I Just Want to Divorce

Chapter 46


That afternoon, when Ye Fei woke up, Yan Xiao had already gone to the company. I don't know where he got so much energy, he didn't feel tired after fighting for most of the night.

Ye Fei slowed down for a while, pushed open the curtains, leaned lazily on the bedside and lit a cigarette, picked up her phone to check the news.

At the top is a message from Yan Xiao, asking Ye Fei to tell him when he wakes up, so that he can ask someone to deliver the meal.

He didn't say that Ye Fei didn't feel hungry yet, but when he said that, Ye Fei immediately felt empty in his stomach, and immediately replied to Yan Xiao——

[Your Brother Fei: Wake up.]

In the next second, I received a message from Yan Xiao.

[Yan Xiao: Good.]

[Yan Xiao: Are you feeling uncomfortable?]

Ye Fei puffed out the smoke ring, flicked the ash into the ashtray, and typed with her lips curled up.

[Your Brother Fei: My throat hurts.]

[Your Brother Fei: Next time, Mr. Yan, please be more gentle.]

Yan Xiao was silent, and Ye Fei couldn't help laughing when she saw the "typing" displayed on the dialog box.

A minute later, a new message finally arrived.

[Yan Xiao: I'm sorry.]

Ye Fei just wanted to tease him, afraid that he would take it seriously, so she immediately typed and sent it.

[You Brother Fei: Just kidding, I'm fine, I felt fine yesterday.]

[Your Brother Fei: Are you busy?]

[Yan Xiao: Not bad.]

Ye Fei knew Yan Xiao well, if he was really not busy, he would definitely call at the first time, and I'm afraid he couldn't get away at all right now.

Ye Fei didn't want to disturb him anymore, thought about it, and edited a message.

[Your brother Fei: I won't tell you anymore, I'll get up and take a shower.]

[Yan Xiao: Good.]

Ye Fei exited the conversation, took a puff of cigarette, and clicked into Gu Ruijia's WeChat. Gu Ruijia must have been annoyed by him, the screen was full of roaring exclamation points.

[Diligence Valley: Ye Fei belongs to your uncle! ! ! Did you fucking mean it! ! ! !]

[Diligence Valley: Come out! ! ! Don't think I can't find you just by pretending to be dead! !]

[Diligence Valley: Haven't woken up yet? ? ? ! Fuck, this friend has nothing to do!]

Ye Fei coughed and hurriedly texted him back.

[You Brother Fei: It was too late to watch the celebration party yesterday, and I really couldn't get up in the morning.]

[Diligent Valley: [smile] [smile] [smile]]

Ye Fei frowned.

[Your Brother Fei: What are you doing so weirdly?]

[Diligence Valley: I suggest you to read the group chat records.]

What are you doing? What happened to the chat history

Ye Fei went in dubiously.

Ye Fei was silent.

Cheng Minghao took a video of himself and Yan Xiao leaving the meeting, and sent it to Gu Ruijia, and Gu Ruijia sent it to the group to complain. In other words, I lost my skin from the beginning.

Just as she was thinking, Gu Ruijia suddenly sent a group video to invite her over. Ye Fei hesitated for a moment, but still answered, and Sun Qiong and Zhou Zhensheng also connected at the same time.

On the screen, Gu Ruijia sneered: "Yo, you are living a comfortable life, and you are still lying on the bed."

Ye Fei extinguished the cigarette butt and threw it into the ashtray. Adjusting her nightgown, she smiled lazily: "I can't help it, I'm not feeling well, Yan Xiao let me have a good rest."

He has always been thick-skinned, and one of his life principles is that as long as I am not embarrassed, others will be embarrassed.

Gu Ruijia: "..."

Gu Ruijia was speechless, and couldn't find the words to reply for a while.

Zhou Zhensheng was overjoyed: "Lao Gu, you dare to play tricks with Ye Fei, I admire you."

Sun Qiong tsk-tsk: "It's uncomfortable, Ye Fei, you are going to develop in the direction of sister Lin."

Gu Ruijia found an ally, and immediately answered, "That's right, look how many times this month, my aunt doesn't do it so often."

"Go to your aunt." Ye Fei cursed with a smile, and got out of bed with her mobile phone. As soon as his foot hit the ground, he hissed immediately. If I didn't grab the bedside table in time, I'm afraid I would fall to the ground.

The tendon on the inner thigh was stretched too far yesterday, and now it's unbearable when the weight is placed on it. It was sore and sore, it was killing me.

This is really three years without opening, and three years after opening.

Ye Fei rubbed the sore and swollen place, exhaled lightly, slowly stood up straight, and walked towards the bathroom.

Gu Ruijia sneered over there: "You say you're fat and you're panting? You can fall off the bed, old men look like a pregnant omega."

Zhou Zhensheng didn't understand: "What the hell?"

Ye Fei didn't understand either.

"You don't know this?" Gu Ruijia complacently gave them a generalization of the worldview of Alpha and Omega, and finally concluded, "It's not me, Heiyefei, do you think he looks like this now?"

The three of Ye Fei were silent, and the group fell into an eerie silence.

Gu Ruijia didn't notice it at all, and was still yelling: "Why don't you talk?"

Ye Fei opened the bathroom door, fixed the mobile phone on the sink, squeezed toothpaste and brushed his teeth: "Are you sure a straight man will understand this kind of thing?"

Gu Ruijia retorted: "That's because I have seen a lot."

Ye Fei smiled: "It's what you say."

Gu Ruijia couldn't help being laughed at by him, and just about to say something, Sun Qiong suddenly said "Fuck", which startled him.

"Old Sun, why are you so surprised?"

"Look at the number one hot search," Sun Qiong said, taking a sip of water, "exciting."

Ye Fei reduced the size of the video and clicked on Weibo.

The top trending search was the news that a celebrity was arrested for taking drugs. This celebrity Ye Fei knew him and was an artist of Dingyuan. She became popular because she starred in a comedy movie, and she has a certain status in Dingyuan.

Ye Fei frowned. In his previous life, this person developed very well and had nothing to do with poison. What's going on in this life

"Isn't it just a celebrity taking drugs? What's the matter?" Gu Ruijia glanced at it, not paying attention, "Didn't Cen Xinghua make a hot search a while ago?"

"Can you be a little patient?" Sun Qiong said, "You read the police report carefully, there are bright spots."

"Fuck," Zhou Zhensheng looked at it for a while, and complained, "The color matching of this base map makes me almost blind. What's the highlight?... After receiving a report from the masses, five drug addicts, Ye Mou ( Male, 21 years old, general manager of a film and television company)…”

Zhou Zhensheng's voice stopped abruptly, and it took a few seconds before he said: "This Ye..." He asked Ye Fei, "How old is your cheap brother?"

Ye Fei's face was strange: "Twenty-one."

"That must be him, he didn't run away," Gu Ruijia clapped his hands, "Wang Zhao is involved in both gambling and drugs, Ye Yao can't be innocent by following him."

He paused for a moment, then suddenly smiled: "Does this count as unbelief? Look up, who will the heavens spare? How arrogant was the little brat when he was in the bar, how is it now?"

Ye Fei took the opportunity of washing her face to hide the expression on her face.

In the last life, because he stood in front of him, Ye Yao didn't get in touch with the company's affairs prematurely, so naturally he couldn't meet these messy people. Even after Ye Fei died, he was still alive and kicking.

But now, there is no Ye Fei to shield him from the wind and rain. Ye Yao's fate can be regarded as seeking benevolence and gaining benevolence.

Ye Fei wiped off the drops of water on her face, and went out of the bathroom with her mobile phone.

Suddenly there was a ringing of the doorbell at the door, it should be that Yan Xiao called the food delivery staff to arrive. Ye Fei walked over and opened the door, letting them in.

"You're really good," Gu Ruijia glanced at the time on the upper right corner of the computer, with a look of disdain, "I'm only eating now."

"We had lunch and dinner together." Ye Fei thanked the delivery man and sent them out. Sit down in the restaurant, fix the phone on the side, take a spoon and slowly drink the shrimp porridge.

"You eat quite a lot," Zhou Zhensheng glanced at the table and muttered, "It's just too bland to eat."

Gu Ruijia also said: "Yes, isn't porridge usually eaten in the morning?"

Only Sun Qiong looked at Ye Fei's tightly covered nightgown and smiled without saying a word.

"It's up to you guys," Ye Fei said to the two of them, not wanting to continue the topic, she raised her head and asked Gu Ruijia, "Has your computer been repaired?"

"I remember what you said." Gu Ruijia suddenly smiled meanly. He clicked on the computer photo album, dragged a few photos and sent them to the group, "Let me show you what Ye Fei looked like in the second period of middle school."

"If it wasn't for repairing the computer, I don't even remember saving these photos," Gu Ruijia told Zhou Zhensheng and Sun Qiongkepu, "Do you know Nowitzki? It's the NBA star who has retired now."

"I know," Sun Qiong clicked on the big picture, and burst out laughing, "Ye Fei's hairstyle...could it be the same as Nowitzki's? Hahahaha."

"Yes," Gu Ruijia nodded, blushing with a smile, "Ye Fei liked him very much back then."

"What's the matter, I think it's pretty good-looking," Zhou Zhensheng said with a face as usual, "This little yellow roll can't be held by others, but Ye Fei's face can."

Ye Fei actually doesn't remember much about high school, and even the faces of most of her high school classmates are blurred. When he clicked on the picture sent by Gu Ruijia, he was immediately hit by a strong middle school breath.

Fortunately, Yan Xiao hadn't seen him at that time, otherwise he would have been scared away.

"Are you sick?" Ye Fei put down the spoons and slid back one by one, "What are you doing with these things?"

"What's wrong, it's taking up your computer's memory?" Gu Ruijia pointed at Ye Fei, "I originally thought, if you speak well, I'll let you go today. Who told you not to be funny?"

He brushed his hair and sneered: "Come, come, everyone enjoy it, I still have it here."

After finishing speaking, it was Ye Feihei's third consecutive history.

"Gu Ruijia, you asked for this." Ye Fei narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly, "Let me tell you about Gu Ruijia and his first love."

Gu Ruijia's scalp exploded: "Fuck, I was wrong! Brother, can't I be wrong?"

Ye Fei ignored him, and continued: "At Christmas, Gu Ruijia skipped class and took his first love out for a candlelight dinner. The entire restaurant was booked, with steak and red wine..."

Zhou Zhensheng said, "Isn't this quite romantic?"

"Romantic?" Ye Fei sneered, "Do you know what song was played in the restaurant after the two sat down?"

Ye Fei: "Mother in Candlelight."

"Hahahahahaha." Zhou Zhensheng slapped his thigh fiercely, "Crazy!"

Gu Ruijia covered her face, looking like she didn't want to see anyone: "I died wronged, okay? The waiter in the restaurant made a mistake. I explained it to my ex-girlfriend countless times, but she just didn't believe me, insisting that I have an Oedipus complex." , fuck you."

Ye Fei laughed along while looking at the photos. Just as he was about to swipe the one on the screen, his eyes inadvertently glanced at a certain place in the photo, and his fingers stopped suddenly.

He zoomed in on the photo and leaned closer to the screen to take a closer look.

"Ye Fei, what are you doing?" Gu Ruijia asked him.

Ye Fei didn't speak, he stared at the thing in his hand in the photo, his heart was pounding.

It was a white No. 42 jersey key chain with a red spot on it, exactly the same as the one he had seen at Yan Xiao's.

"Ye Fei, Ye Fei?" Seeing that he didn't reply for a long time, Gu Ruijia yelled again, "What's wrong with you? Are you angry? Isn't it."

"Gu Ruijia," Ye Fei adjusted his breathing, and asked him, "Do you still remember my key chain in the photo?"

Gu Ruijia said, "Let me see."

Half a minute later, he said: "Remember, I will never forget this. You liked it so much at the time, you had to hold it up when taking pictures."

Ye Fei let out a "hmm".

Gu Ruijia: "The two of us quarreled because of our favorite football star. I was so angry that I scribbled on it with a red pen while you weren't paying attention."

Ye Fei said, "I don't have any memory."

"You have to have an impression to be a ghost." Gu Ruijia rolled his eyes towards the sky, "At that time, Ye Yao was raped by others, and you went to take care of him, so how could you pay attention to these things, which made me feel very unfulfilled .”

Ye Fei carefully recalled Yan Xiao's key chain, because he thought it was too old at the time, so he took a closer look at it. It's not an illusion, including the red spot, it's exactly the same as in his photo.

But why are his things in Yan Xiao's hands? They didn't know each other then...

wrong! Ye Fei's eyes widened suddenly.

Yan Xiao is from Songshi, and he traveled to Songshi during the summer vacation of his second year of high school.

Ye Fei desperately mobilized the old memories, Yan Xiao, Yan Xiao...

Ye Fei stood up suddenly, and didn't even notice that the chair behind her had fallen down.

He remembered.

They had met seven years ago.

The author has something to say: The report of drug use refers to the official police report.

There is no car without a car. Although Feifei is very attractive on the bed, it can only exist in my hard drive forever. . .