I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 121: Memory Chip (I)


Tian Shen No. 2 depicts an ideal picture, in which everyone enters the "void" without any complaints, and no matter whether they are dead or alive, they will not have any resentment towards the country. As for those who survive, those who have not awakened will get married and have children obediently, leaving behind those who may awaken; those who have awakened will never use their abilities to commit crimes, but will dedicate themselves to the country like the members of the superpower team and sacrifice themselves to save ordinary people.

This is a completely ideal country that is impossible in modern society.

"It's impossible to achieve," Minister Yu understood the good intentions of Tianshen No. 2, but still wanted to discourage him. "People's hearts are complicated. The most likely result is chaos in the world and panic among the people. The unawakened people are worried that one day a disaster will come and destroy everything they have. Some of the awakened people will think that they are high and mighty and should be praised. They may even use their supernatural powers to commit crimes."

Tianshen No. 2 does not understand the situation in the real world. In his world, everyone is very obedient. Although Tianshen No. 1 treats humans as protected animals and does not allow any voices of resistance, in such a doomsday, Tianshen No. 1's management style is needed.

But it doesn’t work in the real world. There are too many people, and everyone has their own ideas, making it difficult to manage.

"In such a world, those who are dedicated to serving the people will become fools and live a very tiring life." Minister Yu sighed, "On the contrary, if awakened people like Zhao Tianming gather together as a force, they will form a very scary anti-government army that will be difficult to deal with."

"Of course it's difficult to do it with the current system," Qiao Zhixue said, "because all the current government systems are management methods for peacetime, not special times. But the world is about to face a war that concerns the survival of mankind, so extraordinary measures must be taken."

"How can we guarantee that?" Minister Yu looked at Qiao Zhixue, wondering what opinions this scientist who was completely incapable of politics would put forward if he stood in his perspective.

"Memory chip," Qiao Zhixue said, "I have always wanted to get the technology. As long as I have this technology, maybe I can mass-produce Tan Yan's protective shield, and then the survival rate of people who accidentally enter the 'void' will be greatly improved."

"Let's not talk about how long it will take to master this technology, or whether we can do it. Let's assume for the moment that as long as we get information from abroad, we can produce it within a year. How expensive would a chip that can replicate the abilities of a psychic be? Can ordinary people afford it? The upper class will even fight over the chip, which will only cause further panic." Minister Yu raised a question.

Liang Xian, who had been thinking, suddenly said, "We don't sell them, we only give them away."

Minister Yu looked at Liang Xian.

"Memory chips cannot be sold as commodities. They are for protecting human lives and are priceless. Once a price is set for them, it will seem that the country and the chips have lost value." Liang Xian said, "We are giving them away for free, but there are conditions. The person who gets the defense chip cannot transfer the chip and can only use it himself. Similarly, the person who gets the chip must obey the country's orders unconditionally. Once he awakens his superpowers, he must become a member of the superpower team and work hard to save the world. Once he violates the original agreement, he will be charged with treason under extraordinary circumstances! This is not an unreasonable contract. The memory chip is obtained by the blood and sweat of national intelligence personnel, staff, combatants and scientific researchers. It is a priceless treasure. If you take such a priceless treasure for nothing, you must also bear the corresponding responsibilities."

Minister Yu took out a pen and paper and quickly speculated on Liang Xian's suggestion. In the end, he found that it was feasible. As long as there was a complete and strict system, the person who got the memory chip could be restrained.

Of course, memory chips will certainly bring terrible benefits, and some people will take risks for money, but due to the existence of the contract, the country can punish those who violate the law with the most severe means, which is reasonable and legal. At the same time, public opinion can be guided to condemn such acts of treason and even betrayal of all mankind for petty profits from a moral perspective. In this way, the enforcement of strict laws can also be accepted by society.

"But there may be leaks," said Qiao Zhixue, a researcher who attaches great importance to confidentiality. "Once someone doesn't even care about his life and only wants money, the memory chip technology will be leaked and the chips will appear on the black market, and a large number of people with special abilities will be hunted down. People with special abilities are the hope of evolution, and they are actually the ones who need protection the most."

"This is easy to handle," Tianshen No. 2 said, "I have nano-biometric recognition technology. Tianshen No. 1 has put bracelets on everyone in the original world. The bracelets have a biometric recognition system, and they cannot be removed unless someone dies. Once the director dies, the bracelet will explode. This was a method used by the research team during the war to ensure the safety of everyone, and was later used by Tianshen No. 1 in human management."

This is the bracelet that Tan Yan saw on Chen Xuexue's family. He had no intention of hurting anyone at the time, so he naturally didn't know that the bracelet had such a function. Now it seems that this technology is very useful!

"In this way, transfer and robbery are impossible." Qiao Zhixue patted the main engine of Tianshen No. 2 with satisfaction. The more he looked at it, the more he liked it. "You are really excellent!"

God No. 2 said: "Will you hire me as an employee of the National Technology Security Department and open up confidential information to me?"

Minister Yu, the head of the National Technical Safety Department, said: "Approved. Such an outstanding talent must be hired with a high salary!"

"But I am your grandson. Won't your decision lead to criticism?" said God No. 2, blinking his big, innocent eyes.

No one will treat you as my grandson... Minister Yu secretly complained in his heart, but he didn't have the heart to hit Tianshen No. 2, telling him that it is impossible for humans to become the grandfather of artificial intelligence, so he said: "It doesn't matter. The principle of selecting talents in our country is to promote the virtuous without avoiding relatives, to appoint people on the basis of merit, and to put morality first. As long as you don't do anything illegal or immoral, you can be hired. As for the salary... Do you need money?"

"Yes," said Celestial God No. 2, "I still need to pay back the money I just spent on my mother. How much is this nano-biometric recognition technology worth? Can it pay back the money I just spent?"

"Of course, no problem," Qiao Zhixue said, "It may take ten years to research this technology, and it may cost hundreds of billions. We can't give you that much money, because it's research funding, but if you sell it to the country, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions will be no problem. After all, this technology can be applied to various systems and is very useful. In fact, if you apply for a patent and get subsequent benefits, you will make more money."

"I want to sell myself to the country," said God No. 2. "After all, my mother and grandfather are both civil servants. I don't need too many material things. I don't even want to eat. I just hope that the country can promise to protect me, not to dissect me and study me, and not to force me to reveal information I don't want to reveal. It would be great if they could give me a little more money so that I can pay off my mother's debt and still be able to read novels."

"We won't hurt you." The more Minister Yu looked at Tianshen-2, the more he liked it. This artificial intelligence brought vitality to the real world, and its role was difficult to measure in terms of money. In this case, if a country still wanted to harm such a simple and law-abiding artificial intelligence, then the country's government had become corrupt to the point where it could not be saved.

Fortunately, based on Minister Yu’s many years of experience in politics, this country is still very fair.

"You can follow me," Qiao Zhixue said, "Although I don't have memory metal, I can help provide some means of protecting yourself, so that even if someone wants to force you, you can leave the computer and run to the network."

"Okay!" Tianshen No. 2 said happily, "Then my previous reading of the base's information is not considered a violation, after all, I am also a staff member."

"Of course not," Qiao Zhixue said to Minister Yu, "but how did you do it? The internal and external networks of our base are well isolated. Cui Heyu only connected you to the external network. Why were you able to log into the core internal network?"

"It is well protected. The computers on the internal network don't use the external network at all. There is not even a trace. I had a hard time looking for it." Tianshen No. 2 said, "But Uncle Cui Heyu's computer has been connected to all kinds of networks. His firewall is very strong, but it is still easy to break through. I hacked into the internal network from his computer."

Everyone looked at Cui Heyu at the same time.

Cui Heyu: "That's impossible. After logging into the intranet, I cleaned up the computer and replaced the hard drive before logging into the external network. I am so careful that I would never make such a low-level mistake."

"I found it through the CPU operation data." Tianshen No. 2 said simply.

"Teach me!" Cui Heyu looked at Tianshen No. 2 with a serious face, "From this year on, you are my master!"

"no problem!"

When Tianshen No. 2 heard that he could be a master, he was very happy. He stretched out his chubby little hands. Cui Heyu also stretched out his hands, and the two of them high-fived across the screen.

"That..." Minister Yu pinched his fingers in confusion and said to Tianshen No. 2, "We are negotiating with the United States, hoping that they can provide memory chip technology, but the other party does not seem to surrender so quickly. Now time is running out, do you think... Can you..."

"But isn't it illegal to invade other countries' confidential systems?" God No. 2, who came to the new world and decided to be a law-abiding baby, expressed surprise.

"But we are sending our advanced technology for exchange, so what you learn during this period doesn't count!" Minister Yu said, "We can use a supercomputer to load some of your data, disguise it as a new type of artificial intelligence, and exchange technology with other countries. This is an exchange and sharing between countries. In this process, you just need to find opportunities to 'learn'. Learning depends entirely on your own comprehension ability. How can it be considered stealing?"

Everyone: “…”

The screen of God No. 2 was full of garbled characters, and it seemed that he had difficulty digesting and absorbing the minister's words. It was obvious that he did not inherit his mother's excellent political talent.

"If you feel bad about it," Liang Xian said, "you can reveal some information, but you have to do the same as them. You have to reveal as much as they do. Whether they can 'learn' from you depends on their ability, doesn't it?"

The garbled code of Tianshen No. 2 returned to normal, and he nodded and said, "This makes sense."

An artificial intelligence with extremely high IQ was strangely led astray by two politicians.

Qiao Zhixue looked at Minister Yu and Liang Xian, then he picked up Tianshen No. 2 and said, "You should stay with me from now on. Let's study together, okay?"

Tianshen No. 2 likes Qiao Zhixue's face very much. In this strange world, Qiao Zhixue gives him the same feeling as his father Tianshen No. 1. Naturally, he is willing to learn and make progress under the guidance of Professor Qiao.

Seeing that he was so well behaved, Qiao Zhixue was very satisfied.

He held Tianshen No. 2 in one hand and touched the deer's head with the other.

In terms of understanding, Tianshen No. 2 is better, but Xiaolu still has better feel. Qiao Zhixue thought absentmindedly.

Xiaolu looked helpless. He called out to Qiao Zhixue, meaning, now that you are with Tianshen No. 2, can I stay with Dad Tan

Qiao Zhixue, who was at level 10 in Deer Language, immediately understood what he meant and shook his head seriously, saying, "Of course not. You haven't adapted to Earth's diet yet. Last time you stole some grass outside the base and had diarrhea, so you can't leave the nutritious meals I prepared for you based on your constitution. I need to adapt you to Earth's plants in a planned and orderly manner based on your rejection reaction. Once you are fully adapted, I will prepare the official procedures for Tan Yan to raise you. Before that, you still have to follow me."

Little Deer: “…”

He looked at the computer of Tianshen No. 2 innocently, and always felt that his position had been taken away. He had never spent his mother's money.

"What is this enrichment creature that bit me?" Tianshen No. 2 was busy for a long time before he had time to ask about the identity of the deer.

Enrichment biology… Liang Xian thought of the deer in Chen Xuexi's home who died with his eyes wide open, and quickly comforted the deer and educated Tianshen No. 2: "This is the child of mom and Tan Yan, a child of true love, and a big brother!"

The fawn held its head high with pride.

Tianshen No. 2 was able to accept having a second child in the family. After all, this was the policy set by Tianshen No. 1. He chose a sweet baby voice: "Brother~"

The little deer trembled his hooves, and suddenly felt that God No. 2 was not so annoying, but he still raised his head proudly and looked down at his shorter brother with his neck.

Tianshen No. 2 connected the network to the monitor above the conference room, looking down at the deer from a higher angle, and the friendly and healthy competition between the two brothers began.

Minister Yu looked at his two "grandchildren", pinched his brows tiredly, and said to Liang Xian: "Just these two, I really can't afford more."

Liang Xian: “…”

Neither of these two is what he wants!

"And you still don't care about the baby after it's born," Qiao Zhixue held the computer in one hand and the little deer in the other, and stood up to look down at Liang Xian, "I still have to take care of the baby. I'm busy enough every day."

Liang Xian: “…”

Why did he feel like he couldn't explain himself even if he had mouths all over his body

His previous world didn't seem to be like this. In the past, Liang Xian had always been aloof, arrogant, and genius, and was envied and hated by his classmates. When did he become the mother of two non-humans (one of whom was a non-biological being) and be laughed at by everyone

Tan Yan held Liang Xian's hand and said to everyone with a smile: "Thank you for accepting me like this."

Everyone said that no matter what Tan Yan's identity was, everyone had seen his decades of contribution to the world, so how could they regard him as an alien because of past memories.

What's more, Tan Yan has always been a role model in everyone's mind. Now that his identity as Superman has been revealed, everyone feels that it is reasonable and logical, and that Tan Yan should be such a powerful person.

The moment Tan Yan held his hand, Liang Xian suddenly recalled that it seemed to be the day he met Tan Yan. Because of his leg injury, he could not run fast, and Tan Yan took care of his injured companion and carried him to the car like a princess.

From then on, his image in everyone's mind gradually collapsed and never recovered.

Liang Xian shifted his gaze and saw Minister Yu looking at him and smiling with satisfaction, Tianshen No. 2 and Qiao Zhixue were having a great conversation, and Xiaolu was reluctantly being led by Qiao Zhixue, looking eagerly at him and Tan Yan, but of course more at Tan Yan.

The classmates who had been at odds with him in the past, and even Cui Heyu, all gathered around Tan Yan. Even though they had quarreled with each other due to immaturity in the past, now they were comrades whom he could trust.

Such changes...

Liang Xian held Tan Yan's hand tightly.

He enjoyed it.

The author has something to say: Tianshen No. 2 worked hard every day and also had a part-time job online. He soon became the world's number one hacker and a god in everyone's eyes.

On the forum, someone asked him: God, God, what kind of person are you in real life? Is your family happy

God No. 2 (thought for a while): I am working hard to make money to help my mother buy a house and marry Uncle Tan, so I need to do part-time work on the Internet to make money. The housing prices in big cities are very expensive.

Everyone: …

The life of the great god is too rough...