I Just Want To Retire Quietly

Chapter 125: Memory Chip (V)


Liang Xian collapsed on the chair, and the other members of the special power team beside him were in the same posture.

These five months have been really exhausting.

From April to September, five months, a total of 153 days, 97 "voids" occurred in 153 days. What does this mean? On average, they encounter a "void" every 1.58 days, which means that they spend almost every night in the other world. During the day, they have to lead the awakened psychics to train in suitable locations. Five consecutive months without rest, even an iron body can hardly bear it.

In the first 40 times of the "void", they followed the plan to bring 300 to 500 people into the "void" each time, but only awakened two or three people each time. The speed was slow and the effect was not good. It was not easy to control a large number of people. In some disaster-type worlds, several soldiers on the edge were killed by the disaster just after entering and before they had time to return. Life disappeared so easily.

Later, Tan Yan suggested that he should not enter the "cavern" for the time being, and let Liang Xian lead the team in, while he would wait outside the "cavern".

Due to Tan Yan's special identity, once he enters, the "void" will disappear, but Liang Xian and others are not like that. Even if Liang Xian already has the ability to return to the real world, the universe or the more mysterious power does not seem to recognize Liang Xian, and the "void" still exists after he enters.

Liang Xian can tell Xiaolu about the situation in this world through consciousness transfer. Once it is determined that the danger level of this world is low, Tan Yan will lead the team into the "void".

This time it is no longer three or five hundred people, but thirty thousand, fifty thousand or even one hundred thousand.

With such a large number of people, they finally completed the operation of all the soldiers entering the "void" within five months, and established a special power team. With more than 20,000 people, they were the first shot fired by mankind in the doomsday defense war.

The special power team is the core strength of this team. Others can rest, but they can't. In the past five months, they sometimes only sleep for one hour a week, and can only take a nap with their chin propped up when they return to the real world. They only have these ten minutes of respite a day, and then they have to immediately plunge into intense training.

Teach new super warriors how to discover their own powers, train them to become stronger, and cultivate super warriors who can stand on their own within a limited time.

On the morning when they finally completed the first phase of the mission, the members of the Ability Team were extremely tired. Before the meeting, while waiting for Minister Yu to summarize this interim victory, they all collapsed on their chairs and fell asleep.

When Minister Yu walked into the conference room and saw this scene, he did not wake them up, but instead ordered the control center to turn up the air-conditioning temperature to prevent them from catching a cold from the cool breeze.

Even so, they only closed their eyes for half an hour before opening them. It was as if there was an alarm bell in their hearts that prevented them from falling asleep.

When Liang Xian opened his eyes, he saw Tan Yan sitting next to him with his back straight, as if he had not been with them for the past five months.

But in fact, Tan Yan was more tired than them. He was responsible for the safety of everyone, and the departure of each soldier would make Tan Yan's back more stiff. Even so, he still did not fall asleep, and his eyes were always bright.

The members of the superpower team also woke up. When they saw Tan Yan, they sat up straight, their fatigue swept away, and they turned back into energetic elite warriors.

They looked at Tan Yan, followed Tan Yan, and took him as a benchmark, an example, and a criterion. With the encouragement of their companions, they didn't seem so tired.

But what about Tan Yan? He has persisted for forty-one years.

Minister Yu recalled the first time he met Tan Yan. The old police officer had fatigue in his eyes that could not be hidden.

He said, my wish is to retire, have a good sleep after retirement, and then go out and see the world.

It is such a simple sentence, but Minister Yu only understood its meaning today.

Some people may say that Tan Yan was originally a space traveler. He has lived for many years and is very powerful. Unlike ordinary people, he can withstand it.

Yes, he gritted his teeth and persevered, but the fatigue and hardship he experienced were the same as for everyone else, there was no difference.

Seeing that everyone had regained consciousness, Minister Yu said, "First of all, congratulations to everyone. After five months, we have finally won the first stage. Our combat effectiveness against the "void" has increased. With sufficient reserve forces, we will no longer have less than ten people available like before. You have all worked hard during this period, and your sweat has not been in vain!"

There was warm applause in the conference room.

There was little formalism in their meeting, and most of the time was spent on discussion and summary, and making plans for the next step of work. But the results were indeed gratifying, and everyone couldn't help but applaud themselves, the troops, the country, and the world.

"I know everyone is very tired, but we have no time to breathe. Before the end of December 2019, it is the second stage. During this process, we will select young and excellent police officers with good physique from the public security, procuratorial and judicial departments to enter the 'cavity'. This team is also quite large, and everyone has taken the trouble."

"Make sure to complete the mission!" the members of the superpower team said in unison.

"At the same time, we have to develop memory chips, and strive to produce memory chips that can truly protect ordinary people in the other world by the end of 2020. We don't ask for every person in the country to have one, but at least all minors under the age of 18 must get a chip."

In a country, no matter when, the first to sacrifice are always the soldiers, they are the walls built with flesh and blood; the first to be protected are always the children, they are the spark of continuation of the race.

"So, during this period of time, Tan Yan will no longer be engaged in frontline combat. He will cooperate with Professor Qiao to develop chips, and Liang Xian will take over his task." Minister Yu said.

Everyone in the superpower team was stunned. Even Tan Yan did not expect that the next policy would be like this.

He quickly raised his hand and said, "Minister Yu, I can cooperate with the research during the day and accompany everyone into the 'void' at night. At most, I will no longer participate in the training work."

Tan Yan's initiative silenced the members of the superpower team.

For a long time, Tan Yan worked five days a week and two days a week, and he didn't know what rest was. When the special ability team was first established, Minister Yu said that Tan Yan would retire soon. He would lead everyone for a while, but the rest would depend on the special ability team's own strength.

Now is the right time, but why do they feel uneasy without Tan Yan? They are afraid of every different world without him.

Minister Yu’s words made the superpower team clearly realize that even after so much time, they were still so weak.

When Tan Yan was around, they were able to do anything in a second, and seemed to be omnipotent, not even afraid of sacrifice and bloodshed. Now, just hearing that Tan Yan would no longer be involved in frontline operations, they felt as if a piece of their hearts had been cut out, and they had no confidence in their chests.

The superpower team, who thought they had grown up, now realized that they had been relying on Tan Yan all along and had not grown up at all. They were just fledglings that could not live without adult birds.

It's time to leave the nest.

Liang Xian held Tan Yan's hand and said, "We accept the mission, you should rest."

Tan Yan stared at Liang Xian in a daze: "You... don't need me anymore?"

"We need you," Liang Xian said sincerely, "We are daunted by the action without you leading the way. I don't even know if I can take on this arduous task. But this won't work. We must grow, even if growth is painful. Now you haven't retired yet, and you are still our backup force. If something goes wrong, we can still ask you for help, but..."

He didn't say things like "If you're gone and we have no experience in leading a team on our own, it will be a disaster." He hoped that Tan Yan could live a long, long time, and even after retirement, he could live a leisurely life and leave the heavy burden to young people like them.

However, Tan Yan's life is a time bomb, and no one knows when this body will fall.

Even though his back is still strong, he can block the storm for everyone.

He and Tan Yan met in September 2018 and fell in love in January 2019. They have been dating for 9 months, but they rarely have the opportunity to be alone together. This is especially true in the past five months. All contact is a task. In the future, even the time of contact will be reduced. He is busy completing tasks, while Tan Yan assists the research team in making defense chips.

This is probably what love is like for soldiers. No matter how reluctant they are, the mission always comes first.

In the past, they still had time to have a weird Western meal together, but now they don’t even have that opportunity.

Minister Yu looked at the two people's sticky eyes, sighed and interrupted them: "Tan Yan, the organization has given you two choices. First, follow the original plan and wait for the end of your life. Second, if you need your body and consciousness, countless people will volunteer, including me. This is not murder, but willingly using their own lives to prolong your life, because you are extremely important and the country needs you. We respect your wishes and will not force you."

The superpower team thought this matter was a bit cruel at first, but after thinking about it from his perspective, they realized that they would be willing to use their own lives to prolong Tan Yan's life.

Tan Yan felt that he was facing the most difficult choice in his life, whether it was the task he had just been assigned or the choice Minister Yu had proposed. Even if he used the experience of the past thousand years to make the choice, it was still so difficult.

He also wants to continue to protect this world, even if it is not beautiful and has many drawbacks, but if his existence can make the world a little better, he will use everything in exchange for this insignificant beauty. But at the same time, he does not want to hurt others.

After pondering for a long time, Tan Yan shook his head firmly.

"I will not take other people's lives again," Tan Yan looked up at Minister Yu and said, "You are right, this is not murder, just like parents are willing to provide their children with transplanted organs, it is dedication, but this should not be done. I have lived for a long time and know better than anyone that feelings are most easily worn away by time. Now I can stick to my heart and will not actively hurt others for my own survival. But what about a hundred or a thousand years later? Changing bodies countless times will make me numb, and I will not value life as much as I do now. Sooner or later, I will become a pathetic existence like evil consciousness.

I am very grateful for the country's attention and trust in me, but I will not do that."

Minister Yu smiled bitterly: "I respect your choice."

Neither he nor the organization was as clear-headed as Tan Yan. They were blinded by the immediate benefits and never thought about the future.

Minister Yu looked at Liang Xian, his son who had grown up rapidly in this year, and saw that Liang Xian had his head lowered with tears falling on the table.

No matter how many times, Tan Yan's choice will never be love, nor will it be Liang Xian.

Even so, Liang Xian would not blame Tan Yan at all, because this man was always so noble and admirable.

He was just sad, uncontrollably sad.

The author has something to say: I slapped myself hard while writing this, and everyone is welcome to slap me too.

When I started writing the article, some people were worried about how Tan Yan, a 58-year-old, could fall in love. Later, everyone was relieved that 58-year-olds could still find love.

Later, some people were worried that I was writing bad characters, and they didn't want a person like Tan Yan to risk his life for love and give up the world. But in fact, Tan Yan would not do that, and Liang Xian would not force him to do so. Both of them were very sad, but very rational.

Liang Xian understood from the beginning that the most unforgettable love in his life would probably be just a flash in the pan.

Tomorrow... Oh, weekends are so decadent. If you don't see an update at 14:00 tomorrow, it will definitely be before 22:00_(:3∠)_