I Just Came to Borrow a Light

Chapter 9


Yuan Wu's sleep seemed to be good, he fell asleep within a few minutes of lying down, and his breathing became slow and steady.

Lin Chengbu couldn't sleep, so he used a small blanket to put it under his head as a pillow, and just lay there, listening to Yuan Wu's breathing.

I don't know how long it took, the rainstorm outside was not as unrestrained as before.

After the sound of the rain was not too noisy, it began to have a hypnotic effect. Lin Chengbu liked this kind of rain very much. Listening to sleep made people feel lazy and comfortable.

He put the blanket on his back and was about to find something to use as a pillow when Yuan Wu, who had been sleeping peacefully over there, moved.

He hurriedly stopped, fearing that he had made some noise to wake Yuan Wu up.

After Yuan Wu moved for a while, he regained his calm, but Lin Chengbu saw him open his eyes in the light of the night light and was looking at the top of the cabin.

"Did I wake you up?" Lin Chengbu asked in a low voice.

Yuan Wu ignored him.

"I just want to find a pillow..." Before Lin Chengbu finished speaking, Yuan Wu suddenly sat up, and he whispered again, "What's wrong?"

Yuan Wu didn't answer him, didn't move, didn't even look towards him, didn't seem to hear his voice at all, just sat like that, wondering if he was thinking or in a daze.

Lin Chengbu had to shut up and looked at him silently.

The two of them just sat there, looking at me and not looking at you for a while.

After confirming that Yuan Wu really ignored him, Lin Chengbu couldn't help but ask, "You... sleepwalking?"

Yuan Wu moved, but still didn't look at him, just took out a cigarette from the cigarette case beside him and lit it.

Just when Lin Chengbu was about to ask if he should give me one, he suddenly stood up and walked out of the cabin door with a cigarette in his mouth.

Is he just too lazy to pay attention to him, or...

Really sleepwalking

Lin Chengbu followed him and stood up worriedly. Yuan Wu never glanced at him. For a moment, Lin Chengbu wondered if he was really a ghost.

It was still raining outside, and the white rain mist blurred the surroundings. Except for Yuan Wu in front of him, he couldn't see anything clearly, and he couldn't even tell where the water was.

Yuan Wu just stood under the shed at the stern, smoking a cigarette, not knowing where to look.

Is it only today that Yuan Wu is like this, or is it often like this

What is this doing

Lin Chengbu didn't dare to approach him, so he could only stand behind him silently.

He had never seen Yuan Wu like this before, which made him a little dazed and uneasy.

Although the rain outside was not as heavy as before, the shed at the stern could not hold back the rain and fog swept by the wind, and Lin Chengbu could feel the coolness that kept hitting his face while standing in the cabin.

After a while, Yuan Wu's clothes were wet, and Lin Chengbu could see his wet hair hanging down on his forehead.

He wanted Yuan Wu to come in, but he didn't dare to make a sound. He wanted to pull him in, but he didn't dare to reach out.

The only thing he could do seemed to be standing like this, staring at Yuan Wu's every move.

The key is that Yuan Wu didn't do anything, and he didn't throw away the cigarette after smoking. The cigarette butt was just held in his mouth, and it was quickly extinguished in the rain and fog.

Lin Chengbu felt that he didn't have any obsessive-compulsive disorder, otherwise, the cigarette butt he didn't throw for a long time could make him suffocate to death.

After several hours of rain, the temperature on the water surface was already very low, and Lin Chengbu gradually felt the chill.

"Come in, you'll catch a cold," he said in as low a voice as possible.

But Yuan Wu didn't move, still in a state where he couldn't hear anything.

Lin Chengbu waited for a while, and made up his mind that he wanted to ignore the 3728, and when he dragged Yuan Wu in on the 21st, Yuan Wu finally spit out the cigarette butt.

Lin Chengbu quickly stepped aside and gave him the way back to the cabin.

But Yuan Wu did not come back, but slowly crouched down at the stern, holding his head with his hands.

Then Lin Chengbu heard Yuan Wu's cry amid the lonely sound of rain.

He had never seen Yuan Wu in such a state, he had never seen Yuan Wu cry, and he never thought he would cry so much... painful.

Maybe it was Yuan Wu who was sleepwalking and didn't even know there were people around him. He cried very unrestrainedly, without the slightest bit of restraint and control.

Just sobbing with a roar, as if to vent unbearably.

Lin Chengbu stayed where he was, not knowing what he should do, and he didn't dare to do anything. In his memory, Yuan Wu was not a very restrained person, but he cried like a child, helpless and painful. , Maybe Yuan Wu doesn't want anyone to see it.

He stepped back into the cabin lightly, and sat down slowly against the bulkhead.

Yuan Wu's cigarette case was still tossed aside. He took one and lit it up. After taking two puffs, he exhaled a ring of smoke. He watched the smoke lit by the night light slowly drift away in the dark, and then spit out another one. Strings of small smoke rings that look like an ellipsis.

After smoking two cigarettes, there was no cry that made him feel distressed at the stern.

Lin Chengbu turned his head and saw that Yuan Wu had stood up, leaning on the edge of the boat and looking down.

He jumped up quickly, stepped out of the cabin door and stood behind Yuan Wu. Although he felt that it was unlikely that someone would commit suicide while sleepwalking, Yuan Wu's current appearance really didn't look like sleepwalking.

Lin Chengbu felt that his nerves were about to break.

Yuan Wu didn't stand by the edge of the boat for too long, only a minute or two. When Lin Chengbu was thinking about whether he should hug him or his pants if he really wanted to jump off, he turned around. Go straight to the hatch.

Lin Chengbu stepped aside before he collided with him, Yuan Wu didn't stop his eyes on him, walked directly into the cabin, and lay down with a full body of water.

Lin Chengbu breathed a sigh of relief. After being stunned at the stern of the boat, it took him five minutes to enter the cabin. He took a rag and wiped off the rainwater that had drifted in.

When he turned around again to see what happened to Yuan Wu, he suddenly found that Yuan Wu had opened his eyes and looked at him.

This time, Yuan Wu's line of sight was focused, and it landed on his face clearly and accurately.

"Tianluo boy?" Yuan Wu raised his eyebrows.

"Ah?" Lin Chengbu didn't react.

"Then I'll pretend I didn't see it," Yuan Wu turned his back to him, "Look at what else you need to clean up and do it together."

"...I'll just wipe some water." Lin Chengbu said.

Yuan Wu ignored him.

The environmental protection of Shenqiao is very good. There are many kinds of water birds. Occasionally, kingfishers can be seen in the East Bay, but the water waves gently wave and disappear.

There were also many other birds, and they were singing far and near before dawn in the morning. In the woods, on the water, and a few brave ones would jump around on the boat.

Yuan Wu wakes up to such a sound every day. Although he feels that he has not slept enough, he still has a kind of lazy comfort.

Lin Chengbu was no longer in the cabin, Yuan Wu sat up and yawned, seeing that the blanket he used yesterday was neatly folded and placed beside him.

There was a sound at the stern, Yuan Wu touched an empty Coke can and smashed it on the back door.

The door opened, and Lin Chengbu's head poked in: "Good morning."

"Morning," Yuan Wu looked at him, "You look so bad, shave."

"...Really?" Lin Chengbu touched his face, "I may be... I didn't sleep well."

"Of course I can't sleep well when I wake up in the middle of the night to clean up the house," Yuan Wu put on a T-shirt, walked to the bow, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, "Do you have a problem with sleepwalking?"

"You said me?" Lin Chengbu pointed to himself.

"Do you mean me?" Yuan Wu glanced at him.

"I don't sleepwalk," Lin Chengbu sighed, "I know it myself when I get up and wipe the floor."

"Are you also part-time housekeeper? It's so addicting in the middle of the night." Yuan Wu took the toothbrush and squatted to the stern.

"No." Lin Chengbu frowned and stared at Yuan Wu for a while.

Based on his knowledge of Yuan Wu, Yuan Wu's current appearance really doesn't seem like a pretence.

In other words, Yuan Wu didn't remember that he had cried so much last night as if he had been so painful and unscrupulous.

What kind of state is that

"Do you drink coffee?" Yuan Wu asked after washing up.

"Don't drink." Lin Chengbu shook his head. He didn't know whether it was because he didn't sleep well last night or because of the wind and rain. He now felt that his head was heavy and uncomfortable.

Of course, it may also be worrying.

"You still want to stay here?" Yuan Wu asked while grinding the coffee beans.

"I'll cook you breakfast and leave." Lin Chengbu looked at the time, and when he saw the watch Yuan Wu gave him on his wrist, his heart softened, "I'm going to work today."

"There are instant noodles." Yuan Wu kicked a cardboard box in the corner of the cabin.

Lin Chengbu's making breakfast is like magic, and he usually cooks instant noodles for so long, Yuan Wu smells a fragrance that he has never smelled when he cooks instant noodles.

"Is it fragrant?" Lin Chengbu asked at the stern of the boat.

"Well, what did you do?" Yuan Wu asked.

"I used the instant noodle bag and egg to make a little bit of marinade, but luckily there is still some red sausage left," Lin Chengbu handed over the instant noodles, "You can eat it, I have to go to work."

"Aren't you going to eat?" Yuan Wu said.

"I don't eat, I have no appetite." Lin Chengbu smiled.

"It's the first time I've seen someone hate their craft so deeply," Yuan Wu mixed noodles. "If someone praises you for your cooking, do you have to jump up and fight someone?"

"You can eat it if you like," Lin Chengbu quickly packed up the pots and the like, and looked in the cabin again, "I'm leaving."

"Well," Yuan Wu replied, "Thank you for your face."

Lin Cheng walked in and out in a hurry. Yuan Wu could hear his footsteps outside, leaving quickly, jumping and scurrying, but before he went out, he heard a clatter of water.

Yuan Wu was stunned for a while, put down the noodles and ran to the bow of the boat, and at a glance he saw Lin Chengbu crawling from the water to the boat in the distance.

Lin Chengbu's first action when he climbed onto the boat was to turn his head to look here, and immediately waved his hand when he saw him: "I'm fine! I've stepped in the air!"

"Go to the hospital to check if your cerebellum is not well developed!" Yuan Wu shouted and closed the hatch.

Lin Chengbu felt that he was really going to see a doctor, and he was very dizzy.

After returning to the car, he carefully wiped the watch. Fortunately, he was so agile, although he fell into the water, he climbed up vigorously. The watch did not enter the water, and he walked steadily. .

On the contrary, the mobile phone may not be so good. It was rained yesterday and dropped into the water again today. Fortunately, it has been turned off when the battery is dead.

The air by the water was very good at this time, Lin Chengbu didn't rush to start the car, he lowered the window and closed his eyes while leaning on the seat.

The damp and turbid air that had been covered all night in the car was quickly replaced by the fresh air pouring in from outside the car, and a slight cool breeze blew in, making him feel comfortable.

Yuan Wu took a sip of coffee. In the past two days, he hadn't read the messages of readers of the new story. He glanced at it just now, and there were already a lot of messages.

The last dozen or so stories are all about how the beginning of the story was very depressing, making people feel bad and depressed.

No one mentioned "change" anymore, which made Yuan Wu heave a sigh of relief, so don't change at all, don't make any changes.

As for repression.

Maybe, he frowned, it was repression, but why was repression, he couldn't tell very well, where was the source of this repression, the increasingly close despair and fear when he wrote these words was from where.

he does not know.

Why write like this

He didn't know either.

"The night was deep, but it was not quiet, insects chirping, the second hand, the creaking sound of the door coming from somewhere...

The dark night fills the darkness that the light cannot break through, the wind blows in from the cracks in the windows, the lights above the head sway gently, and the shadows of various shapes and sizes in the room also change from long to short...

The glass was tapped lightly, with a jumping brisk, subtle sound, as if it had tapped on his nerves. After the momentary panic, there was a burst of calm...

It's like the long-awaited ending is finally long overdue...

The glass was black, reflecting his own face like a mirror, pale and excited...

He couldn't tell whether the other face that slowly emerged from his face was outside the window or here, he just stared at the two gradually overlapping faces with the same desperate and expectant expression...

who is it? You, or me, or someone else I never knew...

'Come on,' said the face on the black glass, a finger sticking out from the side, 'you. '


"Lu la la la lalie, la la la lalie... Go forward bravely, there will be prizes..." There was a happy singing voice from outside, "If you want to fly a plane, you need a TV, a CD player, mp three, ice cream, and RMB, not too much. Greedy…”

Yuan Wu suddenly became silent after listening to him sing the following series without breathing, and then he was gasping for a while, and he didn't lose his breath for a long time.

"Brother Xiaowu!" Datou finally caught his breath after running to his boat, "I want to play with you."

"My name is uncle." Yuan Wu said.

"Uncle Xiaowu," Datou changed his words immediately, "I want to play with you."

"I don't want to play with you." Yuan Wu said.

"We still don't have a common language?" Big Tou took off his shoes and entered the cabin, sat on the board, and sighed.

"Well," Yuan Wu looked at the screen and brought him a small box of yogurt from the small refrigerator, "Go find someone else to play with, there will be no results between the two of us."

"My mother won't let me go to the village," Big Head was drinking yogurt, "Brother Xiaobu won't play with me when he sleeps."

Yuan Wu was stunned for a while, then turned his head: "What brother Xiaobu?"

"It's brother Xiaobu," Datou scratched his head. "He was chatting with me. I bought medicine for him, and he stopped talking to me when he slept."

"Lin Chengbu?" Yuan Wu glanced at the time on the computer in surprise. It has been almost two hours since Lin Chengbu left him, sleeping

"I don't know, it's brother Xiaobu." The big head sucked the yogurt hard.

"Where does he sleep?" Yuan Wu asked.

"In the car." Big Head replied.

are you crazy

Say go to work and sleep in the car

So Lin Chengbu is actually a mental patient without a job

"What kind of medicine did you buy for him?" Yuan Wu was stunned for a long time before he remembered and asked.

"An antipyretic," said Datou, "I bought it for him at the health clinic. Am I very good!"

"Yes, it's so boring," Yuan Wu said, "Okay, you can go out."

"Where to?" Big Head asked.

"Whatever, go to the chicken." Yuan Wu said.

"My mother beat me," Datou shook his head, "I dare not go."

"As long as you're not on my boat, if you don't let me see you before dinner today, I'll give you ten dollars." Yuan Wu said.

"Really?" Big eyes lit up.

"Really," Yuan Wu waved his hand and gave him another box of yogurt, "Come on."

"Yeah!" Big Tou responded, took the yogurt and ran away.

After Yuan Wu was stunned for a while, he lit a cigarette and continued to type on the keyboard.

Today's writing went very smoothly, and his ideas were basically unbroken. Although the content made him more and more uncomfortable, he still finished this chapter as smoothly as an endorsement.

After the last full stop, he closed the computer without even looking back.

I don't want to see it anymore, and I don't need to watch it anymore.

He could recite any chapter he wrote at any time, and he could remember every word and every punctuation.

Sometimes he felt as if all his memories were devoted to the story.

When he raised his hand to look at his watch, he remembered that the watch had already been given to Lin Chengbu. After getting up, the mentally ill cook took an antipyretic as a sleeping pill and then went to sleep in the car.

What an amazing logic.

Yuan Wu glanced at the lower right corner of the computer, it was already past lunch time, and he didn't feel the need to eat at all.

After staring at the computer for a while, he stood up, took the last can of Coke in the refrigerator, and walked over to the dock.

Datou was squatting on the pier, washing clothes with his mother, and when he saw him approaching, he jumped up in shock and ran to the woods, shouting, "I didn't see it, I didn't see it. to my…”

"Did you scare him?" Big head looked at him with some skepticism.

"No." Yuan Wu replied simply, and looked at the road beside the pier, but did not see Lin Chengbu's car.

"Then why did he run away when he saw you?" Datou asked again.

"The chicken ran away when he saw him." Yuan Wu said.

The big head has run away without a shadow, and there is no one in Lin Chengbu.

Yuan Wu stood on the dirt road and looked at the left and right sides for a long time, and then walked around in the woods, but saw nothing, no car, and of course Lin Chengbu, who was taking antipyretics and sleeping.

Yuan Wu sat on the muddy ground leaning against a tree, opened the Coke that he wanted to bring to Lin Chengbu, and poured two sips, inexplicably feeling a little disappointed.

Lin Cheng walked away. There was no more coke and no more beer. He had to go to town tomorrow. This kind of life that was broken from the dull rhythm suddenly made him a little irritable.