I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 100: Confrontation (III)


As soon as Tan Yan carried Zhang Hua out of the door, the armed police arrived. Xu Mingyu, as the entourage, jumped out of the car first. When he saw Tan Yan, he said angrily: "You are too brave. How dare you break into the enemy's base camp alone?"

Tan Yan did not respond to his words, but asked: "Is there any medical equipment in the car?"

Xu Mingyu was stunned for a moment and then said: "Only the first aid kit..."

"Then we won't wait," Tan Yan said, "There's an underground casino inside, the boss is called Shen Biao, he's probably not the original one. Even if we seal this place off, we can't catch Shen Biao, but at least we can remove his minions and make it more difficult for him to move. Zhang Hua is not only seriously injured, but also in a bad mental state. I'll take him back now, you help me cover him."

"Covering what..."

Before Xu Mingyu finished speaking, he saw Tan Yan jumping into the car with Zhang Hua on his back, closing the windows and doors. When Xu Mingyu opened the door, there was no one inside.

It's great that he can teleport! He can even play tricks on someone alive! Soon the police will come to collect evidence, how can he cover up

On the other side, Tan Yan and Zhang Hua appeared in front of Xiaolu. Everyone was gathered together to listen to the contents of the monitor, and they were no exception when they saw Tan Yan coming back. Tu Zishi was the first to rush over. He supported Zhang Hua and called out with concern: "Hua Zi, it's okay, Hua Zi, you're back."

Zhang Hua saw Tu Zishi's face in the blood in front of him, forced a smile that was uglier than crying, and fainted leaning against him.

The medical staff who had been prepared pushed the bed to pick up Zhang Hua and took people to treat him.

The group followed the doctor to the outside of the emergency room, and finally had no choice but to wait outside.

Tu Zishi burst into tears uncontrollably. A young man of 185cm in height, he sat on the ground, covering his face and crying. It was unclear whether he was worried about his companions or crying because he was useless.

The atmosphere in the superpower team was very heavy. Even Aunt Yang, who knew nothing, was in a bad mood and could only hand Tu Zishi a towel.

Only Tan Yan stood beside Tu Zishi and said without any gentleness: "If you regret it, be stronger. The enemy is stronger than we thought."

Everyone heard what was said in the monitor, and Liang Xian lowered his head even more.

He should have died in the zombie world. No wonder that consciousness suddenly lost interest in him. It turned out that that consciousness had used some unknown method to make him a symbol when it invaded his brain, and came to the real world through him.

It was his fault. He killed two comrades and brought a huge crisis to Earth.

Liang Xian didn't want others to see his self-blame, so he refused to look up. Xiaolu seemed to feel Liang Xian's sadness, so he walked up to him and rubbed his hand with his face.

At this time, a pair of strong hands pulled Liang Xian's head up and forced him to look up.

It’s Tan Yan.

Liang Xian had never seen Tan Yan's expression before. He had seen Tan Yan being gentle and doting, and being tolerant of everyone in the superpower team; he had seen Tan Yan being calm and composed, and he could always give people confidence no matter how dangerous the alien world was; he had seen Tan Yan being helpless and ignorant, and he was at a loss when faced with textbooks and test questions, and could only use pitiful eyes to ask everyone to help him with his lessons.

Only for those who have seen Tan Yan like this, pure black, cold and merciless.

"Are you very regretful?" Tan Yan asked, holding Liang Xian's chin.

Liang Xian turned his head away, not wanting to look him in the eye.

Tan Yan pinched his face and forced Liang Xian to look at the crying Tu Zishi, the sad Aunt Yang, the frustrated special power team, and the door of the emergency room.

"Look, look carefully!" he said firmly, "Go to the freezer later and take a good look at the faces of the two fallen soldiers. Remember them forever in your heart."

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault!" Liang Xian suddenly shouted, he looked at everyone and said, "It's me! I shouldn't have come back from the beginning. I brought a disaster back to Earth. I'm a bastard!"

"That's right, it's your fault." Tan Yan said coldly.

After saying that, he slapped Liang Xian hard on the face. No one doubted the power of this slap. Even a person like Liang Xian was made dizzy, with tinnitus, and bleeding from the mouth and nose by this slap.

“What are you doing?” Aunt Yang rushed over anxiously, hugged Tan Yan’s waist, and shouted, “Why are you hitting me again! Can’t you just talk to him nicely? What are you kids still watching? Come and help me!”

The special power team finally reacted as if they were sleepwalking and rushed forward to help Aunt Yang subdue Tan Yan.

But none of them could do it.

Tan Yan first said to Aunt Yang: "Ms. Yang Shumei, there is a difference between men and women, please let me go."

"What's the difference between men and women? I'm your aunt, and I'm several decades older than you!" Aunt Yang held her tightly.

Tan Yan pried her hands apart and threw her directly to the deer. The deer rushed forward to catch Aunt Yang and bit the corner of her clothes to prevent her from moving forward.

Tan Yan knocked down the superpower team that came to help with punches and kicks, picked up Liang Xian who was leaning against the wall, and smashed his head against the wall.

One, two, three times...

Blood was oozing out of the wall and the superpower team was stunned. Minister Yu also rushed back at this time and came to the emergency room with Qiao Zhixue to visit Zhang Hua. They saw Tan Yan beating Liang Xian outside the emergency room, and Liang Xian did not resist at all.

"What are you doing!" Minister Yu felt his blood run cold, and shouted sternly, "Tan Yan, stop! No matter what happens, how can you hurt your comrades!"

Tan Yan glanced at him without any emotion in his eyes, but he did not hit Liang Xian again. He turned him over and let him face everyone.

Apart from the first slap which was a bit painful and unexpected, Liang Xian didn't feel much pain from the rest. Instead, he felt a sense of relief.

He felt better when someone criticized him.

"Look at us again." He heard Tan Yan's voice.

So he raised his head, and everything in front of him was blurry. The blood blocked his eyes, and he was dizzy and could not see anything. He could only see outlines. Liang Xian could not even stand straight, and had to hold on to the wall to avoid falling.

"This... is..." Minister Yu quickly stuffed a bunch of quick-acting heart pills into his mouth. He was already quite skilled at this action.

"Tan Yan!" Even Qiao Zhixue felt that Tan Yan was going a bit too far.

Tan Yan ignored everyone and continued to look at Liang Xian: "This is the world in Zhang Hua's eyes. Do you see it clearly? There are two other comrades who can no longer see anything. Do you need me to help you experience their feelings?"

Liang Xian didn't say anything, he just looked at Tan Yan and smiled, his mouth full of blood.

"Doctor!" This happened to be the emergency room, and Qiu Qizheng hurried to call a nearby doctor.

"Don't move yet." Tan Yan stopped him with just one sentence. The current Tan Yan was too unfamiliar, and the superpower team didn't dare to resist him at all.

Tan Yan asked: "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt." Liang Xian shook his head, blood dripping down his forehead.

Tan Yan: "Do you feel better now?"

"It feels much better now. Hit me a few more times. I deserve to die." Liang Xian said again.

"I know," Tan Yan pressed Liang Xian against the wall, forcing him to straighten his back, and letting everyone see Liang Xian's miserable appearance. "'I deserve to die', 'I shouldn't be saved', 'I killed them', 'I can't apologize even if I die', I know what you are thinking, you need someone to come and beat you to death, right?"

"Yes." Liang Xian answered simply, "You are right."


The two words "Tan Yan" are almost in everyone's heart.

"Why not think about it? I want to eradicate this scourge, I want to avenge my two comrades, and I want to protect the earth!" Tan Yan's voice was very stern. "No matter what the reason is, the harm has already happened. Can depression turn back time? Can people who blame themselves for the dead be resurrected? Can crying in pain save our world and save humanity? Tell me, can it?"

"No." Liang Xian shook his head.

"Speak louder, I can't hear you clearly!"

"No!" Liang Xian roared.

"Do you want to die? Do you want to die to atone for your sins?" Tan Yan asked again.

"I won't die," Liang Xian shook his head. "I want to live, I want to survive, I want to live with you. I am alone in the zombie world, watching everyone leave me. It took me so much effort to finally..."

"Then you are not wrong." Tan Yan's voice became softer this time, and he leaned his head on his shoulder. "You just want to survive and go home. There is nothing wrong with that."

"You made the right choice at the wrong time and sacrificed yourself to stay in the other world. You also made the right choice at the right time and went to the dark energy world to save everyone. We can't survive without you. This is the result of your desire to go home and survive. Tell me, were you wrong to save people?" Tan Yan asked softly.

"No." Liang Xian rubbed his head against his shoulder. Only then did he realize how hard Tan Yan had hit him. "Hiss, it hurts!"

"It's good that you can still feel the pain," Tan Yan patted his back, as if he was talking to Liang Xian, but also as if he was talking to everyone, "I understand your self-blame, but no one can help you. The dead cannot forgive you, and the living Zhang Hua will not blame you. The superpower team will only thank you for saving everyone. The only one who blames you is you.

When I found out that you stayed in the zombie world, I was so upset that I wanted to kill myself. I asked myself why I saved so many unrelated people, and asked myself if I knew you were bitten, would I take you away by force. I asked countless times, but the answer was always the same. If I had to do it again, I would still save people, and I would also give up on you who was infected.

It was not until I received your flowers that I guessed you might still be alive. Only then did I feel relieved and realize that I had been blaming myself.

Have you ever blamed me

“How could I, given the situation at that time…” Liang Xian was stunned halfway through his sentence.

"Yeah, if you don't blame me, then who should I ask for forgiveness?" Tan Yan asked.

After being asked, he smiled and said, "Self-blame, regret, and remorse all come from one's own heart. People never need others to forgive themselves."

Tan Yan rubbed Liang Xian's head: "Look carefully at everyone's faces now, Tu Zishi's tears, and Zhang Hua who will be pushed out of the emergency room in a while. Remember their appearance and your current mood. Then, keep this feeling in your heart and turn it into motivation until you feel you can forgive yourself."

These words were not only spoken to Liang Xian, but to everyone, including Minister Yu and Qiao Zhixue who were currently in a low mood.

Everyone was thinking, I wish I had been more vigilant.

But who could have imagined it before the catastrophe came

The disaster has already happened, and all we have to do is wipe away our tears, stand up and fight against it.

The doctor, who had been hiding in the corner out of fear, saw that the atmosphere had eased a lot, so he dared to step forward to help Liang Xian bandage his wound.

Tan Yan's force was not light, and Liang Xian even had a concussion. He was a superpower, and he had absorbed so many crystal cores, so his brain was the most powerful part of his body. The wall outside the emergency room was made of metal, and it was nuclear-proof. Liang Xian's head smashed a hole in it, and it must have hurt.

"How do you feel?" the doctor asked.

Liang Xian, with gauze wrapped around his head, said honestly: "Dizziness, nausea, and tinnitus."

"Symptoms of a mild concussion," the doctor sighed as he looked at the big hole on the wall. "It's not a big deal. Don't do strenuous exercise in the near future. Get some rest and it will be fine in two or three days. You're a superpower, so you'll probably recover even faster. Tsk tsk, such a strong force, are superpowers' heads made of diamonds?"

He looked at Tan Yan again: "No matter what, hitting people is wrong. Can't you just talk to them nicely? It will only add burden to the medical staff! There's still someone lying in the emergency room!"

Tan Yan, who was so majestic just now, lowered his head and humbly admitted his mistake like a primary school student: "Yes, doctor, I was wrong."

The doctor sighed, shook his head and left.

Liang Xian propped himself up and sat up, and was helped by Tan Yan to walk to the door of the emergency room, which just happened to open.

"He has been hungry for three days and has low sugar levels. His injuries... have a strong healing ability, which is not a good thing. He kept hitting his head these days and healed quickly. A lot of dust and wall skin grew in the skin layer of his forehead. The surgical debridement took the longest time. He has been injected with antibiotics to prevent infection. There is nothing serious in his body. He will be fully recovered in a week at most. His self-healing ability is really too strong." The doctor said, "It's just that... his mental state is not very good and he is not cooperating with the treatment. The anesthetic will soon wear off after the operation. If the patient is still emotionally unstable, it is recommended to inject sedatives, but not too much. He still needs to untie the knot in his heart."

Every profession has its specialties, and psychology is not the surgeon's forte. The doctor shook his head and left, leaving the members of the special ability team to look at Tan Yan together.

It's a psychological problem, and it should be solved by just beating him up again.

Tan Yan: “…”

"Cough cough!" Minister Yu coughed loudly to attract everyone's attention, and then called everyone out of the ward to avoid disturbing Zhang Hua.

As soon as they left the room, Minister Yu said to Tan Yan, "No matter what happens, you can't hit people, right? Is this what an excellent public official should do? A harmonious society is people-oriented. Is there anyone who is so cruel as you? If all the soldiers were led by you like this, they would all be beaten to death. Don't you know how heavy your hands are?"

Tan Yan stood at attention and listened to his leader's instructions with an open mind.

"Minister Yu, it's not Tan Yan's fault. I asked him to hit me." Liang Xian explained, covering his head.

Minister Yu: “…”

Domestic violence is fine, but the one who was abused is also speaking well of Tan Yan. It really makes him angry to death. Both of them are troublesome.

"I already know the details. The Ministry of Public Security will start the investigation from the direction of Shen Biao later. We will find the other three people with special abilities as soon as possible. I hope that by then they will..."

"Minister Yu," Tan Yan interrupted him, "I don't know the other two people yet, but I hope the organization will list Zhao Tianming as a wanted criminal. Zhang Hua has burn marks on his neck."

"What if he is controlled by that... higher-up?" Minister Yu asked.

“No,” Tan Yan shook his head with certainty, “Zhang Hua awakened his superpowers later than Zhao Tianming. He was only temporarily controlled by Shen Biao and was able to resist. Shen Biao was also trying to persuade him to surrender, which means that Shen Biao could not completely brainwash the superpower user. Zhao Tianming’s consciousness is only higher than Zhang Hua’s. He must have voluntarily followed Shen Biao’s instructions and destroyed Zhang Hua’s voice with malicious intent. If it weren’t for the superpower user’s strong recovery ability, Zhang Hua would be a mute now!

Since he has gone from being a victim to a criminal, he is also responsible for the murder of the two soldiers. Even if he is not the principal offender, he is an accomplice and can be wanted. The wound on Zhang Hua's neck is direct evidence."

Minister Yu looked at him and said, "You are so familiar with the criminal law, how come you don't know that beating someone is illegal? If Liang Xian's injuries are to be sentenced, it can be considered intentional injury. Given his injuries at the time, the sentence should be more than three years but less than ten years!"

"It's okay, it's okay. The parties involved won't pursue the matter. Besides, my injuries heal quickly. They will be minor in an hour and there will be no evidence left." Liang Xian said immediately.

Minister Yu: “…”

The author has something to say: Liang Xian: Beating is love and scolding is care. I feel comfortable when my man beats me.

Minister Yu: I don’t want this son anymore, you can love whoever you want.

Liang Xian (hugging Tan Yan’s thigh): My dad doesn’t want me anymore, I’m an orphan, sob.

Tan Yan: It’s okay, I’ll be your father!

Minister Yu: …

La la la, I just realized that I have already written 100 chapters and 400,000 words. Hehehe, give a thumbs up to my hardworking self~