I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 114: Space Traveler (I)


"Alert, alert! Unknown energy has entered the control room. It is recommended to use 'Phantom Light' to purify it immediately." The display screen of Tianshen No. 1 flashed with rainbow light.

Liang Xian glanced at the supercomputer.

"Sorry, the alarm of this processor was triggered automatically. I will turn it off manually." Tianshen No. 1 said obediently.

However, even though the sound was turned off, the processor's external display screen still faithfully displayed its scanning results, showing some irregular energy particles surrounding Tan Yan.

Evil consciousness: "..."

Entering this world was the biggest mistake of his life.

"Aren't you going to turn off the monitor too?" Liang Xian asked.

"Why?" Tianshen No. 1 asked, "Wouldn't it be more convenient to communicate this way?"

"But the point of luring someone into a trap is lost." Liang Xian explained patiently.

"Eh? The urn I understand is the White Tower control room." Tianshen No. 1 said as he closed the door and explained to the two, "The main material of the supercomputer is made of meteorites from outer space. The metal in the meteorites has a very strong memory effect. Normally, it will emit radiation that is enough to cause human mutations, but after memory modification, the nature is reversed, and it will become a substance with strong resistance to radiation. This is how the 'Phantom Light' was born. I thought that it would be enough to lock the evil consciousness in this room, so what do you mean by the urn?"

Of course it was Tan Yan’s body, but it didn’t matter anymore.

The energy particles on the display began to condense, as if they were preparing some big move. A "phantom light" band suddenly appeared around the mainframe of Tianshen No. 1, protecting the machines in the control room. If the evil consciousness had a physical body, it could use physical weapons such as guns, bullets, or daggers and holy swords. As long as the weapon's attack range was long enough, it could also attack the mainframe of Tianshen No. 1 beyond the phantom light.

But now the evil consciousness cannot attack the phantom light relying solely on its own consciousness, as God No. 1 has restrained his power tightly.

Liang Xian was secretly happy, and he felt that the young man Zhang Qiao Zhixue in Tianshen No. 1 was more pleasing to his eyes. The evil consciousness probably ran out of luck when it came to this world.

"Why don't we lend him an audio output device?" Tianshen No. 1 whispered to Liang Xian, "Look at the energy chart. He's almost dead from anger, but he can't shout. Isn't that pitiful?"

The so-called "quiet voice" of Tianshen-1 means that it does not speak, but types on the display screen, which can still be seen by everyone.

"You are the master of this world and you are the boss." Liang Xian felt that everything about Tianshen No. 1 was to his liking, and it would be great if he could take it back.

The backpack he left near the temple contained a microcomputer and a chip. Couldn't he have Tianshen No. 1 burn some data and take it back with him? Just like the chip on the guard.

They cannot bring things from this world back to the real world, but the cameras brought from the real world can record, which means that the data received by objects in the real world in this world is not limited by space. As long as Tianshen No. 1 is willing, he can bring its sub-data back to the real world.

When Liang Xian was thinking about how to lure Qiao Zhixue's brother or Qiao Zhixue's clone back to the real world, Tianshen No. 1 had already asked the guard to bring out an external audio speaker. It also explained its use considerately: "There is a receiver on it, which can receive strong consciousness signals and convert the signals into language. I rely on this equipment to communicate with humans. The difference is that I can turn off the external audio at any time, but this one is an obsolete product in the past and is mandatory. As long as the power is not turned off, it will continue to receive and convert."

"In other words, even if the evil consciousness wants to conceal his true thoughts, as long as the consciousness is too strong, it can capture the signal? What a good thing! I will definitely protect the audio from being maliciously destroyed." Liang Xian immediately realized the use of the external audio.

"Thank you for being so kind to me..." Tian Shen No. 1 thought for a long time before he came up with an analogy, "My old fingernails, or if you say, my cut hair."

Liang Xian: “…”

The old equipment replaced by Tianshen-1 are of course insignificant things like fingernails, hair, and dandruff.

"You, you are going too far!" A voice came from the turned-on device, "Tan Yan, don't you feel ashamed?"

"Why should I feel ashamed?" Tan Yan looked puzzled.

"You should have fought me in an upright battle, but you resorted to using the power of something like this. How despicable!"

Liang Xian didn't like what he said. "When did you fight with us openly? Look at what you have done since you came to Earth. You have always been hiding behind the scenes and piling up hostages. Now if it weren't for the help of Tianshen No. 1, would you have appeared in front of us and fought to the death with Tan Yan?"

I'll help!

In order not to affect the two people's questioning, Tianshen No. 1 did not interrupt. It was a well-mannered artificial intelligence and never interrupted other people's conversations. It just projected these words onto the white wall and added colored lights.

Evil consciousness: "..."

The external audio made a "sizzling" sound, fully demonstrating the incoherent speech of the evil consciousness at this time.

"Why did you give up attacking Liang Xian because of me? What's special about me?" Facing the evil consciousness, Tan Yan asked the question he had always had in mind.

"You didn't know?" The evil consciousness said in shock, "You are the existence that consciousnesses like us dream of becoming, a space traveler!"

Perhaps the evil consciousness does not want to tell this secret, but under the coercion of emotions and external audio, as long as he realizes this, it will be translated into language and "spoken" out. The external audio is simply the best torture device.

But humans have brains that can hide their consciousness, and people with bodies cannot be forced to tell the truth. Only artificial intelligence and evil consciousness will be affected by it.

Tan Yan had prepared himself in his heart, but he was still shocked by the term "space traveler". He calmed down and asked, "I am just an ordinary policeman in our country. I have been working to protect the safety of the people of Ping County for many years. I will retire in more than a year. How can I be the big shot you said."

This is what Tan Yan has always said to himself. This strong sense of consciousness has supported him for decades until today.

“What?” The energy ball of evil consciousness circled around Tan Yan, “You didn’t even know it? Hahahahahaha, that’s ridiculous!”

A shrill laugh came from the electronic synthesized sound of the external audio, and it was impossible to tell whether the evil consciousness was happy or ironic.

Liang Xian moved closer and held Tan Yan's hand, wanting to give him strength.

Tan Yan looked calm on the outside, but in fact his heart was in turmoil. However, he still tried to remain calm and said, "If the 'space traveler' you are talking about is traveling through the void, then it is only to protect our world."

"Our world? Which world would a space traveler want to be fixed in? You... Is the consciousness you devoured really so powerful that it suppressed your memory? Then you are really pathetic."

Devouring the original consciousness... Is it like evil consciousness? Was he the same kind of person as this thing? Tan Yan looked at the external audio coldly, unwilling to admit that he would become such a creature.

"No," Liang Xian said, "The Tan Yan I know is a man of noble character. Even in the face of the danger of death, he would never hurt others, let alone seize other people's consciousness."

Only on this point, Liang Xian absolutely trusted Tan Yan. A person may lose his memory, but personality is something engraved on the soul, and it is impossible to become noble by devouring someone's consciousness.

"You have also absorbed so much consciousness, how come you haven't been affected and turned into a kind consciousness?" Liang Xian retorted.

However, the evil consciousness had no desire to communicate with him, but continued to say to Tan Yan: "We are all evolvers, with consciousness that transcends the body. We are not bound by human birth, aging, sickness and death. We can feel that there is another world outside this world. We are so powerful. And you are a person with a consciousness strong enough to travel through space freely. How could you be trapped by a small body? Isn't it because you stayed in that world that it has become a 'space transfer station'?"

The evil consciousness kept speaking new terms to challenge the endurance of Tan Yan and Liang Xian, and Tan Yan suddenly felt a headache, as if the memories that had been sealed were loosening.

Liang Xian supported Tan Yan and continued to provoke the evil consciousness: "Is the consciousness body noble? I bet that if you don't continue to devour other consciousnesses, without energy support, your consciousness will disappear sooner or later. You rely on devouring other consciousnesses to maintain your life, how can you be considered noble!"

"Humans also have to eat other creatures to survive. The instinct of living things is that the strong prey on the weak. I am stronger than you humans. I can stir up blood and gore in a world and use the consciousness of the entire world to strengthen myself. Of course, I am nobler than you!"

Tianshen No. 1, who was still a baby and was still learning, couldn't help but interrupt and said, "Then I can control the consciousness body. Does that make me nobler than you?"

Evil consciousness: "..."

"But I was created by humans?" Tian Shen No. 1 said in embarrassment, "And you were also a human in the beginning, you just evolved. Just like... a chimpanzee who left the tribe and learned to use tools, isn't he still a chimpanzee?"

Evil consciousness: "..."

"Well said!" Liang Xian gave a thumbs up to Tianshen No. 1.

The evil consciousness decided to ignore this unreasonable artificial intelligence. It was just a machine. If the supercomputer artificial intelligence was destroyed, it would be doomed. It was not worth mentioning at all.

He continued his second-year dialogue: "Even a powerful being like me can only use space gaps and strong coordinate signals to enter a world that is collapsing or has already collapsed, but space travelers are different. They are beings who enter the physical universe with their own power and can freely travel between the membrane universe. They are people who have truly comprehended the truth of the universe. As long as I devour your consciousness, I can become the supreme being!"

"I think his condition is similar to those lunatics in our world," Tianshen No. 1 said to Liang Xian, "I remember that those war maniacs thought they were superior to others, so they fought. The only difference is that they can't separate their consciousness from their bodies. Once their consciousness separates from their bodies, they will definitely devour each other like him."

"It's probably because your world doesn't have enough dark energy and has lost its growth environment, so the evolvers can't leave their bodies." Liang Xian worriedly asked, "Could it be that the continuous expansion of consciousness is the end of the evolvers?"

The author has something to say: Let me explain why I was so undiligence and unhardworking this weekend, because of an article on Qidian called "I Have a Horror House".

After two days of almost no eating and sleeping, I finally finished this article to the latest chapter. God knows how much perseverance I used to be able to regain my consciousness and type in the article_(:3∠)_

If you must blame someone, then blame the author who told me how to repair the air conditioner. Who told him to write such a beautiful article?_(:3∠)_