I Just Want to Divorce

Chapter 5


"Let's get a divorce." Ye Fei leaned back on the sofa, casually as if discussing what to eat tomorrow morning, "I'm sorry, the things we agreed can't be fulfilled. If you have any demands, just ask, and I will try my best to make it up to you."

There was a long silence in the living room.

Yan Xiao remained motionless in the original sitting position, his body was as stiff as a sculpture.

Ye Fei didn't rush him, and thoughtfully gave him time to digest.

"Why," he asked after a long while, "Is there something about me that made you unhappy?"

"No." Ye Fei was startled, then laughed, "Don't think too much, it's my own problem."

Yan Xiao immediately asked: "What's the problem?"

"I just don't want to do this anymore," Ye Fei took a sip of the beer on the coffee table, and laughed at himself, "It's kind of boring."

He has worked for the Ye family all his life, even mortgaged his marriage and freedom, but in the end he got nothing in exchange. Once again, he just wants to live for himself.

Bright lights poured down from the ceiling and shone on the smooth floor, creating a cold white halo, which made Yan Xiao's eyes swell and hurt.

The chest was stuffy like a ball of cold cotton, which was almost a suffocating pain.

He thought for a long time, but couldn't understand this interesting definition, and finally said very lightly: "Ye Fei, stop joking."

This must be a joke among friends, Yan Xiao thought. Ye Fei didn't really want to divorce him, it was because he didn't understand.

However, Ye Fei's next words shattered his expectations.

"No," Ye Fei said, "how could I use this kind of thing to joke with you?"

The water droplets formed by the heat of the beer can dripped down his fingers, he frowned, took out a tissue and wiped it, and said, "See when it's convenient for you, let's go get the divorce certificate."

After a pause, as if remembering something, he added: "Don't worry, I will return you the money you invested in Dingyuan before."

Yan Xiao sat there without moving or speaking.

Five minutes later, he said shyly, "I don't agree."

Yan Xiao is a person who is so self-confident that he is almost arrogant. His super high IQ and social status that can overwhelm most people give him such capital. He doesn't like to be questioned, and he is used to using imperative sentences when interacting with people, and he will look directly at the other person when he speaks.

But this time, he didn't look into Ye Fei's eyes, and only lowered his eyes and said emphatically, "I don't agree."

The stunned person turned into Ye Fei, who looked at Yan Xiao in disbelief: "No, why?"

Before this, he never thought of this situation. After all, the two are just a pure cooperative relationship. Now that one party wants to terminate the contract, even if the other party is dissatisfied, they will not get too entangled.

"Dingyuan needs to continue to inject funds," Yan Xiao said, "and I also need a de facto partner. I don't think there is a need for a divorce."

After hearing his reason, Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it is not too difficult to solve the problem.

"It doesn't matter. Dingyuan will not be under my control in the future. Others will worry about the financing. As for you," he raised his eyebrows, and his eyes rolled on Yan Xiao's face, and said meaningfully, "Mr. Can't find someone to marry?"

Hearing this, Yan Xiao seemed to have programmed the answer, and immediately replied, "I can't find it."

Ye Fei: "..."

In the past, he didn't take it seriously when he heard others complain about Yan Xiao's difficulty. Unexpectedly, Feng Shui took turns, and he learned it today.

Ye Fei took a deep breath, and patiently handed over the initiative: "Then what will you do to get a divorce?"

Yan Xiao didn't answer directly, but only said: "Our contract states that the cooperation date ends on December 5, 2027."

"Employees' entry contracts also have a deadline, and there are still a lot of people who leave midway." Ye Fei didn't want to get into too much trouble with Yan Xiao because of this matter, so she pretended to be relaxed, "Mr. Yan, you treat me as an employee of your company. If you leave one, you can always find a more suitable next one.”

There is no more suitable next one, Yan Xiao thought, only Ye Fei.

But Ye Fei said that being with him was boring, and she didn't want to continue.

Yan Xiao never knew what panic was. In the past twenty years, no matter how serious the problem seemed to others, he could easily solve it with his smart brain.

Today, however, he tasted helplessness.

"Adults must have the spirit of contract," Yan Xiao looked like a person walking in the midst of lightning and thunder, knowing that the umbrella in his hand could not withstand any storm, but he still held up his only bargaining chip with luck, "Contract You signed it."

"So you still don't agree?"


Seeing that it couldn't make any sense, Ye Fei stood up, looked at him condescendingly, and said coldly: "In short, I must leave the marriage. If you disagree, I will directly go to the court to sue."

After finishing speaking, he went directly to the bedroom to pack his things.

He didn't expect to move out so soon, but he was really annoyed by Yan Xiao's reticent appearance. It's good for everyone to get together and get together, and I don't know what he is insisting on.

As soon as he opened the closet, Ye Fei was stunned.

Without him, all black. Black clothes, black pants, black shirts, even the underwear are black!

In his previous life, coal balls must have become fine. Ye Fei rummaged through the pile of clothes in disgust, but couldn't find any other colors. After pondering for a moment, he simply opened Alipay and followed the small program for donating clothes.

These clothes are ugly, but the workmanship and quality are good. It's too wasteful to just throw it away, it's better to donate it to those in need.

Ye Fei found two 28-inch suitcases in the room, and threw clothes and sundries into them without paying attention to the order. He didn't have many things, and the cabinet soon became empty.

Ye Fei closed a suitcase and was about to pack other places, when she turned around, she met Yan Xiao's gaze.

"What's the matter, Mr. Yan?" Ye Fei raised his chin at him, "Changed your mind?"

"I can spare a week next month," Yan Xiao pointed out the date on the phone calendar to Ye Fei, "I can accompany you wherever you want to play."

In order to find out what it means to be interesting, he deliberately went to the search engine to refer to the answers of the public, and the results he got were nothing more than eating, drinking and having fun.

Although Yan Xiao didn't think it was any fun, since Ye Fei wanted to do it, he would accompany him, as long as he didn't mention divorce anymore.

Ye Fei didn't understand: "What are you talking about?"

"Or what you like to do, just tell me, and I'll let Cheng Minghao arrange it."

Ye Fei thought about it for a long time, followed his brain circuit with guesswork, and suddenly couldn't laugh or cry: "I don't mean this... Don't worry about it so much, you are helping me by agreeing to divorce."

Yan Xiao was silent for a while, and said: "I don't talk to drunk people."

"I only drank less than half a can of beer." Ye Fei laughed angrily, and shook the can in front of him. "How could I be drunk?"

But Yan Xiao turned a deaf ear to it, and even started chattering about his reasoning, not knowing whether to convince Ye Fei or himself: "Alcohol affects your cerebral cortex and central nervous system, making you make irrational decisions. Not what you really think."

Ye Fei stared at him: "I repeat, I'm not drunk."

"A drunk person never admits to being drunk."

Ye Fei was speechless, he suspected that Yan Xiao was playing a scoundrel. But thinking about it again, with his personality, he shouldn't be able to do such a thing, probably just a simple admission of death.

"Then we'll talk about it tomorrow." Ye Fei wiped his face, anyway, it was only one night, and he could afford to wait no matter how little time he had.

Yan Xiao didn't answer, he avoided Ye Fei's gaze, and said in a low voice, "I'll just pretend I didn't hear about your drinking madness today, and I won't take it to heart."

No, why did he go crazy with alcohol? Ye Fei felt offended. He didn't know anything else, the only thing he was sure of was that Yan Xiao could still stand here neatly if he was drunk and crazy

He had already ripped off his pants!

He squinted his eyes, and just about to say something, he was interrupted by the ringing of the phone.

Picking it up, it was the staff member who came to collect the clothes. He said that he had arrived, but he couldn't enter the villa area, and asked Ye Fei if he could deliver the clothes to the door.

Ye Fei readily agreed, picked up the suitcase and went out.

"Where are you going?" Yan Xiao pulled him reflexively, and when he was about to touch Ye Fei, he took his hand back.

"Send love and warmth, and practice the core values of socialism." Ye Fei didn't notice his movements, and rushed out of the door without looking back.

In an instant, Yan Xiao was the only one left in the empty living room. He stood quietly at the door for a while before walking to the sofa and sitting down.

Yan Xiao carefully recalled the details of the relationship between the two of them in the past month or even three months, and did not find anything offensive to him.

Then why divorce? Yan Xiao still couldn't figure it out.

His eyes fell on the box of desserts on the coffee table. The square wooden box was wrapped with golden ribbons, and the top was transparent, making the desserts inside more delicate and attractive.

Cheng Minghao said that this is the best double skin milk in the city, but how could Ye Fei not even look at such delicious double skin milk.

Probably because the box was too ugly, Yan Xiao carried the box into his arms. Maybe next time, if you change the packaging to a better one, Ye Fei will ask for it, and won't think about divorcing him.