I Just Want to Divorce

Chapter 56


Father Ye's second trial was as expected, and the original verdict was still upheld.

Unlike the victim Ye Fei, Wang Lingling and Ye Yao, who were vested interests, instantly fell into the vortex of public opinion. Not only was it discussed by netizens, but real life was also affected.

The original circle no longer accepted them, and they did not make new friends. Whether you are a stranger or an acquaintance, once you hear their names, you will stay away from them.

Ye Yao was spoiled since he was a child, how could he bear such a gap. Angry and aggrieved, he started secretly taking drugs again to escape reality.

He hated Ye Fei for being cold-blooded and ruthless, for being able to send his father to prison. I also hate Father Ye's recklessness and poor planning. If he had made more preparations before throwing the poison, wouldn't he be discovered

In that way, he would still be the high-ranking general manager of Dingyuan, not the murderer and the son of Xiaosan who everyone on the Internet shouts and beats.

Ye Yao completely inherited the selfishness and indifference in Ye's father's bones, and suddenly felt that no one was sorry for him. So much so that when Father Ye proposed to see their mother and son before the execution, he refused without even thinking about it.

Father Ye didn't believe it at first when he received the news.

how could be

Of the two sons, he has always favored Ye Yao, it can be said that he wants the stars and not the moon. From small limited-edition jerseys and sneakers to high-end residential real estate, he did his best and concentrated all the best resources on Ye Yao.

Even in order to pave the way for Ye Yao, he has been brainwashing Ye Fei since he was a child: You have to be nice to your younger brother, but if your younger brother is not sensible, you have to give way to your younger brother.

So Ye Yao has always been very close to his father. Anything that is delicious and useful will always think about him, and never disobey his will. How could it be possible not to come and see him for the last time

Taking a ten thousand step back, even if Ye Yao has a good face and feels ashamed to come to prison, isn't there still Wang Lingling

Wang Lingling loves him so much, because of him she is willing to be a secret lover at a good age, and after more than 20 years of marriage, she still relies on him like a little girl. Now that he is about to be shot, don't say that he is allowed to visit the prison, even if he is not allowed, she will definitely try to come here!

"No," Father Ye pulled the staff and repeatedly emphasized to him, "My son is Ye Yao, not Ye Fei. You must have notified the wrong person."

In the spirit of humanitarianism, the staff explained to him several times in a good voice. Seeing him as if he couldn't listen, he finally got impatient: "It's Ye Yao, your second son. Neither he nor your wife want to come over, understand?"

He secretly cursed in his heart that he deserved it, that his original partner was so good but he didn't know how to cherish it. Treated Xiaosan as a real pet for twenty years, what's the result? It must have been retribution.

Father Ye was struck by lightning in an instant, and even his back involuntarily hunched. He understands the truth of the cruelty of the world, but he didn't expect that his wife and son, who are usually very good, would be like this.

He spent half his life chasing and chasing, but what did he get in the end? There is no fame, fortune, or family affection, and it may even become a negative case in law books and be cast aside by the people of the whole country.

Even the felons in prison, after learning what he had done, all united to exclude him.

Father Ye didn't think there was anything wrong at first, people don't want to kill heaven and earth for themselves. If these people were in his position and were under the same temptation, they might have done more than he did.

But now, Father Ye was leaning against the wall, feeling a little remorse for the first time in his heart. If he hadn't killed that woman back then, if he had treated Ye Fei better...

It's a pity that there is no if. The gunshot fell, and Father Ye's life came to an end.

After Ye's father died, Ye Fei took out the will written by him during his lifetime and took over Dingyuan forcefully.

Ye Yao was still drunk and dreaming, but he was dumbfounded when he saw the will.

"Impossible!" He stared at Ye Fei with red eyes, "How could Dad leave Dingyuan to you? You must have forged the will!"

"Why is it impossible?" Ye Fei sat on the chair leisurely, watching him go crazy with a smile, "Maybe he also knows that you are a white-eyed wolf."

"You—" Ye Yao's face was contorted, showing the madness unique to drug addicts, his fingers twitched nervously, "Wait, Dingyuan is mine. I'm going to sue you! Yes, I'm going to sue you!"

"Go," Ye Fei chuckled and kindly reminded him, "Remember to collect enough legal fees first."

The Ye family's property has been emptied long ago, even the house has been mortgaged, Ye Yao really may not be able to afford a lawyer.

Ye Fei's interested eyes turned around his face, he really wanted to see Ye Yao's expression when he knew that he would not even have a place to live in the future.

Ye Yao's pupils dilated, and there was faint sweat oozing from the forehead, which was a sign of drug addiction.

He walked around the room irritably, and said harshly: "Ye Fei, don't think about things that aren't yours. If you are acquainted, quit Dingyuan, and don't lose your wife and lose your army at that time."

Ye Fei spread her hands, thinking he farted: "Come on, I'll wait."

Not to mention there is a will, even if there is no will, he still has a hundred ways to hold Dingyuan in the palm of his hand, how can this idiot have so much confidence.

Now the most valuable thing in the Ye family is Ding Yuan, Ye Yao certainly refuses to give up. Together with Wang Lingling, they fought for the inheritance all day long, and they didn't even collect Ye's father's ashes.

There is a deadline for keeping the ashes of death-row prisoners. If the family members do not come after the deadline, the relevant departments will handle it on their own.

Therefore, Father Ye, who had been insolent for half his life and used all means to climb up, had no one to collect his ashes after his death. In the end, it was treated as garbage and randomly swept into a special trash can.

Ye Yao lost the lawsuit against Ye Fei without any suspense. No matter what the purpose was, the will was indeed written by Father Ye. The cauldron is owned by Ye Fei, Ye Yao didn't get any of it.

Before Ye Yao could react from the blow, he received a reminder call from the bank. Only then did Ye Yao and Wang Lingling realize that even the remaining real estate in the family did not belong to them.

Pay back? Where did they get the money

After Wang Lingling married Ye's father, she has been a full-time wife at home and has never earned a penny. Not to mention Ye Yao, whose only professional experience is the few failed investment projects of Dingyuan.

The bank followed the rules. Seeing that they hadn't paid the loan, they immediately applied to the court to freeze the property. Ye Yao and Wang Lingling refused to move at first, but their small arms couldn't hold back their thighs, so they were forced to leave in the end.

At noon in midsummer, even the air is hot. Wang Lingling and Ye Yao stood at the gate of the community as if they had lost their souls. They had no money and no place to live, and they didn't know where to go.

Ye Fei stopped paying attention to their affairs, he took Yan Xiao to the fucking cemetery, and burned Father Ye's verdict to her.

On the sesame black tombstone, the woman in the photo is smiling brightly and beautifully. Ye Fei looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar face, and smiled slightly: "Don't be so stupid in your next life."

The breeze blew, like a woman's hand, brushed his hair gently, and left in a whirl.

Ye Fei closed her eyes, covering the red eye sockets. He stood in front of the tomb for a while, and left the cemetery with Yan Xiao before the sun set.

On the way home, Ye Fei kept silent. Yan Xiao didn't know how to comfort him, so he held his hand tightly.

"Brother Yan," the two sat on the sofa for a while, Ye Fei suddenly said, "I want to sell Dingyuan."

This company has carried the nightmares of his two lifetimes. Every time he sees the word "Dingyuan", the unbearable past will automatically come to mind.

Yan Xiao grabbed his shoulders, put the belt in his arms, and said, "Okay."

As long as Ye Fei is happy, anything is fine.

Ye Fei is a person with strong action ability, and he will do what he says. Within a month, they negotiated the acquisition plan with Baofeng Media. He didn't open his mouth like a lion. Baofeng Media wanted to sell Yan Xiao's face, but he didn't try hard to lower the price. Both parties were happy.

Ye Fei didn't want a cent of the proceeds from selling Dingyuan, and donated all of it.

He didn't want the money, and it was just a little extra in the account. But put it elsewhere, it may be hope and the future.

After doing all this, Ye Fei only felt relaxed. He ended his call with the person in charge of the foundation, threw away his phone, got up and went to the study.

Yan Xiao is sitting in front of the computer and sending emails to his subordinates. He is a very self-disciplined person. Even when she was sitting, her back was straight, her browbones and nose bridge were high, and her side profile was three-dimensional and perfect.

"It's not finished yet?" Ye Fei hooked his neck, and while speaking, her soft lips brushed against his ear, intentionally or unintentionally, "You've been very busy recently."

The faint scent of bath frankincense filled his nose in an instant, Yan Xiao turned his eyes, and met Ye Fei's beautiful eyes.

Because he just took a shower, the corners of his eyes were a little wet and red, just like when he was bullied hard by him.

If soft pleading fails, he will throw a temper tantrum, swear at him, kick and bite him. But it got worse, he couldn't even speak, he could only cling to him feebly, making a cat-meowing sound.

Yan Xiao's Adam's apple rolled slightly, and he said, "I'm not busy." He quickly typed the last word, without checking for the first time, and sent the email directly, stood up and pressed Ye Fei's lower back.

Leaning her head on his shoulder, Ye Fei blew into his ear, and said softly, "You don't need to wear a condom today."

Yan Xiao didn't speak, just looked down at him with deep and dark eyes.

Just when Ye Fei thought that the heat was not enough and wanted to tease a few more words, her body suddenly rose into the air.

Yan Xiao's computer, which he almost never left his hand, was brushed aside mercilessly, and various documents were scattered all over the floor.

Heavy curtains covered the floor-to-ceiling windows, blocking all the wind, rain, and moonlight from the outside.

In the spacious and tidy study room, the skin-skin-touch of the two people is inseparable, and even their breathing blends with each other.

Ye Fei raised her head and kissed the corner of Yan Xiao's lips.

Light and brightness intertwined above his head, passed through Yan Xiao's shoulders, and enveloped the two of them, like a gentle and bright galaxy.

The last life was too short, so short that Ye Fei didn't even hear Yan Xiao's confession. Fortunately, this life is long enough for them to love each other to the fullest.

The author has something to say:

It's over! Thank you for your support and company, bow!

There will be a past life episode!

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