I Just Want to Divorce

Chapter 34


Ever since Ye Fei rejected Yan Xiao on Valentine's Day, the two have lost contact and never met each other again.

Ye Fei felt that Yan Xiao should have given up completely this time, and the feeling of relief only lasted for a moment. Immediately afterwards, there was overwhelming discomfort.

The line from the throat to the chest seemed to be blocked by a hard object. It hurt and swollen, and it was almost impossible to breathe.

Ye Fei knew that Yan Xiao should always look forward and meet a better and healthier person than himself, which is a good thing, but he still couldn't control the pain.

Fortunately, Ye Fei only has two years left in her life. If she is lucky, she might not see Yan Xiao with others.

Get over it, just get through it.

Ye Fei opened the mailbox and was about to find something to divert her attention when there was a knock on the office door.

He adjusted his expression before he opened his mouth and said, "Come in."

Unexpectedly, it was not only Gu Ruijia who came, but also Sun Qiong who hadn't seen him for a while.

Sun Qiong was arrested by his father a while ago, and was in charge of bidding for a piece of land in the east of the city. He was so busy that he rarely appeared in the group.

"What kind of wind brought you here." Ye Fei kicked the chair over and teased.

Sun Qiong didn't answer, looked Ye Fei up and down, and said in surprise: "You... are you thinner or something? Your momentum is good."

Ye Fei has indeed lost weight recently, and the lines of her face are getting sharper. Sitting on the chair now, she is obviously much shorter than Sun Qiong, but when she raises her eyes and talks to him, she does not appear weak, but instead has a faint sense of control.

"Huh? Are you thin?" Gu Ruijia leaned over and took a closer look, "I didn't see it, probably because I stayed with him every day, but Ye Fei did eat less these days."

"It's useless to flatter," Ye Fei lowered her eyes, cleverly avoiding the topic, "If you don't have money, you can't have a date."

"Fuck," Sun Qiong was so annoyed by him, she immediately forgot to continue asking, walked over and sat down, "Who the hell wants to ask you out, do you have big breasts!"

"How do you know I don't?" Ye Fei threw a bottle of mineral water to him and said lazily, "Have you ever touched it?"

Sun Qiong: "..."

Sun Qiong raised her hands in surrender: "I'm afraid of you, let's talk about business, I'm here today to tell you good news."

Ye Fei raised his chin at him, signaling him to continue.

Gu Ruijia also dragged a chair over, his face full of desire to gossip: "Hurry up, what's going on, it's so mysterious, it's whetted my appetite for a long time."

Sun Qiong cleared her throat, and said: "Ye Yao sold two apartments yesterday, one is a sea view room in Haoyue Bay, and the other is an apartment in Maple Leaf Plaza. The total amount is more than 30 million."

Sun Qiong's family is in the real estate business, and the news about this is relatively well-informed.

Ye Fei was stunned for a moment, then laughed: "I didn't even know he had houses in these two places."

Sun Qiong and Gu Ruijia looked at each other, and instantly understood that Father Ye probably bought it for Ye Yao without telling Ye Fei. They are all biological sons, and there is no one who is eccentric for this sake.

"What's this good thing?" Gu Ruijia frowned and looked at Sun Qiong dissatisfied.

"Don't worry, I haven't said the important point," Sun Qiong was worried about Ye Fei's sadness, so she didn't bother with Gu Ruijia, and hurriedly said, "Do you know why he sold the house?"

Sun Qiong didn't show off, and continued in a low voice: "He owes a lot of gambling debts!"

"Gambling debts?" Ye Fei propped her chin with her hand, thoughtfully, "Isn't that a mistake?"

Although Ye Yao is stupid and poisonous, he is not depraved, and he has never been involved in such things as gambling.

"That's right, someone I know is from Wang Zhao's circle, and I've inquired about it," Sun Qiong told Ye Fei, "Ye Yao got together with Wang Zhao for project investment, and was just brought in at first. Just a small gamble, now..."

He sneered: "I often walk by the river, how can I not get my shoes wet. Didn't Dingyuan's new drama rush? Your white-eyed wolf must be in a bad mood, so he took a big gamble. fell in."

Not long after the filming of "Please Be Sober" started, Dingyuan also filmed a web drama. It's not a modern drama, but a costume drama, in order to keep up with the popularity of the recently popular TV drama "The Queen Mother".

Because of the good publicity, this costume web drama had a very good first-day broadcast volume, which seems to be another popular drama trend.

However, this situation only lasted for two short days. Without strong quality support, no amount of marketing is useless. From the third day onwards, the playback volume fell off a cliff.

At first, Gu Ruijia paid attention to the data on the Internet all the time, fearing that "Please Be Sober" would be surpassed, so she didn't even bother to watch it later.

"Oh, that drama," Gu Ruijia smiled gloatingly, "it's understandable that Ye Yao is in a bad mood, and now there's not even a splash."

"How is it?" Sun Qiong looked at Ye Fei, "Do you feel better after hearing that?"

"Thanks," Ye Fei reached out and touched Sun Qiong's with a mineral water bottle, and said calmly, "I really didn't expect him to be so deadly."

Ye Fei had already guessed that Dingyuan would not last long in the hands of Father Ye and Ye Yao, so after his rebirth, he did not take the initiative to do anything, but just watched them toss with cold eyes.

What's the point of killing with a stick? Cutting flesh with a blunt knife is the most painful. Step by step from heaven to hell, but there is nothing you can do. The gap is so big that everyone will be driven crazy.

Who knew that if he didn't do anything, Ye Yao thought that his life was too long, so he took the pole to give away his head.

"Look out," Sun Qiong patted Ye Fei on the shoulder, and after reassuring him, changed the subject in due course, "Call Shang Lao Zhou out for a drink tonight?"

"Eating is fine, drinking is fine." Ye Fei took out a pack of cigarettes, shared one for Sun Qiong and Gu Ruijia, and said while lighting, "I plan to go to the Northwest."

"Because of the budget?" Gu Ruijia reached out to ask Ye Fei for a lighter, "It's not necessary."

"Use your own," Ye Fei raised her hand, avoiding Gu Ruijia, and put the lighter in her pocket, "It has nothing to do with the budget, the conditions over there are too difficult. I heard that several actors have been sunburned recently. It’s not justified not to visit the class.”

Go to relax, maybe the mood will calm down faster, and I won't always think about seeing Yan Xiao.

"Do you want to be so picky? What's wrong with using your lighter?" Gu Ruijia complained, leaned to Sun Qiong's side, and lit the cigarette with his cigarette butt, "You are quite reasonable in saying that."

Ye Fei let out a mouthful of smoke rings with lowered eyes, but did not speak.

"What date do you plan to leave?" Gu Ruijia asked again, "I'll ask the administration to book a flight ticket for you."

Sun Qiong interjected from the side: "Brother Xiao has a private jet, doesn't he? What kind of air ticket do you book?"

"It's inconvenient," Gu Ruijia gave him a blank look, "Not to mention the need to apply for the route in advance, our crew is in a ravine, and there is no place to stop."

"The sooner the better," Ye Fei unconsciously rubbed the lighter in his pocket, and said, "See if there is a flight tomorrow morning, if there is, it will be tomorrow morning."

Gu Ruijia gave him an OK gesture and agreed.

After dealing with the air ticket, he left work early and took Sun Qiong to dinner with Ye Fei.

On the other side, Yan Xiao, who had just finished the video conference, returned to the office. Instead of immediately throwing himself into the heavy work as usual, he took out his phone and clicked on the photo album.

In the album named "Ye Fei", there were originally 27 photos, but now there is only one left. But this one was given to him by Ye Fei, so the meaning is naturally different.

In the photo, Ye Fei was leaning on the sofa, smiling flamboyantly and recklessly. Next to him is a bright and wide floor-to-ceiling window. The sunlight outside the window is just right, and the frozen picture is softened a lot.

Yan Xiao touched Ye Fei's face on the screen with his fingertips, but the longing in his heart didn't ease much.

From that day to now, they have not seen each other for four days, three hours and thirty-eight minutes.

He really wanted to find any excuse to knock on Ye Fei's door like before. But thinking that Ye Fei might not want to see him, she restrained herself.

Yan Xiao knew that he was a dull and boring person, he couldn't talk sweetly, and he couldn't make Ye Fei happy, so it was normal for him to be rejected. So although there is a loss, it will not cause depression and despair.

It's just that if we can see each other occasionally, it doesn't matter if we don't talk to each other like before, at least let Yan Xiao see Ye Fei.

Yan Xiao exited the photo album and clicked into Ye Fei's circle of friends. Ye Fei seldom posts status, the last one was a month ago, praising a tonkatsu restaurant downstairs of Tianxi.

Yan Xiao read those few statuses several times, and finally couldn't stand it any longer. He ordered the driver to wait for him downstairs, got up and walked out of the office.

"Hey? Brother Xiao, where are you going?" As soon as he walked to the elevator, he bumped into Cheng Minghao who came up to look for him.

Yan Xiao replied briefly, "I have something to do," and stepped into the elevator without looking back.

Cheng Minghao looked at his back and sighed. He vaguely guessed that the date was not going well that day, but because he was the one who came up with the idea, he was afraid of Yan Xiao's anger, so he didn't dare to ask at all.

Forget it, Cheng Minghao rubbed his face and stopped thinking about it. Let's settle the matter between the two of them by themselves, what kind of heart do you have as a single dog.

When Yan Xiao arrived at Tianxi, it happened to be 5:30 in the evening. According to Ye Fei's usual schedule, he would be off work in half an hour.

Yan Xiao didn't go up, nor did he disturb Ye Fei. Ask the driver to park the car downstairs and wait quietly for Ye Fei to come out.

However, ten minutes passed, half an hour passed, and an hour passed, and Ye Fei never showed up.

Yan Xiao took out his phone and clicked on Ye Fei's WeChat. After reading it for a while, he didn't send anything. Instead, I checked Moments, and happened to see the status that Gu Ruijia posted not long ago—

[Gu Ruijia: Brothers, let’s go~[Picture][Picture]]

Only then did he realize that he was unlucky enough to catch up. Ye Fei got off work early today and went to have dinner with his friends.

The sky had already darkened, and the bright street lamps shone on the roof of the car, shining a miserable white light.

Yan Xiao didn't go home directly, but asked the driver to drive to the tonkatsu restaurant that Ye Fei had posted about in Moments, and ordered a pork chop set meal.

It was the peak time for dinner, the store was almost full, and all kinds of voices mixed together, making it noisy. Yan Xiao sat alone in the hustle and bustle, silently finishing the pork chops and shredded cabbage on the plate.

He waited for more than an hour, but did not see Ye Fei. In the end, he only ate a set meal of pork chops that Ye Fei had eaten, but he also felt very satisfied.

The author has something to say: Actually, it’s not considered abuse. I think _(:з」∠)_ Ye Fei needs an opportunity to completely open her heart, and the next step will be very sweet! So sweet!