

Chapter 60


After dinner, everyone sat in the living room and chatted for a while. After eight o'clock, Lin Huiyu's family was going to go back. Little Lin Yang had to go to bed before nine o'clock every day. Lin Chengbu took this opportunity to say that he was going back.

"All right, let's go back," Mom said. "Tomorrow isn't a day off either."

Going out of the door and going downstairs, Lin Yang dragged Yuan Wu's clothes, confirmed with him that he would learn how to bartend in ten years, and urged his father to write down Yuan Wu's cell phone number.

"Yuanwu is quite a child." Brother-in-law said while noting the number.

"Really," Lin Chengbu smiled after thinking about it, "there is another who just started elementary school, and I look forward to playing with him every day."

"A simple person recruits children," said my brother-in-law. "Look at me being so lively and lovely, I don't even recruit my own son."

"If you laugh at him for a few more years, he should fight you when he grows up." Lin Huiyu said.

"I don't fight with old people." Lin Yang said.

"What is the old man?" The brother-in-law kicked his ass, "Will you have a chat?"

"I don't care about you." Lin Yang touched his butt.

Several people laughed for a long time.

After exiting the corridor, my brother-in-law took Lin Yang to his car, Lin Huiyu looked at Lin Chengbu: "You two go back quickly... I will keep my opinion, and I won't say much more, you You two are fine."

"Your husband is waiting for you." Lin Chengbu pushed her with a smile.

"Let's go," Lin Huiyu waved at them and turned away, "Good night."

"Good night." Yuan Wu said.

"Let's go," Lin Chengbu stretched his arms around Yuan Wu's shoulders, leaned over and took a bite on his earlobe, and rubbed the tip of his nose on his neck several times. Hey, suffocate me."

Yuan Wu smiled and scratched his butt: "I'm really relieved."

"Have you been nervous all night?" Lin Chengbu hugged him and walked to the side of the car.

"It's alright, I've never experienced such a scene when I've grown up." Yuan Wu grabbed his butt up and down, very rhythmically.

"My family doesn't have regular gatherings, don't worry, I usually come to see my mother in a week or two..." Lin Chengbu remembered something after walking a few steps while talking, and turned his head sharply to look upstairs." I fuck this old lady!"

"Your mother can't reach the old lady..." Yuan Wu stopped halfway through speaking, and then turned to look upstairs. The curtains on the fourth floor trembled and calmed down again, "Your level, is that your mother?"

"Ah," Lin Chengbu clicked his tongue, "I'm still peeking!"

"See me grabbing your butt?" Yuan Wu asked.

"Fortunately, you're not a woman," Lin Chengbu said, "the two gentlemen should be rude if they are rude."

"Yeah." Yuan Wu grabbed his butt twice again.

"It's not over!" Lin Chengbu glared at him.

"I'll relax." Yuan Wu said.

After getting in the car, Lin Chengbu opened the car window a crack, lit a cigarette, and handed the cigarette case to Yuan Wu.

Yuan Wu also took one and put it in his mouth.

"Hey," Lin Chengbu started the car and turned on the heater, "this level is over, it will be easy to talk about in the future, it will be fine if you don't go to my house for the New Year, my family gathers at the old man's house for the New Year, and there are many people. , I don't feel anything without one or two people."

"Don't you feel the absence of your grandson?" Yuan Wu glanced at him.

"I don't feel it," Lin Chengbu smiled. "My family, I'm the only one in the younger generation. My cousin, Dr., and my cousin are abroad, like me..."

"The doctor is a piece of shit," Yuan Wu said with a cigarette in his mouth. "Does the doctor know how to cook? Can the doctor have the ability to let people go to a restaurant and wait for his cooking?"

Lin Chengbu laughed: "Hey, isn't this Xishi in the eyes of a lover?"

"No," Yuan Wu said, "it's a fact."

"Anyway, the old man doesn't understand this, so he thinks he can read if he can," Lin Chengbu said, "so I don't feel a lot about going to them during the New Year, so I'll just go and see them in advance."

"Well," Yuan Wu looked at him, "where do you want to go to play?"

"I don't know, I didn't think about it, I just made a sudden decision when you said you didn't want to celebrate the New Year," Lin Chengbu said, "I'll think about it in the next two days."

"Aren't you busy on New Year's Eve?" Yuan Wu asked.

"We all have holidays from the 28th, Chunzhi is closed for the New Year," Lin Chengbu said, "It's awesome."

"Then think about where to play." Yuan Wu smiled.

I usually think that watching TV can sometimes see interesting places, but I don't have time to go, but when I really want to find a place to travel, I can't even think of one.

The two thought about it all the way, until the car drove downstairs to Lin Chengbu's house, and they didn't think of where they could go.

"Anyway, in winter, everyone runs south," Lin Chengbu said, "let's go south too."

"No," Yuan Wu shook his head, "It's boring."

"Then you want to go north?" Lin Chengbu pulled the collar, "This is the cold winter and twelfth lunar month."

"Well, find a particularly cold place, with overwhelming snow," Yuan Wu said, "Let's find a kang and hide in the window to hide the cat in winter..."

"Looking for a kang?" Lin Chengbu asked.

"Yeah, find a kang, you can sleep and roll on the kang," Yuan Wu squinted at him, "Do you think I'm looking for you very accurately?"

Lin Chengbu didn't speak, and was amused for a long time.

Yuan Wu's proposal is quite interesting. They don't lack snow, and they fall every year, but they have never experienced snow that hits the calf with one foot. It should be very interesting.

Lin Chengbu was too lazy to look for it, so he left the matter of where to go to Yuan Wu.

He has other things to do.

Never thought of it before.

Or maybe I didn't dare to think about it before.

He and Yuan Wu have nothing to say about getting married or not. He always felt that it would be fine if they could stay together, and he didn't care about anything else.

But some things start, even if it's just a slip of the tongue, it will keep you thinking about it.

It was a few days before the holiday, and he had already told his mother about going on a trip during the New Year. The mother was not very happy at first, but finally agreed and didn't say anything.

It seems that Yuan Wu has already found the place to go, and they are checking the strategy for the past two days.

Lin Chengbu stood in front of the counter, staring at the rows of rings, feeling a little dizzy.

All women's rings, shiny.

The shopping guide was eager to recommend it, and Lin Chengbu waved his hand: "I'm looking for a male ring."

"Look here," the shopping guide led him to the side. "This is all male rings. Do you want to wear diamonds or not?"

"Bring it." Lin Chengbu was lying on the counter. In theory, he prefers the un-drilled one, but as soon as he saw the shiny diamond, he would think of "a piece of eternal life", so he rushed for the word "eternal." I still think it should be.

"Did you wear it?" the shopping guide asked.

"Yes, my friend and I," Lin Chengbu said, "we need two."

"Is my friend a boy too?" the shopping guide asked.

"Yeah." Lin Chengbu responded.

"Look at this one," the shopping guide smiled calmly and took out a ring, "you are tall, wear this more elegantly, your friend..."

"It's about the same as me." Lin Chengbu said.

"Then you can pick one of the same style, or this one," the shopping guide took out another one and put it in front of him, "you can compare it, these two look a bit similar."

Lin Chengbu has always felt that he is not picky, and he can make do with a lot of things.

But only today he found out that he was so outrageous.

If you are a shopping guide, you will be crazy if you encounter such a person who has been picking for an hour and then switched to another place in the middle, and then came back for an hour and only picked four people who had to choose two out of the four.

"Don't worry, you can put it on and take a picture and show it to your friends," the shopping guide kept smiling, "Let's see which one he likes."

"No," Lin Chengbu shook his head, "I can't let him know, this is a surprise."

"Your friend works in a bar and is a bartender, so the taste is definitely not popular," the shopping guide continued to smile, "You can consider this one. This style is more individual and looks good when worn."

"I'll take a look," Lin Chengbu put the ring on his hand, "Am I annoying?"

"Fortunately," the shopping guide smiled, "I've seen people who are much more annoying than you."

"That's it," Lin Chengbu took out a ring from his pocket, which he found from a mess in Yuanwu's suitcase. He wore it twice when Yuanwu was bartending. "His According to the size, he used to wear his ring finger."

The shopping guide recommends a very simple model, a ring from thin to thick, the thickest part is broken in the middle, and there is a dice-like block with a small diamond on it.

It looks so refined and handsome.

Lin Chengbu put the small box with two rings in his pocket, and suddenly felt an indescribable sense of excitement and happiness. When he walked out of the mall, his feet seemed to have springs under his feet, and he felt very light.

If a reporter comes to interview at this time, ask him if you are happy? His answer would have been a murmur of happiness.

This kind of excitement was a little overwhelming, and he almost habitually took out his mobile phone and called Yuan Wu.

Hey, I bought a pair of rings!

His hand squeezed the box in his pocket, and he must not say anything.

As for when to take it out to Yuan Wu, he didn't even think about it.

How to give it, he didn't even think about it.

This evening was the last time I went to No. 18 before Yuan Wu. Lin Cheng arrived a little later than usual. Yuan Wu was standing behind the bar, and Jiang Chengyu was sitting alone in the corner.

"Aren't you not going to work today?" Jiang Chengyu ordered him a drink, "Why so late?"

"I went to the mall," Lin Chengbu smiled, "almost until it was closed."

"This face is sunny," Jiang Chengyu gave him a sideways look, "Walking alone?"

"Well," Lin Chengbu leaned closer to him, and took out the small box from his pocket, "Look at it."

"Ring?" Jiang Chengyu saw it at a glance, and lowered his voice in surprise, "Did you buy a ring? A ring?"

"Yeah," Lin Chengbu nodded, "Didn't I want to go out with Yuan Wu and want to find a chance for him."

Jiang Chengyu opened the box and glanced: "Who helped you choose?"

"You keep it a secret, I haven't told him yet," Lin Chengbu said, "I picked it myself."

"Impossible, this is not your taste," Jiang Chengyu said. "If you choose, you probably have to choose two seal styles."

"That's what I said! Do I have such a bad aesthetic!" Lin Chengbu was a little upset, thinking about it and laughing again, "The shopping guide helped pick it... Do you think he would like it?"

"I don't know if I like it or not," Jiang Chengyu said, "but he will definitely accept this style and won't laugh at you."

"That's fine," Lin Chengbu put the box back in his pocket with a smile, and looked at Jiang Chengyu, "Hey, brother Chengyu, haven't you hurt your face recently?"

"Do you owe it?" Jiang Chengyu looked at him.

"I'll take care of you." Lin Chengbu said with a smile.

"Don't worry, there's no drama," Jiang Chengyu lit a cigarette, "The body position is different."

Lin Chengbu was stunned for a few seconds before he could react, and laughed for a long time: "As for what, it's not a great belief, and you still stick to it like this."

"You know the shit," Jiang Chengyu puffed a puff of smoke into his face, "just to be angry."

Yuan Wu's performance today was very dazzling. When he came out from the back of the bar, a group of people in the lobby were still screaming at him.

Lin Chengbu waved at him.

Yuan Wu came over and sat down: "So late today?"

"Well," Lin Chengbu replied, "I helped Lin Huiyu get something to send to my mother, she doesn't have time to run."

Da Qi came over with a glass of malt wine, and Yuan Wu took a sip: "I feel like you are quite busy these days."

"It's the end of the year." Lin Chengbu smiled.

He went to the mall two or three times in the past few days to see the ring, and Yuan Wu didn't ask him where he was going. He thought Yuan Wu didn't notice it.

"Did you have an affair?" Yuan Wu said.

"Hey!" Lin Chengbu was taken aback, "Don't talk nonsense! Where am I going to have an affair!"

"Here I am," Jiang Chengyu said slowly, "I am so lonely during my free time."

"You..." Lin Chengbu stared at him before he could say anything, when a waiter walked over behind him, holding a huge round box in his hand.

"Why?" Jiang Chengyu asked.

"Someone brought it here," said the waiter. "It's for you."

"Who sent it?" Jiang Chengyu was stunned.

"I didn't say," the waiter put the box on the table, "receive it?"

Jiang Chengyu waved his hand, and the waiter turned and walked away.

"What?" Lin Chengbu was a little curious.

"The bomb," Yuan Wu said, stood up and pulled him, "Let's go, it will explode in a while."

"Fuck, Xiao Wu, you are so boring!" Jiang Chengyu pulled him back on the sofa by his sleeve, "What about human nature?"

"Look what it is." Yuan Wu smiled.

Jiang Chengyu opened the lid of the box, and the spotlights of the bar just swept over the box, and the three of them were stunned.

"Fuck you!" Jiang Chengyu stared at the box full of chrysanthemums, "Fuck me?"

"Your enemy?" Yuan Wu asked.

"Where did I come from," Jiang Chengyu said, "who dares to challenge me?"

"Someone is calling the shots now," Lin Chengbu took a flower from the box and looked at it, "Hey, it's still true, the flowers are quite fragrant."

Jiang Chengyu didn't speak, he took out a small card from the slit, glanced at it and was silent for a long time, and finally the corner of his mouth twitched: "It's so fucking creative."

Yuan Wu took the card out of his hand, Lin Chengbu took a look, and read the words on it: "I'll give it to you if you want."

"Is it from Changyu?" Yuan Wu suddenly laughed.

Lin Chengbu was stunned for a while, but after reacting, he couldn't help laughing: "I'm fucking sick of this person."

"You two will leave later, I have two bottles of wine for you," Jiang Chengyu stood up, took out his phone and waved to the waiter, "Take this box to my office."

After a while, Da Qi brought two bottles of wine and a very delicate wine rack: "Brother Xiaowu, let's try it, Brother Chengyu keeps a bottle for himself."

"Thank him for me," Yuan Wu glanced at his office, "I'll come back after the New Year."

"Okay," Da Qi nodded, "Happy New Year."

"Happy New Year." Yuan Wu smiled.

Happy New Year.

This is said every year, once on New Year's Day and once on New Year's Day.

But Yuan Wu has never really felt the so-called happiness in this word. He feels that it is the same as every day he is used to, and the New Year is no different.

Oh, there is still a difference, you don't have to work, you can stay at home.

Yuan Wu has never felt that the New Year has any different meaning. When everyone around him is immersed in the excitement and joy of the New Year, he has never been depressed without a "New Year".

It has nothing to do with him, just like he didn't get to celebrate Children's Day.

But this year is a little different.

In essence, his concept of the Chinese New Year has not changed. What is different is his state of mind.

Lin Chengbu is a person who can easily bring his emotions. These days, Lin Chengbu runs in and out every day with a face full of joy. I don't know what he is busy with, but his emotions will follow him.

When checking the travel guide, he would feel a faint excitement. This kind of emotion has never been seen before, and Lin Chengbu brought it to him.

He had some enjoyment, everyone would have this kind of feeling, but it was because of Lin Chengbu that he noticed and felt the feeling.

The day of travel is coming soon, and Yuan Wu has booked air tickets and hotels according to the strategy.

Their destination is a place where it is said that the snow cover lasts for seven or eight months throughout the year. It is not too far away. The tourism development has been done well, and they can experience the original snow fun without being particularly difficult.

"Enough clothes." Lin Chengbu squatted in front of the suitcase and checked again if he had missed anything.

"Enough, I'm not going to Mohe." Yuan Wu stood in the kitchen making breakfast.

As Lin Chengbu pulled the suitcase, he stared at Yuan Wu's movement from the corner of his eye. A person who could only eat yellow fried eggs had to make breakfast, which made him very uneasy.

And he still made dumplings. Although he bought ready-made dumpling skins, Lin Chengbu still felt that the possibility of eating a strange noodle soup was very high.

"Okay, let's eat." Yuan Wu put a plate of cooked dumplings on the table.

Lin Chengbu walked over excitedly and took a look. There were about twenty dumplings in a plate, and only three were broken. Now the dumpling skins are very strong!

He took one and put it in his mouth.

The stuffing was made by Yuan Wu himself after he asked him, and surprisingly it was quite fragrant.

"How is it?" Yuan Wu asked.

Lin Chengbu gave him a thumbs up and said vaguely, "Delicious."

"Eat another." Yuan Wu said.

"Yeah." Lin Chengbu ate another one, and it tasted really good.

"Eat more." Yuan Wu said.

"...I'll get some vinegar." Lin Chengbu said.

"Eat first and then take it." Yuan Wu said.

"I'll eat it after taking it, I want to dip it in vinegar..." Lin Chengbu was a little confused.

"Eat first!" Yuan Wu raised his voice, looked at the dumplings on the plate again, pointed to one of them and said, "Eat it."

"Oh." Lin Chengbu picked up the dumpling and put it in his mouth. This person was so arrogant when he occasionally made something that he could eat, he even had to specify which one to eat.

Yuan Wu watched him finish eating the dumplings, and then studied what was on the plate: "This."

Lin Chengbu was a little helpless, so he could only pick up the dumpling and put it in his mouth: "You really don't want me to dip some... hey!"

"What?" Yuan Wu stared at him and asked.

"Something knocked my teeth." Lin Chengbu didn't know what he was biting, and his teeth were softened.

"Take it out and take a look." Yuan Wu said.

Lin Chengbu took the thing out of his mouth and was stunned after only one glance.

is a ring.

"This is..." Lin Chengbu was a little confused, looking at Yuan Wu, "Ring?"

"Well," Yuan Wu nodded, "you bite this and this is yours."

"Why..." Lin Chengbu felt that he couldn't come back to his senses, "Will there be a ring?"

"Aren't travel marriages all done first and then travel?" Yuan Wu said.

Lin Chengbu suddenly felt that his breathing stopped a bit, and it took a long time to say, "Wedding ring?"

"Yeah." Yuan Wu responded.

"What about yours?" Lin Chengbu asked again in shock.

"My..." Yuan Wu picked up his chopsticks and poked them in a plate of dumplings, opening them one by one, "I'm looking for..."

"No," Lin Chengbu glared at him, unable to describe his feeling, "Are you looking for a ring?"

"Well, here!" Yuan Wu picked out a ring from a dumpling, licked it in his mouth, and prepared to put it on his hand.

"Wait!" Lin Chengbu pointed at him and shouted.

"Ah," Yuan Wu stopped, "Why?"

"Can we be a little more romantic?" Lin Chengbu carefully took the ring from his hand.

This is a very simple ring with no diamonds and no patterns. There are only two thin lines on the outer ring that cross back and forth to form a figure of 8. It is very beautiful and cool. At first glance, Yuan Wu personally picked it.

Lin Chengbu wiped the ring with a tissue, then took Yuan Wu's hand, put it on him carefully, held it for a long time, and said softly, "I really didn't expect you to buy a ring."

"I think you'll want it," Yuan Wu said, taking the ring in his hand and putting it on his finger, "and... there must be something that means we're together."

"I..." Lin Chengbu looked at the ring that had been put on his finger before he regained his senses. He was very moved and wanted to laugh for no reason.

"I won't say more about some things, as long as you understand." Yuan Wu touched his face.

"I understand." Lin Chengbu leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

The author has something to say: I will rest tomorrow, and the text will be finished on Monday.

This chapter should have ended, but Xiaobubu's ring has not yet been sent out, so it can only be on Monday. It is estimated that it will not be too long. After all, it is the final chapter in the true sense. .

There are about two or three extras, I think about what to write.

I know you dislike me, this article is short, but it is really the same as the plan, and even if you dislike me, I still love you, heart.