I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 122: Memory Chip (II)


After the meeting, Minister Yu left Xu Mingyu in Shijiazhuang to assist the police in resolving the subsequent events caused by the evil consciousness, and he took everyone back to City B.

Minister Yu needs to discuss with the leaders what they should do in the future and whether to adopt Liang Xian’s idea.

On the way back to City B, Minister Yu seemed to be worried.

"As a public official, especially a leading official of the national intelligence department, whatever intelligence I get should be reported to the country." Minister Yu looked at Tan Yan and said, "But I will tell the leaders about your determination and patriotism. I believe they will respect your choice like I do."

"My thoughts have never changed," Tan Yan said solemnly, "No matter in the past or now, I have accepted this body and this memory. So no matter what my identity was in the past... or in my previous life, I will obey the country's orders unconditionally now."

Minister Yu was very pleased. He patted Tan Yan on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, Old Tan. The country will never forget your contribution to the world!"

Liang Xian: “…”

His father acted like he and his lover were on good terms, which made Liang Xian very worried.

“But will Uncle Tan be captured for experiments, and his consciousness be decomposed and made into medicine to be injected to everyone, so that they can awaken their special powers?” God No. 2 looked "very scared and worried".

The little deer struggled to get out from Qiao Zhixue's palm and bit the notebook hard.

Even if I'm selling deer antlers, I'll bite him!

"Mom, my brother bullied me." God No. 2 covered his head and looked at Liang Xian with tears in his eyes.

Before Liang Xian could say anything, Minister Yu placed his hand on the fuselage of Tianshen II and said calmly, "Because your remarks just now are suspected of spreading reactionary rumors, Brother Tan Lu is educating you as an elder brother, so it doesn't count as bullying."

Qiao Zhixue wanted to say something, but when he heard Minister Yu speak, he fell silent. He could only help Tianshen No. 2 get here.

"Why?" God No. 2 was puzzled. "The force of his bite just now was obviously stronger than before. We can sell the antlers now!"

Minister Yu smiled slightly: "I can explain to you the difference between the two. The first time, you did nothing wrong. Xiaolu was maliciously taking revenge on the illegitimate child as a legitimate child... How could I be tricked by you into saying such things? Forget it, I'll use this as an analogy. Morally, illegitimate children are original sins, but legally, illegitimate children are not at fault. Xiaolu bit you, which is violence against an innocent person and a crime of intentional injury, which is wrong. But the second time, you are suspected of maliciously slandering the leaders of the country and spreading the news that the leaders of the country will conduct illegal human experiments and even harm old comrades who have dedicated their lives to the motherland. This is a very serious reactionary speech. Comrade Tan Lu, as a national civil servant and a member of the special ability team under the National Technical Security Department, has special authority to directly stop the speech that endangers the country. And you are guilty of inciting subversion of state power, which is a crime endangering national security. According to your circumstances, you can be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years. Do you understand?"

Tianshen No. 2 started to speak in garbled language again. He had clearly memorized the entire legal code, but he still didn't understand why there were so many differences among them.

The deer made two attempts, but brought different results, which really surprised Tianshen No. 2.

"Politics and law are so magical. Different situations should be handled differently." Tian Shen No. 2 said after analyzing the two situations, "Dad's management method is wrong. Everyone is a different individual. While protecting their safety, we must also focus on personal development. Only in this way can the world have a future."

Xiaolu saw that Minister Yu spoke for him this time, and the big devil Qiao Zhixue did not dare to refute. In Xiaolu's mind, a food chain with Minister Yu at the top of the pyramid immediately appeared.

This is his grandfather! Minister Yu himself admitted it before!

The little deer was very happy. He moved closer and rubbed his head against Minister Yu, and even licked the palm of his hand with his tongue.

Minister Yu originally thought that Liang Xian was dead, so he regarded the deer as a substitute for his son. Later, Liang Xian was saved because of the deer. Although they were not from the same world or species, the deer was cute and adorable, and it also had an empathy effect. There were many people who kept pets as children these days, and Minister Yu had long regarded the deer as his grandson. Seeing that the deer was so close to him now, he was naturally happy. He touched the deer's head kindly and said, "Grow up well, be a strong and powerful special stag, and contribute to the country with dad... hey, mom and grandpa in the future."

A good son became a mother, how is the generation relationship determined

Minister Yu, who is strict with his son, cannot escape the law of grandparents' affection after all, and is fond of and kind to Xiaolu.

God No.2: "…"

The small light beside him flashed red, and he said to Qiao Zhixue, "I need a furry body with a metal core. I will modify the host to control the furry body. As I am now, being unable to move is a big disadvantage."

Everyone: “…”

Why did they see a strange situation where a deer and a computer were competing for favor

"Yo Yo~" the little deer called to the computer.

Everyone looked at Qiao Zhixue.

Qiao Zhixue said calmly: "He said you can still speak."

Everyone: “…”

There is still such a comparison, it is really a healthy brotherly competition...

Liang Xian kept a sullen face and said nothing the whole time, not wanting to acknowledge the two children.

Tan Yan took advantage of no one's attention to laugh secretly, and when he could still hold back his laughter, he put his arm around Liang Xian's shoulders to comfort him.

He thought both were cute and could be kept. But unfortunately, no matter which one Qiao Zhixue needed, he couldn't keep either of them.

"I also need an ID card," Tianshen No. 2 continued to put forward conditions, "Now you need an ID card to register for anything, and it's inconvenient for me to open a second account online. And with an ID card, I can open an account and deposit money in it, without having to use my mother's money."

"Okay, what name do you want to be? Liang Tianshen? Or Liang Xiaotian?" As the Minister of the National Department of Technology Security, it is easy to get an ID card.

"My grandfather's surname is Qiao, so I want to be called Qiao Xiaotian." said God No. 2.

Minister Yu: “…”

In their family, his surname is Yu, his son’s surname is Liang, his daughter-in-law is a man, and the two grandchildren are not human, one is surnamed Tan, the other is surnamed Qiao…

The relationship is a mess.

Finally arrived at the base in City B, ending this chaotic ethical relationship. On the way to the central government to report, Minister Yu felt that his heart was really strong, as if he was gradually getting rid of the quick-acting heart-saving pills.

Everyone in the superpower team also secretly admired that Minister Yu was worthy of being a minister and had a strong ability to accept new things.

After returning to the base, everyone needs to wait for Minister Yu's reply after reporting to the central government before taking action. This is a matter for the whole country and even the whole world, and China alone cannot do it. But they can use China as a pilot. When the memory chip is successfully developed and the number of superpowers in China increases, other countries will also be unable to sit still.

Qiao Zhixue took the deer and the computer to do research. With him taking care of the child, Liang Xian naturally took Tan Yan back to the room and turned off the monitor.

While training, the members of the special power team gossiped about what the two were going to do when they turned off the surveillance cameras in their rooms. They always felt that it was something inappropriate for children. So the question is, what is the relationship between the two

Tan Yan's staunch supporters, such as Qin Li and Yan Yongfeng, believed that Tan Yan was so powerful that he must be a superior, and there was no way Liang Xian could defeat him.

But Cui Heyu and Asan don't think so.

"Liang Xian is so cunning, and Tan Yan is so tolerant and dotes on every junior. As long as Liang Xian takes out his severed hand and cries a few times, Tan Yan will definitely dote on him." Cui Heyu said.

After hearing his words, everyone fell silent. Indeed, Tan Yan had always looked at them as if they were his juniors, and had always been very caring and understanding. He would compromise whenever he could. As long as Liang Xian asked, Tan Yan would agree.

"How despicable." Everyone shook their heads and looked down on Liang Xian.

But is this really the case

Of course not. How could Liang Xian dare to do it all at once? He was only 20 years old and had just had his first kiss. How could he dare to do something so outrageous all of a sudden

Tan Yan had no such idea at all. He was a 59-year-old virgin, and if the past years were counted, the time was even longer. Tan Yan used to pay more attention to the spiritual level of love, and the body was not that important to him.

"Let me teach you a way to improve your consciousness." Tan Yan said after the two of them had chatted intimately on the bed for a while.

Liang Xian: “Ah?”

He was still thinking about reminiscing about the past, getting intimate, and then, then...

Then they sleep hand in hand together!

Why did they suddenly start practicing again? Liang Xian felt a little disappointed.

"I have never used this method before," Tan Yan said, "It is a method used by couples in our world... or partners to practice together, to blend their consciousness and share knowledge and experience with each other. If the partner does not have absolute trust, they will not fully open their consciousness to let the other party in."

Liang Xian's eyes lit up.

Tan Yan added: "Although I haven't tried it, my consciousness should be stronger than yours. If I rashly enter your consciousness level, I'm afraid your consciousness will not be able to bear it. Let me guide you into my consciousness level. I will try my best to teach you some consciousness training methods of our universe, and you can tell everyone how to train."

"Sure, sure!" Liang Xian nodded frantically.

Tan Yan smiled and put his forehead against Liang Xian's.

The two of them lay face to face, with their eyes closed and their foreheads pressed against each other, as if they were sleeping in great intimacy.

Next door monitoring room.

"How is it? Have you turned on the surveillance?" Everyone pushed Cui Heyu.

The members of the special power team couldn't suppress their gossiping spirits, so they asked Cui Heyu to turn on the surveillance camera for even a second, and they would just take a look and not spread the news. They also specifically asked Cui Heyu to turn on the surveillance camera to standard definition so that they couldn't see the details.

"It's open, it's open!" said Cui Heyu.

In the blurry picture, two people were lying in their clothes.

Cui Heyu quickly adjusted the image to make it clearer and found that they were not doing anything at all, they were just sleeping quietly.

"Liang Xian is really a loser." Everyone shook their heads and asked Cui Heyu to turn off the video.

Just when Cui Heyu was about to turn off the video, Liang Xian suddenly opened his eyes and smiled at the monitor.

"Ouch!" Cui Heyu fell down, holding his head, "My head hurts so much..."

“Me, me too…” The members of the superpower team rolled on the ground in pain, not understanding why they suddenly developed such symptoms.

"Peeping will cause stye." Liang Xian said in a low voice, and the surveillance camera was turned off.

The next day, when Minister Yu came back and took everyone to meet the American negotiators who came to China, he saw that everyone in the superpower team, except Liang Xian and Tan Yan, had stye eyes and looked at him with swollen eyes. They didn't have the image of a national soldier at all. How could they meet international friends and present the image of the country!

"What did you do yesterday?" Minister Yu said angrily. "Look in the mirror. What a disgrace! Among the negotiators this time is Dr. Lucas, who awakened his superpowers after entering the Hollow last time. He specifically wants to meet the 'elites' of the superpower team. Are you planning to show off our country's most elite military team in this way?"

The superpower team: "..."

Cui Heyu glared at Liang Xian with his intact eye: "Ha, whether it's embarrassing or not doesn't depend on us, but on someone else's mood!"

Liang Xian raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Don't you understand that peeping can cause stye? Did you see something you shouldn't have seen yesterday?"

The superpower team: "..."

Qiao Zhixue looked at Liang Xian and said, "If you have learned a new ability, share it with me. You can try it during the teaching process. Right now, the image of the country is the most important thing."

"Okay." Liang Xian shrugged.

The author has something to say: Um... I was really sorry yesterday. I was stuck on whether Minister Yu should tell the country about Tan Yan's affairs. As Minister Yu, I would definitely tell the country, but I was afraid that I couldn't handle the relationship between the leadership and Tan Yan well... I don't know what to think

Today I suddenly thought that Tan Yan is a trustworthy person who is still working hard to serve the country even in his old age. With the leader's foresight, such a person will definitely be trusted and respected.

Let me explain to you from the perspective of Tianshen No. 2. Tan Yan will be treated most fairly and nothing will happen to him. Don't worry.

Also, this chapter is a warning to all the little angels who want to see cars, why look at cars? If you peek, you will get pinholes. The superpower team has grown pinholes, do you still want to grow pinholes

What kind of car is this? This is a car!