I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 104: The Battle to Defend the Hollow (IV)


"But this way of investigating is more likely to alert the enemy, right?" Cui Heyu didn't understand what Minister Yu meant. "If we search one by one, won't it attract other people's attention?"

"As long as the method is right, it will be fine." Minister Yu said confidently, "For example, call the student in the name of the teacher or the school, saying that there is a scholarship opportunity for him, and that the teacher helped him get it, and ask him to come to the teacher immediately to fill out the application form. But now the matter has not been finalized, and he cannot tell others before he gets the scholarship, otherwise he will be reported by jealous people and it will affect his chance of getting the scholarship. It's probably something like this."

Everyone gave Minister Yu a thumbs up in admiration, reflecting that experience always makes the most sense.

Cui Heyu screened out the students without suspicion through the chat records and called them out. After the students arrived, they were detained and not allowed to return to school before 8 o'clock in the evening.

When students hear about the topic of scholarship, they will rush over immediately. Because they are worried about being discovered by others, they usually won’t tell others before seeing the teacher. The special ability team can’t control the students for a long time, only until 8 o’clock in the evening. This plan cannot be kept secret for a long time, but it is no problem for a short time.

"It's feasible, but you can't do this with people who are close to the suspect," Tan Yan said, "For example, roommates, classmates, and close friends. The slightest movement from these people will arouse suspicion."

Minister Yu said: "That's right, but we can greatly reduce the number of people, from a thousand to a few dozen, and the risk and difficulty will be much lower."

This is indeed true, and once there are fewer hostages, it becomes much easier to rescue people.

Cui Heyu screened the candidates overnight and did not sleep all night. Finally, he submitted the detailed information before eight o'clock the next morning. The students' names, ages, departments, grades, close counselors or teachers, and phone numbers were all listed. He also made voice-changing software for these teachers' information, so everyone just had to call the students one by one according to the form.

"It's amazing!" Tan Yan exclaimed as he looked at the information assigned to him. He managed to accomplish so much in just one night. One person is truly comparable to an IT team.

"Much more powerful than Liang Xian, right?" Cui Heyu's nose was almost turned up, and he was so angry that Liang Xian, who was connected via video throughout the whole process, wanted to beat him up.

"Minister, since it is confirmed that the enemy's target is H Province Normal University, I should not need to be on standby at the base now, right?" Liang Xian applied.

"Of course not," Minister Yu said, "We don't know if you still have coordinates on you, and whether the evil consciousness can sense your location. What if he finds out as soon as you enter the Normal University? You can't move until you really face the enemy. Stay in the base, one is to protect the base, and the other is to confuse the enemy."

Liang Xian admitted that what Minister Yu said made sense, and he could only continue to wait on standby at the base angrily.

"Take a break," Minister Yu said. "Let them handle the contact. You will also need to control the students' phones and pretend that they are still in school."

Cui Heyu had been overloading his supernatural powers, and now he was so tired that he could fall asleep while standing. He nodded, not caring about being angry, and fell asleep with his head tilted on the table.

Qiu Qi was helping him lie down on the bed and covering him with a quilt.

Minister Yu sent people to control the school and secretly prepared several teaching buildings. The special ability team made phone calls separately and tricked the students into going to these teaching buildings in different directions one after another.

From 9 am to 7 pm, we call 100 people per hour, starting with the person who is most distantly related to the suspect, and call them separately from the departments. We call only a dozen people per department per hour, and use limited data to avoid having people gathered together. Because of the different times and locations, confidentiality is relatively high and will not arouse suspicion for the time being.

After the students were called, plainclothes soldiers sent by Minister Yu immediately protected them. Someone told them that at 8 o'clock in the evening, terrorists in the science and technology building wanted to kidnap a large number of students to attract public attention. The organization found out about this and in order to avoid alerting the enemy, they chose this method to protect everyone. As long as the criminals were caught by 8 o'clock in the evening, everything would be fine and everyone could go back to the dormitory.

The students were almost scared to death. They didn't expect that they would be involved in a terrorist attack just because they were participating in an event. They ignored the lie about the scholarship and nodded in agreement, squatting on the ground to show that they would definitely cooperate with the organization's actions.

Cui and Yu used their cell phones to fake various reasons for going out of school, such as buying things, surfing the Internet, eating, watching movies, meeting girlfriends at other schools, celebrating birthdays, etc. They also vowed to be back to school at 8 o'clock in the evening to participate in the activities.

Everyone acts according to his usual living habits and is difficult to be exposed.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, everyone on the list was protected. Tan Yan looked at the remaining twenty or so people and sighed: "There are still these students who cannot be protected. They are very dangerous."

Everyone understands this truth, but this is already the best outcome.

"Don't blame yourself too much," Liang Xian comforted him in the headset, "Think about the zombie world. If there are only more than twenty people who accidentally enter the 'hole', I can guarantee that every one of them will survive in the real world. 1000:20, the difficulty is reduced by fifty times, and the success rate is also increased by fifty times."

"Well, there is a great hope of rescuing everyone." Tan Yan said, "We are prepared."

He took the information and looked at the information of one of them.

Lin Miaomiao.

She was not too close to Wei Chenxi, but because she had to bring a boy from another school, the girls in Wei Chenxi's dormitory asked to see if he was as handsome as he looked in the photo.

This was originally a very ordinary suggestion, but it forced Lin Miaomiao to take Tan Yan to contact Wei Chenxi and had to go to the Science and Technology Building at eight o'clock in the evening.

Tan Yan secretly told himself that he must protect Lin Miaomiao, and at the same time change the appearance of the members of the superpower team.

They selected a few people of similar stature and planned to blend into the team. The problem was that there were too few male students in the Normal University, and males over 180cm tall were extremely rare. After searching through the thousand people, they couldn't even find five or six people.

Fortunately, the suspects were not very familiar with them, and some of them had never met each other. As long as they wore a pair of shoes with inner height increasers and took off the inner height increase pads, they would have 5-10 cm extra height, and they could choose a few boys over 175cm tall to pretend to be them.

It took a long time to finally get all the people together.

At 19:30, several members of the special ability team headed towards the science and technology building from different directions. At the same time, Tan Yan also appeared downstairs of the girls' dormitory waiting for Lin Miaomiao.

Minister Yu took Xiaolu and the armed forces to hide on the fourth floor of the Science and Technology Building, which was neither too far nor too close, so that they could assist the special power team at any time.

Unlike the subway incident, this time they are stronger and have sufficient preparation time, so they will definitely be able to protect all innocent students!

Lin Miaomiao saw Tan Yan from the dormitory building and blushed. She called her roommates and said, "Look, look, who dares to say I'm lying?"

The girls ran to the window and saw Tan Yan. They all held their hearts as they looked at his straight long legs, handsome face and gentle temperament.

The roommate pinched Lin Miaomiao's face and said jealously, "Such a good thing can happen to you. I'm so angry!"

Lin Miaomiao raised her eyebrows proudly, put on the clothes she had carefully prepared and went downstairs.

There was another roommate who attended the party in the science and technology building with her. This roommate was the one who pulled Lin Miaomiao into Wei Chenxi's group. It seemed that she was a member of the same club as Wei Chenxi and they had a very close relationship. Cui Heyu did not dare to contact her.

The spring nights in the north are very cold. Tan Yan wore a high-necked woolen coat. The slim-fitting coat brought out his perfect figure. When Lin Miaomiao saw Tan Yan from afar, her face turned red. This male god was so handsome.

She took two quick steps, left her roommate behind, and came in front of Tan Yan.

Lin Miaomiao is 1.6 meters tall, and when she puts on high heels, the height difference between her and Tan Yan is perfect. She raised her head and looked at Tan Yan with stars in her eyes.

"Why are you wearing so little?" Tan Yan frowned slightly when he saw the beautiful skirt on Lin Miaomiao.

Young people love to look beautiful, and they always dress themselves up to look beautiful enough to freeze people. Tan Yan, who wears long johns even if it is not cold in spring, is not used to this behavior, so he took off his coat and put it on Lin Miaomiao, saying, "You should wear long johns, or at least a pair of leggings, it is not good for a girl to wear bare legs."

"I'm afraid my legs will look thick." Lin Miaomiao grabbed her coat. The clean scent of Tan Yan enveloped her, making her feel warm in her heart.

The window of the girls' dormitory was open, and she could faintly hear her roommates screaming, as if they were saying, "Oh my God, such gentlemanly boys are about to become extinct." Lin Miaomiao thought secretly in her heart, she must win over this boy!

At this time, Lin Miaomiao's roommate who went to the Science and Technology Building with her also arrived. She was very beautiful, and compared to Lin Miaomiao's girl-next-door beauty, she had a domineering beauty. She usually had more suitors than Lin Miaomiao, and she also had a boyfriend, who also went to the Science and Technology Building this time.

However, this boyfriend has now become Qiu Qizhen. In order to prevent her from noticing the difference, Qiu Qizhen directly made an appointment to meet her in the Science and Technology Building, saying that the teacher wanted to see her and he didn't have time to go back to the girls' dormitory to pick her up.

When the roommate saw the elegant Tan Yan, she felt that he was inferior to her boyfriend and felt a little jealous.

The three of them walked towards the science and technology building together, and the roommate deliberately took the initiative to chat with Tan Yan. Tan Yan knew that she knew Wei Chenxi, and wanted to get some information out of her, so he asked a few questions.

Lin Miaomiao felt uncomfortable. She touched her coat, took two quick steps, held Tan Yan's hand, and whispered, "It's a bit cold. My hands are cold."

Tan Yan felt it and found it was icy cold, so he pulled Lin Miaomiao's hand out of his and stuffed it into the pocket of her coat: "It's warm in this pocket."

Liang Xian, who was monitoring Tan Yan's conversation, said: "Hahahahahaha!"

Lin Miaomiao saw her roommate's mocking look, glared at him, then excitedly hugged Tan Yan's arm to show her sovereignty.

The roommate was not to be outdone and boldly hugged Tan Yan's other arm: "I'm cold too~~"

Tan Yan felt something was wrong, so he immediately pulled his hand back and helped Lin Miaomiao, letting her get closer to her roommate: "You two are cold, so it's a good opportunity to keep warm together. Lin Miaomiao, share some clothes with your classmates."

Liang Xian: “Hahahahahaha!”

He is really worthy of being Tan Yan, unmarried men and women should not touch each other!

Suddenly, he was glad that he was a man. He could lean on Tan Yan, be hugged by him, and get into the same bed without being suspected. If he were a woman, there would be no hope for him and Tan Yan. Tan Yan felt that his future was not guaranteed and would not give hope to any woman. However, Liang Xian was a member of the superpower team. Like Tan Yan, his future was not guaranteed, which aroused Tan Yan's heartache.

The Shura scene ended when the three of them walked to the science and technology building.

At this time, the University of H Province was still heating, and the science and technology building was very warm. As soon as he entered the building, Tan Yan took back his clothes and put them on his arms.

Lin Miaomiao: “…”

On second thought, I feel that such a straight guy like Tan Yan is quite cute. He won’t flirt with girls, so I will feel more secure if I can get her.

It was 19:50 when we arrived at the meeting room. There were already a few people in the room, including Wei Chenxi.

"It's already this late, why are there so few people here?" Wei Chenxi was a capable girl with short hair. She glanced at her phone and sent messages to various groups, asking if everyone had arrived.

The actual combat was of no use, so Cui Heyu, who could only assist Minister Yu, immediately replied to the message using different accounts, with replies like "life and death race", "right away", and "may be late for two or three minutes". After reading the messages, Wei Chenxi felt a little relieved.

Tan Yan noticed that there were three students who were very close to Wei Chenxi, two boys and one girl.

Lin Miaomiao pulled Tan Yan in front of Wei Chenxi and said, "Senior, this is the person I was talking about, Tan Jian. He's very handsome, right?"

Wei Chenxi glanced at Tan Yan and kept staring at him for a long time.

Lin Miaomiao's roommate walked up to Qiu Qizhen, grabbed his ear and said, "You didn't even come to pick me up and let me walk to the technology building alone. You didn't worry about me at all in the middle of the night!"

It turns out that Lin Miaomiao and Tan Yan, who went with her, have disappeared into thin air.

Wei Chenxi and Tan Yan stared at each other for a long time. Lin Miaomiao was getting a little anxious. She grabbed Wei Chenxi's hand and said, "Senior sister, what are you doing~~"

The tone was a bit coquettish and a bit unhappy.

How can you just stare at a boy that someone likes

“Heh,” Wei Chenxi suddenly sneered, “I was wondering why so few people came today. I guess these guys who are on the way won’t be here for a while.”

"You figured it out." Tan Yan grabbed Lin Miaomiao's hand, pulled her away from Wei Chenxi, and protected her behind him.

"It has come to this point. If I still can't see it, I would be a fool."

Wei Chenxi walked up to Tan Yan and tore off the makeup on his face. The skin underneath disintegrated and disappeared in the air, revealing Tan Yan's even more handsome face.

Lin Miaomiao looked at Tan Yan's face, opened her mouth in surprise and said: "This, that, you, exactly..."

After a long period of incoherent speech, she finally thought of what she wanted to say: "Your face under the mask is even more handsome!"

The superpower team: "..."

It's over. This world that values appearance is hopeless. In this situation, Lin Miaomiao is still thinking about her appearance.

At 19:58, Tan Yan also reached out and pinched Wei Chenxi's face. This was a real face, not like his, which was forged with particles. His mood suddenly became heavy.

"Are you Shen Biao?" asked Tan Yan.

"It used to be." Wei Chenxi crossed his arms across his chest. He had clearly fallen into a trap, but he remained calm and did not show any fear.

I don't know if she is bluffing or if she really has another plan.

"Where's Shen Biao?"

"It's thrown away. If you go looking for it, you can find it in the river outside." "Wei Chenxi" said nonchalantly, as if he was talking not about a life but a piece of clothing.

Tan Yan also asked: "Shen Biao, Wei Chenxi, these living people are just a piece of clothing to you?"

"It's a little different, but the difference is not big. You can understand it this way." "Wei Chenxi" said.

Tan Yan felt that her personality gave people a different impression than when she was talking to Shen Biao: "Your personality has changed."

"After absorbing their memories and consciousness, of course I will be affected." "Wei Chenxi" tucked the hair around her ears. The action looked very natural. It didn't look like a man deliberately imitating something in a female body. It was "Wei Chenxi's" own action.

"Is Wei Chenxi still alive?" This is what Tan Yan is most concerned about.

"Wei Chenxi" smiled, pointed at himself and said, "When I am here, she is alive. When I am gone, she is dead."

"You know that's not what I'm referring to." Tan Yan frowned.

"Quantum entanglement, this is how your world explains this phenomenon, right?" "Wei Chenxi" suddenly said, "My consciousness read the information when it tried to invade Liang Xian's brain. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. I will use the words of your world to explain it. My consciousness and Wei Chenxi's consciousness became quantum entangled, but I did not choose to separate, and eventually merged together. I have Wei Chenxi's memory, way of thinking, personality habits and body. Can you say that I am not Wei Chenxi?"

Tan Yan was stunned and didn't know how to refute her.

A boy slowly walked behind Tan Yan and reached out for his neck. Tan Yan suddenly did a roundhouse kick at an extremely fast speed and the boy was kicked to the ground. Tan Yan quickly tore off the things on the boy's face, revealing a familiar face.

Zhao Tianming.

Then the other two students who were very close to "Wei Chenxi" were the remaining missing psychics. The people from the psychic team stepped forward and subdued them both.

"Wei Chenxi" remained calm and looked at everyone with an extremely arrogant attitude, as if all the preparations they had made were nothing more than a clown to her.

After Tan Yan stepped on Zhao Tianming, he said to "Wei Chenxi": "When I attacked, my back was facing you, and the door was wide open, but you didn't attack. Your actions are restricted by your body, so you want a very strong body. You are not satisfied with these three psychics."

"In Liang Xian's memory, you were not considered a smart person. How come your brain works so well now?" "Wei Chenxi" asked.

"I never said that," Tan Yan heard Liang Xian say in the headset, "You just didn't go to school. Your years of criminal investigation experience have made you very sensitive."

"I know." Tan Yan replied to him as a consolation.

He then said to "Wei Chenxi": "Every time you possess a body, you will be affected by the original body's personality and habits. Perhaps there is a time limit. When your consciousness can fully control the body, the situation will improve. But twice you did not wait until this time and we found you."

"Yeah," "Wei Chenxi" sighed, "You guys are really tight. I came to Shijiazhuang intending to lie dormant for a while, but you found me right away and set a trap without telling me. The people in your world are really powerful."

Her words were appreciative, but her tone was not.

The members of the special power team frowned. It had come to this point, why was Wei Chenxi not afraid at all? She didn't run away or resist. Where did her confidence come from? What other trump cards did she have that everyone didn't know about

"You should be able to leave Wei Chenxi's body at any time and transform into a conscious body, so you think we can't catch you this way?" Ah San said, "You must be kidding!"

Xiaolu is on standby upstairs, and Liang Xian can come over through Xiaolu at any time. With him around, he can certainly deal with the consciousness body easily.

Didn’t we say this in the dark energy world? Liang Xian is also a superior being and has defeated the evil consciousness once, so he should have a chance of winning.

Qiu Qizheng looked at the students around him and calmly reminded them, "Everyone, please pay attention. Until now, all the students here have not reacted except for Lin Miaomiao saying Tan Yanshuai."

Yes, seeing such a shocking scene, none of the twenty or so students in the conference room panicked and screamed. They all stared at them blankly and listened to Tan Yan chatting with "Wei Chenxi".

"Wei Chenxi" needs to get injured and bleed to control people with special abilities, but it seems that for ordinary people, she can control them directly without doing so.

"Do you want to take these students hostage? Impossible!" Yan Yongfeng said.

This time they acted with the determination to win. They must capture the evil consciousness and destroy it. The organization has said that at all costs, a consciousness that could destroy the world will not be allowed to exist.

The members of the superpower team will do their best to protect the students, but at the same time, they will also try their best to eliminate the evil consciousness and prevent it from continuing to harm others.

"I don't think so," "Wei Chenxi" said, "Of course my life is more valuable than theirs. I can't expect these students to protect me. If there are more people, it may cause trouble to you, but with fewer people, at most they can slow you down a bit, and there's nothing else they can do."

But it still worked a little. You haven't taken action until now. Aren't you worried that I would hurt them? You are trying to observe me, find my weakness, and defeat me with one blow."

Everyone did have this plan. In fact, when Tan Yan was talking to "Wei Chenxi", the superpower team was also moving unnoticed, and now they had gradually protected the students behind them.

They will separate the students from "Wei Chenxi", and when the fight breaks out after a while, the armed police can break in through the windows to rescue the students and clear the battlefield for them.

The superpower team was stalling for time. In fact, they were very worried that "Wei Chenxi" would suddenly control the students to seek death, so they used this method to relax her vigilance.

"Wei Chenxi" took out her mobile phone to check the time again. After entering the door, she did this several times.

"It's almost time," "Wei Chenxi" said, "You are stalling for time, and so am I."

As soon as she finished speaking, a "hole" suddenly appeared in the center of the conference room. At the same time, the students who were protected by the special power team rushed towards the "hole" like crazy. The special power team immediately sent out a signal, and the armed police who had been prepared broke out of the window and hugged the students.

Seeing this scene, "Wei Chenxi" smiled at Tan Yan and said, "Let's change the battlefield."

The author has something to say: Tan Yan's pseudonym is Tan Jian